OS X V10.7 Lion :: Burning Desktop Items To A DVD?
Feb 11, 2012
Re: Burning Desktop files and documents to a DVD - iMac - Lion. According to the "Help" feature, I put in a blank DVD and selected Finder as I was asked to do. I tried to move some files into the blank DVD window from my Desktop. But I could only move ONE file into the blank DVD window. It would NOT let me move any more files into the blank DVD window after moved the first one in. Why is that?  Â
The "Help" featuer said I could move in my files and documents one at a time and them burn them all on the DVD. This is what did for years on my older iMac with Panther.Â
how to simply burn my Desktop folders and documents to a DVD. I did figure out how to burn ALL of the Desktop items to a DVD at the same time. I am asking about individually moving the items into the DVD window to be burned.Â
I have my desktop filled with folder, icons, etc. I want to create a 2nd desktop and delete all the crap. Will all my folders and icons still be in my original desktop if I create a new desktop and clean it up? I'd like a clean desktop while working on page layout or maybe have a folder of snippets and templates I use regularly in InDesign.
This doesn't happen all the time, but frequently enough to create a thread about it to find out what's going on.
I usually keep my desktop empty and use it to store stuff I'm going to process in the next hour anyway. Sometimes my desktop is absolutely empty, but when I navigate to the following path: UserDesktop, the files do show up.
so this is the second time it happened and as I do a lot of computer animation, it's starting to get annoying. I accedentally left my ACD on (30") today when i left at 8. when i got home at 5, and opened my computer animation app (blender, which starts out effectevly completely grey). I noticed a vauge impression of the screen i had left the acd on today. This DID happen before, and it goes away after a day or two. Still, it is annoying. My questions: A) is this bad B) what should I do?
This is my first post, so please be gentle! I have a 2006/7 White Macbook Core2Duo 2.10Ghz, and I love compiling my own movie compilations via iDVD. The problem that I have is two fold; 1. I burnt 4 episodes of a Public Domain TV Show (3 Stooges) using one of the current menus, and it compiled lovely, burn to disc and verified, but then no sound from the episodes, even though on my master PC, the sound is there, and sound is also present when I copied to my Macbook. 2. I have tried another few discs, each time iDVD states that the disc could not be verified and that the disc is unreadable. Both have been burnt at 6x (my combo/super drives max). Do I possibly need a new drive? Is it worth me burning the project to TS_VIDEO folders on my desktop then burning them via Toast? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, as I'm wanting to delve deeper into iDVD and iMovie as I think they are spot on programs.
I recently upgraded to a Apple 10.4.11. I have this annoying problem I can't figure out. With my previous Mac, I could put anything on my desktop anywhere I wanted. For some reason, on this desktop, there only seem to be a limited number of "slots." By slots, I mean each item can only be placed on a specific place and there is a specific amount of space between and around each item. Once these are used up, any additional items pile on top of each other. It looks like I have five rows of six items each (you name it, pictures, Word documents, Excel documents, etc.) I hate this. I want to be able to put or move anything anywhere I want. How do I fix this?
I've noticed in the February desktops thread (in the Pictures category) that some people have their drive icon names appearing beside the icon rather than beneath it. How do you do this? Also, some of the photos show the size of the drive as well as how much space is left. How do you do this? See this post for what I'm talking about. [URL]. Also, in that same post, what the program is that shows the currently playing track on iTunes?
I was at the apple store diagnosing something, and the lady told me that item's on my desktop take up ram. I have a couple folders with tons of videos in them on my desktop. My ram would surely be shot if they took up ram
Basic questions: When I drag an item to the desktop, say, a mail message, it always appears on the right side of the screen no matter where I release my mouse on the drop. Is there any way to have an item appear where I release the drag-and-drop, or will the dragged item always go to the right side of the desktop?
Another question: is there any way to select a bunch of mail messages and drag them into a folder. I know you can do it where all the emails get merged into one text file, but is there a way to keep them all as individual emails with a group drag and drop?
I have a Mac OS X version 10.5.8, one of the 2008 black/white models. Yesterday, I was messing around with my computer because the hard drive will not show up in the finder (I already did the system preferences, doesn't work). However, I guess I must have deleted something because when I restarted my computer, the menu bar blinks in and out unless i get onto safari but I can't get into finder at all. Also, All of my items on my desk top are gone. And I can't get into Itunes (file locked, on a locked disk, or do not have written permission to enter it)
I'm assuming this means I need to take it in and get it fixed. But I wanted to see if I can do anything to avoid that because I am in college and have a paper every week so I pretty much live off of my computer.
I don't usually turn off my MB, only when I need to bring to school then it's off. Well, when turn it back on, the items on desktop are not in the same place, I have to rearrange them. Preferences are set.
Woke up this morning late, so I didn't check the weather online like I usually do. Unplugged everything from my MBP (including an external display) while it was still asleep, tossed it in my back after it slept again, and headed out the door. When I got to class, all of my desktop items are gone. Macintosh HD, mounted dmg's, some files, and some other things are all gone off my desktop. They obviously still exist and I can open them from Finder
I want to add the icon for my Mac to the desktop, but don't know how to do so. Also, the ICal icon appears both on my desktop and in the dock. When I try to remove it from the desktop, it also disappears from the dock, which I don't want to do. How can I do this addition and subtraction?
I Have a mid 2012 13" Macbook Pro OS X version 10.9.4 running Mavericks. My desktop is cluttered with icons and I'd like to know how I can clear it without deleting any of them. Where can I send them to be stored safely.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), BackBeat 2 go wireless earbuds
I made an attempt to find an answer for this question before posting, yet to no avail.
I use Spaces often and really want to be able to customize/rearrange my desktop items unique to each Space. I keep all my work/school items in one space and media applications in another - I'd like to do the same with my desktop icons.
I am on OX I think or maybe just 10.4.1 I know that some corrupted files got on my desktop and its preventing me from accessing my desktop but I can still get applications to run, I tried removing the files using Terminal but when I do so it says Access Denied. This is my computer and there are no other users on this. I believe I backed up all my files to an External a few days before, how to get finder to load properly so I can delete the corrupted files or know another way to get the files to the trash since I cannot see them.
So today I went to my friends house for a party. Her and her friend were taking pictures on photobooth. But when I went to the desktop the icons for "Macintosh HD" and everything else on my desktop were 4 times as big than it's supposed to be.
Had my 2.16 ghz Intel Core 2 Duo 21" for two years. Installed software to monitor temperature, etc. The computer reads 90 degrees when I turn it on and up to 125 degrees after an hour or two.
Another issue, when I turn it on, it takes about one minute for all the items to appear on the desktop and before I can open Safari, Word, etc. (is this a long time??). During this time there is a very repetitive soft clicking sound coming from from the computer, (as if things are opening or being shuffled around?).History: I had Microsoft Office installed but removed it some time ago. Only 10 gb free on the 250 gb hardrive.
I was getting rid of some files of my desktop of the computer I use almost daily so it would not be huge in memory like images, and hew other items and I tried putting them in my trash so I can get rid of them, but it said well this:
I'm not the admin on this computer far from it, only a regular member.
My Macbook Pro desktop is cluttered with icons. How can I clear it without deleting certain items that I might need later on. Where can I transfer them to be safely stored.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), BackBeat 2 go wireless earbuds
Login items keep opening up when desktop restarts even when hide option is clicked on login items. I've tried to remove network shares and add them again and still open up instead of hiding.Â
how to have the desktop items automatically sort themselves alphabetically after an item is added or removed? This feature just disappeared about a week ago, and I can't find the right path to restore it.Â
Info: PowerBook G4 1.67 mHz 15", Mac OS X (10.4.11)
I have been using Titanium to burn DVD's. It usually takes about the length of the actually DVD to finish the burning process. Is this normal length or is there a faster program for burning DVD
Trying to burn a DVD on my ageing Late 2008 MacBook Pro nearly always results in the Finder crashing and restarting at 99%. Afterwards, the CD can't be mounted or ejected except by force-restarting and holding down the trackpad.Â
I've tried downloading OSX Lion from the App Store about 4 times one of them was while it was hard wired directly to the modem using Verizon Fios service. I've tried creating a thumb drive without sucess several times and keep getting a "Restore Failure, invalid argument" error message.  The dvd (dvd-r) I was trying to burn I get a "invalid checksum" error message and won't burn also.  what I can do to get myself a burned copy of Lion so I can slick my hard drive and start all over? Â
Any time I try to remove an icon from the dock or an item from the login items and then logout/restart they come right back. It's like OS X is remembering my last login and then just duplicating it. I can't get it to keep it the settings I give it. Google and a quick search of the forums gave me nothing.