OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: How To Keep Application In Memory When Quitting
Feb 26, 2012
When I click on the red cross button of Safari to stop it, the window vanishes. But the application remains in memory, so when I click again Safari shows up immediately. This is the normal behavior, iPhoto doesn't. I mean the lightening dot under the icon in the dock disappears. So is there a way to have iPhoto behave like Safari? I upgraded memory of my MBP and there is space enough to keep iPhoto and others in memory.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
When logging out of user accounts, my browsers are not quitting properly (I'm getting the spinning beachball) and I have to force quit them to complete logging out of the accounts. It happens whether I'm using Safari 5.1.7 or Firefox 13.01. I haven't noticed it happening with any other open apps. It doesn't happen every time either.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Safari 5.1.7, Firefox 13.01
I'm on latest update of Snow Leopard and ever since I started working with mBOX (sound interface) and ProTools, my osx crashes frequently when quitting apps. My guess it's something to do with the sound card (the internal one). When I quit an app , the screen becomes green and it says in a couple of different languages that I have to turn off the computer by holding down the power button.
Then when I do that and then restart my computer, when booted it says 'You shut down the computer because of a problem'. In the report I always find that the problem layed with the app I quit.
It's not a particular app, I've had it with Quicktime, VLC, iTunes, LittleSnitch, SoundSource, Chrome, etc...
A while back I deleted a lot of my libraries and what I thought were unneeded files.Now a ton of programs are quitting: Adobe Reader, IMovie, Flipshare.I haven't tried anything else but I assume many more.Firefox and Office apps seem to be working fine though.I verified disk utilities and it came up with a bunch of stuff in the libraries.I repaired, and they still quit unexpectedly.
Finder will flick to blue screen for a split second and restart quitting all open apps. Not restarting the iMac, but just Finder? I've ran Disk Utility and found no problems and also ran a Hardware Test and found no problems. The only indication I have is in Console which without posting the whole log the below lines stand out to me as potential issues:
HIToolbox: received notification of WindowServer event port death. This line is present numerous times with each application name that was open next to it indicating to me a reason each app has quit? Then a long list of this line repeated; com.apple.fontd [58544] FODBCheck: foRec->annexNumber != kInvalidAnnexNumber (0) Followed by: com.apple.WindowServer[58526] WindowServer[58526] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
This happened once yesterday and a few times today so it's becoming more regular...
I have a rule that copies an email to the ON MY MAC and then another that MOVES TO A FOLDER in Mobileme. They are in this order. The problem is when I quit Mail the Folder I am copying to is changed to the Mobileme folder so I end up with a duplicate. It doesn't change until Mail is quit. The other odd part, there one arragement like this that did savef at some point and works as expected.Â
I have tried having both of these rules combined into 1 and have the same results.
I just bought a early 2009 MAC Pro and it came with 3GB of RAM, I ordered 3 2GB sticks of memory to replace the 3 1GB sticks that I had in there from Kingston. I turned off the unit, I popped the little levers and pulled the memory out of slot 1, 2, 3 and then replaced the memory with the new Kingston in slot 1, 2, 3
One of the sticks in is not working at all and I get the RED LED light no matter what slot I move that chip to. So I am running on 2 of the new Kingston memory chips.
Can I mix the memory and add the 1GB into slot 3 and 4 with slot 1 and 2 full of 2GB chips?
Also how to I run the memory utility again? I went to /system/Library/CoreServices/ and then I see the program Memory Slot Utility.app
How do I run this? I'm used to no spaces and I type ./then program name
In Mavericks... Is there any way to close the windows of application (when quitting - ie System Preferences => General) BUT not have this affect the finder application.Â
I want the windows I have opened in the finder to remain opened, but everything else to close upon quitting
the memory limit is 4 GB. Is this an OS limit which will be blown away with snow leopard, or is it a hardware limit, which will remain regardless of 64bit OS?
other MBPs have 6 or 8GB limits, which makes me think they may be hardware related
I think I have an iMac G5 - flat screen, white covering. Right now I have OS X 10.5.8 & it's running rather slow. The processor is 2 GHz Intel Core Duo, Memory 512 MB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM. I want to upgrade to Snow Leopard 10.6.3 - tried today but says I don't have enough memory. How do I get more memory & what do I need to do it.
quick question! I am about to buy an air with the 30"acd :-) how will the 2gb memory be affected by snow leopard? Will the os require more or less memory?
Most unusual, is that I do not see any application in Activity Monitor using much real memory, yet it reports 2.21 GB memory active. I have had as much as 1.4GB swap space used, with no obvious culprit.
I have 4gb of ram in my MBP and am forcing snow leopard to boot into 64-bit mode by changing the one property in my com.apple.Boot.plist. I have noticed that if I keep my computer on for a couple of hours that over 2gb of my memory is declared inactive. The activity monitor does not show what is taking up so much memory on my computer. How would I be able to free up all this inactive memory so that my computer continues to run smoothly like it does when I do a restart.
probably a slam dunk answer out there. I have been instructed to Open the Finder and Highlight MacIntoshHD. But when I click on the Finder, I see:About Finder, Preferences, Empty Trash, Secure Trash, Services, Hide Finder, Hide Others. What am I missing?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), New to this community.
I have a late 2006 mini with only 512mb of memory. The specs for snow leoparg call for 1gb. I do have an Intel core 1.66.. I wanted to buy the box set. If not can I install more memory in this older computer?
I dont know whats going on but suddenly all my "third party applications"( not included in iLife) started to freeze after I open them. (Keynote, Pages, Skype, MSN Messenger, just to name a few). I have to force quit them.
I want to play a game on my early 2011 macbook pro with 8 gb of ram and I have an application that tells me how much ram i have avaliable, which is 4 gb, and when i play GTA IV it defaults one gb of ram to it, but how do I make it default two gb of ram so that the game will run smoother?
I have three 16gb USB memory sticks that don't work correctly with Snow Leopard. Disk Utility is will only format them in FAT32 format and I'm unable to successfully copy files to and from the sticks.
They work perfectly fine under Windows in Boot Camp and also on my Windows based laptop. Sadly, I purchased them after I had installed Snow Leopard and I don't have access to another Mac with an earlier copy of Mac OS X to test them.
Is this most likely a Snow Leopard anomaly do you think or is it just that these sticks are not OS X compatible?
My Laptop runs slow and often spins when I open the browser or other apps sometimes and found the load average to be less than and also about 300MB free memory, till I notice swap as 40MB/256MB on iStat.
Questions: 1. How do I find out what process is causing the swap? The top does not show swap, and the vm_stat does not show swap either like vmstat does. 2. In the memory what does the wired, Active, Inactive memory mean? The only value that makes sense is Free.
Snow-Leopard 10.6.1 on uMPB with 4 GB RAM, 500 GB HD, 2.8 GHz IC2D, Mail (64-bit) 4.1 (1076) Mail is eating my memory over time and I cannot fix this problem. In long: I have been having trouble with Apples Mail ever since my SL upgrade but now it is getting to become VERY annoying. First, after upgrading, Mail would often hang when quitting (for up for 5 minutes) which would not allow me to shut off my computer. Now, in 10.6.1, when I open Mail, I can sit and watch Mail eat away my RAM. From 20 MB initially, it quickly hits 100 MB RAM then after a couple of hours of leaving it be, I can see that Mail is requiring 2.5-2.6 GB of RAM (Gigabytes!) constantly. At first, I thought this was due to GrowlMail not being compatible with 10.6, but even after updating Growl to 64-bit and reinstalling GrowlMail this memory problem still persists. Actually, after uninstalling Growl and all its applications (including GrowlMail) Mail keeps eating a solid 2.6 GB of my RAM. Continuously. This slows down my 4GB 2.8GHz uMBP and causes long sessions of spinning balls and delayed keyboard/mouse actions. Mail never lets go of the RAM only gets bigger up until 2.73 GB (highest I have seen before I force quit it through Activity Monitor). Once I Force Quit, Mail releases the memory and I am back to my fast mac. I found the following this at [URL] and after removing my RSS feeds from Mail and restarting mail, I am now running perfectly again --- Virtual Memory and RAM both less than 45 MB.
I just experienced something totally weird on my Snow Leopard. It starts suddenly dropping in the free memory (green) in my activity monitor with around 10 MB per second and the inactive (purple) memory grows. And it doesn't stop until it hits 10 free MB.
Currently, I have a 13" late 2011 MacBook Pro with 4gb of RAM. Right now, I only have 15mb of RAM free, and for some reason the rest is being used by an unknown process. I'll include a screenshot below
I opened a PDF to crop some parts of the file and there are two big issues: 1. I cannot crop multiple pages anymore. There just isn't that option in Inspector or anywhere else. I can only crop one page at a time. 2. Not only can I not crop more than one page at a time, but cropping doesn't actually delete the date. I can go to "View | PDF Display | Crop Box" and see what I just cropped!
I had Yahoo Widgets on my desktop. It was a little separate dock from the main dock and when I clicked on the visible part a tray would slide out with all the little widgets. Unfortunately I clicked "close" and the little dock disappeared. The application was still there in Applications but when I clicked on it, the little dock did not appear.
So I downloaded Yahoo Widgets again - it was called "Gallery" but even though an application called "Yahoo Widgets" appears in the Applications list, when I click on it, nothing happens. Unfortunately, Yahoo is ending support for this Widget Engine and I think the download has been deleted from their site. So I am thinking of restoring the widget from a backup that I made of the Mac HD but even though I have the hard disk attached to my computer.
I don't know how to find and restore the files for this application to make the little separate Yahoo Widget dashboard or dock appear on my desktop again. I have checked start "Yahoo Widgets" in System preferences under user and starting items. I really don't know what to do after this step but would really like to have this Yahoo widget dock again on my desktop because it was very useful.
Info: MBA v 3.2, 256GB SSD, 2.13GHz, 4GB, Other OS, 10.6.8
Why is it that when you have a Word document, you cannot open it with Preview application,but if you pretend you are printing it, then you can preview it in Preview, - same Preview application.So why Preview cannot open the same Word document ?
Not sure what my wife did but I have a copy bar that states Downloading untitled download to downloads. There is a bar indicating something is happening. There is an x next to it to stop it but it will not stop. I tried to shut down my computer but it will not let me as there is something running. Is there a way to force quit like in windows with control alt delete?