OS X :: Getting "Correct Spelling Automatically" To Work?
Aug 29, 2009
I thought Snow Leopard had the option to fix spelling errors as you're typing. I tried right-clicking and enabling it, but it still does nothing. What the heck am I missing here?
I cannot disable the Correct Spelling Automatically feature. Rather, I can, but once I close and reopen the application it will be reenabled. I first noticed the issue when I upgraded from Trillian 1.2.20 to 1.2.40, but I just tested this in TextEdit and the issue exists there as well.
Info:iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8), Core 2 Duo, ATI Radeon HD 4850
Is it possible for my ical icon in my dock to automatically put the correct date? Cause everytime i look at it i keep thinking its the 17th. lol. Like this if anyone can please tell me a plugin or something it would be great. it aint a big deal, because i could just remove it from my dock. lol. but yeah.
My Samsung laser printer used to work fine with the OSX driver but now it doesn't even print. The job is sent to the query but then the job disappears a few seconds later and nothing is printed. Same goes for the printer on my brother's new macbook, Panasonic printer with OSX drivers installed fine and the print job is sent to the quere and the job disappears but nothing prints.
How to automatically launch work contexts? By the term context, I mean:
- When I'm working on website design, I always need to have Coda application on the right, a browser on the left. - When I'm developing with XCode, I need XCode on the right and iPad simulator on the upper left and at the bottom left, I have the documentation, etc.
I'd like to be able to by one click to launch all of that correctly placed on the screen etc.
I've got an Automator loop that is stopping at the first iteration while set on "loop automatically" but if I set it on "ask to continue" it prompts me every time but continues to loop correctly if I have selected multiple items in Finder.
Im a new IMAC owner.I'm running Snow Leapord OS. I see when I am typing that if the computer detects a spelling mistake, it underlines the word in red. Is there a way I can change it to the correct spelling or are they just warning me that it is wrong and I have to figure out the correct spelling on my own?
Is there a way to set email preference that words are automatically capitalized if appropriate (first word in a sentence; i to I etc.)? and can words be automatically corrected for misspellings? This works fine on the Iphone.
Today, my Macbook Pro 15" started to automatically boot up in Safe Boot / Safe Mode. So every time I boot up, I have to wait 5-10 minutes and stuff. It's not normal.
I tried: Restarting, Shutting down and booting.
Resetting PRAM, NVRAM
Verifying and repairing Hard Disk in Disk Utility (it fails). Tried in Mac OS and OS Installation Disk. etc. I got this computer 6 days ago, and there is already this problem. Is there a way without reinstalling the OS? I have Windows installed on it for gaming, but I don't see anything else that could be causing the problem.
I have Office 2004 for Mac running on OSX10.3.9 on an eMac. In Word, under Tools, the Spelling and Grammar function is gone although when typing, errors are underlined as usual. On other user accounts on the eMac, the Spelling and Grammar function is there under Tools.
What gives/ How can i get it back?
Would trashing a pref file help? If so, which one?
I've just managed to turn on the 'Correct Spelling Automatically' option in Safari (and other Apple apps) by right clicking in a text field and choosing 'Spelling and Grammar -> Correct Spelling Automatically' But one thing that I find myself doing a lot, and would like to correct is problems like typing e.g. PAtrick has a MAc -- holding that shift key just too long. Anybody know if there's auto-correction for this? I know there is in Pages and Word (under prefs) but can't seem to find it for Safari, Mail, TextEdit etc.
My macbook in MS word and Pages changes language spelling dictionaries to some unknown langauge (to me), and I am unable to switch back to U.S. English. I have checked the Global/macbook settings and its correctly set for English. But in MS Word, I am not given the choice.Â
Just started using Pages for Word Processing, so far I am more impressed with it than I thought and have started using it more than NeoOffice but one gripe is the spellchecker. I can't find any way to change the dictionary from 'American English' to well.. 'English English'!
I've changed every possible OS setting I can find to UK English but it still claiming that words like 'colour' is spelled wrong!?
How does one change the default spelling dictionary for Safari on Windows? For the Mac, it changes in response to the default locale, but on Windows, it just sets to American English and you cannot change it anywhere I can see. All my locale information in Windows is set to UK English.In fact on some websites, like this one, the spelling checker seems to be disabled! I'm on Windows 7 64-bit, BTW, running Safari 5.1.7?
When the Word Spelling & Grammar Checker identifies a word it does not recognise in a Word Document the option to "Add" that word to the Dictionary is not available as an option. (The key is there but the colour subdued and clicking on it has no effect).
new to apple, used to Thunderbird (window version) that detect your language and check the spelling automatically. I write emails everyday in 3 languages and so far what i do is: in a new email, right clic to open a menu, then clic spelling and grammar / clic show spelling and grammar / choose your language / close the menu. Mac is great, there MUST be a plug in or a faster way.
I installed Perian the other day and decided I wanted to get rid of it. I just dragged the icon from applications as well as the dmg to the bin. Is that the correct method to 'uninstall' something?
After doing that I can still see Perian from the other section in settings as well as if I right click on a video it gives me settings for perian. How do I properly uninstall something and get rid of it from everywhere?
We got a refurbished Alu MB for an intern and the time is not displaying properly. If I check the "Set date & time automatically", the digital and analog clock is showing different times. See picture. Also, when I go in Time Zone, I set Eastern time, it will set it, but when I go back to preference, it sets back to GMT.
I keep getting the annoying window that says "Enter Password for account "Mobile Me"- I'm certain the password is correct! I have even deled the email account and added it in, and still cannot get it to work
I can't get any sound out of my G5. I've checked all my settings, and they're correct (I believe). I have a Texas Instruments built in sound card (TAS3004). I bought the machine a year ago used (it was a demo) and it's never had sound since I set it up.
Information: G5 Dual 1.8 Mac OS X (10.4) 80GB Drive, 2.25GB RAM
I'd like to confirm that the two links below are the proper cables for installing a SSD in the new iMacs. Symbology confirmed for the power cable for me already, can anyone else who has installed an SSD confirm the other? If not, can you post a link from Amazon of the correct one? Left Angled Sata Cable - [URL] SATA Power Y [URL]
My iBook G4 will not boot up right, it just gets stuck on the same screen (see attached). I have turned it on and off, took the battery out and replaced it and still nothing.