OS X V10.7 Lion :: Application Support Folders Disappeared
Mar 21, 2012
Finder has been hanging recently, causing other apps (and sometimes the whole system) to become unresponsive. i googled for fixes, and followed a suggestion to reboot into Safe Mode, navigate through a few directories in Finder, then restart normally. having done this, i now find that Chrome's settings and bookmarks have been wiped and my contacts and calendars have gone AWOL; it seems that most of the subdirectories under ~/Library/Application Support have disappeared, taking my Calendars, Contacts, etc. with them...
I managed to delete all the addresses from all computers by deleting them in iCloud. When I try to find the address book files in Library>application support, it is not there. I can't even find the library folder under users>username either. Where do I find the proper folder to restore from time machine?
You can't open the application PlistBuddy because PowerPC applications are no longer support. THE INSTALLATION FAILÂ YAMAHA 01X mLAN drive...how i can fix the. Imac10.7.3 i5.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 01X MLAN DRIVE HELP
Is it possible to modify the Application Support folder location of an app?Â
E.g. I have a program which stores it's data in ~/Library/Application Support/AppName .
However, I'd like to have two completely seperate sets of data to work with, so I'd duplicate the app and hope to modify some file inside the package so that the duplicate would store it's data in ~/Library/Application Support/AppName2 .Â
A whole folder full of mixed video files disappeared.
I have three internal drives in my Mac Pro. I partitioned one into 2 volumes. On one of those volumes, I keep an older OS (10.4) along with some folders for holding video files I'm either working on or downloaded and keep for viewing. I don't know what happened but suddenly, all the files in those folders disappeared. Other folders on that volume are ok. This is not my boot drive. The missing files amount to 20 or 30 GBs. They are not in the trash. They seem to have simply disappeared. I ran disk utility to repair permissions; I booted from my install disk and repaired all; I tried making invisible files visible; I shut down and switched drive bays for the three internal drives. Still, the one drive in question, shows no signs of all the files I had on it.
Folders disappeared from sidebar. I found them in the trash under recovered folders. Those files coincidentally are all my work documents. Not only all my work but also microsoft related such as pdfs, pptx, etc. 'Put back' not an option since files are in different formats. I am unable to open any. These are not just temp unimportant files, I must find a way to restore all contents unharmed. I have 4 recovered folders in the trash. I need to see my files as they were 12h ago.
I restarted my macbook pro (10.5.6) last night after really slow internet speeds, and when it booted back up all my desktop folders disappeared. I can't even find a single file name anymore anywhere on the harddrive.
Apple support said they've seen the desktop directory glitch with the finder, but we could not reverse whatever happend and they suggested I spend $100 bucks on Disc Warrior.
How am I going to find about 1700 files????? My time machine drive stopped backing up two months ago, ggggrrrrrrr -right when I needed it eh?!
Does anyone have any ideas what I can try to get back the file names and folders?
I know the data is still on the drive, just with no allocations.
I've repaired all disc permissions 3 times-it keeps having to repair them everytime I reboot.Terry
I have Lion 10.7.4 on 2010 MBP. I use the mail program on the Mac. I have 20 Smart Mailboxes set up and each is working fine. Yeterday I set 5 Smart Mailbox Folders and placed each Samrt Mailbox in the appropriate Smart Mailbox Folder. At the end of the day i turned the MBP off. This morning when I opened mail all my Smart Mailbox Folders were gone. My Smart Mailboxes are still there.Â
I have had my Macbook Pro for only about 2 months, and I'm relatively new to this Apple world. I've had no problems with using iPhoto and uploading photos to other websites... UNTIL last night! I downloaded Picasa for Mac (I've been trying to find a good photo sharing website that doesn't cost me money. I use gmail, so this seemed reasonable.)... and I swear, something has happened. I'm fairly certain it is connected with downloading the Picasa plug-in.
I have searched high and low in every corner of this Macbook, and my picture FOLDERS are nowhere to be found. My photos are still in iPhoto, and the APPLICATION shows up in my Pictures folder, but no folders with the photos themselves. Does that make sense? The photos are in iPhoto, but not stored in any folders anywhere on the computer. This is rather distressing. Has anyone heard of this happening before??? Or does anyone have any advice for me??? I can't share any of my photos anymore until I find a way to fix this! I keep trying to upload photos, but they are nowhere to be found when I do so!
So for some reason the Get mail button disappeared in my mail app. I now have to click up at the top under the mailbox tab in order to get my all mail option.
Just recently the Preview Application disappeared from my mac mini running 10.4.11. I tried searching with Spotlight and Sherlock with no results. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get it back or reinstalling it? I have the original installation disks for 10.4.
I was working on curriculum changes for an online ecollege course. Stepped away for dinner and left machine on (MacBook Pro, running OSX 10.9.4). Have done this frequently and the light show screen saver appears, so I tap it to give my password and it returns to where I left off. But, last night, I returned and the connection to the college/university server had been cut and now Safari is taking me back through security and cookie changes I already made. When I tried to shut down the system under the Apple menu, I got an error box indicting that if I shut down all my files would be deleted. When I tried again, it informed me that I was logged in as a guest user and shutting down would result in the permanent deletion of my files. So, I let the damned thing run and it's still running because when I looked up, all folders and files had disappeared from my desktop -- even some of the applications (like Word) had also disappeared. I want my files back and I want to shut this down safely.Â
On my new iMac 21.5 I inadvertently dragged the Application folder out of the Dock and it disappeared in the puff of smoke. I managed to drag a new alias back to the Dock, but when I click it now it only gives me the finder, but does give me the large window with all the icons displayed. How do I restore this aspect?
So im trying to play minecraft and am trying to find my saved world and put it on my windows but i cant find my minecraft app support in the application support folder. And actually there is nothing in the folder. I dont know if thats because of my computer, somehting i did, or because of the Lion i got on it now....
I lost my iweb and had order replacement DVD from apple after talk with support team. When I install its say "you cant open the app installing mac os x because power pc app o longer supported"
I want to separate the application folders of both myself and my girlfriend using the same Mac. She doesn't need to see my system tweaking tools and DVD conversion software, and likewise, I don't need to see her BlackBerry Desktop software and Facebook album tools. Currently, all apps reside in HD/Applications, as is default. My question is: is it safe to simply copy all applications into HD/User/USERNAME/Applications, or is this going to cause problems will existing file structures?
just a question. How to make some application or folders not be accesible to anyone? example, when someone click a email apple program, he cant access it.
I am using OSX Snow Leopard. It's really great, but the folders and items within them are a total mess. When I copy or move anything to a folder, all the other icons move and icons even appear on top of one and other. Please is there any way to stop this - is there an app or something that will make the folders as tidy looking as they are on Windows? And please leave out all the Mac/Windows fanboy stuff - I have no problems with either OS.