So, I've searched everywhere for the answer to this and couldn't find anything, plus this is my first Mac, so if this is a stupid question... well, let's not freak out on the newbie.
With that said:
So I finally took the plunge and bought a new 13.3" MacBook Pro (obviously running snow leopard). My girlfriend has the last generation white MacBook (running leopard) . I was curious if I could take my Restore Disk, that came with my MBP, and have her use it on her old Macbook to get her running Snow Leopard???
Again, this could be a stupid question, but she was really hoping to get Snow Leopard running on her Mac so I figured I would at least ask before I tried it.Knowing my luck, I'd try it out and it would screw up her computer somehow.
My Macbook crashed so I tried everything to restart it. what finally worked is opening it from the install disk. I performed a "repair disk", and after saying "invalid node structure" and "invalid record count", it says it cannot repair the disk. I don't know what step to take next. How do I see if time machine has backed my files up? Do I need to erase the HD and reinstall?
So I have a MacBook Pro, and my Dad has a MacBook Air. I was wandering if I needed Wi-Fi to access the optical drive on my MBP through the MBA using remote disk
finally got a mac, i've been flip floping between wanting everything from ibooks to unibody macbook pros. But i found a early 08 macbook on craiglist for $650, and took that.So I'm using it now and i have a few questions. I've been searching but cant find answers to everything. 1. the macbook didnt come with a restore disk, I'm i right to think i can get one from apple for ~$35?
Tried searching for this but unfortunately could not find anything. How do I get rid of this purple shaded area of my disk and restore my disk to full size? It's supposed to be 320 GBs. I attempted to delete a Bootcamp partition but it didn't seem to delete correctly. I understand that I will not have 320 GBs free, but shouldn't I have more than 297 GBs on a brand new UMBP?
Through Erase and Install and some other processes I lost a couple of applications, one of them garageband. I have a Mac OS X Leopard, but I just recently upgraded from my original Panther. So I put in the first Panther disk and chose the "Install Applications and Classic Support." It installed fine, but then when it came time to actually restore the applications I got a message that said "Could not set up necessary connection with helper tool. Make sure the application bundle is intact and try again," and I had to quit the installation. I tried again an the same thing happened.
What does this mean? what's an application bundle and how do I make sure it's intact? A lot of stuff got moved around lately and perhaps the applications folder isn't where it should be, could this be a problem?
I am now using a mid 2009 imac (i5 27") and will be getting the updated mid 2010 imac (15 27").
My question is; can I use a disk image of the 2009 imac and put it on the 2010 model to minimise the switching effort? I know some programmes will have to be reinstalled and I will need to unregister some things like Quark and iTunes.
Is it true that you have to make the disk image while the system has started up with the OS X DVD?
CCC warns that the image it makes will not be bootable. Can Disk utility restore the new iMac from it?
I am about to wipe my hard drive as I have accumulated a bunch of garbage over time. The only thing I want to keep is my playlist in Itunes and my bookmarks with all of my passwords in Safari. Can this be done? It would be great if i could make this happen.
Restore is where I got a little confused. I don't have the original Leopard Install disk which I'm pretty sure I need to restore.
BUT I what i need to know is if i could potentially just download a Leopard Install disk in the form of a .dmg file and burn it to a DVD and use that to restore?
Today is a bad day. My old 24" iMac has finally died it looks like and is experiencing the Gray Screen Of Death. I did have an external backup drive using time machine, so I was just going to restore it to my other iMac, but I can't find my boot disk.
I know how to do it with the boot disk, but is there any way to do it without one? I just want to restore the whole thing.
My main computer has blown up and I want to install iLife from the restore disk that came with the broken machine on a spare computer but when I try it says that it cannot be installed 'on this computer'. Is there a workaround for this?
Sso something went wrong when I was installing leopard and it said that I had to erase and restore the disk or something like that. Now I know exactly how to do this but what I am wondering is will this completely delete everything on the disk all the applications and such? It has tiger on it right now so after I erase it will tiger be gone so i wont be able to put leopard on? How does this whole erase thing work?
I'm trying to use Disk Utility to restore a .dmg backup file stored on an external usb hard drive. The image is a read-only dmg and is 75gb. When I try to restore the 75gb image to a 128gb SSD formatted in OS Extended (Journaled), Disk Utility says that there is not enough space on disk to restore.
I have a mid 2009 MBP 13 and I upgraded it to Snow Leopard. I was going to restore it to an earlier date with Time Machine. I tried to use the original disk with leopard but it said it could not do it due to the fact that I ow have SL. My assumption is that I would use the SL disk to restore?
just got a cheap ass emac off ebay and it came with 10.2.4. I am trying to restore a DMG file to a partition. In Leopard it can be done using the Disk Utility by using the restore tab and selecting the image. This option is not available in the Jaguar disk utility but I think the feature is still in the OS only command line, is this true? and if so where would I be able to get some help on this matter.
somehow the HD icon on the desktop got removed by a prev owner. When you go to Preferences > General > Show HD icon - that does not restore the icon. OS X 10.4.11 Any ideas how we can get this icon back to the desktop?
I have a macbook (Generation 2,1) with OS X 6.3 with a new 500gb hard drive. Before upgrading my hard drive, I saved the my bootable windows (NTFS) partition on an external drive (as a partition) and as a disk image, which is 16.3gb. Now I've made a blank partition 20gb in size (just to make sure) and tried to restore either from the external drive or from the disk image (the result is the same). I get the error message that there is not enough space on the destination. Then when I check back, the partition I was trying to restore to has now shrunk to 16.3gb! Is there a way I can get the restore function to work properly?
I'm trying to restore the partitioning of my late 2011 Air drive, after messing it up while trying to dual boot OS X and Linux. The goal is to get rid of the superfluous partitions and resize the OS X one so I can use the whole drive again. Data loss is not an issue. According to Disk Utility the partitioning looks like this:Â
I spilled coffee on my keyboard. Now, some of my keys don't work. Namely, my apostrophe key, the letter "p", my return key, and delete. Also both slashes. And my arrows, save for Mr. Right. My question is this: am I screwed? is there any chance I can restore function to these? I have a nice big bottle of isopropyl alcohol at my disposal and I can pretty much have my way with this thing. It's beyond warranty so, short of blowing it up, I'm not too worried about any minor damage I might do to it. anyway, if anyone can throw out some advice, whether it's "this is how you fix it," or "toss it through a window," I would be endlessly grateful.
During a botched Linux install. The partition was 64 GB, but now there are two, one is 45 GB and the other is about 20 GB. No earthly idea how I did that. How to restore them back to one single 64 GB partition, preferably without having to reformat and reinstall OS X.
Long story short I accidentally deleted my dashboard from the applications folder and emptied the trash. I don't have the original restoration disks so I was hoping that someone could host the file for me.
When installing OS X I always try to cluster the OS related files at the outer tracks of the hard drive, where the disk is fastest. (See
So I generally like to install OS X to an empty hard drive, and be done with all the OS related updates before I go on to install applications, copy user files etc. Most of the OS related files (depending on need for future updates) will now be clustered nicely together, making the machine as fast as it can be.
My question is: Does Time Machine "respect my efforts" here when doing a full restore? Will it place my system files at the outer tracks where they belong, or will it ignore the original placement of the files?
My MacBook Pro has OSX Lion on it. I have created a DMG image of my starting volume using Disk Utility. The image was saved on an NTFS formatted external USB disk. I used Paragon NTFS for Mac to activate writing on NTFS partitions. The image was created, tested and it mounted fine. It's size is 105GB.Â
I have restarted the system and am accessing Disk Utility from the recovery partition that OSX Lion creates. Disk Utility can see the NTFS disk and I can choose the DMG image as source and the partition on the internal hard disk as a target without problems but when I press the restore button and the Image scan process is going to start I just get an error that says "Unabke to scan Mac-OSX HD. Resource busy". When I try the SCAN BEFORE RESTORE command on Disk Utility on the image I am getting "Unable to scan MAC IMAGE.DMG (Not such file or directory)".Â
I have already erased my startup disk and really need to get this image back in place. It is the only backup I have of my data.Â
Mac OSX 10.6.8> I moved my swap files or "Disk" to another drive> problems>can I restore the swap files/disk its original location?Is there a method maybe through 'Terminal'?   Â
MacPro 1,1 July 2006 2 Core2Duo Xeons, 12GB RAM, X1900 Radeon HD (500MB VRAM)
I just used Disk Utility to make a backup of a MBA (65GB) onto a 500GB external drive (Restore from internal HDD to external HDD). I then reformatted the internal hard disk and proceeded to restore my backup (external HDD to internal HDD). I soon received an error message stating "Restore Failure - not enough space". I guess that means Disk Utility backups are a one-way operation, since you can't restore from a larger drive to a smaller one? Is there something I am overlooking? I ended up using Carbon Copy Cloner to do the job, but I'm wondering how (if?) restoring from a larger backup drive is possible using Disk Utility?