OS X V10.7 Lion :: Is It Possible To Disallow Connection To 'linksys' Networks
Jun 6, 2012
I'd like to convince my computer that every stupid network named "linksys" it stumbled across is not a known network. My computer will preferrentially connect to these worthless and slightly dubious networks before my own speedy, password-protected network. I cannot find an option in settings to remove "linksys" from trusted networks.
MacBook (13-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 2, 2012
If our users can simply remove the Remote Management Profile and have access to everything anyway, what is the point of remote management? I need to be able to lock this profile down so that it cannot be removed without a password, but I see no way to do this. Is this a giant bug in the software or am I missing something?
iPad 2, iOS 5.0.1, Lion Server 10.7.2
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Nov 11, 2007
After upgrading to Leopard my Mac Book Pro continuously drops the connection to our wireless connection. After many attempts the only method I found to correct the situation is to perform a restart. Before the OS upgrade the wireless connection worked perfectly.
I am connecting through a Linksys router with a Time Warner cable connection.
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Oct 10, 2009
is there a way that I can lock the linksys Wireless connection from my MBP?
It's been an open connection so users or neighbors around me can use my connection and it seems to be slowing my connection down.
I was looking at how I could secure my connection through my computer?
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Aug 19, 2010
I searched the forum and couldn't really find anybody with this same situation. But anyways, me and my roommate both own Time Capsules, and both want to be able to connect to our own capsules, but we are obviously sharing the same internet connection. Is it possible to just plug the modem into one of the capsules, and then just plug the other capsule into that capsule? This way would there be two seperate networks that we could individually connect to and sync with?
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May 28, 2010
Every time I close my MBP screen I have to re-enter my WEP password for my wireless network. This is very frustrating and I'm not sure if it is just an issue with keychain or if it is something else. If it is keychain I have no idea how to fix it as I have tried everything I know.
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May 25, 2012
I'm in an accademic environment, and I've got an iMac that's used as a monitoring device. Problem is, that students like to log out of the monitoring account and log into their account so they can check email/Facebook. They easy solutions (like move the machine or restrict student access) aren't viable. I can limit network logons to only specific accounts, but that doesn't stop them from logging out and trying anyways.
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May 21, 2012
I just upgraded my iMac to 10.7.4, and now my wireless connection has started acting really strange. After a very short time of use, my iMac just becomes incapable of finding any network connections -- notice not just my own wireless station, any wireless connection in the area. If I restart it, then I'll be able to connect for a short while but then shortly after, the problem returns. It is extremely annoying. Also, I have both a Macbook Air, an iPhone and an iPad, and I'm having no problems finding my own network and other networks on those.Â
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 14, 2012
After using Migration Assistant, Network>WiFi>Preferred networks is empty on the destination Mac, but has many entries in the source. How can I migrate this list (and the associated passwords)?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 10, 2012
I have one mcbook pro running on Lion.
I am using at work a wifi connection that requires fixed ip and specific proxy.
When i go home, i am using another wifi network, so every day i have to change the advanced network settings of my mac.
Is there any way to attribute different advanced settings for each network and save it, so it will be changed automatically?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 5, 2012
I have a MacPro Early 2009, 2 ethernet ports.Ethernet 1 is connected to the LAN and Ethernet 2 is connected directly to a SSL Matrix console (an audio mixer), whom driver needs the used ethernet port to be first of the list in the Network connections list in System Preferences.So when I browse internet I can't use the Matrix's software, and vice versa.I had to create 2 different network positions to browse internet and to work with SSL Matrix, one with Eth 1 first place, another one with Eth 2 first place, and I always have to swap positions.Is there a way to force OSX to use by default the 2nd connection of the list for internet access?Â
MacPro 4,1 8-Core 2.26 GHz, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 12Gb Ram
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Jun 12, 2012
I am using at home an iMac connected ( with cable ) to my Home WiFi Router. All other products are using the same WIfI home network ( Without a cable ).Can I define my iMac to use ONLY MY HOME WIFI instead of other unwanted wifi networks ?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 17, 2012
Wi-Fi connection often stops after lion has been asleep. Other devices have no such problem. All was fine until this week. Lion is barely 3 months old. It's not a drag to reconnect, but should I have to?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Nov 5, 2005
I have a powerbook, and im tryin to get my wireless internet workin with my linksys wireless router....but i need some sort of password encryption cause apple reads things different from windows...
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Dec 11, 2010
I have an Airport extreme broadcasting in N only connected to my modem. off of the AE i have a linksys 54gs that i installed dd wrt and running that as a bridge so that it can broadcast G only. i must have changed the IP address because when i am on that G network (each router has different SSIds) i can no longer access the linksys/dd wrt prefs with the default get what the Lan ip is now on that router? i would have to have to reset
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Dec 26, 2008
How long do these routers usually last for? I've had mine for less than a year and I believe it died today.
For the pasta few days I've had to unplug and plug back in to get a connection and today - nothing.
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Mar 20, 2010
When I set up the iMac I continued to use my trusty old Netgear WGR614 router which always worked fine for my PC and iPhone WiFi connections. Is there any benefit or downside for that matter if I swap out the Netgear for the AirPort Extreme Base Station? What about switching to the the Linksys WRT54G as this seems very popular on this forum?
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Nov 12, 2010
I was getting tired of my belkin54g router that kept dropping connections, so I went and got a new linksys wireless G router. I popped in the CD, followed all the instructions and when I get to the end of the install it says that the configuration was successful, but it could not verify an internet connection.
I figure it's just a hiccup and try to connect with my laptop via airport- success! I get my homepage. But then, I can't get to any other page at all.
It says it can't find the page, but my network connection in system preferences says I'm connected. I go to my desktop which has the hardwire connection and I can't get on the internet at all, but again, my network connection in system preferences says I'm connected- green light, IP address and all.
So I figured I did something wrong and restored the factory settings on the router. Same thing happens again. WTF? This should have been easy. What the hell is wrong with this thing?
It should be noted that if I type in my IP address, the router info comes up immediately. I am also just connecting my modem to my desktop to post now. My internet connection works fine.
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Dec 25, 2010
I'm new to Macs. I live ~200 yards from my Mom's house. I set her up with a b/g/n router. My Imac picks up the "n" signal just fine. My ps3, which only does b/g, gets no signal. I have an old linksys wrt54g wifi router. I tried plugging it into my imac and setting the imac to internet sharing through ethernet, but it didn't work. Stringing an ethernet cable isn't an option. Am I missing a step in the system preferences for internet sharing? Is there another way to get internet to the ps3? I would rather not buy any new equipment, but I'd spend up to $50.
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Dec 25, 2008
My router is a WRT54GS with DD-WRT firmware. It works fine with my old eMac (w/ original airport) and every PC in my house, but not with my new iMac (w/ airport extreme).
At first I thought I might need to power cycle it, but it didn't work. Then I thought it might be conflicting with something, but that wasn't the problem. On a side note, I also have a WRTU54G-TM for VOiP phone. It works with both Macs equally, unlike the GS. The only problem with that one is it will randomly kick my Macs off the network and I end up turning off airport and turning it back on when that happens.
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Mar 25, 2009
I have a Linksys WRT54GS wireless router and I want to set it up with my iMac running Leopard. I have search around and haven't found a clear answer.
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Mar 31, 2009
Just got this router. The wireless is superfast - 25-30Mps. The ethernet used to work as fast (both still ping identically), but now the wireless loads pages many seconds faster than the hard wire. Don't know what happened, maybe I changed a setting, but since both ping the same I can't figure out what to check next.
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May 30, 2009
Just wanted anyone's input as to whether the new linksys (610N) wireless routers are better or worse (speedwise) than an AEBS?
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Nov 18, 2009
I've a Macbook, PS3 and Linksys ADSL Gateway that can be put in Bridge Mode.Macbook is connected to the internet via 3G USB modem.I was able to tell Macbook to broadcast it's 3G internet connection via AirPort and use it from any other Machine, such as iPhone.
But the problem here, is that I want can't use it in my PS3, because it's the old 20GB model which doesn't have a wireless connectivity.So, I figured out that I might be able to tell Macbook, to share it's 3G internet connection with the Linksys ADSL gateway while it's out in Bridge Mode, and this gateway can send the internet connection to PS3, all using Ethernet cables, as follows:
Macbook --> Linksys ADSL gateway in Bridge Mode --> PS3
But I couldn't make it work.
This is what I've done so far:
1- I plugged the Ethernet cable from Mac to Linksys ADSL gateway
2- I put Linksys ADSL gateway in Bridge Mode
3- I plugged another Ethernet cable from Linksys ADSL gateway to PS3
4- I went to network preferences in Mac and choose the Manual settings
5- I gave the Mac the IP address:, Subnetmask:, Router: and DNS:
6- I went to to PS3 wired settings and gave it IP:, same setting with other fields as Mac Ethernet
7- While testing the connection in PS3, the IP check went successfully, and the internet didn't
Note: I do not want to connect Mac to PS3 directly via a croseeover cable because I want to share the internet connection in mac with Xbox 360 as well, which also doesn't have a Wireless connectivity.
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Aug 23, 2010
I currently have an old technology 2-Wire modem and I hear its not the "friendliest" with Macs. Especially when configured in wireless mode. Thus, I'm thinking of replacing our old 2-Wire with new technology Linksys WAG160N modem/router (for my current 10 Megs DSL service).
If you have this Linksys modem/Wireless Router, any good, bad & ugly on it?
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Jun 17, 2007
i really want a new iMac but can't afford it right now. so i was thinking of getting an older iMac to replace the pc we have now. if i do do this can i use the wireless router that i have now with an iMac G3 or G4?
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Jul 24, 2007
I was looking at getting a new Airport Extreme base but I'm not sure if it will work with my 15" G4 Powerbook at all? I currently have a Linksys WRT54G which is OK but is such a pain to set up when it does happen to crash once in a while too. Besides, I don't think I'm getting the most powerful signal I can get too. Besides saying that the new wireless "N" has 5 times more speed than the wireless "G", is it worth it to switch over from a linksys to the Airport Extreme?
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Aug 10, 2008
Anyway, I have a Powerbook G4 that's about five years old. It doesn't have an internal wireless card so I bought a Linksys wireless adapter to plug into the side of my computer when I first got the computer. It worked fine for years. I recently reformatted my hard drive and now when I insert the wireless adapter it no longer will allow me to connect to the internet. I'm aware that Linksys doesn't have drivers for Mac users so I'm kinda confused how I got it to work in the first place. I don't remember installing any third party software, but I may have-- it was a few years ago. what I should do to allow me to use my linksys card in my Mac? I've heard of Orangeware but I'm not sure if that's the solution.
Oh one more thing, when I plug the card in, an icon appears in the top right corner that shows something is plugged into the port but doesn't allow me to click on it and search for wireless connections.
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Jan 8, 2009
When I connect my iMac directly to my cable modem (no router) I get fast speed. But when I connect my laptop through my Linksys WRT54G v5 router the speed drops to about 20-40 kbps.
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Feb 7, 2009
I have a new unibody macbook pro and print from it using a wireless hp officejet pro 7410 all in one printer. I have a linksys wrt150n router. My pc laptop prints fast from it but the mac prints very slow. The printing actually stops for a while then starts again. It doesn't seem to do this all the time. I can't figure out what would slow it down.
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