My college ballet teacher sent me a .pages file for my final paper... due tomorrow. I dont have mac, or have access to one so I was wondering if someone could convert it for me?
here's the link. please! it's not spam or a virius or whatever, all it is is a hand out for my ballet final at sierra college. i've emailed my teacher, but haven't heard back from her.
My wife has lots of documents in old pages format in many folders. I would like to come up with a script of some sort to batch open and close them using pages 09. The script i have in automator says the script is fine when ran but has no output.on open theFiles tell application "Pages".
I have a pages document that I need converted to .doc the problem is that I was on the iWork trial and don't plan to buy iWork. I need a way to convert it without iWork.
I would post it for someone to convert it for me but .pages won't upload here.
I work at a local public school district as a web designer, and today I received a .pages attachment from someone (person A) who needed the file on our web site.
There wouldn't be a problem except there are no Macs in our district with the latets iWork. And person A got it from person B, So there's no way for me to access it or have person A convert it themselves. Gah.
So, if there is anyone out there that would be kind enough to open this up and export it as a .doc or .pdf or anything usable on my PC
I have created a decent Pages document that I will be mailing out, but I also have the need to email it to my clients and maybe post it to a webpage. I know I can save the doc as a PDF and send it that way, but I was wondering if there is a way to convert the file to HTML and use that in my email and website. Anyone have a tool or tip on how to do that?
My Pages document has a small table of data and a graph.
It would take me a long time to convert by hand in some other HTML editor as I am not good at that.
i have a toast image file and i want to convert it to dmg format so it can open to any mac that doesn't have toast installed, is there a way to do this from the latest version of Toast Titanium?
I haven't found anything on internet about this, so how I had founded a solution, I want to share it.
One day, my Macbook White brokes and I needed to recover a curriculum, and it was in a .pages file. So I had to recover it in Windows, because I have no one who could convert it in Pages.
1� Rename .pages file and add .zip extension. That makes the content of the package visible with any zip utility, (in my case WinRAR).
2� Uncompress the package.
3� Go to QuickLook and search for Preview.pdf. That's a pdf file that contains a low quality version of your pages document. Almost all of the content is in index.xml, but It's very difficult to extract manually the information.
4� Convert the pdf file to doc with any pdf converter. For example: [URL]
5� If your document has attachments (like images), you can replace low quality images of Doc document with the original images located in the uncompressed package.
That's it, of course this works for me with a simple Pages document with an image, that doesn't mean that works for every .pages file.
i was wondering how i use toast to convert my mp4 file to a video_ts file?also I have ISO files and was wondering if/how to convert them to a video_ts file?
I got a mts file from my HD Cam, and mow I deadly need to convert it to mov formats so that I can so more on my mac. There are too much s/w and I simply have no idea which one should I choose. I tried HandBrake, but I don't like it.
Pulled an old hard disk from a windows box, and all the file names for my tunes are in order, but these are not the ID3 tags, so as soon as imported into iTunes, its just showing 'Track 1, track 2 etc' Is there an app i can run these files through, to convert the file name to ID3 tags before importing?
I want to know if there is way to take Video TS files and convert them straight into a .DV file so they can be edited in iMovie.
My situation is that I use a program like Mac the Ripper to extract a DVD into the Audio and Video TS folders. My step 2 is to use Handbrake to convert it to MPEG and then MPEG-Streamclip to convert it to .DV
The problem I am having is that while this process works, the final product video quality is slightly off. I know that the loss is either in Handbrake or the MPEG-Streamclip program. How can I go straight to DV, either through a program or straight from the DVD?