OS X V10.7 Lion :: Install Request Cannot Be Completed - 2 GB Of Memory Required
May 9, 2012
I am trying to install Lion and i continue to receive a message in the app store that says, your request could not be completed, lion requires 2 GB of memory. I have more than 50 GB available.
I am trying to copy a 650MB .mov file (shot on a Canon 5D) from a lacie rugged external harddrive to my G-Raid but it stops at 22.5mbs and then I get the error code "can't complete the operation because some data in "8T2C1814" move can't be read or written. (Error code -36). " I then click on OK and I get the following window: "The operation can't be completed because one or more required items can't be found. (Error code -43)"I am very worried as these are the only original copies on the external harddrive and I'm nervous about performing even a repair command on the from Disk Utility.
There are a number of websites that direct you to the app store, but once there a message appears "Your request could not be completed." most recently, this happened with Pandora. I tried searching the app store and still couldn't find the app.
What would be the best Windows OS for me to buy for a I'll be using it mainly to run some online poker third party software that can only run with a windows OS. A pro on youtube said he decided to use XP for his MAC since it required less memory. However his article was in 2009, so I'm not sure if Windows 7 would be better and more up to date. I'll be using parallels as well. My biggest concern is slowing up my computer or not having it run smooth. Should I get XP or windows 7? Please be specific. 32 or 64 bit, and what version, Home, Business, Ultra, etc.
I have MacBook Pro, i have leopard running on it, when i try to install Snow Leopard on it, it gives an error!!!Operation could not be completed. (OSProductManagerDomain error 100.)This error pops-up when i double click on "Install Mac OS X".
I tried running Disk utility and repair permissions. Restarted my MacBook, pressed "C", no luck...
I am not able proceed further... Please any help would be great...
I just purchased a new iMac (2.66 c2d & 4gb of ram), Parallels 4, and Windows XP. I would like to get great performance whenever I use Windows XP and would like to know which installation procedure would help accomplish that.
Would Parallels provide me with a better user experience by installing Windows directly via Parallels OR by having Parallels utilizing a Boot Camp Partition? Which is better and why? Also, how much memory should I allocate to Parallels/Windows XP?
My roommate has a Mac G5 running OS X.2. She has two accounts on it, one of which is the administrator. Lately she can not install any new software nor can she upgrade the software she has, even her internet browsers. When she tries, she gets a pop up telling her that an administrator password is required to install the software. Her password is correct or she wouldn't be able to log in to the system at all. I used Disk Utilities to repair the disk permissions thinking that would help, but it didn't. I even went to the extent of downgrading my own administrator level to normal and created a whole new account as an administrator thinking I could fool the system by having new permissions created. Nope. That didn't work either. So, I'm at a loss. She thinks we may have to wipe the hard drive and reinstall the software, but I'm hoping not.
What should I do to complete installing itunes 10.3 when this window popup? "There is a problem with this windows installer package. A program required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personal or package vendor".
I bought a new Macbook Pro (13 inch 2.9 ghz) on June 15th and I had had heard nothing about the ability to request the new Mac OS X software lion for free until just now....can i still redeem it for free since I have the new Mac?
i cant figure out how to request the free update to osx lion my laptop is brand new and i know you can request a free update if you bought it after june 11.
I use Time Machine to wirelessly backup my MBA to a Buffalo NAS. It will work fine for weeks or months, then I will see the dreaded "Time Machine completed a verification of your backups. To improve reliability, Time Machine must create a new backup for you.” error. Of course this means I lose all my backups.I have researched this pretty thoroughly and I know that using TM with a NAS has some risk. But I am hoping to not have to resort to dragging out a USB drive everytime (daily) I want to do a backup.Can anyone share sucess stories of how they make TM work reliably with a NAS? Is it a Buffalo problem and a different NAS works better?
I did a software update on my son's iMac and it is taking very long to complete. He had six programs to update. The blue bar is about 1mm from completion but has stayed that way for about an hour. What should I do to get his computer working again?
Installed OSX Lion from my MacBook Pro. Installation completed.However, after reboot I cannot access my external HDD (including my USB). Error such as NTFS-3G always occurred.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I don't ever see rubbish like this on my mac - A POP up with no exit cues
I run ClamAx daily as I'm a Internet Marketer so pretty much live on this machine (and a pretty cool pc) all day and do plenty of downloading. Ive got this pop up on my screen this morning
The options are Visit website Update Later Download Now
This is definately not right. It has no label and no buttons to close or remove so I'm fairly sure its dangerous. How do I get rid of this blasted thing? I cant find out what or where it is?
I've setup my server and enrolled a few devices. Everything works fine if I'm in the same LAN but as soon as I tether my laptop to my cell service and try to issue the remote lock nothing happens till the laptop is back on the network and it gets the lock request. I have changed the hostname of the lion server a few times if that broke something. Also the server is behind a NAT so do ports need to be forwarded?
I have the latest Macbook Pro, so it shouldn't be that.Basically I have what most people have. it keeps telling me "User declined request"when the other person did not even recieve anything, whatsoever. Even though I am right next to the person.People have said deleting/re-adding your apple ID solves this problem. for me, it only solves it one boot. So for every fail, I would have to boot twice.Can this not be patched?
Initially, the trash container worked as expected: Items would go directly to the trash and stay there until I emptied it.
I don't believe I did anything to cause what it does now but I don't like it: If I move something to to trash, I am prompted to enter my password (which I really don't like) and no items are held in the trash (what I used to call the recycling bin--which I kind of liked having).
As for troubleshooting, I have changed the preference settings under "Finder" and nothing changes.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
So, my 5 year old iMac's become outdated bec. I have Tiger and OSX 10.4.11.Mac's moving my email to "the cloud" and I cannot upgrade to Lion, which is required. Is buying a new computer my only option? Or, can this machine be manually upgraded with new parts?
We have a Mac Mini connected to our HDTV, pretty much for media server duty only. No mouse or keyboard conveniently located as a rule for this rig. We use the excellent Rowmote app (mouse, keyboard and romote control) on our iPhones to control it and it works great most of the time. However, sometimes you need a real keyboard. Since we usually have laptops handy, Screen Sharing seems like an obvious workaround. However, it ALWAYS (and when I say ALWAYS, I mean going back to 2005) asks for the name and password regardless of and inspite of checking and rechecking "Remember this password in my Keychain" about a thousand times since Screen sharing was first offered on the Mac OS, right up to 10.7.3.
This pervasive bad behavior can also be duplicated verbatim on our kid's media Mac Mini also.This is not a big thing, but it doesn't work, and hasn't worked for a very long time (in computer years). Does anyone know how to simply click on the Mac Minis, click the "Share Screen" button and well, share screens without constantly being asked to type in a name and password every single time?
I see that all the updates are visible as installed , and take up a large ammount of valuable disk space , is it necessary that all the updates be retained Inidviually on the disk ,IS IT POSSIBLE to remove the earlier updates and retain only the latest uodated
Since updating to Lion, and subsequently to QuickTime 10.1, many movies that worked fine before won't open now. I get an error that says, "A required codec is not available." Two things make this even more frustrating:
1. Some movies of the same type still open just fine. I can't seem to find a pattern that links the ones that won't open. 2. The movies that won't open are still available to preview in Finder. If they will play in Finder, why not in QuickTime? Isn't it just a QickTime "plug-in" that plays them in the Finder?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo ; 4GB RAM
I am unable to watch a downloaded show because the required codec isn't available - "QuickTime Player can't open "Shameless.US.S02E01.HDTV.XviD-ASAP.[VTV].avi" because a required codec isn't available."