OS X V10.7 Lion :: Find And Delete Duplicate Files?
May 22, 2012
I know that I have many duplicate downloads (particularly Adobe Reader Files) that I would like to trash. Is there an easier way to find duplicates other than opening them all and comparing them?
Since I have switched from windows I have many duplicate files and even triplicate files! I was told (from a Mac Genius ) that leopard won't let you look at your picture files. So I want to rid the excess and save some hard drive space.
Does anyone know of a good application to find and delete duplicate photos. I'm trying to work with a massive photo library (40k+ images) and get rid of duplicates including thumbs created by Iphoto. I'd prefer freeware but am willing to pay if there is a particularly effective program.
I have tried two apps that detect and delete duplicate files. Both will find duplicate files of all types, and then fail to delete them. I tried first with "Duplicate Detective" and thought it must be the application's fault; then I tried "The Duplicate Finder" and received the following message:Â
Failed to delete files
Please check their permission for removal. Â
Support the Duplicate Detective app reviewed my console logs and said that my computer from removing files in Users/"my name"/folder.Â
I tried repairing disk permissions through the disk utility and that didn't work. Â
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I found this program called Tidy UP! and it appears to be very good. But before I go through and starting massive deletions, I wanted some feedback as to what programs people use to find and delete their oldest duplicate files.
I was on a Plane organizing my files and evidently never sync'd back up fully from the hotel before getting back home and using my iMac. So now I have a big mess to clean up.
I have a program that can find duplicate files. What my questions is if I get an email from someone and then I forward it to someone now I have a duplicate one in my inbox and another in my sent. If I delete the one in my sent then when I open it the attachment will not show. Is there a way for it to just store the file once and then create an alias pointing to the main file.
Another example: If I attach a photo from iPhoto to an email there again is another duplicate. I would much rather Mail send the photo and create an alias to the original photo in iPhoto thus creating no duplicates.
I hope that was not confusing.
I want a program that will find duplicates and then keep 1 and create alias's for the one's deleted.
I know this is not all cases of duplicate files but mainly my Mail has way to many duplicates.
I am moving over to OSX on my iMac to manage my audio and image files. Right now I have them spread over several external hard drives on my PC. I have found a good program that does a very good job of identifying duplicates in both categories. They are called Audio Comparer and Video Comparer. Right now they only have windows versions. I am also looking at DupGuru Picture and Music editions which just happen to have a version for each platform. There is also Deep which I will try.
Does anyone have any good recommendations for Mac software that can perform these functions on several external hard drives? I do not plan to use iPhoto (Photoshop, Lightroom, and Lightzone) and obviously will be using iTunes but I desperately need to find and delete all the duplicate files before bringing into iTunes. I know iTunes can locate duplicate file, but names of them may be different since they have been in several Windows programs and formats (MP3, Flac, Apple Lossless....)
I could do this on the PC, but if I can avoid purchasing software that I will not use again (PC) versus doing it on the Mac and having the software for later use is my goal.
Im new to the Mac operating system. I am proficient on a PC, but Macs have always captivated my attention. I finally gave into the Macbook. Anyways ---
The Automator application seems phenomenal in theory I just haven't learned all the ins and outs yet, but i see the concept that it was designed for (Jobs = Genius). Long story short I was streaming all of my music over from my PC and it got interrupted twice. I kept streaming to the same folder but it never prompted me to replace existing files of the same name. So I figured it would do it automatically. To my dismay that wasn't the case at all. I now have 9,000 songs and at least 4,000 of which are duplicates/Triplets. I wanted to know if there was some way to streamline the process of deleting and purging all these files out of my Music Folder/Itunes Library, Via the Automator program or any other program you know of.
I have multiple older Time Machine archives from different Macs that I have been going through manually and picking files out and copying them to another drive file by file. I'm running into massive quantities of duplicate files and the biggest problem is muliple iphoto pictures including the same picture in different sizes.Â
I wanted to give up and just throw the whole Time Machine archive onto another disk so I could format the one it was on and use it for something else. But I got a message reading, "The backup can’t be copied because the backup volume doesn’t have ownership enabled." So I went to manually copy each "Macintosh HD" folder for each date into it's their own respective folders. It worked but required my password for each folder and each of the 19 folders were all ~75GB. Which is impossible because all of that data was on a 500GB drive.Â
I recently switched iMacs around, migrating one to the other.Also, I've also started to sync my documents folder through SugarSync between two of my iMacs. I don't know if that affects anything, but maybe. Here's what's happening: when I open a Pages file and want to duplicate it, I get this message:'Unsaved Pages Document.pages' couldn’t be moved because you dont have permission to access 'Autosave Information'. To view or change permissions, select the item in the Finder and choose File > Get Info."
When I get info, I have "read and write" permission on the file I want to duplicate. When I give "read and write" access to everyone through "Get Info," I still get the same message.
every software update is at least 50MBs nowadays so i got to thinking where these files actually go after they've been installed. is there a way to remove these files? i reckon there shouldn't be a problem since they've already been installed?
I am working on clearing off some hard drive space, and my first step was to remove some unneeded items from an external HD to make some space there. When I drag the folder I'm trying to delete to the trash, I first get a message that the items will be immediately deleted (I think because my internal HD is quite full?) and that's fine because I do want to delete these, so I say OK. It starts the process of deleting, and counting how many files it's deleting, then gives me a message that the operation cannot be completed because item "xx" is locked. The only solutions I have found on here involve unlocking "xx" but my problem is, when I search the computer and/or the external for item "xx" nothing is found. I'm really not sure if the issue with item "xx" is an issue with the drive or with the computer, or what to do about it?? If it's the drive, I suppose I could back up what I do want to save from the drive then re-format it?
Info: iMac (24-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I'm tired of typing the first or second letter in the "to" address line and it comes up with an address I don't want anymore. It's not in my address/contact book. So where is that hidden file?
I recently imported all of my unorganized picture folder mess into iPhoto in an effort to organize them. However, when importing my pictures from my camera in the past, I would upload the same picture multiple times. I didnt bother to fix it at the time, but now that its all there in iPhoto, its pretty annoying, especially with the couple thousand pictures i have on it. Is there a way (automater?) that I can find these duplicate files and delete the copies of them? A program to do this or something would be a godsend.
I somehow lost half my photo album and eventually searched spotlight with 'jpeg and jpg'. This not only found them, it found literally thousands more, many of them duplicates. Does anyone know if there is an easy way to restore the missing Photos. My idea is to import the lot, and then hopefully try and remove all duplicates like itunes does.
My notes get synced to an email address. So i click the notes icon in mail, not the email inbox they are associated with and i see every single not ever created. On top of that there are two instances of each note. So i deleted the ones i don't need anymore and closed my notebook, went on my way. come home. open mail. clicknotes, and they are all still there. two of each notes, includeing notes i've never written anything in. ones that i just clicked not was about to write something, and didn't save it. How do i get rid of this stuff?
I was just wondering how do you delete songs that have more then one of each, I thought it'd might be consolidate library but then it asked me something, and I was not sure... I know it sounds like I don't know how to use iTunes but I do everyday, just don't know this
I have been downloading a lot of my old CD's and have found I have a lot of duplicate songs from a variety of my album sets...how can I delete them so I only have one of each one?
For some reason I have two copies of each of the microsoft office apps in my Launchpad.How do I get rid of one without deleting the program? Using OSX Lion 10.7.4