OS X V10.7 Lion :: Importing Mail Information From Entourage 2008
Apr 24, 2012
I'm running OSX 10.7.3. I've been using Microsoft Entourage 2008 for my mail client but have recently encountered a problem - upon opening Entourage I get an error message that says, Microsoft Sync Services has encountered a problem and needs to close Regardless of what block I click on the error message will not go away and comes back within 10 seconds or so.I want to start using Mail, but I want to import the mailboxes I have in Entourage. In Mail, when I go to import from Entourage it does not work it says it cannot find the mailboxes in Entourage.Is there another way I can do this import? I don't know where the mailbox files for Entourage or Mail are located.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 9 GB memory
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May 19, 2008
I used to use Entourage but can no longer open it (ID no longer works). I still have my old Entourage identity/data and want to import all of this into Apple Mail. But there is no option to import Entourage data without opening Entourage (which I can't do anymore). Any suggestions how I can import the data to Apple Mail?
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Feb 6, 2009
I am using Entourage 2008 in MAC OS X V10.5 LEOPARD, lot of duplicate mails received and it is stored in inbox. Is there any software available to remove the duplicate email in entourage 2008.
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Feb 11, 2010
How do I remove the feature that makes a sound after it checks for mail? Entourage 2008. I have my iMac to check for mail every 2 minutes but it constantly makes the ding sound for each of my mail accounts.
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Dec 1, 2005
I've seen lots of threads go by about importing e-mail from one program to another, and my case is seemingly simpler, but I have had no luck so far.
I want to import into Entourage the e-mail from a backup of the disk. I know how to import mail into Entourage from other e-mail programs and I know how to import mail into Entourage from an archive created by exporting from Entourage, but I cannot figure out how to import from a backup of the folders under the "/Users/(username)/Documents/Microsoft User Data" folder, under which is where Entourage stores mail.
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Apr 27, 2012
I have been using and syncing Entourage forever, and been syncing to iCal and Address for several years, especially since I've had my iPhone.
For some reason, and it seems very recent, no problem Syncing to iCal from Entourage, but I cannot Sync contacts to Address Book and vice versa. I have iCloud switched off, am on 10.7 and usually know what I'm doing.
I have tried deleting all Address Book contacts, resetting Sync Services in Entourage (after deleting all the relevant Preference Files) but nothing seems to work.
MacBookPro Core 2 Duo - 17" - 500GB HD 4GB RAM, Mac OS X (10.6.4), 26 year devoted Mac user/iPhone iOS4
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Oct 14, 2004
On my powermac G4 I have my contacts in Entourage. There are like a total of 1200 and I really don't need all of them on my new iBook so I've limited it to 200 of close contacts and saved them as vcf. Then I emailed myself the vcf file and try opening it on my new iBook which happily imports them into Address Book instead of Entourage (it also seemed to lose alot of the details, like categories).
I look for option in Entourage to import a VCF and it doesn't seem to have it. How do I import a VCF into Entourage? Or how can I these select contacts onto my laptop installation of Entourage?
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Jun 17, 2008
How does one import Entourage email group addresses as separate cards in Mac Mail?
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Mar 21, 2009
I used to use an old version of Outlook Express on my Powerbook 1400 running OS 9.2. Before I switched to my PB G4 (which a few months ago was replaced by a new MB Pro) in 2003, I archived my Outlook identity as a Stuffit file. The other day I discovered this old archive and thought I'd try to retrieve the message from it. I unstuffed it and the result was an "Entourage Database." Okay, but Entourage will not let me import from it. When I try to use it as the database for Entourage, it needs to be rebuilt, but when it is rebuilt, the file size is reduced from 190 MB to 18 MB and the content is apparently cleaned out. Does anyone know how I can get these old email messages out of this file and into either Entourage or Apple Mail?
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Apr 26, 2012
Is it still the case that one cannot import data from Outlook into Mail without having to pay for additional third party software to facilitate the task and IF so - do we know whether Apple plans to resolve this?
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Jun 28, 2012
The upgrade to Lion was a bit rocky, but I've made it through.One last thing remains: all my RSS feeds.I've tried dipping into Library/Mail/V2/RSS and dragging my Snow Leopard RSS folders in there; unsuccessful.So is importing them as mailboxes, they simply populate the sidebar on the left.I realize I could manually go and find every RSS feed URL and redo everything.But I had flagged articles and organized posts for reading/reference, and all that would be lost.If anyone knows how I can 'migrate' all of my RSS feeds from my Snow Leopard backup into Lion,
MacBook Pro (15-inch Core 2 Duo), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 7, 2014
Is there anything I can to do to stop Mail from reading/importing messages from Hotmail that must be taken from Hotmails server, i.e., they are not even in my Hotmail’s Junk folder and certainly not from the Inbox either.
I’ve tried the reset, unchecking Junk/ Trash , rebuild etc.
Mail also reads my Gmail junk and trash folder in error.
iMac, OS X Mountain Lion
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Feb 18, 2012
Does icloud work with Entourage 2008 for Mac for email? Mac says it does but Microsoft says it does not support icloud in Entourage's email program, or in 2011 Office for Mac. I have the same impression for 20 years---Apple and MSFT refuse to communicate on anything impacting their customers and we suffer.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 21, 2009
What is the "On My Computer" account in Entourage? can i get rid of it? the account i use is using Exchange and appears as a separate account in the side bar menu. can someone explain the difference between my email account and the "On My Computer"?
Specifically, when i try to make a group with my contacts that are located within my Exchange account, it places the group in the address book under "On My Computer" and i can not get it into the contact list where i draw the contacts from.
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Apr 29, 2010
I have taken some measurements from my PSU and since I have not seen this sort of info posted anywhere else and it is not in the service manual I thought I'd share it here.
refer attached
Note ** The voltage on pin 4 varies according to the temperature of the PSU and ranges between 1.7V and 2.5V - Higher voltage = lower temperature.
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Dec 31, 2009
I installed Entourage 2008 on my MBP 10.6.2 and updated it to the latest version. Everything worked fine until today. I can't grab and drag individual messages to put them into folders anymore (the move-to tool still works). I also can't grab folders and drag them onto my desktop (for archiving, e.g.) anymore. I believe it worked initially. The only thing I can think of that I did since the first installation of Entourage was create a backup of my system on another partition using SuperDuper and since then Entourage upon startup asked for permission to use an obscure font on that backup partition, which is weird in its own right. After getting that message a few times (and denying access every time) I chose the option for Entourage not asking me again, so I don't know the exact name of the font it was asking. But I'm sure it was one of the WarnockPro incarnations. Is there a way to get Entourage to ask me again for that font?
But more importantly, addressing the main issue re. drag and drop of messages and folders: has anybody heard of such behavior and knows of a fix?
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Aug 25, 2010
I am looking for some guidance. Work were terribly nice to me last week and bought me a macbook pro 13". I have owned apple products for years and finally bent their ears. I am now becoming stuck though. In entourage I have set up my account through the LAN at my workplace, but when looking to update my emails at home over my wifi network, it wont connect. Also I would like to access my documents and root folders from my profile on the XP work network, without running Parrealells or bootcamp (as I dont want to install XP on this machine). Basically I would like my mac to do everything my profile does at work, but on the OSX platform...
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Jan 14, 2009
I read one thread saying theres zero support. But was dated back in Oct 08. Is this still true? or is there a work around? I need to add a shared calendar from sharepoint to Entourage 2008.
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Jan 13, 2010
I am using Entourage 2008 on Snow Leopard. I deleted folders in Entourage and when I tried to delete them from the "deleted items" folder, Entourage crashed. I force quit and then tried to rebuild the database, but that also froze. Restarted the computer and was able to open the "rebuild database" window but it keeps freezing at step 5 when I try to rebuild database.
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Mar 17, 2010
I suddenly can't open office documents (ppt, word or excel docs) in entourage when people send them to me as attachments. i think there was a software update recently, and maybe it was this that caused it. But, it is driving me crazy. I can open the attachments inside mac mail fine. In Entourage, says they may not be a ppt, or word, etc. doc, or that they may be "in-use."
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Aug 1, 2010
Seems recently every time I open Entourage it hangs as soon as I enter my mail account password. It then must be forced quit.
I have tried everything I could find online as suggestions to fix the ssues including deleting fonts, deleting font caches, rebuilding database, and identities etc. I also cannot empty the exchange cache as you must be logged in for the command to show up. I don't know if this is an Apple OS or Microsoft Office issue or how to figure that out?
Way to go with this as my whole office is run from Entourage and it is on hold until I can get this fixed. I have a MBP 2.4 with 4 Gig. Running 10.6.4.
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Jun 14, 2008
I just installed Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac. When I open Entourage, I cant receive and send email from my Yahoo account. I am not that familiar with the terms in setting the account.
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Oct 16, 2008
I am currently a pc user and am considering getting a mac. Before I make the leap, I am trying to find out some info. Currently, I'm using Vista with Outlook 2007. I will have to continue using pc for work but would like to use mac for photos, etc... My question deals with Outlook 2007 and Entourage 2008 compatability/integration. Does anybody know if Outlook and Entourage use the same pst file? Is it still a pst file in Entourage? I will be loading XP on mac via boot camp and/or Parallel/Fusion. Can Outlook 2007 and Entourage 2008 share the same pst file? I am hoping that they both use the same file so that when I'm in XP, my Outlook will have all emails, sent & received, as when I'm in OSX and Entourage 2008. Am I going to have to import file evertime I change OS? Also, does anybody have an opinion on Parallel or Fusion. What's the difference and what are the pro and cons of either.
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Sep 9, 2009
The new iPhoto 8.1 update breaks the email functionality to Entourage 2008, if you're using Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. iPhoto 8.1 can no longer successfully email photos to Entourage 2008. It worked just fine with iPhoto 8.0.4, but no longer works with iPhoto 8.1. This is a SNOW LEOPARD PROBLEM... it works just fine under LEOPARD. The steps to reproduce this problem are as follows:
1. Change iPhoto's preferences to use Entourage as your email client.
2. Choose a photo.
3. Click on the "Email" button.
You will get an error message from the Finder that states "Microsoft Entourage got an error. Can't get content of window'". So you are not able to email a photo through Entourage this way anymore. You have to do it manually.
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Jul 8, 2008
is it possible to send a calendar invitation across to Windows user using Outlook 2003/2007 from Entourage 2008? I can receive a invitation from an Outlook to Entourage fine, but am not able to send one back.
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Dec 29, 2009
One of my clients just purchased a Macbook Pro over the holidays (first time switcher from Windows PCs), and is using Entourage 2008 in place of Outlook 2007. (I used the excellent conversion utility from [URL] to move all his Outlook data over to Entourage.) So far, so good, except he ran into a bug I couldn't resolve for him. Apparently, if his laptop goes to sleep, when he wakes it back up, he receives a bunch of new emails into Entourage that all have the exact same date/time stamp on them (of the time the machine woke from sleep). Other than turning off sleep mode, or always making sure Entourage is closed down before the laptop goes to sleep, is there a fix for this issue?
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Jan 31, 2009
I keep getting an error message "Database Daemon Fatal Error" when trying to open Entourage 2008. I tried removing and re-installing Office, but each time I open Entourage I keep getting the same message: the Database Daemon has encountered an unknown error. The daemon will need to quit, and Entourage may need to be force quit.
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Apr 2, 2012
I am no longer able to open Mail. I get the message: "Mail can't open because you don't have the necessary permissions to change the folder where it saves information" It then goes on to tell me where mail stores information and to go to that folder and use the Get Info window to change the privileges to Read and Write (which they already were). I authenticate, change them to Read and then back to Read and Write, click the lock and try again. Same result. I tried to take a screen shot of that window and got this message: "Your screen shot can't be saved. You don't have permission to save files in the location wherescreen shots are stored." Last night I tried to take a screen shot and got the same message. I repaired permissions in Disk Utility and there were thousands of permissions repaired.
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Nov 23, 2009
I have decided to use Entourage over Mail due to it's robustness and more features than I can possibly ever use. Here the question:I am coming from a PC using Outlook 2007. I have done my research on how to get my mail off my Outlook and importing it into Entourage.Fine, great and dandy. I haven't performed it yet but I have a couple of questions before running with this.1. I have MobileMe account. Installing that into Entourage was relatively easy. Done.2. Installing a new "mail" account (POP or IMAP), I'm going to assume is the same way BUT if I install this, will it mix with my MobileME? What I am expecting to see is that it would store separately in it's own section. What is right?
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Jan 6, 2009
Yesterday my computer wouldn't start, and I tried everything for many hours, but no solution.. Finally I decided to start over. I booted from install disc and recreated my system from Timemachine.. So i chose the latest full backup option, and after 7 hours of recreating, my mac is back.. Thank you TimeMachine.
Everything works like a charm..
My mail, launched and prompted me to import my mailboxes. So I tried but some of the mailboxes won't import.. Mail Crashes when I try.
Any one out there who knows how to retrieve these mail??
It is 2 INBOX.mbox and 1 Sent.mbox.
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