I am relatively new to my MacBook Pro and enjoy playing games. I forgot how to rotate a tile (jigsaw piece) using the keyboard and touchpad. I think the space bar is involved?? I have spent way too many HOURS online, MacBook for Dummies. I have also searched this site and found nothing.
I've been given a PDF file from someone's iPhoto library/slideshow images (by doing a Print-PDF-Save as PDF).
The PDF file looks fine, but several of the images are rotated the wrong way. When the slideshow was presented the images were all in their correct positions, but the PDF file only shows the landscape ones right.
I've tried using the "rotate" tool in Preview, but that rotates all images, which is of course not what I want.
I was hoping Adobe Acrobat pro 9, which I also have, would allow me to rotate images individually, then resave the PDF file but I can't quite figure out how, or if it's possible at all.
I am shooting a film using a 35mm adapter, which flips the image upside down. I'll be capturing directly to laptop. Is there any software solution (Nvidia video card) to flip the screen? Or is there capture software that can flip the image? I know you can flip in post, but we are using the Macbook Pro as a sort of makeshift video monitor, as well as capture device, to get accurate focus and to make camera work easier.
How can I enable the rotating gear to display on the Apple logo screen during boot up? OS X starts fine, but for some reason the rotating gear no longer appears.
My MacBook Pro (2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 - 8 GB) Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3. Will not restart after shutdown without pressing the power button, otherwise it works just fine.
I'd like to use the included Apple Chess.app to visualize games from books and other sources where the moves for both sides are given in algebraic notation. I've set to play Human to Human, so I make both black and white moves. Every time I move, the board rotates 180 degrees (for the other human's view). How do I stop the rotation?
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2), Time Capsule, 2TB late 2011
I am using Retrospect 6.1.126 and created a 7 day rotating backup -- on the first day's backup all the files I wanted were backed up to my external hard drive, about 80 GB. On day 2 instead of just backing up the modified files as in a normal backup, all the old files were backed up again, another 80 or so GB. On day 3 the same thing. I now have 267 GB on the external hard drive, at that rate it will be filled in another few days.ow can I change the 7 day rotating backup to copy all files on day 1 and on all subsequent days to only copy modified files as in a normal backup?
Is there any reason why I can't have my macs background change every 5 seconds without it affecting what I'm doing on the screen at the time? It makes the computer slow while it's happening I really wanted to be able to have it rotate but not if it's going to choke the computer up. The mac is the current 2.4ghz 4gb model
I left my mac turned off for roughly a month. When I turned the computer on, the gray apple screen and the load bar appeared to start up the computer. Shortly into the loading process, the loading circle appeared (rotating circle seen to indicate loading in programs such as iMovie and Safari etc). The start up load bar disappeared and the load circle has now been rotating infinitely. I have tried pressing command+r and turning off the mac and turning it back on. I have plugged it into a power source. It won't let me past this gray screen. How do I get into my mac?
Info: MacBook Pro, iOS 5, Bought in June of last year
There are several improvements to iTunes that would make it more usable on laptops (i.e. recover useful screen real estate.)
1) allow me to turn off the giant rotating billboard ads when accessing the iTunes store.
2) allow me to size or get rid of icons in the sidebar. 2b) allow me to make the sidebar much narrower than the current limits.
3) reduce or allow me to reduce line spacing in sidebar and all windows (i.e. I want to see more playlists (in sidebar) and more songs (in main window) without scrolling).
Just now switching to iTunes 11. I have to say the UI is a step backwards. I notice there are folks online that offer iTunes skins (AKA themes[sic]). I cannot find any info on how to create those on a Mac.
i just bought the game Spore and i am having troubles with it. 1st after i download the cd an update pops up for the game back to back to back to etc. and its the same update. Then when i run the game everything works fine (the begining cut scenes) but when the game is about to start it cuts off and an error popup comes up.
I have a 17" PB, 1.33 ghz with 1.76gb ram. In September it gave signs of the hard drive failing. It would crash right after booting and then not boot at all.If I booted into target disk mode i could still access the files. I backed everything up and did many versions of trying to reformat / reinstall my OS to no avail. When Leopard came out I went through the process again to see if that might help but it didn't. Today I replaced the HD and now it still won't boot at all. It goes to the grey apple screen with the rotating loading icon and stalls. I've let it sit there for 10 minutes or more.
My computer keeps stalling and rotating beachball won't allow me to move forwards or backwards. Ultimately I need to turn off the power. I have tried resetting the PRAM and SMC but neither seems to help for too long.
Okay, well I am about to buy a PC game which is very much like 'The Sims' but is actually Desperate Housewives - The Game. I have three macs, two of which are intel-based. If I wanted to play this game on my Macbook what would I need to do? Install anything? Has anyone done anything similar?
I've just downloaded a game that requires x11 (freeciv). since I am running 10.4.11, I also had to download and install x11. I managed that, but now I am confused as to how to get the game to run. can someone explain to me in straightforward terms how to open the game. I've tried just clicking on it, but it shuts down straight away.
I have a MBP with Snow Leopard and I cant figure out how to take screenshots in a game (Starcraft 2). I've tried both command+shift+3 and 4 but they don't seem to work, normally it saves a picture on my desktop but when I do this in a game nothing happens.
i have a new imac OSX 10.6 and wish to play Tomb Raider. when i put in the CD a box appears stating that the classic environment is no longer supported. Can anyone give ma a solution? I tries to go to sheepshaver but I don't understand the instructions, as I don't have a degree in computers.
I'm not really a heavy gamer or anything, but I'm planning a few long flights in the coming weeks and considering getting some 'entertainment' in advance for use on the flight. As I've seen mixed reviews of games on the Air so far, I'm wondering if anyone can post games that they've used on the Air that perform reasonably well and are worth getting.
I have finaly got my 2 3870's but I haven't had time to install it, and am on a trip at the moment, someone told me that if you run 2 3870's in crysis it doesn't make a difference.Has any one tried to run crossfire in crysis yet?
Also do you have to download a program to start crossfire or does it just work?
I just bought a windows dvd game of Toca 3, and my iMac superdrive won't load it. The drive will try and spin up, make a groaning noise a couple of times, then eject the disk. I have tried the same disk in a friends MacBook Pro, and 2 friends PCs and there drives read the disk perfectly. I have tried the disk in both windows and mac, and neither will read the disk. I have also tried cleaning the disk. My iMac is a 2.4ghz Aluminium 20incher... any help would be much appreciated, as i am currently having to use my friends MacBook Pro (unibody) to play the game and he is getting a little anoyed!!
I have a whitebook, 64 mg intel gma950 chipset, and 2gb ram. XP is running on bootcamp and I was wondering if I could play the game "DJ Max Trilogy" before I bought it. According to the specs you need at least a Geofre 5700 which I think is 128 mb. Anyways, I've bought a few other games off of play-asia that had those same specs, but ran perfectly on my macbook. Can anyone confirm if this game will also work?
I just got the Homeworld 2 game for my macbook, and installed it without issue. However, when I tried to run it I got an "unexpected error". I then tried to restart my computer, but now it will not turn on fully (I get a grey screen).
I checked the system requirements on the box and found that my macbook surpassed each one greatly. How do I 1. get my mac to actually turn on fully now (yes, I tried turning it on in safe mode by holding the power button), and 2. get Homeworld 2 to run on mac.
MacBook pro 2,8 with Nvidia 9600 512, 4 gb ram and OS 10.6
I'm trying to learn how to install games on this OS.. (i must add that the games i'm trying to install are downloaded and cracked).. i have had to install parallel and install my version on win7 so that i can use the office 2007 (to write equations and so on)
The main question is.. Can i play games by installing them in Win7 and play them through parallel? Or is there a special way where i can play games on Snow leopard without using parallel? (besides from the obivious answer, "buy mac games")
I recently bought Fallout 3 for the computer. It says that it is a "Games for Windows" game but I need to run it on my Mac (specs are in my signature). I have the newest version of VMware Windows XP and when I put the game in it automatically opens it up. When I try to play the game it works for the menu but the screen goes black when I click start and after a few seconds it goes back to the desktop. I have not done anything with boot camp assistant if that is important.