OS X :: Snow Leopard 10.6.1- Flash Player A Memory Hog
Sep 10, 2009Just noticing the updated Flash Player on the new Snow Leopard update is taking about 660 MB of actual memory on my MBP.
Has anyone noticed and is this normal?
Just noticing the updated Flash Player on the new Snow Leopard update is taking about 660 MB of actual memory on my MBP.
Has anyone noticed and is this normal?
I am having problems installing the new version for flash. I have already tried multiple times and I keep getting mesages that I need to update and install the lastest version. I troubleshouted according to directions, unistalled and installed several times and nothing.
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
How can I remove the Flash Player trojan?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
can't download Adobe Flash Player
MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), iOS 5.1.1
I installed adobe flash player but can't get it to launch?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have an issue I have been seeing since upgrading to Lion (10.7.3) and the latest version of Safari (5.1.3, I believe?). When browsing the web for a while (particularly, Flash heavy sites, I have noticed my computer's temperature getting hot and more beach balling starting to occur. The first time this happened, I opened Activity Monitor and noticed that Flash Player was using, almost, 900 MB of RAM (and I had less than 100 MB available). Other than Safari, I only had a couple of other applications open, neither of which were memory intensive. Quitting Safari gave me back a huge amount of memory, my temperatures, quickly, dropped back down to reasonable levels, and the performance lag went away. I never saw this kind of memory hogging under Snow Leopard. Is Flash Player this much of a nuisance under, either, Firefox or Chrome?
I have a 2010 MacBook Pro, 2.53 GHz, i5 with 4 GB of RAM.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I was trying to watch videos on facebook but I was unable to due to the fact that it said that adobe flash player was out of date. I therefore uninstalled adobe flash player and tried to reinstall it from adobe's website. When I try to reinstall it, the icon bounces at the bottom of the page but does not open. Everytime I have done this, it says the "application not responding".
MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I downloaded on 3/13 the flash player installer manager, version have heard horror stories of the flash player installer being a virus. How do I know the signs (symptoms)? I have 10.5.8 Leopard.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
It is very common for Huffington Post to throw me out. Msg says "IGNORE, REPORT OR RELAUNCH". This is annoying, I have an IMAC-v 10.5.8. Could this be a Flash Player issue? I am getting pop-ups to install Adobe Flash Player 10.4-10.5 but when I click "install", msg says "not compatible with this computer".
IMAC, Mac OS X (10.5.7), n/a
I have a Mac OSX 10.5.8 am unable to get a flash player to download or work
PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
After downloading security update can't seem to get adobe flash-player to work?
MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), iOS 5.1
how can i download Adobe flash player in order to watch videos if my mac requires a software update and it wont update?
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I successfully installed Adobe flash player. Latest version. How do I set this as my default player application?
The websites I use just keep saying to install the flash player.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
A friend of mine is having trouble playing flash videos on his 1.33 GHz PowerBook G4 (256MB of RAM). He has version 7 of flash player and is unable to upgrade to a newer version.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have upgraded from a OX 2.8 to 3.9. I now have to use two browsers to use the internet. Safari to have access to my yahoo mail account, and fire fox 2.020 to load information on my business website.
I have not been able to use shockwave flash or flash player on the up load. When I was using OSX 2.8 I could add pictures to my business website and etc., I had no problem viewing the slide show I had on my website, other than the system was a little slow. I have an ibook G3 128 +512 ram, total. 900 mhz, 12. inches and white case. The systems requirements indicate that I need to upgrade to tiger OSX 4.0
I know there are some issues using Fire Fox with OSX 3.9. When ever I tried to access my yahoo mail from Fire fox, the system would crash.
Other than getting a new laptop, any suggestions? I tried to down load Shock wave from the old apps web site called Camino. I get an error message that the plug in cannot be loaded sussfully I have tried load flash Player 7.09, but get a message that it can not load. Could this be because of not enough space on the drive. Maybe I am not loading it correctly. Shouldn't I be able to click it to install it in the right place without having to try the different files.
Whenever I run World of warcraft and try and watch a dvd the OS locks up and I have to hold down the power key to reboot (force quit doesn't respond) Don't recall this happening with Leopard but might not have tried it as I'm a relatively new Mac user. Wondering if anyone else has encountered this/ has a fix for it, if not then will have to hope its fixed in an upcoming patch.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI had to uninstall all apple products because there STUPID upgade won't work with SpeedBit, therefore I had to put Quicktime Pro 7 in my external hard drive, but when I uninstalled quicktime, I wrote down the key and also found out the purchase number, but neither keys work to get quicktime 7 pro back. All I want to do now is get my Quicktime 7 Pro Key to open said folder.
itunes & quiktime pro, Windows 7, itunes 10.61, podcasting
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MacBookPro, iOS 5.1
DVD player will not play the dvd disc. It comes up with a black screen and the control panel but won't play.
iMac (24-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
i have a mac book pro ( 15 inch, 2.4ghz, late 08)
the memory limit is 4 GB. Is this an OS limit which will be blown away with snow leopard, or is it a hardware limit, which will remain regardless of 64bit OS?
other MBPs have 6 or 8GB limits, which makes me think they may be hardware related
I'm not sure if this is a commonly known issue with Snow Leopard, but most of the time, everything works fairly well performance wise.
Other times -- while watching a video on youtube or any other site with embedded flash videos -- the video starts running REALLY choppy and will continue to do so until I completely close Safari and re-launch it.
Is this an indication of something wrong with my computer, or again, is this simply a problem with Snow Leopard that is known and will hopefully be corrected in the near future?
Imade the giant leap from panther to Lion and after the disasterous update , I got rid of what I consider Apples version of Windows Vista and had them give me SL . Im very happy with SL , but want the same controler in the corner that im used to instead of the whole bottom of the screen being the contoler . After I click out full screen , I see the controler but not in full screen mode .
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.5Ghz intel core i7 , 4gb 1333 mhz
How do I eject a disc that is not supported by My DVD player? I cannot eject a disc that is currently in my computer.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I think I have an iMac G5 - flat screen, white covering. Right now I have OS X 10.5.8 & it's running rather slow. The processor is 2 GHz Intel Core Duo, Memory 512 MB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM. I want to upgrade to Snow Leopard 10.6.3 - tried today but says I don't have enough memory. How do I get more memory & what do I need to do it.
View 24 Replies View Relatedquick question! I am about to buy an air with the 30"acd :-) how will the 2gb memory be affected by snow leopard? Will the os require more or less memory?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm running SL, haven't rebooted in several days.
I have no desktop applications running.
I'm on a MBP 13" w 4GB RAM.
Activity monitor is reporting 2.21GB memory active, 908.5MB wired. 106MB free.
Most unusual, is that I do not see any application in Activity Monitor using much real memory, yet it reports 2.21 GB memory active. I have had as much as 1.4GB swap space used, with no obvious culprit.
Any idea where the memory is going?
I have 4gb of ram in my MBP and am forcing snow leopard to boot into 64-bit mode by changing the one property in my com.apple.Boot.plist. I have noticed that if I keep my computer on for a couple of hours that over 2gb of my memory is declared inactive. The activity monitor does not show what is taking up so much memory on my computer. How would I be able to free up all this inactive memory so that my computer continues to run smoothly like it does when I do a restart.
View 3 Replies View Relatedprobably a slam dunk answer out there. I have been instructed to Open the Finder and Highlight MacIntoshHD. But when I click on the Finder, I see:About Finder, Preferences, Empty Trash, Secure Trash, Services, Hide Finder, Hide Others. What am I missing?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), New to this community.
When I click on the red cross button of Safari to stop it, the window vanishes. But the application remains in memory, so when I click again Safari shows up immediately. This is the normal behavior, iPhoto doesn't. I mean the lightening dot under the icon in the dock disappears. So is there a way to have iPhoto behave like Safari? I upgraded memory of my MBP and there is space enough to keep iPhoto and others in memory.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have a late 2006 mini with only 512mb of memory. The specs for snow leoparg call for 1gb. I do have an Intel core 1.66.. I wanted to buy the box set. If not can I install more memory in this older computer?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.4.1)