OS X :: Transfer Data From One Computer To Another On Fresh Drive?
Aug 4, 2009
I have a iMac i am selling. I have backed it up onto a backup drive with carbon copy cloner. I also have the timemachine back up.I am buying a new imac. I might have sold my old one before the new one arrives. How can I add all my important files back. I do not want to clone the imac im selling.Want to start fresh, but keep all my documents, itunes, contacts etc.
I'm about to order the 2.93ghz 24" imac with radeon 4850 and I was just wondering what the fastest/easiest way to transfer all the data i have from my current pc would be.
I have a iMac 6,1 (24") and just upgraded to a new 21.5" iMac; with it I bought a thunderbolt cable without realizing that my old iMac has no Thunderbolt port. My question is, how do I transfer all data from my old to my new, and is there an adapter for the Thunderbolt cord to connect to my old computer?
I currently have a Macbook Air and an iMac, but looking to sell them and purchase a new Macbook Pro when they are released after the WWDC :-) along with a Thunderbolt Display screen.
So I currently have a late 2008 MacBook Pro. I may be getting a new iMac for Christmas. My question is, is there a way to basically transfer all of my files/programs/etc. to the new Mac without having to reinstall everything? The iMac will become my primary computer, and the MBP will become kind of a sitting on the couch/travel computer. This is the first time I will be upgrading Macs, as the MBP was my first non-PC computer.
I'm about to order the 2.93ghz 24" imac with radeon 4850 and I was just wondering what the fastest/easiest way to transfer all the data i have from my current pc would be. (first time mac buyer so be specific thx)
migrate my music to another computer, but I'm afraid of losing what I have checked and unchecked in "music" library.So let me explain a little more, not a created playlist or smart playlist. If you were to go through every single song you have and uncheck what you don't listen to this is the "master list" I'm referring to.
So, I think the standard 320 is a bit noisy when writing sometimes. I have a F1 750gig in bay 2, can some describe how i easily could transfer my boot drive data to this and use it as a bootdrive.
my few months old 13" macbook pro (4gb ram, 500gb hard drive) was destroyed by liquid damage the other day . i was told the hard drive may be salvageable and that it would be easy enough to install in a new macbook by myself. however, i've been thinking of using the cost of a new macbook to buy a second- hand macbook pro instead. i presume i wouldnt be able to install the old hard drive on a macbook pro would i? if not then how would i transfer the data to it from the old one?
I'm going to change hard drive on my macbook to an ssd drive. Is it possible to move all programs and setting I have on this hard drive so I don't have to re-install everything? First thought was time machine, but will this work? I mean, if it worked with time machine on a new hard drive it would be very easy to share shareware program with friends. Is it possible somehow? To get all the programs/settings to my new hard drive without having to re-install anything? (except the operating system),without having to re-activate serials etc etc.
brought my mbp core 2 duo (2008) to the genius bar today and they said I needed a new logic board... I want to transfer all my data from the hard drive to an imac via a usb 2.0 to ide&sata cable - I took the hard drive out of the mbp, connected it to the cable - the usb side which is plugged into a 2010 imac light is on but no light is on the sata side and the ide/busy light is not on... the drive is not showing up anywhere on the imac.
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
1. how i can transfer OR save my data or music to my external Hard Drive. As it keeps coming as my External drive is 'READ ONLY', when I have chnaged my 'Shared' setting sto Sharing.Â
2 I want to save my data to our 'Tera Byte External Hard Drive'?Â
My external USB backup drive is not large enough. I purchased a Western Digital My Book USB 3 Tb drive and need to transfer all the data from my old drive to the new one.
I had to get a new hard drive put into my macbook pro because it was failing. So, I moved all my data onto an external hard drive so I would not lose anything. But now I cannot get iphoto or imovie back onto my computer. It says I cannot open it because it is a time machine back up. I don't want to have to purchase iPhoto and iMovie again just because I had to replace my hard drive.
I am going to install a new hard drive as well as expand the RAM to 8GB in my early 2009 Mac Mini 3.1 with 10.6.8. I'd like to retain Snow Leopard and all of my applications, their plug-ins and settings. What is the best way to assure that everything ends up on the new drive?
I have used the disk for a number of years - all appeared to work fine - I am now backing up my data and only get Very slow transfer speed using firewire 800 - 2 hrs to transfer 1.36 Gb. Disk is connected to a Dual 1.8 Ghz Power PC G5 with firewire 800 - another d2 disk is connected to it with firewire 400 and I have just connected a Maxtor disk using firewire 400 to that. I have tried Updated the firmware (it did require it), tested the device alone on both 800 and 400 connections both slow. Restarted everything and used disk repair to check and repair the disks - repaired permissions on the startup disk.
Connected all the devices together again | LaCie 800 - LaCie 400 - and Maxtor 400. It sends data to all the other devices fast (~ 3 min for 1.6 Gb) through the LaCie 800 disk connection!, but does not send data to the LaCie 800 fast at all. Tested the other devices alone as well - they are all fast. Have also performed a TechTool Pro Ver 4 test on the the disk (Disk type ST325082 3A 232.89 Gb LaCie d2 External LUN0 revision 3.03) Passed the surface scan, disk controller and read write tests. Is the disk failing?
I'm dying to retrieve my info from my old HDD in my MBP but I keep getting all sorts of ideas/advice about the info on the HDD won't be retrievable if there's a BIOS/Firmware password there.... My main focus and concern is all my mp3, avi, jpg, Jpeg files; I care zero for the programs cause I can always get them back...
I just purchased a new iMac 21.5 inch desktop and I'd like to take the hard drive out of my old macbook pro and transfer my iPhoto and iTunes library to this new desktop. How would I do that and what would I need? The macbook pro model is a 2010 13.3 2.4 2x2gb 250gb part number MC374LL/A.
Info: Apple MacBook Pro "Core 2 Duo" 2.4 13" Mid-2010, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
I just got my refurbed 2.53 ghz MBP! Damn it's sexy... previously I had a White Macbook with a 500gb WD Blue drive in it. It's pretty full of stuff though not packed... well I've taken it out to put in the MBP but what do you all think I should do?
Just put it in and run what I've had on there (FCE 4.0, Photoshop cs4, final draft, Vuze etc) and let the new MBP figure out the settings... or just start fresh from a new install of OSX?
Come to think of it... will it even work since this drive is from an different laptop?
I'm having to bite the bullet on a fresh install, i have already setup a raid in bays 3 and 4. by doing a fresh install will this raid still be recognised by the new os?
The hard drive on my MacBook Pro went bad and had to be replaced. I was told it would be simple to transfer its contents onto the new installed hard drive, but I have yet to figure it out.Â
i just got a new macbook pro 13" laptop and am trying to transfer my itunes music as well as some data i have compiled into a single folder from my (2005) Powerbook G4 12" laptop. Please help me out with this i have no idea how to do this and the Apple Store said they will do it for $100 and i just poured every penny i own into this computer and cannot sell me old computer to pay bills until i transfer this data.
i just bought a new-to-me used mac pro with a new hard drive and i want to install yosemite on this drive. i haven't done this before so i am at a bit of a loss.Â
The hard drive is not formatted since it is a new hard drive and there is no data on it. i do have access to my old mac pro which does have internet access.Â
How do i format this hard drive if it is in a new computer with no OS on it? Also is this the correct URL for installing yosemite on this computer?Â
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5), Boot Camp of Windows 7 + Windows XP
How do I transfer all data from my old internal hard drive to a new internal hard drive? I have an iMac with a 320gb internal HD that is full and I am replacing it with a 2tb internal drive. I have several external drives; 1 tb, 2tb and 3 tb. The 2 tb is being used for Time Machine. Do I have to buy an enclosure? If so, where would I get an inexpensive one? I also want to partition the new internal drive for Windows, and I'm not sure how much space to use for that. I plan to use Windows to check my work in PowerPoint created on my Mac for clients on PCs.
I jsut did a fresh install. wanted to use my SL DVD but the MBP i5 refused to star with it so I used the original DVD (10.5) and upgraded with the SL DVD to 10.6. However after the initial SL Installation, it tried from the SL DVD and this failed. I did a manual restart, starting from the HD and everything ran fine. however today I note there is a locked file on the HD named Mac OS X Install Data. It contains 181 .pkg files.Now I suppose this should have been moved or deleted as part of the install process. Can I move them to a file where they belong?Â
Info: MBP, MM, MBP - 10.6 + Windooz XP on a hard partition
I have a MacPro which I've bought a new drive for, and need to install snow leopard. My question is, can i just insert the disk and install or do I need Leopard installed first?.. if that's the case, where do i buy Leopard from as no where sells it anymore.