OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Trackpad Won't Allow To Scroll Properly?
Jun 21, 2012
My trackpad won't allow me to scroll properly, it moves on its own, opens random files, and creates folders on my desktop. I have tried cleaning my trackpad, but it is still not working properly.
Is there any way to scroll through the font types in TextEdit? When I go to Format>Fonts>Show Fonts and press the up and down arrows I cannot scroll through the fonts. I have to use the trackpad.
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.7), iPod Classic 80GB
Installed Snow Leopard on Friday, and I'm only having one problem: Firefox is ignoring the scroll wheel on my Logitech LX3 Optical Mouse. The OS and all other apps seem to be fine. I followed a tip on [URL] to reinstall the Logitech Control Center, but it didn't fix the problem. I plugged in my Mighty Mouse, but it won't scroll either. I can scroll inside a textarea, but not the main Firefox window. Scrolling worked fine before the Snow Leopard upgrade.
I've long used Max Rudberg's Aqua Extreme scrollbars and progress bars in Jaguar, Panther, Tiger and Leopard and now I have them working perfectly in Snow Leopard!
All you need is your custom Extras.rsrc and Extras2.rsrc files from your Leopard backup (you made a backup right?) and copy the files to:
Code: /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/Resources/ At first I didn't think this worked because in Leopard, in order to see the new theme changes, you only had to re-launch an app, but it Snow Leopard you have to do a full log out and log back in
I always used the upwards four finger scroll to get to the desktop but after installing Snow Leopard it doesn't work, they hide but then pop back straight away or go into expose mode. Is this a known problem?
I was wondering if there was a way to enable scroll button click scrolling in Safari 4 on Snow Leopard?
I'm sure there's a proper term for it, but what I mean is when you press down on the scroll wheel and a circle appears on screen with two arrows, when you move your mouse up or down it allows you to scroll through long documents quicker. I think Firefox and Internet Explorer have it.
I read that USB Overdrive might be of use, but it wont recognise my mouse (Logitech MX 620).
Im a little confused about doing an Archive and Install in SL. There is not an option to do this like there was in Tiger. I spoke to Apple Care and was told to click on Install Mac OS X icon on the install disk for an Archive and Install. After reading some old posts on this subject, this method seem questionable.
Recently I installed the Snow Leopard OS on my Macbook Pro, previously I had 10.5 installed. However, now when I connect my Macbook to my flatscreen TV (Panasonic Plasma), using a mini display port cable to an HDMI cable, there's a black border around the edges of the picture. Before the Snow Leopard upgrade I was able to view the entire screen area of the Plasma TV, without any borders. The only thing I've done differently since then is install Snow Leopard. Does anyone know how I can fill the screen with image without using the zoom option on the TV screen, as the zoom cuts off some image at the top and bottom?
Simple, I have a file on the desktop and I want to copy it to a folder in my external drive.
The Problem Instead of pasting the file in the selected folder it is pasting it in the root directory. It does this with my external drive as well as my internal mac drive. Never have seen this before.
Info: iMac 27, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.8Ghz Intel Quad Core i7 / 8GB / 1TB
I've searched the web and the forums but I do not find anything that matches my problem, here it is. I'm using 1 Time machine drive (WD My Passport Studio 500 GB FW 800 for Mac) for my two machines, MacBook Pro (June 09, upgraded from Leopard with Snow Leopard Up to date disc) and my MacBook white (Late 2007, upgraded from Leopard with Snow Leopard retail disc). On my MacBook white, when I plug in the TM drive via USB, and when I click on the TM icon in the menubar, it says "Calculating changes (or similar)... (1, 2, 3, and so on %) until 100 % and the backup works just fine. But when I plug my TM drive onto my MacBook Pro (via FW), it says "Calculating changes... 1%" and it remains stuck on those 1%, but then after a while starts the backup properly.
I recently had my HDD replaced after a failure, and reinstalled 10.6.8 using Carbon Copy Cloner. The new drive came from Apple, and had 10.5.8 pre-installed (the OS that my late 2008 MBP came with), but CCC did what seemed to me to be an excellent job restoring. The clone was right at about two weeks prior to the old HDD failure, so once I cloned over, I only had to sync up with Dropbox, and manually move a handful of files (really from just a couple of folders for work) for things to be just as they were leading up to the failure. Here's what's happened (roughly) over the past week with TM:
1. Slow backups. Slow as in 1-2 KB/minute. This all starts with TM "calculating changes" which means about 20 minutes of crawling through and re-indexing(?) directories to look for changes. This happens each time.
2. Backups come in successive pairs. Time Machine Buddy shows this. One backup ends, having copied ~277,000 files (not a typo), then a second one begins immediately after, copies ~255,000 files (also not a typo), then either thins and/or deletes expired files.
3. #2 happens over the course of 2 1/2 hours, reliably.
4. After #2, the next backup comes about 2 hours later, starting all over again. Mere KB take the full 2 1/2 hours.
5. After each of the last backups, I have MORE space reported as available on the external drive. It seems to randomly delete backups from roughly 1 month ago.
Here's what I have tried:
1. Delete the TM prefs file in my user folder (not /)
2. Repaired the disk - things were very screwed up, with links needing repair all over the place. Thought this would solve things, but it didn't.
3. Hid the external from Spotlight's indexing
4. Deleted backups (via the TM interface -> "delete backups" option, NOT manually) after disk repair, in the event/hopes that initial backups following the new HDD replacement were bad.
5. Repaired permissions, etc.
6. Console doesn't throw what appear to be any errors. Just shows the successive backups mentioned above, the hundreds of thousands of files copied, and that TM deleted something each time.
@ login the trackpad is disabled. Are there login keys to select the user? Or a quick key to re-enable the T-pad. I have a feeling it has something to do with Universal Access, as reinstall dies @ "loading additional speech voices".
Info: Macbook Pro 15, Mac OS X (10.6.6), iPhone 4.2
I just upgraded my hard drive, now my trackpad and bluetooth mouse will not scroll or swipe. Preferences for the trackpad will not open says theres an error, bluetooth mouse preferences open with no joy
I just spilled literally about four drops of water on my trackpad. However it was in the bottom left corner and some may have got through. When I rebooted (I know I panicked should not have turned it on 10 minutes later) It worked briefly and then I could not scroll or click. I have applecare, but I don't think it covers this.
I've had a late 2011 Macbook Pro for about 4 mths and all of a sudden the trackpad has developed some problems. If I swipe a page it won't allow me to scroll up or down again on the new page that I have swiped too, it freezes. At times when I activate the back button nothing happens and I have to exit out of the site when the page freezes. The scroll only freezes immediately after swiping and not at other times when I'm moving up and down the screens.
My Trackpad Scroll Direction Natural does not work despite preferences being correctly selected. Have upgraded and restarted. The function works when I'm logged in as another user but when I created my new (main) user this essential function does not work. 15 inch Macbook Pro.
trackpad not working /I bought a new Macbook Pro 13 and a few weeks later upgraded to Snow Leopard the day it launched. It seems now like my trackpad gets "stuck". It will just randomly not scroll until I "click" on something, then it works again. Sometimes the dock won't pop up when I point down to it until I click something. Anyone else?
I've had my MacBook Pro for just over a year now and it's been awesome (it was my first Mac after being a PC user for 20 yrs).
As soon as I got my Mac I modified the mouse & keyboard to act more like windows:modified the control key to work as commandenabled secondary (right) click on the track pad
This worked fine for a long time, then all of a sudden in the last month or so these preferences keep being lost and I need to go back in and set them up again.
Have I 'unlocked' some setting that allows these preferences to keep resetting? Or is my mac suffering from windows-like OS issues?
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.5)
I have a 13" MacBook 2.4ghz Aluminium Unibody and the trackpad isn't functioning properly.
I can't highlight text, and the click is tempremental, the right click also doesn't work (yes, I've been into Trackpad System Pref. and it's fine in there)
I've only had my white Macbook for nine months, but the last few months I've had trouble clicking the trackpad. There are times when I have to force it down. The right side of the trackpad seems to be the most problematic. I tried to ignore it, but it only seems to get progressively worse.
Well just installed XP on my boot camp partition. Here is my issue:1. The trackpad doesn't seem to be working properly. It's showing under device manager fine but the 2 finger right-click option isn't working. 2. Is the keyboard supposed to be backlit in XP?3. The sound buttons on the keyboard are not working (f11-f12)