OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mail Will Not Stay As Default Email Reader
Apr 23, 2012
Why does the default email reader in Mail Preferences keep changing to Outllook after I set it to Mail 5.2 and then close the preference pane? The Default in Outlook is set as Mail 5.2.Â
Why does the default email reader in Mail Preferences keep changing to Outllook after I set it to Mail 5.2 and then close the preference pane? The Default in Outlook is set as Mail 5.2.
I signed up for a Gmail account about 2 or 3 weeks ago. I'm so impressed with it that I have made it my primary email account. My only problem comes when Iclick links from Safari or Adium where the link is an email address. I would LOVE for Safari to open to the compose mail link of my Gmail account in a new tab, because as it stands now this just opens Mail.app. (I know I could just manually navigate to the compose mail page of Gmail, but, that's just no fun). Is this extremely wishful thinking, or somehow possible?
I have Apple Preview, Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat Pro installed. I know you can set individual files to 'Open with..' but is the a way to set the overall default for all pdf files?
I'm running osx 10.6.4 and Adobe Reader is giving me fits. It doesn't play well. How do I change the default PDF reader from Adobe to Preview or iArchiver? Adobe Reader just grabs hold of the download and won't let go.
I have two email addresses set up with Mail. But I want one of them to be the default email address when I compose a new message. I often forget to change the email address and end up sending with an email address I didn't want to use.
Mail 2.0 has this, but I can't seem to find it anywhere in Mail 3.0?
I've come across a strange problem that I'm not sure if Mac Mail will be able to deal with natively. Basically, I have several contacts in my address book that have 2 addresses; work and home. I also have 2 mail accounts set up; my work account and my home account. I've run into a few problems at work when I'm sending email to colleagues as it was auto-selecting their personal addresses when I typed in their names. I managed to fix that but now when I send mail from my personal account, the auto-select chooses their work email first so I have to scroll down to choose their personal account.
Is there a way of getting mail to understand that if I'm sending mail from my personal account, then "home" addresses should show up first in auto-complete but if I'm sending from my work account, then "work" addresses should show up first? I understand this is probably a bit of a long shot without a third party tool but thought it best to ask!
In my Mail app I currently have two email accounts set up. One is my main email and one is my college email. I only use the college email account because my school sends all of their stuff through it so I need to monitor it. For some reason however, this account has become the default account that Mail wants to send through. To use the other account I have to click the drop down menu under the subject field. This happens even though my main account is the top account on that drop down menu. I have looked through all the preferences and cannot see where I can choose a default sending account.
For various reasons I prefer to use Entourage as my default e-mail client, but although I have set Entourage to be my default email client in Preferences whenever another application tries to send an automated email (Such as iCal for an alarm) then it tries to open Mail which is not set up...
Does anyone know if its possible to change this? I don't like being forced to use Mail.
My ISP sent an email that they want me to change the port my email program uses. They said most programs use port 25 and they wanted it changed to port 587 because it's safer. I called them to clarify and the tech had me change my Mail 3.6 preferences/advanced from port 995 to port 110 which he said was safer. Doing so renders me unable to e-mail so I switched it back to port 995. He couldn't figure out why 110 wouldn't work and suggested I contact Apple. I need to make any changes to my Mail account or not based either on the message from my ISP or the change the tech was trying to make. Unless I hear otherwise I'm staying at 995.
Information: iMac w/ Leopard Mac OS X (10.5.6) first time Mac user
in Mail, the order of the accounts specified which was the default one (i.e. the one at the top of the list). I have 3 email accounts. For some reason, my Gmail account is always the default one. I want my MobileMe account to be the default.
I used to use Mail as my default email client, but then my company insisted on me using Outlook instead. I have successfully gone into Mail > Preferences > General and changed the default reader to Outlook and that works great. This is the problem: when I cmd click on a file, I have an option to select "New Email As Attachment". This is still defaulting to Mail.
When i click on an email link in a site to contact, then by default Mail app opens! Is there a way to override the opening with Mail and just simply be able to copy the email link in order to use it with my web based email acount?
I am using Exchange (2011) and Lion. When I try to attach a file from Finder to a new email it defaults to my personal iCloud account. Is there a setting that would make my Outlook email the default for this operation?
I recently experienced a glitch in which my web browser locked during a shutdown operation. I had just changed a browser preference setting to "empty cookies and history" when I quit the browser. I restored the preference to its previous setting and the browser quit locking up. However, I now have a new problem: I can't download .pdf files (maybe others as well but I was able to download an application file successfully). This problem occurs with both Safari and Firefox browsers.I was recently checking the performance of 2 .pdf readers and I am sure I changed the default reader. I cannot remember how to restore Preview to be the default reader. Maybe this will get me back in business.
I have already set the default application to open PDFs to Preview by using the "Open with..." and "Change All" option.Â
Now PDFs open in Preview, but I have a weird side effect:Â when I create a PDF (from Microsoft Word, etc.) the document is created with an Adobe Reader ICON, it then quickly changes to a Preview ICON (and opens in Preview).Â
PDFs are doing what I want, but the flash of Adobe Reader ICON (pun intended) is quite annoying. I have searched through the Adobe Reader Preferences and can find nothing that seems related.
At some point I changed the appearance of my PDF icons from the default red and white Adobe PDF image to where the PDF icons show a little image of the front cover of the PDF. Now I would like to change all of my PDF icons back to the default red and white Adobe Reader icon. Does anyone know how to do that please? I have Googled this and see instructions for how to change from the Adobe default to custom but can't figure out how to reverse that.
I'm trying to change the default program that opens PDF files in safari from preview to Adobe acrobat reader. I'm trying to do this because I prepare taxes and preview doesn't seem to fill in fields properly on forms such as
In Adobe reader->Preferences->internet Display PDF in browser using Adobe Reader (9.3.1) is checked and beyond this I'm not sure what to do to change from preview to reader.
Installing the latest Adobe Reader causes Preview to be overwritten by Reader as the default PDF reader in Safari. There's a setting in Adobe Reader prefs that should aloow one to change the setting, but it is greyed out. You'll need to go to your HD/Library/Internet Plug-in folder and remove the Adobe plug-ins. Quit and restart Safari, then Preview is default again.
Is there a way to change the which SMTP address is used as default. Even if I have the work account selected and move that account to the top of the list, my home account is always the default account selected to mail from.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
My email will not stay deleted, nothing goes to trash and while I see the messages disappear as I delete them, if I quit inbox and come back, they're back! Ive tried going offline and deleting; doesnt work. I recently upgraded to Lion trying to avoid this very issue: email problems. I have an IMac.
Running OS X 10.6.4 on MacBook Pro. From Reader (in Safari 5) unable to send email. Error message reads: An email message cant be created because Safari cant find an email application. Outside Safari, Apple Mail opens and works OK.
I'm trying to email a pdf in Adobe Reader 8.1.5 but when I go to File>Print>PDF button>Mail PDF, I get this strange message saying "saving a pdf file when printing is not supported. Instead choose File>Save" but I'm not trying to save anything, just email.
I am having a problem with sending mail in 10.7.3 and mail 5.2 The email account is a pop3 account. It worked fine for a long time.Last week it started to fail to send outgoing emails I have deleted the account and added it back. Also have deleted the outgoing mail server.(when you delete a mail account it doesn't automatically delete the out going mail server)I have another computer with the same email account and it works fine Finally I unchecked use SSL and The account can now send emails.User name and password are set correctly.I talked to apple and they are blaming it on Frontier.I have read other posts here about ssl problems with 10.7.2 and Imap accounts?
Mac mail application keeps asking for email account password for my each of my email addresses. I have a password noted in the mail preferences under each of my email accounts.
I've had this problem with every single MacBook I've owned running on Leopard, Snow Leopard and now on my Lion one too!Does anyone know how to stop it? It seems to be worse than ever on my new Lion OS MacBook Air.I have Yahoo!, iCloud, Hotmail and BT Internet email addresses in my mail app. Every two minutes the dock icon starts bouncing and it's requesting the password for one of them. Everytime I tick the box saying "remember this in my keychain" but no sooner have I done that and it pops back up again requesting the password that I have just entered. I am entering the correct passwords and all email addresses are active.It's really winding me up at the moment as I keep having to quit the mail app because I can't stop it from asking for passwords. This MacBook is brand new. I only got it delivered from Apple last week!Â