OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Transition Of ICal Calendars From Mobileme?
Jul 4, 2012
I've been syncing a number of calendars from my Mobileme account and sharing them on numerous devices and with a number of associates and family. And I'm still using OS10.6, haven't moved to Lion yet, so I can't use iCloud. Do I have to give up on sharing my iCal calendars? I don't really like using google calendars to share, but that's the only alternative i can figure out.
For a long time I've successfully (and happily most of the time) synced iCal, Address Book, bookmarks, etc. with MobileMe. So my desktop (Mini), laptop (Macbook Pro), iPhone, and iPad stay together. But yesterday syncing went nuts. I was alerted that more than 25% of my calendar items were changing and 1,600 items would be added. I canceled that sync. Then it said 3,800 items would be added, then 11,000, then 85,000! And whole calendars were being duplicated in iCal. (I think most problems occurred in iCal but Address Book seems to have had a few problems too.) Mostly I was able to stop syncing before too much damage was done. But as soon as I turn syncing back on, it goes nuts again. I've deleted as many .plists as I think safe.
What are my options for sharing my calendars with friends? Do I need a mobileme account? We have one computer with two e-mail addresses and two iphones. Do we need the family plan?
I had to reinstall the OS but have a complete copy of my old hard drive. I want to get my old iCal calendars back. I have read on sites that they are stored in HD/user/library/application support/ical but this folder does not seem to exist in snow leopard...
I want to share a calendar or two with another person but the person does not have Mobile Me so are there other ways to share my calendar? Note, the person does use google calendar, is there a way via google?
I just used the ical calibration tool to sync ical up with my google calendar and it works like a charm. I love how i can just click on dates in Mail and add them to my iCal which then pushes i to google calendar for my wife to see...that way i can sneak tennis or a round of golf in and she can't say she didn't know
At any rate-i would like to know if there's a way to pull her cal stuff to my ical. I can see all of her stuff on my google calendar, but i dont have the "right" to add her account to ical. I assume i could just have her enter in her login info - but i would like to know if that's the best way.
I have a white shell Fall 2007 (Santa Rosa) Macbook with a 120gb 7200 RPM hard drive. I bought a new 320gb hard drive and snow leopard today and want to ensure that I won't lose anything if I back my hard drive up as a "regular leopard" machine and then try and recall the files after installing the new drive as a "snow leopard" running system.
Loaded 10.6 last night and everything appeared to go well. However, when I opened iCal, ALL of my appointments, birthdays, events, etc. had disappeared. Unfortunately I had not backed up iCal before loading SL.
I have good SuperDuper backups of the system and I have Time Machine backups of everything, but I don't see a way to extract the appointment data from those.
On my Mac and in iCloud, I can only add Reminders to two Calendar types, Home and Sarah. I'd like to add other reminders for calendars labeled Work, for example. However, I can only choose to reclassify Reminders in the other Calendar types that have Reminders- so only Home and Sarah. Do I have to do something in iCloud for me to gain this ability?Â
I run 3 Macs (and an iPad and an iPhone). The Macs are 2 new (within last year) desktop iMacs and I have a Macbook Air. I synchronize calendars, contacts etc through iCloud and one calendar from my Exchange Server at work. All has worked great for months. Suddenly my desktop iMac at work won't load ANY calendars. Zero. Most of the options in the menus are shaded out too. The other two computers (and the two mobile devices) are all loading, synchronized and working fine. Â
To resolve this I have tried the following on the offending iMac:
-exit ICal, remove "com.apple.iCal.plist" and restarted -reloading the iCloud account from scratch on the offending computer -run the Disk utility (no issues) Â
Still nothing. Â
I have not loaded any updates or software between when it was working fine last week and when it decided to stop loading calendars sometime over the weekend. Â
Do I have to wipe the entire disk clean and reload everything? Â
SSL enabled for CalDav and Web -> iCal 3 does not connect?SSL for Web only: iCal can connect but Wiki calendars are not accesible (calendar permission is greyed out)?SSL disabled: everything is working?we run Lion Server 10.7.3 and a number of Lion clients and also a few Leopard clients.I thought that it should be possible to allow iCal 3 to connect without using SSL but I found no way doing this.It looks like the server enforces the use of SSL connections only and that iCal 3 does not support SSL.Â
I know that you can add Google Calendar to your iCal this way. Is there a better way? I just don't like how it is a separate calendar instead of syncing with the calendars I already have in iCal, I guess I'm looking for something that will sync my existing calendars on iCal with Google Cal similar to what Mobile Me does. Any suggestions or should I just try tailoring the above method to what I want it to do?
How can you sync established calendars in ical with your google calendar. I have followed this process (URL) and it only brought my empty google calendar into my ical. How can i merge these calendars?
why doesnt ical add all of my google calendars on the same page.like in gmail, i have different calendars that all show up together on the same page..i see that they are there in ical when i click window. but the are not all see together on one page.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
So I can finally sync with MobileMe (no thanks to Apple, who have still not replied to my email a week later). My contacts are fine, but the calendar only shows my Home and Work calendars. Why aren't the rest showing up? Am I missing something?
I am running OS 10.4.8 and use mysnc to sync calendars and address book between my notebook and G5 desktop. Everything was working fine, but now my calendars keep disappearing, even though the data is still there (when I open iCal, i see the calendars, and then they disappear after a few moments and any alarm that I set will pop up the way it was supposed to).
I use iCal together with MobileMe and I have noticed that none of my subscribed calendars sync with MobileMe/iPhone. I installed Delicious Library a couple of weeks ago (which places a subscribed calendar in iCal) and that syncs but not my others, such as "Birthdays" (through AddressBook) or my RememberTheMilk ones
I was thrilled to discover the (advertised) easy integration in Snow Leopard between iCal and Google Calendar. Additionally, I use Mobile Me to keep everything sync'd between my computers and my iPod touch. But, upon tinkering between iCal and Google Calendar, it seems there is no simple way to integrate multiple iCal calendars with multiple calendars in a single Google Calendar account, in way that allows it to all still sync with Mobile Me. It seems that the sync only works between the "Primary Calendar" of the Google Calendar (the first calendar created in the account) and iCal -- there's no way to also.
The closest I can seem to get is to have my primary account with google calendar sync'd (say, with my personal calendar), and then have "Delegate" calendars linked up with my work, class, etc calendars. But, none of these calendars "delegate" or "primary" seem to want to sync with Mobile Me. I'm hoping the MacRumors Army might have some ideas... Is spanning sync the only solution?
I've tried to delete events and calendars and they just reappear 5 seconds later. This is so strange it's driving me crazy. Anyone have any idea why this is happening? TIA
I've recently acquired an iMac and wanted to upgrade to Lion, however I believe I need to upgrade from Leopard to Snow Leopard first - which could prove to end up costing a fortune! I've read recently that Apple are offering the upgrade to Snow Leopard free of charge for MobileMe users, however when I've followed a link to fill in a request form, this just takes me to the Find My Phone feature on iCloud.Â
My iCal is behaing exceptionally weird. I can't resize my screen. If i change from month to week it stops showing some events, every time I hit the "Show To-Do's" Button it doesn't work and alot of other bugs that make it absolutely unusable.
I've tried re-installing it from the SL DVD, upgrading to 10.6.1 (from software update AND apple's download page), and even trying to delete all my calendars info form my library. Nothing worked.
iCal has stopped syncing using .mac and I can't use iCloud because I'm on Snow Leopard (can't upgrade yet due to Lion's lack of support of previous versions of Microsoft Office). The iCal sync option is turned on in system preferences. Has Apple changed something already in .mac to cause this?Â
I'm trying to sync my icloud account with my computer but this message comes up .The calendar [url].. was not found on the server. Make sure the URL is correct. I can't find the URL for my icloud account.