OS X :: Possible To Use Both Internal And Usb Sound Card At The Same Time?
Jun 27, 2010
I picked up a USB sound card which seems to be working fine under OSX.
I am wondernig if it is possible to use both internal and this usb sound card at the same time?I want to direct certain programs to play out of the USB card and every thing else through the internal.Specifically VLC, Quicktime, and sometimes the web browser.Basically I am looking for something like the windows vista/7 audio mixer, but not only control programs, but be able to send audio to a specific output.
I would like to upgrade my 17" Powerbook G4 to wireless n, but I'd like to upgrade the internal airport extreme card instead of using a PC Card adapter.
Are there any options for this?Will this airport extreme card from early model MBPs work?
my specs: 17" pwrbk Hi-res 1.67 G4 late 2005 model: Powerbook 5,9
For reasons unknown the internal sound option has disappeared from my MBA. The little speaker icon on the menu bar is grayed out and nothing comes from the jack. Internal speakers don't even show up as an option under sound output. I do use an Airport Express for external speakers but it's been playing happily with the internal speakers for months.
I woke up this morning and tried to watch a linked video on a webpage. I saw the video, but there was no sound (this had not been a problem the evening before). I am using USB soundsticks, so I checked to make sure that they were plugged in, and they were. I opened iTunes and sound came through the Soundsticks; I switched to the internal speaker and it worked there as well. When I tried the same with another embedded video, however, I only got sound from the internal speaker.
Has anyone had a similar problem or does anyone know how to fix this?
I'm pretty new here, though I posted over a year ago here with a few questions as a beginning switcher. My switch completed in Christmas of 2005 with a late '05 Power Mac G5 Dual-Core 2.3GHz with 1GB RAM and 250GB HDD. I decided to get another monitor and it is a Sony 19" LCD one. I also didn't get any speakers since I used headphones a lot at the time. I recently decided to start using speakers. So temporarily, I am using the Altec Lansing BX1120 2.0 Stereo speakers from Walmart for only $15. They sound great but I would like 5.1 surround sound to watch my DVDs (and to soon upgrade to BluRay & SACD/DVD-A; but that's for another thread later on). Before I go on, I would like to ask questions and provide facts with what my 'puter has. My specific products I'm looking for is at the bottom of this message.
I got this card for 13 dollars on newegg and I hope I can find a way to get it to work. Obviously I could run a cable to an external usb port but I am trying to get it to work internally. This card has two lights on it which acknowledge it is on and that an express card is in they light up but in windows I am unable to get my express card to mount. I'm sure it has to do with the fact the usb on the inside of the card needs to be plugged into the mobo. PCI Express with Transfer Rate 2.5GB/s Full Duplex Channel Compliant with PCI-Express Revision 1.0a One USB 2.0 port connection needed from the motherboard for fully ExpressCard compatible Fully plug & play I have read the mac pro early 2008 has some satas hidden inside near the fans Are all the mobo usb used? In device managet I'm counting 5 USB Root Hubs, 3 Generic USB Hubs. I'm guessing the generic are the devices I've plugged in and the 5 root hubs are the front two usb and the rear three. So there are none inside that are unoccupied? Do I have any other options like get a 2nd card with internal usb and connect pci to pci?
I was watching a movie on the bus using my headphones earlier today, and when I got home just now, the internal speakers aren't working. There is a red light coming from the headphone port and the volume can not be adjusted. Is there a software fix, or do I have to take this thing to the genius bar? I restarted the computer, still no dice.
the ONLY output device listed in my system preferences is Digital Output with Optical Digital-Out Port. I NEVER used headphones or any external speakers. I don't know what turned the Internal Speakers OFF But I would like to turn them back on. I can't find any thing any where in the OS that would do that. Any one has ANY Clue to why this would happen?
My iMac 27" 2.7 GHz Inter Core i5 has just stopped producing sound. The speakers seem to work fine, because I can hear the startup sound, but nothing comes out of iTunes, Youtube, Quicktime, DVDs or any other medium.
I have a MacBook with the internal webcam/microphone, and had been using it for video chat recently. In the last week or so, the people with whom I'm chatting can no longer hear me. The video is fine on both ends, and I can hear them, but they can't hear me. I've gone to System Preferences > Sound > Input. Internal Microphone is selected, and from testing it, it appears to be fine. I've tried both Skype and GMail chat, so I don't think it's a software issue.
There is no sound coming out of my speakers- internal or external. This problem just recently happened (I didn't get my MacBook Pro with this problem). I have checked and double-checked the sound preferences. Nothing is muted or anything and the correct "device for output" is selected.
I have checked all sound levels including Audio Midi in utilities. In system preference the output is Digital Optical and nothing else is available to select. It also says this sound output has no controls - is this correct? The sound icon in the menu top right is greyed out and I can't adjust the level. I have an Apple TV and have turned off airplay on that? Also have checked computer speakers (not Apple TV) in iTunes. I had this problem before but rebooting fixed it. My son plays Minecraft on this computer and watches millions of uTube stuff. He may have used his earphones then. Could this be the problem? Nothing is muted in sys pref or utilities audio midi. The chimes work when starting up. The mic sound levels are moving.
Info: iMac2.16 Ghz intel core 2 duo, Mac OS X (10.5.6), Memory 1 GB 667 Mhz DDR2 SDRAM
I've been having the same 'no-write' problems with my card reader but now it won't work at all! I've checked the system profiler which states: 'This computer doesn't contain any Apple Internal Memory Card Readers.'
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Peculiar problem. My sound suddenly switched to being internal speaker only, even though I have decklink HD Extreme card and was using it as my audio output the night before. Narrowed the problem down to anything being plugged in to the firewire ports - FW400 and FW800 ports and drives or even my Mini DV deck. When I plug anything into the firewire ports, trying to get to the sound settings in system preferences hangs, and all sound will only work on the internal speaker. This is a sudden problem and leaves me only being able to plug in esata external hard drives. There is some sort of conflict going on somewhere.
Mac Pro 2008 Mac Osx 10.5.8 Decklink HD Extreme card Recently installed LaCie eSATA II PCI Express Card. Use the machine mostly for video editing, so really need the external HDs.
I have a blu-ray drive that I connected to my macbook pro under vista buisness using boot camp. I put in a blu-ray movie and a regular dvd and they both give me a crackling sound about once or twice every minute that is pretty annoying whenever I try to play a movie under cyberlink dvd. This happens when I use the external blu-ray drive (with a dvd and blu-ray) and the interal dvd drive (with a dvd) I'm watching a movie in (URL) right now and I occasionally hear a very small crackle, but no where near as bad as with cyberlink.
I'm not sure if this is a cyberlink problem or an audio problem under boot camp.
A week ago my internal speakers disappeared from audio outputs on my 1G MBA (1.6/80gb). they would come back with a restart for a while, but now there just gone.
Another thing that is happening is that when the speakers are "missing", quicktime video is choppy, as is streamed video (like youtube). I also tried the garage band analysis and got the "Core Audio Selected Driver not found.(-10202)" message.
Other then these things, the computer is functioning flawlessly...
My Macbook has suddenly stopped having internal speakers in the sound preferences.When I turn it on, it plays that familiar synth chord sound to say all is ok, but it wont play any audio. So videos and itunes etc play but the sound isn't produced.When I try to turn the volume up or down, the indicator says the volume is up full, but I cannot adjust it. Underneath the volume measurement there is a little sign in white like a no entry sign, meaning that adjustment of volume is not available.I gues this must mean that the speakers have been disabled, but can't figure out how to enable them.
I just turned on my G4 17" 800mhz iMac and there was no gong. I thought it was just turned down. So I opened iTunes and cranked the sucker 2 notches past 10 and still nothing!
I'm trying to set up a dual boot, Windows 7 64-bit and Lion install on a 2011 Mac Mini. I have Windows installed and completely up to date, with up to date Boot Camp drivers. Unfortunately, I get no sound from the internal speaker or by plugging headphones or speakers into the speaker jack. I do hear the startup chime on boot, and have sound in OS X. Windows thinks it has the right driver for the sound card, and lists Speakers - High Definition Audio Device in the Playback tab of the Sound control panel, and it is the default device. If I click "Test" the level bounces as if sound is being output, but I hear nothing.Â
As a test, I found I do get sound out of the HDMI port when I plug it into my TV, but this computer will need to be in an office with either stereo speakers attached or using the built in speakers in the mini.
One day I come home, turn on my mac, try to play music and theres no sound ! looked into the sound preferences and internal speakers are no longer one of the options. I tried all the solutions mentioned ; take off all external sources, tried plugging in and out the headphones 50 times, restarted OS, installed the latest software and still nothing. Did anyone face this problem and try eeeverything and nothing works
4. The same machine when booted in Windows (via Bootcamp/CSM-BIOS) plays perfectly and shows Cirrus Logic devices and the HDA devices. This should eliminate hardware issues.
5. I have checked for the Optical Audio microswitch being stuck, but that does not seem to be the case.
6. This was used with Apple Headphones which also have the microphone built-in [URL] ....
IORegistryExplorer showsÂ
Comparing it to another 13" Mid 2012 MBP which has working sound.Â
First off, is this even possible? I can't figure out if my internal wireless "card" is a removable piece like it was on the iBooks of the same generation. I know that wireless G was standard on the Alum Powerbooks, but does that mean it was soldered in somehow? When I replaced my HD last year I don't recall seeing one...
If it wasn't soldered, and it's a replaceable card, does anyone make a compatible N card that I can drop in it's place? Times are changing and both my house and my work will have N routers, and I would like to take advantage.
I do hope this is not a redundant post, but I dint find anything on it. Didnt say it wasnt here, just that I didnt see it.I want to upgrade my graphics card if there is anything available. So far ive gone to 8gig ram and a 500gig 7200 rpm internal.
The internal card reader on my MacBook Pro 13" (5/2011) worked just fine until a few weeks ago.Today however it left me in the cold.The SD card that I normally use does not show up anywhere, not even in Disk Utility. Other SD cards don't show up neither. There was no pbm accessing the data using an old Windows PC.A user friendly Sofware Function Test of the Internal Card Reader could give a quick answer where to look for error.
Saw a problem a member (steelfist) had awhile back regarding loss of sound from internal speakers. I needed to know how that was resolved since I have the exact problem on wife's ibook. Apple iBook Notebook 12.1" M9846LL/A (1.33 GHz PowerPC G4, 512 MB DDR SDRAM, 40 GB Hard Drive, Combo Drive, Built-in AirPort Extreme
Problem: Internal speaker option in sound preferences GONE all of a sudden. Only headphone option exists. Headphones sound good and so does any external speaker plugged in to that jack. But internal speakers are gone.
Tried: everything except reinstalling OS X. I've messed with opening and closing Garage Band, checked Midi defaults, tried to trip jack into not thinking headphones was plugged in - did the PRAM, power reset - no mutes on or sound lever out of balance either. Want to avoid sending unit in for repair if I can do it myself.
Need to know: Would opening the unit and unplugging / plugging the sound jack or speakers (if possible) make the system "see" the internal speakers? Or should I reinstall operating system? Just afraid of losing files.
I have a small issue on my iBook (G4) that's been driving me a bit crazy lately. I noticed a few months ago that when I selected a song/video on iTunes to play, I would get uneven volume output on my two internal speakers. I tried restarting iTunes, restarting the computer, etc. to no avail. In addition, sometimes this problem would not arise for a few days, and then suddenly start up again.
I then dug up the program Audio MIDI Setup and saw that the sliders were uneven . Once I slid them back together, I thought I had solved my problem. Nope! It came back, and I even saw that if I opened up Audio MIDI Setup right after the computer turned on, the sliders would be skewed even before opening iTunes or Safari or some other program that used audio.
I've come accustomed to manually balancing the volume output, but the irregularity of this problem occurring frustrates me. Attached is a screenshot of Audio MIDI Setup with the issue--note the Audio Output sliders.