I have an Imac, with CS3. I use Iphoto to import my images straight from my canon 50D camera, which has been very easy for me to do. I've been importing jpegs up until now. Yesterday I attempted to import about 50 RAW images, but an error occurred and would not import them. So i suspect the error is because i am trying to import RAW images.
I realize that some movie formats on older digital cameras do not coincide with older versions of IPhoto. I have the original Iphoto/IMovie on my PowerBook G4 and neither will recognize the Canon Powershot S50 digital camera on the desktop--yet it shows up on IPhoto. I am still able to import all photos.
But what I am wondering is if there is a way that I can import video to the HD some other way? I cannot find the camera using finder despite having a USB connection. All I would like to do is download the small videos that I have on the camera's disk.
I can't import MXF files shot on a Canon C300 into FCP 10.1.2. I have the Canon plug in for MXF file to FCP import but FCPX still doesn't recognize MXF files when I try to import. Premiere works fine importing MXF on the same computer.
Info: Mac Pro (Early 2008), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
So, I have all of my imovie projects backed up on my external harddrive, as well as the imovie program. I accidentally deleted all of the imovie projects and events from the imovie application on my laptop. When I try to re-import the imovie files into imovie, it doesn't recognize the files. I have tried to convert them with iSkySoft Video Converter. That converter program does not recognize the files either. I also tried burning the files onto a disc and then pulling them off the disc with the Handbrake program. This doesn't work either. I also tried importing the files into iMovie HD, which I have on my desktop, but to no avail. Are these files alll useless now? I'm at my wits end because I have spent literally months compiling footage for a documentary.
I am new to the mac format, having just purchased my first imac a week ago. The first time I tried to import video files (in .mts format) from my Canon video camera through imovie, it worked perfectly. I tried to import additional videos today and imovie will not recognize my camera. I am connecting to the imac through usb and have the camera set to the computer input mode. Also, iphoto does recognize the .jpg photos that are on the camera's SD card. I've restarted the imac and reconnected the camcorder several times, but have not been able to get imovie import to work.
I recently bought a Canon HD camcorder bc I want my movies to look like the ones at the apple store. I edited my first movie in imovie 09, but it come out like they were recorded on miniDV tapes. I have a Macbook Pro and Im not a MAC genius. What do i need to do?
So, I've seen tons of threads about iMovie only working with certain video file extensions and not others. Trouble is, my iMovie doesn't work with any file, ever. The files show up as "importable" when I go to import them, but then they simply don't import. When I try clicking and dragging them like the program says to, they "bounce back" to where they were. When I click on "last import" it shows up empty.When I click on "import" it acts as if it's going to work, and an icon reading "new event" shows up, but when I highlight (or click, or double click, or right-click, or anything) that icon, the message reads, "No matching video. Chose a different option from the Show pop-up menu" etc.
I've been trying for months! I love to make videos and with Vegas on Windows I never had any trouble. Files that iMovie won't import: AVI, MP4, MP3, MPG, MKV, WMV, SFK, and no song files, either.My Mac is an iMac OS X version 10.5.8I called the local Apple store and the lady there told me that I shouldn't be trying to use any videos other than ones I'd shot from my own camera anyway. :/
I have a homemade DVD someone sent me to prep for the web. Right now I just have iMovie available on my system (not enough room for FCP). The DVD automatically plays in DVD Player but when I try to import it into iMovie I see a progress menu/bar that drops down, disappears, then I have nothing and the timeline is empty and the clip I dragged/dropped it on is empty (well white from selecting it first).
It plays in DVD Player but NOT in QuickTime. QT throws up the error "Error Opening Movie. Movie could not be opened."
I've tried to import dvd into imovies. (its some video I shot of my band) but all the files were erased so how do I import them as I wish to make a video clip from them
I have a few .AVI files that I want to use in iMovie. What can I do to get them in iMovie because it doesn't seem to want to import them. What can I do?
I have been trying to edit some footage and was trying to import a non commercial dvd to i movie. I have researched the web and tried to follow these instructions but doesn't work. I have an macbook pro 13'' 09
1. Insert DVD. 2. Open Disk Utility. 3. Select the disk and then select "New Image". Save the disk image wherever is convenient, such as the desktop. 4. Once the disk image is written, open iMovie. 5. Mount the new disk image. A "Camera Detected, Scanning Contents" window will appear in iMovie, followed by an import window. You can now import the DVD contents and start editing away.
i have a fairly new dvd camcorder sony dcr-205 so i can record direct to dvd AND get widescreen.
WELL my path to get the da+%$#m dvd file .vob into imovie has shown me this
can someone show me a simple simple simple path to get this into imovie like one step even if it cost a few bucks OR
does min dv camcorder come in wide aspect format or am i stuck with having my families video's forever in the "old" aspect ratio?
soooo from what i understand and searching this and apple discussion groups...imovie works best with minidv (i had one my wife droped it and i thought to spend to $$$$ to the sony dcr dvd205 i thought it was an upgrade....yea right.
I am doing a project for my new website where I need to show select clips from movies I have downloaded. The movies are in .avi format and I use VLC to watch them. iMovie will not let me import these videos, how can I work around this? So I can edit them in Imovie.
I want to edit a video file that is in avi format on iMovie since I don't have any other video editing software and figure that I'll make some use out of the program. But when I go to File > Import Movies. I can import .mov files, but not avi?
I'm in the process of making a presentation in iMovie, and I am using photos and movies from iPhoto. The pictures work just fine, but I can not get my videos to import into iMovie. I've tried restarting both iPhoto and iMovie, and I've had no luck. The files are .mov, which I know are compatible with iMovie because I've used them before. However I did a test video and it was MPEG-4, and that imported just fine into iMovie. So it appears it may be a format issue but I've used .mov in the past so that has me stumped. I could re render the video in MPEG-4, but the video was a rendering of the whole building in HD, so it took about 24 hours to render, so I don't want to do that again. If I do have to convert it, what program can I use to convert it?
I read through the information provided by iMovie, and searched around on Google, but I'm not getting anywhere. I have iMovie '08, and have never used it until today. I tried to import some videos (Mp4) that I have on my computer in order to edit them. I imported them, selected the project to import them to, where to save, etc. Pressed import. iMovie said it was importing the video and then uploading thumbs or whatever. After that, nothing. Nothing shows up in iMovie, and I don't know how to access the video clips, or how to make them transfer successfully. Am I doing anything wrong?
I'm thinking about starting my own blog, and every now and then post some recorded videos (vlogs)I'm new to Mac (Only 2 Months) and well I got to start using iMovie '09 and I noticed there is only 5 themes.Is there a way I can get themes and import them into iMovie '09?I also own Adobe Master Collection CS4, which has After Effects.I basically would like to add title intros and maybe some sound and photos to the video.
I want to know what free or cheap program i can use to import mpeg 1 and 2 into imovie. i tried dropdv.com but i have a dispute claim with them. I am looking for another program similar to dropdv that does the same thing basically.
After importing HD video (from a Canon Vixia HV40) into iMovie 11 (v 9.04) at 960x540 resolution, you get a bunch of .mov files. Does anyone know why those .mov files, as they come out of the import process,will not import into iTunes? Here are the details. My brother wanted to put a small one onto his iPad. I told him the simplest way (or so I thought) to do it would be to import the .mov file into iTunes (v 10.6.1) and then sync his iPad. There was no need to make a project from the single clip, then share it. However, iTunes will not import any of the .mov files made with the iMovie import. Does anyone know why? This happens on my iMac (core i7) and his (core i5). Of course, if I open the .mov file in QuickTime Player (v 10.1) then export to a .m4v file (export setting "iPad, iPhone & Apple TV"), the new file imports into iTunes just fine. In case iTunes thinks you shouldn't be importing clips from the iMovie events folder, I dragged the clip to the desktop and tried the import, but that did not work either. I guess what this comes down to is given that iMovie, QuickTime Player and iTunes all come from Apple, why can iMovie and QuickTime Player read the file while iTunes cannot? I would think the same code would be in all three products (do the iMovie and QuickTime Player developers refuse to share, while the iTunes developers are lazy?).
Does anyone know of a simple way to upload home movies burned to DVD into my iMac so that I can burn copies? Have quite a few personal videos on DVD that i'd like to import/upload to archive and burn additional copies of, and can't seem to figure it out.
i have a macbook pro. i've looked through a lot of tutorials on youtube and apple support but i wasn't able to find the answer i was looking for.
my question is
how do i import a video on my desktop to the application imovie 09?
i started to work on my killer intro vid and the rest of the vid happen to be on my desktop. however, when i attempt to drag the video to imovie09, it bounce right off.
if there is nothing i can do, would it be possible to use the isight cam from imovie09 to make a video? i am not talking about making a video about myself. it actually pertains to an object ill be holding and talking about it. the only struggle is turning the object and holding it up. i know it can be better done with an actually camcorder but is there another way with the isight app on my computer?
I'm new with iMovie and this is all pretty damn confusing. I have a bunch of short nothing videos in my "iPhoto videos" area. but I can't seem to get to my newly added videos in iPhoto. I play them in iPhoto all the time, they're grouped by event and such but I can't for the life of me get them into the area.