OS X :: IChat - Unable To View Message

Jan 30, 2009

When someone IMs me who is not on my buddylist, it just says "Message from --S/N--". Once I add them, the message still does not show up, how do I view their message?

I have to add them, and then completely close out the IM and sign back on for it to begin showing their messages. How can I change this?

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Software :: Ichat Video In 10.4 - Unable To Initiate Video Ichat Session

Nov 2, 2009

unable to initiate video Ichat session. 2 1.xx mhz imacs (powerPC), 10.4.11, both imacs cabled, firewall disabled, all updates on both imacs applied. qtime prefs set to intranet/lan and ichat prefs set to 1mb.

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Applications :: Unable To View Calenders In Week View / ICal Calendars Disappearing From Menu

Feb 13, 2006

Earlier tonight I opened iCal, only to find that none of my calendars were there. it was completely empty. However, when I changed the view from "Week" to "Month" all of my events were listed (in the proper color) on the appropriate day, but I still had no list of calendars on the left. Subsequent changes between "Day" "Week" and "Month" view continued to display the events properly, but nothing showed up in the calendar menu on the left.

I repaired permissions same thing happened.I trashed com.apple.ical pref (forgot the exact filename)�same behavior. I use .mac to sync between computers, and I use Missing Sync to sync to a Palm T|X.

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OS X :: IChat Status Message - Set To Away Show Idle

Nov 9, 2008

I use iChat for Gtalk and AIM and so far I love it, except when I change my status to Away (red dot), it appears as idle (orange dot) to my Gtalk friends. I had a couple people wondering how my status was idle while we were chatting. Is there a fix to this?

Switching to another app like Adium is not an option.

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MacBook :: Error Message During Ichat - Won't Turn On?

Jul 18, 2009

On Tuesday I was using my computer for several hours when a "Panic" error message appeared. I could not move the mouse or get the computer to respond so I restarted. At this point my computer would not turn back on, so I removed the battery pack and replaced it, it still did not turn on. I hadn't been doing anything except sitting in my room talking on ichat and browsing on safari, so naturally I was really confused how such a cataclysmic event occur that would cause my computer to not even restart. At this point I got on my PC downstairs and made an appointment with my local Apple store.

When I got to the store they told me at the genius bar that it had been a kernel error, and asked me a few general questions about its typical performance and whether anything had been out of the ordinary recently, it had not. Next the "genius" I was working with asked if I had been having battery issues, and I did not think I had been until he asked if it was typical for my computer to be "calculating remaining battery". My computer had been giving me that message periodically since I bought it, but I thought that was typical. That is exactly what I told him and then he said he thought it could be my Logic Board, but as long as I had not spilled anything on it the AppleCare would cover any repairs...........................

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To View Complete Header Of Message

Jun 4, 2012

How do I view the full header of a message? I would like to find the IP address of the sender.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7), MacBook Air, IPad v1, Apple TV v2

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OS X Yosemite :: Can't View From Field In Composing A New Message

Dec 8, 2014

I just added a gmail account and when I compose a new message I can't see the "from" field.  Using the "View" dropdown I can see that it is checked, but it does not appear in the message itself. 

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Applications :: Unable To See All Files In Icon View / Files Are Visible In List View

May 21, 2010

I noticed that finder is not displaying all files when I look at folders with lots of files in "icon view" mode but they do show up in "list view" Same thing happened with the computer at work. I'm using OS X Leopard on both.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can't View Email Message In The Mail Window

Mar 18, 2012

I was viewing my mailboxes in a column on the left,then a column of the emails in my inbox then the right 2/3 of my screen showed the email massage contents. The area showing the content has disappeared and I have to double click to open an email in a separate window. How do I get the window back to the three areas(mailboxes, email list and selected massage content?

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IMac (Intel) :: Cannot Open Documents - Getting Message To View Or Change Permissions

Aug 28, 2014

I have a mac with os X.  I have saved documents and photos on my computer and am now not able to open them.  I get a message that tells To view or change permissions, select the item in the Finder and choose File > Get Info.  I do that and it is not locked. 

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Mac Pro :: Keychain Displays Restricted Access Message When Try To View Passwords In Both Login / ICloud

Dec 5, 2014

If I try to view a password for either an application or website using Keychain. As soon as I tick the box 'show password' a message pops up saying "Access to this item is restricted" How can I access and view my passwords?

Mac Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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Applications :: Unable To Connect On IChat?

Oct 29, 2009

I've got iChat all working thru my MBP, however we just received our 27" iMac last Thursday and I tried connecting my MBP to her on the iMac without any luck. I set up her iChat account using her Gmail account like mine but I'm doing something wrong. iChat all set up?

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Applications :: IChat - Unable To Get Buddy Video

Apr 14, 2009

My brother just got a new iMac 24". I have the older 24" white one. I'm trying to iChat with him. We can invite each other, but I can't see him. He can see me, and we can hear each other. Why can't I see him?

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OS X :: Unable To Add Msn Contacts / IChat In Snow Leopard

Aug 31, 2009

I've always wanted to use Snow Leopard, but as it could never add MSN contacts, I couldn't. Can it now? Or is there a plugin that lets it or something?

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Applications :: Unable To Open IChat - The Host Refused The Connection?

Sep 10, 2010

Everytime I open iChat, it will not let me log in and it says "The host refused the connection" So some people have suggested that I change the port number to 443. Which then I can log in but I can't video chat. Does anyone know how to fix this?

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Why Are New Directory Users Unable To Login To IChat/jabberd

May 3, 2012

I have a couple of new users I've added to our directory recently. They are unable to connect to our internal jabber (iChat) server. Users that have connected previously are experiencing no difficulty. A quick overview of the layout of the system: two XServes, one is OD primary (aspen) the other is OD replica and iChat server (vail). I've modded some config files (long ago) to allow user IDs for jabber to be user@ourcompany.office instead of user@vail.ourcompany.office. It works quite nicely. 

Excerpt from the logs shows a failed login attempt followed by a successful login attempt. Successful logins are happening from Messages (beta), iChat under Snow Leopard, and Pidgin under windows. Failing logins are all from iChat under Snow Leopard. Please ask questions, I'm happy to add any other pertinent data! May  3 16:21:45 vail jabberd/c2s[99718]: [13] [::ffff:, port=52584] connectMay  3 16:21:47 vail jabberd/c2s[99718]: [13] [::ffff:, port=52584] disconnect jid=unbound,


Xserve, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Software :: IChat Not Opening/The Application IChat Quit Unexpectedly?

Nov 9, 2009

My iChat refuses to open. Every time I click on it to open it it will not open at all and a window will come up saying "The application iChat quit unexpectedly". How can i get my iChat to open and is someone or something hacking into my computer?

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OS X :: Unable To View Fan For Stacks

Jun 14, 2008

I'm really not sure if this is some stupid thing I'm missing, but I've never been able to choose 'Fan' view for any of my stacks, I only have List or Grid! I've tried it for all different sized folders, and I can't think why it's not there.

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Applications :: IChat Animated Icons For Ichat?

Aug 27, 2007

i would like to get animated icons for ichat and don't know how to do it. i can get other people's animated icons to work but i can't get them

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Applications :: Unable To View .AVI / Using Quicktime

Jan 16, 2005

Anyway to view .AVI using Quicktime??

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Use View Options

Jan 9, 2011

So whenever I open a finder window directly to the left of the "view options" is a ?. When I click it I get this message, "the item can't be found". To be clear this doesn't show up under devices or places.

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OS X :: Unable To View Google Images?

Feb 12, 2009

Happens with both my MBP and my MBA. Only about half of the google images (or pics anywhere for that matter) show up; the other half appear as question marks unless I right click and copy/paste the image address into the address bar of the browser.

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OS X :: Unable To View Thumbnails In Safari?

Feb 22, 2010

I seam to have a problem with viewing thumbnails in Safari that has got me stumped.

When there is an attached thumbnail in a thread it won't open. Example, in the "Strange Snow Leopard menu" there is thumbnails which I can't see in Safari but I can see them if I use Firefox.

I have looked through the Safari settings but I can't find anything that says "click this too see thumbnails you idiot " anywhere.

One other thing that may be related, sometimes pictures don't show up and a little blue box with a question mark sits in there place.

Anybody off any help to this idiot or should I just revert back too Firefox?

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Software :: Unable To View The Picture?

Feb 23, 2009

iPhoto is corrupting my pictures after I edit them & I am not able to view the picture, in full screen mode & also find the original file. I am getting scared of this because my entire photo library is on iphoto & i don't have any backups. I know that's silly & I am going to create a back up now. But in the meanwhile, please help with this.

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OS X V10.4 :: Unable To View Videos Online?

Apr 22, 2012

I have a Mac G4 10.4.11 and (for some unknown reason) as of today i cannot view any videos online... just black rectangles... sometimes nothing at all.  I'm running Flash Player (the latest compatible with 10.4).

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Safari :: Unable To View PDFs

May 22, 2012

I am unable to view or download bank statements from our bank online using Safari. Also tried Firefox and it didn't work. Also unable to view, open, or download any other type of PDFs on my iMac since removing the hard drive, replacing it with a new one, and reinstalling OS X Lion 10.7.4. I didn't notice this problem until after installing the recent Updates for Safari 5.1.7 and OS X Lion 10.7.4, so I don't know if it could have anything to do with them or not. I am still in the process of reinstalling programs, but everything else seems to be working fine since the switch to the new hard drive except for not being able to view PDFs.

Info:iMac (24-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: WMV Format Video Clips - Unable To View

Apr 10, 2009

I was just wondering if there is a way to view a wmv file on my mac. I had several funny clips saved over the years on my pc, but many of them are in the wmv format. I was also recently sent a video that I was, of course, unable to view due to this.

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OS X :: Unable To View CPU Usage / Can't Understand Terms

Aug 11, 2009

I'd like to find out how much CPU usage is consumed when playing a 720p mkv file on my VMC player. I opened Activity Monitor and it's showing a lot of things,

1. There's CPU usage right next to VLC program which is reading between 30 to 45.
2. There's also CPU usage meter in the lower left corner in 4 different types; % User, % System, % Nice, % Idle

Now, my question is,

what is the difference between #1 and #2? And can you explain to me what % User, % System, % Nice, % Idle are in simple terms?

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Applications :: Unable To View Homescreen From ITunes

Nov 16, 2009

I have iTunes 9.0.2 and when I first upgraded to 9 I was able to view my Homescreen from the Applications tab and rearrange my apps. Lately all I've been seeing in the Applications tab is a list of my apps with check/uncheck marks next to them. The Homescreen view that should be right next to that is simply not there. Any ideas on what to do (besides reinstalling iTunes)?

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OS X :: Applications Keep Disappearing / Unable To View Apps

Feb 14, 2010

About 3 weeks ago, I went out of town for a week then came back. When I started up my PPC G5 iMac, I went to open Safari....but it disappeared. The icon was still in the dock, but when I clicked on it, a translucent "?" showed up over it. I tried a Spotlight search for it, and nothing came up. Same thing happened with Preview. I thought my Aunt who was staying over didn't know how to use the Mac and might have accidentally deleted them, so I used Pacifist to reinstall Safari and Preview from the Leopard disc. No big deal.

Then today, I fire up Word, but same thing! Word disappeared! Same with Excel. No matter, reinstalled from the disc. After a couple of hours, I'm back again and this time I want to use Roxio Toast....gone. And this time, I don't have any install disc (lost it during moving). And I know my Aunt can't be responsible for Toast or Word disappearing, since she left yesterday afternoon; mom was using Word on my computer and I used Toast no more than 5 days ago.

So anyone have any clue what the heck is going on with my applications literally deleting themselves?

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