OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: How To Use IPhoto Upload On It
Jun 18, 2012
i have just purchased a MacBook with OS X 10.6 installed on the system. I really want to upload the App iPhoto to use. It is compatible with this system.I have read that it will not work on any system before OS X 10.6.6 I assume my system is before that and therefore i can not purchase this app???
Control-click I get three options in a box Reload Page/Save Page As/Print Page File Save As I get "audio-sample-2.webarchive" could not be exported as "audio-sample-2" I'm a transcription and need to receive audio files from clients in various ways.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), User of Express Scribe Pro
MacBook Pro OS X 10.6.8 Anytime I try to upload or add a file to a program, ie: Attach a file to an email, or something of the sort, the media related spotlights on the sidebar appear empty, even though I have plenty of items that should be shown when clicked on. The finder upload window drops down, and I'll click on iTunes or another media related tab, but none of my music, playlists, or items related to that tab show up. This occurs for any program (Chrome, Safari, Email, iTunes, Mixed In Key).
This report also contains technical information about the state of the application when it crashed.Also, I downloaded google Chrome, but it crashed too. This has only been happening for the past week or so--up till then it's been fine.
I normally just drag from iPhoto to desktop, then when the web asks to "upload file" I just nav to desktop and upload, then delete.
My buddy just switched from PC and is trying to delve into the iphoto library to find the files and upload which is about to make him pull his hair out.
When I log in to Snapfish and click to upload photos it only allows me to choose from photos that are in my pictures folder or other folders on the hard drive. It does not allow me choose pictures to upload from iPhoto?
It's remarkably annoying...if I want to upload photos onto my flickr account, I have to move all my iPhoto pics into a picture folder first, and then upload it from there.
Is there any way I can just click upload and browse through and choose my photos straight from iPhoto?
I'm new on these forums so I don't really know how to navigate my way around. This is my first mac ever (macbook pro 13) and I've had it for several months.
Is it possible to upload all the pictures in my iphoto library to the cloud ? If I can do that, can I delete the pictures from my Mac (is the cloud will store the pictures) ? Then, how can acess these pictures ?
OS 10.6.8; iPhoto 9.2.1; Office for Mac 2004; Excel 11.6.6.The following weird thngs suddenly happened:
1. Apps in Finders Utilities folder disappear as one goes back in time using TM's "Enter Time Machine" command. The earlier in time you go to, the fewer the apps one finds.
2. iPhoto suddenly won't recognize .JPG imports from my camera (something it's been doing for years) when the camera is hooked to the Mac via USB cable.It works OK if photos are loaded to a memory stick and then imported.
3. In Excel, the Links button is never highlighted regardless of the status of the links!You can't tell by looking whether you have active links or not!
There were more, but the technician at our local Mac Clinic fixed them.But the three above are still there.He said that he had never seen anything like it.
How do I upload pics from a sony digital camera (cybershot, about a year old)? I figured it would automatically detect the camera and get going, but nothing is really happening. Its probably really simple, but I have never done it before.
Not sure what the deal is, but whenever I attempt to use the built in facebook uploader to upload some photos to facebook, I get error messages. Kinda defeats the purpose of having a built in facebook uploader if i have to export to desktop and use Facebook's tools.
I am very disappointed to find that iPhoto only uploads photos to Facebook & Flickr in complete sets. I was really looking forward to this feature as I use both websites regularly, and assumed I would be able to upload just one picture, and choose what album I would add that photo to online. But no, iPhoto needs me to have an entirely new Flickr album matching an entire iPhoto event.
The new iPhoto 8.1 update breaks the email functionality to Entourage 2008, if you're using Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. iPhoto 8.1 can no longer successfully email photos to Entourage 2008. It worked just fine with iPhoto 8.0.4, but no longer works with iPhoto 8.1. This is a SNOW LEOPARD PROBLEM... it works just fine under LEOPARD. The steps to reproduce this problem are as follows:
1. Change iPhoto's preferences to use Entourage as your email client. 2. Choose a photo. 3. Click on the "Email" button.
You will get an error message from the Finder that states "Microsoft Entourage got an error. Can't get content of window'". So you are not able to email a photo through Entourage this way anymore. You have to do it manually.
I've been trying to clean up a bunch of duplicates but when I highlight a photo and then take the option "move to trash" it simply moves the highlight to the next photo but the system acts as though I have moved the first photo to trash as the option to move to trash is now unavailable. I am running snow leopard but I am sure I have performed this task before in this version of the OS. Dragging a photo to trash simply doesn't work.
I currently have iPhoto '09 version 8.1.2. I tried uploading pictures from iPhoto to Facebook but I get the message "An error has occured. Please try again later". File > Export > Login (which brings me to the Login page on Facebook) > I sign in & that's when I get the message. I've even tried hitting the Facebook tab on the bottom right. Does anyone have any solutions to my problem?
After installing Snow Leopard on both of my computers, I have found that while the computers recognize my digital camera it will not allow me to import photos into i-photo and eventually you have to just force quit i-photo to get out of it.
Recently i bought and instal external hard drive for the pictures, movies and music, configured time capsule to back up this data, and I did it to speed up my Imac (the hdd was full, so I erase all content from it). Throug the time machine I can reache movies but I cant viwe particular picture in iphoto library and restore it. Imac have os x snow leopard and iphoto 11?
iphoto froze after importing while deleting photos from card. Then when i force quit, the photos were not on iphoto and were also deleted from memory card. what can i do to get photos back?