OS X Yosemite :: Dragging Windows Into Hot Corners

Dec 10, 2014

Why I can no longer drag windows into Hot Corners?! This is extremely frustrating and aggravating and time consuming to my work flow. If for some reason I need to attach a single Google Chrome tab to a window containing multiple tabs I would simply drag that one tab into the top left corner into my Mission Control Hot Corner which then prompts all windows to arrange themselves in such a way that makes every window visible. I would then locate the desired window and drop the tab into it, now i have to manually move every window out of the way place the tab and then adjust all windows back to their places by hand...one at a time...

iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10), Hot Corners

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OS X Yosemite :: Why Can't Open Subfolders When Dragging And Holding Files

Dec 9, 2014

When I drag-and-hold a file to a folder with the purpose of placing it into one of its subfolders, I can't go past the first folder: in other words, unlike Mavericks, where I could drag the file and open one folder after the other until I could just release my file into the final destination, since I installed Yosemite I can't do it any longer and when I place the dragged file over a subfolder all I see is a "+" sign, but the folder won't open. Is there a way to restore that functionality? 

MACBOOK PRO (RETINA, 15-INCH, LATE 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9)

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Mac Pro :: Dragging Windows Of One Application As Group

Sep 5, 2009

How do I drag all the windows of say Compressor or FCP as a group? Is there a special keyboard command to just click on one window and then just drag your mouse to move all windows? I often would like to move Compressor to different sections of my screen. I cannot do that now without having to individually move all five windows.

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OS X :: How To Use Hot Corners With Dual Monitors

Sep 12, 2009

Does anyone know how to get hot corners to work on dual displays? I had a monitor plugged into my MBP 2.5ghz and after changing the relative location of the monitor in display settings, left of main screen to top of main screen, the lower left corner would allow me to access Expose for the applications in the current monitor, instead of exposing all application windows on both screens. This feature is very helpful though I cannot repeat it. Is there a certain orientation of the monitors that will allow each screen to have it's own hot corners functioning for that screen of was this just a fluke?

it would be nice to be working on one screen and watching a movie on the other without the movie expose ing when I only want to expose the applications/windows on the monitor who's corner I accessed.

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PowerPC :: LCD Screen Turning Red In Corners?

Sep 22, 2010

I wanted to fix this hardware problem with my iMac G4 20". Basically the LCD screen has a redish tint in the corners, only really visible when displaying something bright/white. Also, when looking at the screen from an angle when displaying a black image, it looks completely red. What's the fault here? Is it the panel itself or the backlight?

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OS X :: Hot Corners And Command Tab Stop Working

Dec 18, 2008

I recently have been running into problems with my Macbook Pro in that an hour or two after startup, the hot corners no longer work and command tab no longer works. That is when I try to use them nothing happens at all. The keyboard still functions normally other than that. Also, if I then try to shutdown the system appears to begin the shutdown in that my desktop icons disappear, but then the machine just sits there and will never shutdown. I am then forced to hold the power key down to force a hard shutdown. Then once I do a startup, I have my hot corners back and command tab works. Until it sits for a while and then I start the cycle over.

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OS X :: Assign Expose And Spaces Hot Corners?

Jul 4, 2009

I was first going to post this on the Community boards since this is more a geek opinion thing and not a technical thing but I'm putting it here b/c I noticed the Mac OCD thing here, too. Okay, so every once in a while, I decide that some aspect of my interaction with the UI is inefficient and annoying. Usually, its a very minor issue and my attempts to be less inefficient end up becoming ridiculous time wasters. Like my latest attempt to retrain my brain for what I think is "efficient" hot corner assignments:

Upper Left: Show Desktop
Upper Right: All Windows
Lower Left: Dashboard
Lower Right: Spaces

Here's the way I figure it. Show Desktop is the one function that leaves the almost all elements of the UI intact, particularly the menu bar. For me, the most inadvertent activation of hot corner elements is the upper left, because that has the menu elements I reach for most often. With Show Desktop, this matters much less. Spaces and All Windows need to be in adjacent corners for quicker consecutive activation because I use them in combo to move stuff between spaces and applications. The distance between top and bottom is shorter than left and right so these go on the right side. Which leaves Dashboard on the lower left which is good because there's nothing in the lower right corner I reach for on a constant basis. Dashboard widgets are arranged so all of my drag and drop widgets are on the LL corner. Anyway, I've been driving myself nuts with this arrangement because I'm so used to my old assignments that I keep hitting the wrong corners. How long till I get used to it?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Square Window Corners In 10.7.3?

Mar 18, 2012

Since upgrading to 10.7.3, the top right and left corners of my finder windows (as well as many other apps) are square.  The bottoms remain rounded.  I have even reinstalled 10.7.3 using the combo installer, to no avail. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Hot Corners Not Working When Restart

May 12, 2012

When I restart my computer the hot corners stop working. When i go into the system pref it shows it is still on, but I have to turn it off and back on again to get it to work.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 3.06 ghz, 4gb, 512mb

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OS X :: Dock Magnification / Menus / Hot Corners Not Working?

Jun 30, 2007

Yesterday I was using the Vista side of my 2.4Ghz 15" MBP most of the day, and then I switched over to the Mac side last night. I don't know if being in Vista for that long is what caused this -- probably not -- but I do know that I usually don't use Vista that long at once. But anyways, here's my problem:

When I got into Mac OS X yesterday, it started getting all funky on me. First of all, my dock. When I roll my mouse over the dock, it doesn't magnify at all. I have dock magnification turned on about 1/2 of the way over, and yet it doesn't react to my mouse at all. Also, when I click on an icon to open it, it DOES magnify that icon (and the ones around it) temporarily as it "bounces" to indicate the program is opening. Then I move my mouse away, and the magnification stays there for a few seconds! So my mouse is back in the middle of the screen but the icon is still frozen as enlarged. It goes away after a few seconds, but not with the usual smooth shrinking animation (it just instantly is smaller). Lastly, the program I open from the dock does NOT come to the forefront. For example, I just opened TextEdit from the dock to remind myself of what happens, and it opened behind Firefox, not in front of it. So to actually go get TextEdit, I have to Command+Tab and get it. So those are my dock problems.

Also, my menus are acting funny. You know how, usually, when you open a menu from the bar at the top of your screen (sorry, not sure what it's called, I haven't been a Mac user for long), and you move your mouse over the options, each individual option highlights in blue? And when you move your mouse over an option that has an arrow to its right to indicate a sub-menu, the sub-menu pops out on its own? Well, neither of those are happening anymore. In fact, when I click the option that has an arrow, the whole menu just goes away as if I had clicked away from it or something.

Lastly, my hot corners aren't working. Simple as that. I have bottom left set for Dashboard, and bottom right for Expose, and neither respond at all.

To recap: a lot of the very basic functions I rely on in the Mac OS X side of my computer just stopped working for me and I have absolutely no idea why. And as a side note, I had not downloaded the MacBook Pro Software Update before this started happening. When it started, I immediately downloaded the update but it didn't fix it.

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MacBook Pro :: Lid Misaligned In One Of Corners (Hinge Side)

Jun 16, 2010

My Macbook Pro 13 inch's lid is misaligned. I have had it less than a week and could return it. I am trying to figure out how normal this is. Other than that and some other small cosmetic effects the laptop is fine. In one of the corners (hinge side) the lid sticks out maybe 1 -1.5 milimeter and this misalignment carries over to the rest of the laptop as well. So on one side the lid is initially not covering the whole laptop then it sticks out over the laptop etc.

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Motion 5 :: Rounding Corners Of A Rectangular Block?

Sep 9, 2014

Trying to round the corners of a rectangular block so they look like the corner of an iPhone in latest version of motion.... Done this before but ages ago and cannot remember how I did it! I cannot seem to find a simple way of doing this....... The roundness button does not affect the corners, rather the whole of each end. 

Also....the new automatic key framing is an absolute pain....any way of turning this feature I do not want off? If I want keyframes I will add them myself.... why they seem to have added in a feature that causes simple tweaks to something like overall text size to become a nuisance is beyond me.

MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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OS X :: Expose Hot Corners Not Working After Unplugging External Monitor

Mar 22, 2009

I use Expos�'s hot corners on my Al MB. I also use an external monitor at my desk. When I unplug the monitor to disconnect the laptop from being "docked" (as it were), I find that I can't use hot corners anymore. If I restart the Finder, that doesn't fix the issue. If I go to Expos� preferences, and change a hot corner preference (e.g., what gets done when one goes to the upper right corner), then things get fixed. But I really don't want to go to Sys. Prefs. each time I change monitors. Is there any other solution?

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OS X :: QuickTime X Hidden Preferences (Disable Rounded Corners And More)

Aug 29, 2009

To set any of these, go to terminal and enter in the code for whichever preference you want to set. Remember, to reset the setting to its default value, just change the "1" at the end to a "0" (or vice versa).

Disable rounded corners

defaults write com.apple.QuickTimePlayerX MGCinematicWindowDebugForceNoRoundedCorners 1
Never show titlebar/controller

defaults write com.apple.QuickTimePlayerX MGUIVisibilityNeverAutoshow 1
Always show titlebar/controller...............

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Intel Mac :: 27" Monitor Has Stain Spots On The Top Corners?

Apr 21, 2012

27" iMac monitor has stain spots on the top corners. What do I do?

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Why Aren't The Corners And Edges Of Track-pad Working

Apr 23, 2012

I have a late 2011/early2012 MBP running OSX 10.7.3 (build 11D50d) and All of a sudden my trackpad is playing up. I can move the cursor from all places of the trackpad apart from the bottom corners - but I can only click in the center of the pad. However I can touch click in most places (apart from bottom corners). Does anybody know how to fix this?  

I've only had my MacBook Pro for 4 weeks now, I've not dropped it, knocked it or spilt anything on it, so this is pretty disappointing to say the least. I've seen a bunch of videos on youtube where people are taking their MBP apart and tightening a screw to fix the problem. My warranty is still valid and I have AppleCare so I don't want to be voiding either of those by taking it a apart and messing about inside.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Screen Saver Isn't Working - Only Works With Hot Corners?

Jun 21, 2012

I have a 27" Mid 2010 IMac running 10.7.4. I set my screen saver to 3mins and it won't turn on. Only works with hot corners.

Mac OS X (10.7.4), IMac Mid 2010

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OS X Mavericks :: Finder Crashes When Using Hot Corners To Activate Expose

Jun 25, 2014

I'm currently on Mavericks version 10.9.3. This doesn't happen all the time, but sometimes two or 3 times a day. While working, whenever I would use hot corners to activate Exposé, my screen would freeze and Finder would restart.I usually have the following apps running: ChromeSpotifySlackMac MailSafariCord.

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MacBook Pro :: Expose / Space / Screen Corners Stop Working

Aug 29, 2010

I just bought a Macbook Pro 15" i7; the only problem I've had with it is this: every now and then my Expose/Space/Screen Corners stop working, and the only solution I can find is to just restart my computer (which thanks to the i7 is only about 20 seconds anyway ). Does anyone here have any advice on this?

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OS X :: IMac IC2D (plastic, Not Aluminium) Screen With (dark Corners)?

Feb 13, 2009

I have a question (whoa). I have an iMac Dual Core, bought in mid-2007 (it's the White Plastic version, not the newer Aluminium with the glass-display).

For some time now I had some dark spots, kind of shadow like in the bottom left corner. I wasn't bothered too much by them, but they got bigger, and now I have these in all of the corners except the bottom right one.

Anyone got any ideas how to get rid of them? (no, no three-year guarantee plan ... stupid me), or if not if it'd mean to replace the whole display or if it's just some cleaning (I talk money-wise here ...)

I attach two not-so-good pictures (the background is plain-white and the image is a bit enhanced ...) so you guys can see what I mean.

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MacBook Air :: Thin Stripe Of Bleeding On Top And Kind Of Two Blobs On The Bottom Corners?

Mar 4, 2009

All the screens I have seen have at least a stripe of bleeding on top and some screens have more bleeding on the bottom in addition to that!I just opened my machine today with week5 production and it has a very thin (thinner than others) stripe of bleeding on top and kind of two blobs on the bottom corners.As for the lines (for the curious ones) they are there but this is the best screen I have ever seen since it is way harder to notice them compared to the rest. It is a model 9C90.

Would I return it you might ask, well, I am kind of sick of waiting more for a MBA since this is my second machine since the release of revB so I am kind of 50-50 now on keeping it.BTW, I bought this from Amazon so I was wondering if any of your returned a MBA due to the lines/bleeding issue and got a full refund from them.

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OS X Yosemite :: Can't Get It To Connect With Windows 8

Dec 4, 2014

I used to be able to connect my old Mac Pro and the Windows 8 machine. It was quirky and not especially reliable, but I could make it work most of the time. They are plugged into the same router. I have set all the preferences in "Sharing" as prescribed and as they used to work — File Sharing is on, SMB and AFP are both selected for my user account. The other computer shows up in "Network" on both machines, but they just won't connect. 

Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), The new Mac Pro

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OS X Yosemite :: Windows Become Transparent Or Even Entirely Invisible

Dec 3, 2014

Since I have upgraded to Yosemite, I've been experiencing problems with the windows. Sometimes, they become transparent or even entirely invisible, I can see the borders when I pass over them with the mouse on mission control and I can perform actions as if they were fully functional, I just can't see them. How can I solve this? It happens with every window open at the moment, but it doesn't affect the ones that I open after.

The image shows how the window become sometimes, other times it's completely invisible.

MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X Yosemite :: Always Open Windows Without Sidebar?

Dec 3, 2014

I don't remember if this was a problem in previous versions of OS X but I have just begun using Yosemite and am sick an tired of seeing that sidebar in every window I open. I have searched the net looking for a way to default to "no sidebar" for every window I open to no avail. 

Any terminal command or other solution to change this default behavior?

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OS X Yosemite :: How To Open A Folder In Its Own Windows

Dec 1, 2014

All of a sudden my folders will not open in their own windows..Earlier I was fine then all of a sudden it stopped.

MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X :: Safari Dragging - Can't Reload

Dec 21, 2008

I've been kicking around the idea of reformatting my iMac and starting fresh. It's not slow by any means (2.4ghz aluminum, 4gb ram, 320gb hd), but when I create a new user account I can tell the new account is faster. That is what is primarily pushing me to go ahead and reformat the computer with a completely fresh install, however it seems like I really don't need to go that far since it is only that user account that is drug down with over a year of accumulation in preferences, add-ons (such as Candybar 3, Perian, etc). The master account just is not "snappy" like a fresh account and I don't see a need in reformatting the computer if it is still fast on a new account, so. what to do? I don't want to reload all my apps in a fresh install if I don't have to, and one in particular (iMovieHD) I CAN'T reload since I can't find the disk anymore (one out of 30 disks I have goes wandering, it had to be that one).

What's REALLY been bugging me though, is Safari. I'm on 3.1.2 and it really just isn't cutting it. On my test account it is easily faster than on my master account. What all should I delete in my Safari app to get it back to factory fresh speeds without attempting to reinstall it? It takes about one full second longer to load on my master account Safari than on the fresh test account I made on my iMac. I can open Adobe Photoshop CS4 in under 4 seconds so I know the computer isn't dragging. It seems like it is mostly Safari that is sluggish, but then at times it seems like that neck snapping speed of opening windows in finder also is just slightly delayed making it feel not as fast. I dunno, what should I do from here to snap things up in Safari and maybe finder as well? It can't be much slowing me down with CS4 opening in under 4 seconds. I mean.... I can almost open Photoshop CS4 as fast as I can switch web pages so. Safari really isn't working out at the moment. I'm on the upgraded 22Mbps comcast package so I have plenty of pipeline behind my internet.

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Mac Pro :: OS X Mavericks 10.9.4 - Dragging And Scrolling Lag

Aug 26, 2014

Since upgrading to 10.9.4 i've been beset with numerous bugs and general odd system behavior. Previous to this update I had experience lag when using my Wacom Intuos 4 tablet. For example when doing a preview render in Maya the tablet would become unresponsive and laggy. This never occurred on my old Mac Pro 2008. 

I noticed there was an update to the Wacom Drivers (6.3.8-2) so I did the update. After updating I've been experiencing dramatically slow screen redraw. So whenever I drag a window or scroll, the image stutters, flickers and lags as it tries to redraw to keep up with mouse position. This makes it impossible to use the computer.  

I uninstalled the Wacom drivers and the lag and redraw errors persist. I looked at Activity Monitor to if it was some other system resource like Spotlight that was momentarily hogging resources. The only thing I notice is that the dreaded "kernel_task" seems to be using a lot of ram (1.46 GB) and cpu time (usually at the top of the list). Also, "com.apple.IconServicesAgent" seems to be using a lot of CPU time (usually #2 in the list). 

Here's my EtreCheck system report: EtreCheck version: 1.9.15 (52)Report generated August 26, 2014 at 11:34:29 AM EDT Hardware Information: ?  Mac Pro (Late 2013) (Verified)  Mac Pro - model: MacPro6,1  1 3.5 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon E5 CPU: 6 cores  32 GB RAM Video Information: ? 

[Code] .....

Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X Yosemite :: Change Finder Settings In All Windows

Dec 6, 2014

Similar to the original post found here:  Re: How to Change View Options for ALL Finder Windows? 

I'm trying to change my finder settings across all finder windows... I tried the solution posted in the above thread but get this message in terminal.  I'm not all that computer savvy when it comes to terminal so not sure what it means.

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OS X Mavericks :: Creating Windows Partition With Yosemite

Dec 7, 2014

I want to create a Windows partition to load Windows 7. But the Bootcamp assistant returns a dialog box saying I must update my boot ROM firmware before using the setup assistant. This happened AFTER I installed Yosemite 10.10.1. I previously had Windows successfully installed when I was running Mavericks. 

In clicking the SMC firmware icon in Launchpad I get another message saying "An unexpected error occurred (28). Your firmware cannot be updated." 

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), 20" iMac, 250GB H/D, 512Mb RAM.

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MacBook Pro :: Mouse Dragging And Locking On Everything

Nov 5, 2010

So I have been having an issue with my MBP 13" since I bought it, about a month now. At first the guy at Bes@ Bu@ attributed it to the fact that I was pressing too hard on the trackpad and sent me on my way. Two weeks later and the same issue is still happening. So I return to the store and they take the drag lock off, which I have tried before and I tell them this is not the problem-I am not an idiot-I actually know a little about computers. Oh well so here it is another two weeks and the same issue is still going. What do I do? A little background-I need a computer to be able to work on-this is not an option.

Best Buy said that if there is something truly wrong with the trackpad then they will have to send it off to "somewhere" and it could be gone for 10-14 days. That is just unacceptable. Is anybody familiar with their "Black Tie" protection plan? would it be easier/better just to run the thing over with my truck? instead of dealing with the headaches of shipping it somewhere? Basically it seems like the mouse is dragging and locking on everything it can. I have to hold and move, or double hold and move, its hard to explain, but there is definitely an issue. But since I mainly work nights, its hard to bring it up to BB when there is an issue.

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