OS X :: How To Make Multiple Windows Active

Apr 19, 2009

i just downloaded GIMP and it uses multiple windows and i have to click the window once first to make it active before i can select anything inside it. is there any way to make multiple windows active so i dont have to click before using a window?

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Windows On Mac :: Multiple Partitions On USB Hard Drive - Active Partition

Dec 14, 2009

Just a quick rundown of what I'm trying to do here:I have a 1 TB external USB SimpleDrive hard drive that is currently partitioned into three partitions, two formatted with FAT32 and one formatted with HFS+ for Time Machine. I learned how to enable Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard's NTFS read-write capability today and so I no longer need to keep my first two partitions as FAT32 (especially since I have files larger than 4 GB I would like to store on them). I have data on the first FAT32 partition that I would like to transfer to the second FAT32 partition once I have reformatted it as NTFS whereby I will then be able to reformat the first FAT32 partition to NTFS without losing my data.I have nothing important on the second FAT32 partition, but when I opened Disk Management in Administrative Tools in Windows 7, I found that the second FAT32 partition is currently set as the active partition of that volume. When I right-clicked and asked to Format that partition exclusively, I received the following

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Windows On Mac :: How To Make A Restored Bootcamp Partition Active/bootable

Dec 23, 2009

I upgraded my HDD, I simply used disk Utility to move data for the OSX HFS partition.

I tried to use Winclone to move but that didn't work too well, plus there is a unnecessary image step, so I ended up moving using disk utility again which again went fine.

The only problem is that rather than creating the partition through bootcamp assistant, I created it straight in diskutility and windows is not bootable.

I tried using fdisk to fix but that didn't work.

The partition table is GUID based and the windows partition is NTFS.

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OS X :: Unable To Shut Down With Multiple Users Active

Apr 16, 2009

I enabled the Mac equivalent to fast user switching (allows more than 1 profile to be logged in); when I want to shut down the system I get box that says other people are signed on, if you want to shut down, enter user name and password.

The problem is that no matter which user id/password combo I put in, it is not recognized; not even either of the admin users.

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OS X :: 10.5 System - Partition Inactive - Make Active Again?

Mar 10, 2009

I am using an EXTERNAL seagate 250gb drive formatted with the apple partition map on a osx10.4 system with no problems (intel based). I then plugged it into a 10.5 system (ppc system), it displayed some message which I ignored, perhaps to my peril, and began to backup some files and the transfer was moving quite slow. The drive was unplugged before the transfer was completed. I now try to use the drive on my 10.4 system and even-though the partition is still visible (in disk utility) it is not active (the drive is in black font but the partition is in grey font). Did the 10.5 system possibly make the partition inactive, if so how to do i make it active again? When I attempt to verify the disk, it reports that there is an "INVALID SIBLING LINK" and tells me that the volume needs repair. I try to repair the disc and it fails "INVALID SIBLING LINK" and the "THE UNDERLYING TASK REPORTED FAILURE ON EXIT" I would really like not to have to take this to a data recovery service and I am not tech challenged so I don't think I need to do this as the Hdd didn't fail, I hope.

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OS X :: Closing All But The Active Windows Of An App?

Nov 20, 2010

Is there a way to close all but the active windows in Mac apps (I'm running 10.6.5). I often end up having 10 Safari screens open and it would be great to be able to close all but the current one I'm looking at.

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OS X :: Sound In The Windows Vista Not Active?

Feb 4, 2009

I installed vista on my macbook used Parallels, but my problem is the sound not active in the windows vista. Could anyone help me to activate the sound in my windows vista?

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MacBook Air :: Browser Windows Dimming While Active On It

Mar 14, 2012

Just recently I purchased a MacBook Air 13'' (1.7 GHz, 4GB, 256GB) with Lion installed in it and I have got an external monitor attached to it. It's been working really well for a couple of weeks, but in the last couple of days I have noticed how my browser windows, and only those!, for either FireFox, Chrome or Safari, keep dimming themselves while I am on other windows from other applications as if they were inactive, when they are not, because I am using the Mac still. And I can only get them to work again, i.e. loading Web sites, only after I click on them to activate them, which is annoying, because I may be on another window, would need to click on a link and it won't load on the browser window till I have clicked on it, on the browser window, that is.

I have searched in Google and found a couple of articles where it was highlighted how the problem may well be with the Settings under "Energy Saver" and I have got unticked in there for "Slightly dim the display when using this power source" and "Automatically reduce brightness before display goes to sleep" and still the same problem. Other articles suggested that I would try Caffeine and install it to get rid of the dimming of the screen, but even after installing I still have got the issues and I am, at this point, running out of ideas.

Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 4GB, 1.7GHz, 256GB

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MacBook Pro :: Active Windows Buttons Or Links Do Not Work

Feb 18, 2010

I use MBP Snow Leopard 10.6.2 and use both Safari 4.0.4 and Chrome for browsing, and it is increasingly happening (on both browsers) that I need to click outside the active window (i.e. go to the menu bar and click on it, anywhere on it, to be able to press a link or a new tab buttons inside the open window). If I don't do that the active window buttons or links do not work, they depress or shade or do whatever, but do not actually do the function.

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OS X :: Navigations Between Multiple Windows In Multiple Programs?

Jul 11, 2009

I'm new to working on mac, I come from a windows background and I'm having a bit of a problem navigating quickly between multiple windows. Some times you need to open a lot of windows while working, like a couple of firefox windows (with tabs =)), 2 pdf documents, skype, xcode, word documents etc. In Microsoft Windows all your 'windows' are on the task bar and you can click on it to show it or alt tab your way through your windows. In mac if you alt tab it gives you like the root program not the windows and to access the windows you have to choose them from the Windows menu, and I tried expose and its a cool thing =D but still i'm not comfortable navigating with it, so i was wondering if i'm missing sth. Can you tell me what is the way you comfortably handle multiple windows?

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Applications :: How To Make Multiple Tabs In Safari

Mar 14, 2009

how to make multiple tabs in safari?

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ITunes :: How To Select Multiple Songs At Once To Make Playlist

Apr 4, 2012

What is the best way to select multiple songs from iTunes to male a playlist to put on my iPod.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Make And Distribute And Image To Multiple Macbooks?

May 29, 2012

I am looking for a nice tidy option to create an image of a "master" client and distribute to a group of student Macbooks.  All the Macbooks are the same model and are all running Snow Leopard (though they were released with Leopard).  Initially, one of the teachers created a user account (called student) with all the software and settings that we needed,  on one of them and used Migration Assistant to copy that account to the others. 

I prefer to have a master image I can restore to at any time. I figure that Disk Utility will do the job - I'm just not 100% sure of which steps to take. So far I have created my "master" macbook that is set up just the way I want it. Next I was going to attach it to the mac I use to run everything on (ARD etc) via firewire and boot the master in Target mode. Then I would run Disk Utility on my mac and use the New Image button to create an image called "studentPOD.dmg"  (There is room on my mac for this, or I can put it on an external USB disk) Is this correct, and once I have the image, how do I get it onto the other Macbooks?  Is there anything special I have to do to make it bootable?  They all part of a student POD and can be re-imaged at anytime without worrying about losing data...so I can afford to experiment... 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Disk Utility

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Applications :: Multiple User Accounts On ITunes / Unable To Make Changes To Song Info

Feb 22, 2008

we have a macbook pro running Leopard. My wife and I have separate user accounts on the single laptop and keep the music in one central Public folder (both or our iTunes are pointed to this public folder). For some reason, my wife is unable to make any changes to song info (album art, change genre, etc.). However, she can play the music, update her Nano, import music, etc. The only thing she can't do is make changes to the song info. This isn't an issue with my account because I am the primary user account on the computer. We are both set up as Admin and I have assigned Read/Write privileges to all files. Does anyone have any idea what the issue could be? Tech support/program specialist has no idea.

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Windows On Mac :: Booting Options With Multiple Windows Partitioning

Jul 14, 2009

I have Windows Xp and Windows 7 on two different hard drives in my Mac Pro. Windows 7 had been working fine, but I needed XP to run some older programs that 7 couldn't do. I have been working in XP some time now but when I try to boot from the Windows 7 drive it just reverts to the XP one. Even when I click on the Windows 7 drive to make it the start up drive it still goes to XP. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

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Windows :: Windows Make Reactivate License When Migrate W7 Machine To Mac Mini?

Oct 18, 2010

If I migrate my W7 machine to my Mac mini, will Windows make me reactivate the license? Is that even a big deal? If I use the ethernet cable option, will I need just the regular ethernet cable or a crossover cable?

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Windows On Mac :: Make Windows Partition On External HDD Via Bootcamp

Jun 28, 2009

Basically I want to do this: Take my 80 GB External HDD, reformat it to MacOSXExtended (Journaled). Put leopard on it. Boot from my external HDD. Run BootCamp Assistant and make a windows partition on my external HDD via bootcamp.

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Windows On Mac :: AppleRaid 2.0 - Wants To Make Disk Visible In Windows 7?

Mar 16, 2010

I have a Stardom Decktank filled with two WD 1.5tb drives formatted as concatenated (JBOD). Raid version is AppleRaid 2.0.

I chose to format the disks as ntfs the first time but when I had to defragment the disks waaaaaay to often to get full speed with torrents and usenet I figured HFS+ would work better.

The only problem is now that I can't get the JBOD disk to work in Windows 7 via Boot Camp. Is there any drivers i need to install to get it to work? I have googled but found nothing.

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OS X :: Cannot Open Multiple Windows

Aug 27, 2008

I have a user that seems to have a broken X11 in Tiger. She is unable to open multiple xterm windows by pressing the key combination or selecting from the menu. When she closes the window, she cannot open another without closing the program and reopening. I've tried creating a .xinitrc with the path to /usr/X11R6/bin, but that then wouldn't even open any windows.

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OS X :: Closing Multiple Windows On A Mac?

Jul 19, 2010

I have not figured out how to close multiple windows in one click, rather than close them all individually.

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OS X :: Placing Multiple Windows On Desktop?

Oct 27, 2009

I am an newbie and learn daily. How do I view multiple windows on my desktop? I'm sure I just haven't figured it out yet, but it would sure speed up my work.

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OS X :: How To Close Multiple (selected) Windows

Dec 16, 2009

How can I close multiple windows on Snow Leopard ?

Let's say I have 3 firefox windows, 2 mail (main app + 1 composing mail) + etc....

How can I batch select all windows i would like to close, WITHOUT GOING TO EXPOSE AND CLOSING ONE AFTER ANOTHER ?

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Windows On Mac :: Multiple Same PC's - Clone System?

Aug 3, 2010

i'm about to install new computer setup at work with multiple of the same PC desktop's and laptop's. This would be a piece of cake with MAC, using target disc mode and clone each stations with same setup. BUT how to do this in the Windows environment? I really don't want to install each individually = huge waste of time.

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Windows On Mac :: Multiple Partitions With Boot Camp

May 8, 2006

I am not sure if there is anything I can do, but here is my situation.Boot Camp will not install if my main hard drive which contains OSX has more than 1 partition on it. I have previously successfully installed boot camp before but recently have reformated and repartitioned my drive into multiple sections, One for the OSX and one for Multimedia, Movies Music and pics.Now Boot camp is telling me, Boot Camp cannot install because your primary drive is partitioned.So My prediciment is this. I want boot camp, because I need windows for games... no problem. However I need an extra OSX Journaled Partition for my Music and stuff, because I do not want this on my OSX partition. what can I do? before I reformat again

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Applications :: Unable To Use Multiple Safari Windows

Nov 28, 2006

Now that I got my 24" LCD that apparently can't be pivot from landscape to portrait mode in OSX, I would like to at least be able to view two web pages side by side, since the 24" display is wide enough for this. Alas, I don't see a way of opening a second instance of Safari (the way you can do it with IE Explorer in Windows side).

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Intel Mac :: Safari Opens Multiple Windows

Mar 29, 2012

When I open safari it opens multiple windows (260 to be exact) all of the same website and causing a temporary freeze of my computer. Then safari crashes and I have to force quit. Any suggestions? I have already unchecked restore windows in my system preferences.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Why Cant View Multiple Open Windows

Apr 19, 2012

I used to be able to scroll the pointer down to the lower right hand side of the screen to display the multiple Internet Explorer windows that i had open. Now, for some reason it wont work and the only way to do so is to minimize each screen till i find the right one. I am not sure what, if anything, i have done to change this setting.

imac, Mac OS X (10.6)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Multiple Application Windows Cannot Be Displayed At Once

May 24, 2012

Since installing Lion (currently 10.7.4) on my home iMac, I've been unable to have windows for more than one application appear at one time. For the most part, applications run just fine. But say I have Adobe Illustrator open and want to drag an image from a folder in Finder into my document. The second I select Finder from the Dock, Illustrator disappears. Click back on Illustrator from the dock, and it reappears, but now my Finder window has gone AWOL. Seems like it's all still there, just becomes invisible.

At no time will it display more than one application. Two windows of the same application? But any time I switch between apps, it shows only the most recently selected app, regardless of what's actually running on my machine. Makes dragging and dropping from one app to another near impossible. Quitting and restarting does nothing. Even a fresh install of Lion did nothing. I find it hard to imagine this could be a hardware issue though.

My iMac works perfectly otherwise. As for my current settings, I have no desktops/spaces setup (aside from the one), and have turned off all associated features for Mission Control in the System Preferences - more out of an attempt to simplify in the hopes that it would work than out of any dislike for the features. The iMac itself is a 20-inch, early 2008 with 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo and 4 GB SDRAM.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Mac Pro :: Utilizing Multiple Processors For Games Under Windows Bootcamp

Oct 6, 2010

I've just established that my copy of Windows 7 home premium only uses one of my two duel core processors on my 1,1 mac pro. I need to upgrade to Windows 7 professional for it to use the other processor. I only use windows for games and would like to know if my system is/will become CPU bound unless I upgrade to Windows 7 professional. I've run a test running Portal and coming out and looking at the processor history in Resource Monitor and both my cores on the single processor it sees have been maxed out while running the game. I'm currently using one of the new Apple 5770 graphics cards but am thinking about buying another one to run under cross fire. However, if I do this it looks like I will need more CPU power to make use of it so I will have to upgrade to Windows 7 Professional. My concern is will the games use the 2 processors if I upgrade. I would hate to spend �130 on Windows 7 professional upgrade only to find that games don't use the extra processor anyway.

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Windows On Mac :: Boot Camp And Multiple Ntfs Partitions?

Apr 23, 2008

been trying to set up something like this under bootcamp butgetting nowhere. even lost half of my mac hd in the process.support couldn't get disk utility to recover it. finally got itback with a linux live disk called 'parted magic.' that allowedme to delete the ntfs partitions and leave them as free space. once i'd done that disk utility could then resize the mac hdpartition to the whole disk and i was able to start over.can a partition scheme as i've described above be done on a mac?

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