OS X :: Move Applications Folder On Non Booting Volume?
Mar 28, 2010
I was wondering how I can move the Applications folder of my boot volume to another drive? The 'other' drive is an ExpressCard SSD as I want to take advantage of its speed. I used to run SL from it but I keep having this stupid problem. So the next best thing is to run frequently used files from the SSD in hope that it works fine. Btw, unfortunately I cannot simply create a symlink to my boot volume as I cannot remove the Applications folder from it.
After installing Lion, I can no longer move program icons from my applications folder to a sub folder. When I do, it makes a copy and leave the original in the applications folder. When I then try to delete the icon in the applications folder it tells me it's required by the OS and won't let me delete. I'm forced to keep certan applications such as Time Machine and Stickies in the application folder.
I recently downloaded Amazon's Kindle for my Mac and it automatically installed a content folder in my Documents folder along with my other folders. Now, I like to keep my Documents folder neatly organized and this My Kindle Content folder kind of messes things up a bit - I really don't like seeing this folder in my Documents folder. question: Does anyone know how to move this folder to another location? I've tried to browse the Kindle app, but I haven't found any obvious way to move it. However, I may have overlooked it. Also, I have tried to browse the Forums to see if someone else asked this question already - no luck yet. Has anyone out there had the same problem? If so, is there a way to move the My Kindle Content folder without messing things up?
How can I Move some tracks/artists to another Folder using Itunes? I have read all about moving my entire itunes library to an external HD using the "consolidate library" function and I have read all about importing NEW tracks into a new folder by unchecking the "Copy files to iTunes Music folder when adding to library" box BUT I have not yet heard of a way to split an itunes library between an internal and external HD by moving certain artists/tracks from the default Itunes library folder to a new folder on my HD. If possible I would like to do this without losing my playlists/playcount/etc for the tracks that I would be moving. Does anyone have any suggestions? * The reason why I would like to do this is that my laptop's C drive is almost full. Therefore I need to free up some space by removing some music from it. BUT I would like to still have access to SOME of my music library when I am using the laptop away from the external HD (not connected to an external HD)
When you consolidate your itunes library does it actually move all your files to one folder or does it just make a copy or reference them? Because my itunes media is scattered throughout my computer and an external hard drive and I'd like to move it all to one spot.
I've just set up an Open Firmware Password for the first time. My understanding is that this would prevent booting the Mac from another volume (i.e. an OS X install DVD). After setting up the password and rebooting my machine, I decided to test things out by inserting my OS X install DVD and selecting it from the "Startup Disk" preference pane. Lo and behold, it rebooted from the DVD without asking for the password.
I boot the iMac, the volume of the single note that it makes when starting up is very loud. I've turned the volume down but when it reboots, it goes back to the original loud setting.
My Mac Pro died. It's either the logic board or the graphics card, don't know which and the guys at the Apple store can't tell me. The HD is still good though. It has a Windows and a Mac OS partition. My new computer uses Windows 7. How would I go about getting the files off of the old hard drive -- the Mac OS partition -- and onto a Windows PC?
So I've made the leap to an SSD boot disk on my mac pro... so I'm now a little bit short on space (120Gb is not enough for my picture and itunes library... also my downloads... the list goes on.
How can I move the follow DIR's to another volume without screwing up the permissions?
Downloads Pictures Movies Music
I've created alias's but it seems to stuff up the permissions. I even copied the original data over then created an alias.
i have a boot install of windows xp and windows 7 on two separate HD's in my mac pro and i would like to consolidate these (along with my primary mac OS) onto one single drive.
can i migrate these somehow to a new partitioned drive?
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 10.6.8 with 64 bit Win7 in Parallel
I have been backing up my computers to an external HD with Time Machine for some time, but I just bought a 1Tb Time Capsule today. Is there a way to move/copy my existing TM backups to the new drive (in the Time Capsule), rather than starting a whole new backup, so that I can preserve my existing TM 'history'? I could just start a new backup, but it would only back up the 'current state', and I would lose all the prior data.
I have a Mac Pro and not too long ago I swapped from a fat, heavy and filthy white Apple Keyboard to a new skinny silver one. I like it, and also love that the F7-9 Skip Back-Pause/Play-Skip Forward keys work for iTunes, even when another app is active (what's the word I'm looking for - in focus or whatever). But I use Optical output, so the volume keys (F10-12) don't do anything. I know that, when iTunes is the active app, I can command-+/- to change the volume, but I'd love to be able to map the F10-12 keys to do that - without having to have iTunes active (playing, but not the active window).
I purchased a new hard drive, my second Samsung 750 GB. My first one is partitioned, half for OSX half for Vista. Ultimately, I want to have a hard drive per operating system.
At first I thought the way to go for this, based on some stuff I read here on Mac Rumors was to use winclone to clone the windows partition,restore it to the new drive, and then I don't know what.I did the restore, there were errors in the log though..something about the wrong kind of partition. Basically it's become a pain in the ass, and I'm thinking there has to be an easier way.
It occurred to me, I might be able to use "Install and Archive" to move the boot volume to the new disk, moving the user files and network settings with it. If I did this would I be able to expand the windows partition using winclone utilizing the full hard drive? Or could moving the boot volume to the new disk mess up my Windows partition?
My MacBook was fine until it fell last night. It wasn't a big fall. It had actually been very close to the floor, but now when I try to start it a flashing folder with a question mark shows up. There is no clicking noise. It makes the sound like it is going to start. I started it up while holding the option key and Macintosh HD shows up with an arrow underneath it. However, when I click on the arrow, it freezes, eventually disappears and then the computer shuts down.
I am currently in Spain and my installation discs that came with my computer are back in the US. Is my best bet to have someone send me them or is that not even going to help? I also read a post that someone took out their hard drive, reseated it and then when they turned their computer back on everything was fine. Could this be a possibility? Would I need my installation discs after doing that?
I have an external hard drive with several music folders on it. Volume is formatting FAT32 so I can move/edit between osx and windows. When on the OSX side, several folders are renamed into shorter versions. If I try to name it the original folder name it SHOULD have, OSX says I can't because it already exists.
I've attached a screen shot of one of the folders. This folder is supposed to say "red hot chili peppers - mother's milk 1989" :-/ Is this just a downside to using a fat32 volume in OSX? All the folders look fine in windowz.
I have just upgraded from a Macbook to a Macbook Pro and just swapped my hard drives. My OSX partition still works perfectly but when i now try and boot to my XP installation the laptop hangs and after about 30s i get the grey screen with a folder with a question mark in it which then blinks/flashes on the screen.
Does anyone know why this has happened???? I have googled it but to no avail. I havent tried to re-install windows yet, I hoping there is a quick fix.
I'm trying to install iTunes 9.2.1 but I keep getting a pop-up saying: the destination folder iTunes 9.2.1 is on a locked volume. Please select another destination. I tried getting some help from Apple but couldn't afford their tech support, the only thing they could tell me is I need to look into system security and something about unlocking the computer?
Read the below quote from Mac Performance Guide. Is it a good idea? I know a bit of DOS, so I am used to command line commands but even after after Lloyd Chambers explanation, still not sure what is going to happen? ln -s /Volumes/Master/Mail Library/Mail The reason I want to move my Mail folder out of the home directory is because I plan to have a SSD as my boot drive and the home directory is on the boot drive, correct? "Moving the Apple Mail folder to your data volume".
This trick lets you move your Mail folder out of your home directory onto your data volume. I've used this technique for years so that I can forget about having to back up my home directory (default location for Apple Mail) and simply back up my one data volume: Master. The same trick can be used for any similarly irritating program that insists on storing its data in your home directory, rather than giving you a choice (a few programs are too brain-dead for this to work). Programs like iTunes let you choose where to put your music; use that option.
Your Apple Mail folder is in the Library folder of your home directory. The trick requires starting Terminal. If that makes you uncomfortable, stop here! You are going to make a symbolic link. 0. Quit Apple Mail, and make a backup of your mail folder. 1. Copy the Mail folder to the top level of your data drive (or elsewhere, then modify step 3 appropriately). 2. Rename the original mail folder to Mail.old as an additional backup. 3. Start a Terminal window and type: ln -s /Volumes/Master/Mail Library/Mail
This makes a symbolic link to the folder Mail on the volume Master (type the name of your volume, and use quotes around it if the volume name contains a space character). The resulting file Library/Mail is a tiny file that says "look over there on /Volumes/Master/Mail instead". From here on out Apple Mail won't know the difference! Launch Apple Mail and verify that it worked. If you encounter problems, simply copy your backup back into place."
When I connect my MP3 player (not an iPod ) to the Mac and delete some files, Mac OS X creates a folder .Trashes in the volume root and just moves all the files I intended to delete there. The only reason to delete files is of course freeing some space... and to free it I have to empty the system trash (which is not good). Is there any way to tell Mac OS X that it should not create a .Trashes folder there and remove the files permanently or at least move them to the trash on the local disk?
However, I am apparently too dumb to figure out how I can move (cut and paste at the same time) a folder from on location on my hard drive to another without going back to the original area and delete the folder after the "fake" moving process. It seems that MAC does not support the physical movement of a folderfrom location A to B.
Scenario: I have a folder called A I select the folder (click with mouse) I drag the folder to the desired destination B I release the mouse and what happens: MAC starts to copy the folder and its files.
I read on several forums and pages that it is possible if you hold down the command key (after you click the folder you want to move) but it does not work for me. Does anyone has a simple, short answer whether it is possible to move a folder which contains files from location A to B on my mac (same hard drive)? This cannot be true that this does not work in the FINDER. Even if I select the folder go in the Finder menu to "Edit" (cut is grayed out and not clickable) it does not give me the option to perform a cut and paste. So, does cut and paste work for folders on a MAC or not.
I need to know if it is possible to open two different folders that are in "MY Documents" folder at the same time so I can drag files from one to the other. I'm use to doing this in windows and can't seem to do it on a mac. It won't let me open two at a time.
whenever i'm in finder and i double-click on a song to play it, when itunes opens the song it removes it from the folder it's in and puts it in a new one called music...this is getting VERY frustrating, as i have all my music neatly organized the way i want it...how can i get itunes to stop this? other than that, i'm very happy with my macbook pro, and definitely glad i switched over from pc...but this is an absolute killer
I have been collating files and documents over the past few months. I have decided to keep them in a more organised fashion so I created a folder for films, music, etc and then I want to put further folders in the folders so I can keep certain files together.
I have created the folder but cant seem to move the files in to it - I can copy it then paste it but that seems a bit long winded just to move a file in to another folder (folder within folder.)
I use Lightroom 2 to catalog my photos. I am in the habit of shooting in RAW+JPG mode which means when I download my photos there is both a .NEF and a .JPG file for each photo. Having done this for several years on a PC, I now want to use iPhoto to view the jpgs and keep with Lightroom for the nefs. I therefore want to move the .JPG files from /Photography/RAW/<Year>/<Month>/<Day> to /Photography/JPG/<Year>/<Month>/<Day>. So far the only way I've worked out is to copy the entire folder structure then use Spotlight to find the nefs within the new folder structure and delete them.
Currently my music files are in the public folder however, the itunes library file is in my music folder. I want to move all my itunes media to an external, out of space. How to I handle this situation of multiple locations during move. I don't care to have my actual music files in the public folder anymore either.