I've recently made the move from a PC to a Mac, and so far, everything gone very smoothly. I got iWork with my Mac, and there is one problem that's bugging me; every time I open a word (docx) document in pages, it asks me if I want to keep the changes or discard them, and that is for when I am just reading them. When I edit them, and I go to save it, it keeps bringing up the save as box instead of overwriting the present docx file.
I've already installed any missing fonts I have in my documents. So, to summarize, my two main problems are: If I read a docx file, Pages acts like I made changes to it, despite the fact that I did not. If I edit a docx file, Pages keeps bringing up the save as dialog box when I try to save, instead of overwriting the original docx file. The same thing happens with Numbers and Keynote. I just need a temporary fix 'til I can get a hold of Office 2011.
My wife has lots of documents in old pages format in many folders. I would like to come up with a script of some sort to batch open and close them using pages 09. The script i have in automator says the script is fine when ran but has no output.on open theFiles tell application "Pages".
I cannot save a document in Word or Word-compatible form. The only options I am given in File is "Save a Version," which does not provide for saving in Word. How do I do this?
I have a pages document that I need converted to .doc the problem is that I was on the iWork trial and don't plan to buy iWork. I need a way to convert it without iWork.
I would post it for someone to convert it for me but .pages won't upload here.
How do I email four scanned pages of text, no pictures, as an attachment, I scanned the pages to my documents, attached them to the email but my server rejected the email.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.6), MacBook Pro 5,1
I recently just got a mac and having trouble opening a word document in pages. It would open but all the original tables, bars, and shadings done in word does not open. Its just opens in text and spaces... Ive also notice that in quick look I can see the original document in full but does not open in the way it was showed..?
I was wondering if there was a quick and easy way of converting a .pages or .doc or .docx to a html page. I cant seem to find anything in pages, although i may have just overlooked it. or if there is another program capable of doing something like that.
Every time I try to open an existing document or save a new one Microsoft word crashes. I am able to start a new document but if I try to save it all of the action/editing buttons fade/unhighlight (save, print, quit, copy paste, etc) and I am ubable to do anything. However, most of the buttons in view, history, bookmarks, tools, window & help still work.Then I have to force quit because the option to quit is no longer available.
I am downloading a zipped folder which contains multiple .wma files. I need to unzip the file and convert it to for use in iTunes. StuffIt Expander does not recognize the file, there is not an option to unzip from my desktop, and the files do not format if i drag and drop into iTunes.
I have a microsoft word document that I need to print out and this document is located on my notebook pc. Unfortunately, I can't seem to print this document on my notebook pc either wirelessly or through usb connection. I am able to print wirelessly/and or through usb connection on my imac computer. My question is how to do I convert a microsoft word document into a pdf file so I can print this on my imac computer?
As I am completely new to the mac operating system, I was also wondering if I could send this word document as an attachment to my e-mail address, open up the document and then print it. Is this possible? I appreciate any feedback/info on how to resolve this issue.
My college ballet teacher sent me a .pages file for my final paper... due tomorrow. I dont have mac, or have access to one so I was wondering if someone could convert it for me?
here's the link. please! it's not spam or a virius or whatever, all it is is a hand out for my ballet final at sierra college. i've emailed my teacher, but haven't heard back from her.
I have a word doc that I need to make into a PDF and when I do it makes a multiple page PDF which I then have to move pages from one file to another to get back to one doc. How do I can / force the settings to make it stay one file?Â
I have a Word document (Business Plan with lots of tables and pictures) that i have lots of problems saving as one PDF file as it has multiple sections. I was wondering if �Pages� could integrate this Word document effectively and would I be able to save it as one PDF file.
how to embed an image with a link, or embed a Microsoft Word document with a hyperlink built within the document -- not as an attachment into my email -- but where it shows as the email content when opened! Does ANYONE know the secret? Can it be done, or not? My PC clients do it all the time easily. Then I want to be able to send the embedded image/document (not as an attachment, but visable within the email when opened) to many email contacts at once, BUT the individuals receiving them DO NOT SEE the other email contacts.
I know I have seen others offer to convert .pages files to .doc files here; can anyone help a brother out? I used the trial version of Pages to write my resume and now cannot open it.
I'm a recent switch from PC to a Macbook and I'm still getting used to OSX. I have iWork installed and I have noticed that since some of my professors continue to post documents in Word format, I can't open them on my computer. It will download the file but not allow me to open or view it.I'm sure its a simple download that I haven't heard of yet.
I just got my new iMac 20" last week and iWork '08 with it. I just wanted to know how to set Pages as the default for opening all .docx (MS Word 2007) and .doc (MS Word 2003) files. At the moment TextEdit is the default and whilst I can change the default for individual files, I haven't figured out how to set it for every file.