I realize that iChat has tie-ins with the address book, so you can take people from there, which I'm sure is great if you use the address book.
There's a standard aim protocol feature that allows you to set aliases for people on your buddy list that is NOT stored locally.
This means I can set their alias on AIM 5.9 in windows, reboot into Linux, open up kopete, see that alias, close kopete, open up pidgin, see that alias, reboot into OS X, start adium, see that alias, etc.
I want to create stacks for my Applications and put them in the dock by type. Utilities, Music & Video, iLife, etc. I think what I will do is make aliases for all the applications and put them in subfolders separate from the Applications folder, so then I have these 3-6 subfolders in my dock as stacks that I can display in Grid or Fan mode. And I don't have to see all my applications in one jumbled Grid and search for them.
Yes, I know Spotlight or QuickSilver could access them differently.
My question is, when I have created this duplicate system with the aliases to the apps, how do I remove the Alias (arrow) portion of the icon so that they look just like the actual icon down in the stack (or in my subfolders, etc)?
My iChat refuses to open. Every time I click on it to open it it will not open at all and a window will come up saying "The application iChat quit unexpectedly". How can i get my iChat to open and is someone or something hacking into my computer?
I was away from my computer for a day and when I returned I had an IM from a Screen Name that has been harassing me for a couple of months. They keep trying to video chat me or IM me, but I never answer. When I returned to my computer this morning, there was an IM that I opened and was finally going to say something to the person, but when I opened it, there was a couple of messages saying that they have downloaded all of my information and passwords and files. I am going to attach a photo so you can see. It looks a little fishy. I called Apple and they have never seen it. There are no articles about anything like it on google. The persons SN is bolded which is odd since usually when iChat tells you if someone has signed off or on, the SN is not in bold. Also iChat never gives warning messages like these. I feel like it is some script for iChat that someone started using. If not and someone has in fact hacked my system, which I don't believe someone can do through iChat, can someone let me know what to do. Also if they hacked my system some other way, I don't see why iChat would warn me about it and not something else in the computer.
unable to initiate video Ichat session. 2 1.xx mhz imacs (powerPC), 10.4.11, both imacs cabled, firewall disabled, all updates on both imacs applied. qtime prefs set to intranet/lan and ichat prefs set to 1mb.
Not sure how I accomplished this but in my iPhoto library I now have blank spaces where I used to have photos. When I click on the blank space it stays blank but it shows under title either MG-4710 or DSC01296.JPG. It also shows the size of the blank photo.
I restored one disk onto another disk using Disk Utility and now I have three aliases on my hard drive called "var", "tmp" and "etc". I know what you're thinking... those are part of the Unix background in Mac OS X and I am smart enough to know that I cannot delete them, so my question is. How the heck can I hide them. I really don't like seeing them there. Other than that, my new drive is running fine.
Is it possible to add Alias "From" addresses with MacMail? I would like to add a few and cannot seem to locate how to do so, other then to add "fake" accounts. Is there built in functionality for MacMail to achieve this?
I�ve download the free version of the software Vox 0.2.6, when I�m trying to install it dragging the item Vox to the folder "Applications" does it show a window with the current
message: "The Alias "Applications cannot be open because it doesn�t
find the original item"
then I got three options delete alias,correct alias and ok. z don�t have any net or anything weird. I don�t think than be a problem related to the software.
I was just about to burn a cd to back up some files. I put them all on the cd (didn't click burn yet) and then I deleted them off my computer, and the clear my trash can. I went to burn the cd and realized I had made a bad mistake. It still shows the alias' on the cd folder. Is there any way I can get the files out of the alias? Or am I too far screwed and have to get a recovery program?
If I want to put a link/shortcut in my downloads folder that points to a folder in my Dropbox folder, so I can easily drag & drop files into it, which would I better using?
recently got myself a macbook pro and learning the OS still, I'm used to XP. I've found a program I want to run whenever iTunes starts, however I don't want either to run at startup. I know aliases are probably going to be the way to do it but have searched a lot and found nothing. On windows I know how to create an shortcut that when activated, it starts up two programs at once, I assumed there was something similar for OS X? Is there any way to create or alter an icon so it starts 2 programs at once? Ideally I'd have it in the dock and looking like iTunes, but it starts both iTunes and the other app.
I needed an alias from a PrefPane in my user area. I figured a symlink would do. So in Terminal I did a ln -s with the proper user directory and all looked good, it appears.
But the system threw an error when I tried to click it. It offered to repair the �alias� or delete it, so I opted to repair it, still didn�t work, errors. I tried twice then threw in the towel, enabled root, logged into the GUI and created an alias the normal way, that�s fine.
I�m still wondering about the command line procedure though. It would be a link from a user area to an area owned by root and I�m guessing that�s the issue.
i made an icloud alias a few weeks ago and everything worked out fine. i could sent and recerive mails in mail and also in the web interface. but since a few days one of my icloud aliasses doesn't appear on the web interface. that's a problem because i want to delete it. how can i delete it if it doesn't appear?through mail i can still sent and receive from this adress. but i still can't delete it because obviously it's not there...
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am having some trouble with some new iMacs that are running Lion. Sometimes they will turn a file into an alias. It replaces the original with the alias and will not allow me to access the file any longer like the original is completely missing. It seems to be random, it does not happen to one type of file or any one program. It has happened on our servers (when copying pdfs and saving indesign files) and also locally. I was able to find a temporary fix by downloading path finder and unchecking the "alias bit" option. This seems to fix the issue at hand, but I need a more permanent solution, or at least something I can tell my users to avoid doing.
I have a old apple ID with my girlfriend for 10 years and we are no longer together.... I have a alias that I would love to use but every time I send a email or have to log in at my apple account I have to use that ID..... I looked on the iCloud and see the settings and I can't change it.. I would like to turn the apple ID to a Alias and the alias to the primary one
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Last night I plugged in an external USB hard drive into my MacBook, and a ton of files were missing from it. Roughly 300 files were converted into aliases which do not seem to point to anything. The date modified on the aliases says December 31, 1903 at 5:00 p.m. I am very scared these files have been lost...
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), iOmega HDD is the specified disk.
I have a @me email address and have also two email aliases connected to it. Now all mail is downloaded in one inbox (of the main @me mail address). I would like to have that email from the alias addresses is marked as that (or maybe put in a colour) or is in another inbox folder.
I have a second hard disk in my G5 that I can access by opening a finder window and clicking on my G5 in the "shared" area on the left in the sources list. However I'd simply like to make an alias to that drive on my desktop. I can't seem to do it though. I'm sure this is easy, and I did it before, but for some reason I can't seem to figure out how to do it again...
I created an alias folder for my Applications. I put the alias on my Dock but when I click on the alias it will open Finder window. I would like it to show my applications in Stack mode. I have copied another folder and put that on Dock and it appears fine with Stack options. I have no idea why my alias of Applications opens Finder.
I downloaded skype and then deleted it because I did not like it. I drug it to the trash, but I then searched for it in finder to make sure it was gone and an alias comes up and says alias can not open because original cannot be found. How to get rid of this alias??? If I hit delete alias it just keeps coming back up to hit again and again??
10.6.3. When I make an alias on my desktop of a folder and then drag it to my dock it'll stick there but it will open like a folder. When I click it it will open Finder and then that alias. I want it to open like Stacks do, preferably in list mode with the flyout menus. Why can't I do this? I had it in Leopard but can't get it to work in SL. I checked all my settings and can't find anywhere to create a stack from an alias. Or from anything for that matter.