Applications :: New To Imovie, Video Won't Import?
Apr 28, 2009
I read through the information provided by iMovie, and searched around on Google, but I'm not getting anywhere. I have iMovie '08, and have never used it until today. I tried to import some videos (Mp4) that I have on my computer in order to edit them. I imported them, selected the project to import them to, where to save, etc. Pressed import. iMovie said it was importing the video and then uploading thumbs or whatever. After that, nothing. Nothing shows up in iMovie, and I don't know how to access the video clips, or how to make them transfer successfully. Am I doing anything wrong?
I'll be doing my first project in iMovie this weekend; I'm borrowing a Sony Handycam to film a school play. Because my Macbook doesn't have a firewire port, I'm planning to use my friend's iMac to import the footage onto my external hard drive (ie select the hard drive from the pop-up menu on the import sheet as recommended here. Once the footage is on my external hard drive will I have to do the editing on the iMac, or can I edit it in my Macbook? The 2nd option is preferable as I can then do the editing at home instead of at my friend's place. If that's possible, how do I import it into the macbook? And also, my friend's iMac has iMovie '08, I have '09 - does that matter?
iMovie is driving me round the bend.I have videos in .MTS, .AVI, .MOV formats and iMovie basically refuses to import any of them!!!
I have used handbrake to convert an AVI to MP4 and iMovie sees the file, imports but all i get is a blank screen? The file plays ok just starting it from desktop.
I have a 3 part video from YouTube that I got with DownloadHelper, in mp4 format. I want to stitch the three pieces together in iMovie, so I have one video instead of 3. The first part seems to import normally. It copies the file over, and spends some time generating thumbnails. Then it duly places the video in an event. The other two parts take maybe 5 seconds to import. No thumbnails, no nothing. All three files are in the iMovie folder, but the last two refuse to appear in iMovie itself. The video codec is the same as other clips that I imported successfully some time ago: AAC, H.264.
get video recorded from my cell phone (motoroala Hint) imported into imovie so I can edit the video and merge clips. The file extension of the video file is .3g2 . Quicktime will play this video, but imovie apparently does not support it. I have found a number of different video apps by searching forums (iskysoft imedia converter, handbreak, mpeg streamclip, applemacsoft video converter) of which only iskysoft imedia converter does what I want to do. The only problem is the trial version does not convert audio and has "evaluation copy" imprinted into the video. The full version costs $50
i have a macbook pro. i've looked through a lot of tutorials on youtube and apple support but i wasn't able to find the answer i was looking for.
my question is
how do i import a video on my desktop to the application imovie 09?
i started to work on my killer intro vid and the rest of the vid happen to be on my desktop. however, when i attempt to drag the video to imovie09, it bounce right off.
if there is nothing i can do, would it be possible to use the isight cam from imovie09 to make a video? i am not talking about making a video about myself. it actually pertains to an object ill be holding and talking about it. the only struggle is turning the object and holding it up. i know it can be better done with an actually camcorder but is there another way with the isight app on my computer?
Using iMovie, I imported 15 minutes length of video from HANDYCAM SONY HDR-SR11 (Hard Disc type), everything looks good as the indicator also saying something like "completed importing 15 minutes of video". However the clip was not even created on the Event. I also tried to do the same for 1 Hour video, ended up the same. I click on the Event and It says 'No matching video. Choose a different option from the Show pop-up menu at the lower left corner'. I choose different option but still can not see the clips with any options at all.
The facts : 1. I have no issue with importing shorter clips ( eg : 5 minutes ) 2. The disc space is totally enough. 3. Importing from my old handycam canon ( MiniDV type ) has no issue at all.
I am trying to import a video file that I dowloaded off youtube and converted to a .mov into iMovie. However, iMovie will not import it. It's not that it has an error when trying to import, it's that it won't even let me import it - the file is unselectable in the file browser for importing. I have tried to convert it to a .mp4 and that doesn't work either. How do I get this to work?
I have HD videos that I cannot import to iMovie because of their .mts format. I converted them in .mov. When I import them in iMovie, only 9 to 10 seconds are imported. How can I import my entire HD videos on iMovie?
When I import a video from my camera to iMovie it lags bad. I have a black MacBook with a 2.4 core 2 duo and 4gb of ram. I know it is not the file on the cam. I am also running iMovie 08. The video I am trying to improt is from a GoPro hero 2 in 1080p. Is that to much for my old Mac? OS 10.7.3
So, I have all of my imovie projects backed up on my external harddrive, as well as the imovie program. I accidentally deleted all of the imovie projects and events from the imovie application on my laptop. When I try to re-import the imovie files into imovie, it doesn't recognize the files. I have tried to convert them with iSkySoft Video Converter. That converter program does not recognize the files either. I also tried burning the files onto a disc and then pulling them off the disc with the Handbrake program. This doesn't work either. I also tried importing the files into iMovie HD, which I have on my desktop, but to no avail. Are these files alll useless now? I'm at my wits end because I have spent literally months compiling footage for a documentary.
I have a homemade DVD someone sent me to prep for the web. Right now I just have iMovie available on my system (not enough room for FCP). The DVD automatically plays in DVD Player but when I try to import it into iMovie I see a progress menu/bar that drops down, disappears, then I have nothing and the timeline is empty and the clip I dragged/dropped it on is empty (well white from selecting it first).
It plays in DVD Player but NOT in QuickTime. QT throws up the error "Error Opening Movie. Movie could not be opened."
I've tried to import dvd into imovies. (its some video I shot of my band) but all the files were erased so how do I import them as I wish to make a video clip from them
I have a few .AVI files that I want to use in iMovie. What can I do to get them in iMovie because it doesn't seem to want to import them. What can I do?
I am doing a project for my new website where I need to show select clips from movies I have downloaded. The movies are in .avi format and I use VLC to watch them. iMovie will not let me import these videos, how can I work around this? So I can edit them in Imovie.
I want to edit a video file that is in avi format on iMovie since I don't have any other video editing software and figure that I'll make some use out of the program. But when I go to File > Import Movies. I can import .mov files, but not avi?
I'm in the process of making a presentation in iMovie, and I am using photos and movies from iPhoto. The pictures work just fine, but I can not get my videos to import into iMovie. I've tried restarting both iPhoto and iMovie, and I've had no luck. The files are .mov, which I know are compatible with iMovie because I've used them before. However I did a test video and it was MPEG-4, and that imported just fine into iMovie. So it appears it may be a format issue but I've used .mov in the past so that has me stumped. I could re render the video in MPEG-4, but the video was a rendering of the whole building in HD, so it took about 24 hours to render, so I don't want to do that again. If I do have to convert it, what program can I use to convert it?
I'm thinking about starting my own blog, and every now and then post some recorded videos (vlogs)I'm new to Mac (Only 2 Months) and well I got to start using iMovie '09 and I noticed there is only 5 themes.Is there a way I can get themes and import them into iMovie '09?I also own Adobe Master Collection CS4, which has After Effects.I basically would like to add title intros and maybe some sound and photos to the video.
I have 8 720p movies which really aren't that long, totaling around 350mb. I tried to import these into iMovie 08, however it never seems to work as the event I import them into always says there is nothing in the event.
The videos always copy across though, because after looking through the Movies folder I found them in the iMovie 08 events folder. I'm assuming this is a problem which occurs when iMovie attempts to generate thumbnails, but I'm not sure.
I've takes some videos with my digital camera. When I connect it to my Mac, iPhoto opens up and imports them, and I have all the videos in their own event.
When I open up iMovie 08 to edit these clips, they do not show up in the event library under iPhoto videos.
I tried to import a .mod converted (in Streamclip) .dv file into iMovie 6 but received the following error: The file could not be imported: The file �Macintosh HD/Users/alix/Movies/MOV03A.dv� can�t be imported; QuickTime couldn�t parse it: -39
I want to put my movies which are on tapes on my mac without it breaking it up into separate scenes. I just want one big file. Is there a setting to do this? Or is IMovie not the program to do this?
Whenever I import clips into iMovie HD I get a black rectangle on the left side of the clip that only shows up when I import it, the actual file does not have this (as shown in the attachments).
I tried doing several things such as flattening the images, changing the resolution, using different file formats. I tried making the images exactly 1920 by 1080 which someone mentioned was the px dimensions that imovie uses and that didn't work.
The only time the image seems clearer is when I go to show photo settings, which is weird.
These images were originally raws so I can make them whatever size is needed for imovie. I just need to know what it likes best!
I was thinking I might not be rendering them properly. I imported it into idvd and it rendered it that way. Is there another way I can do it maybe?
Since upgrading to Snow Leopard, I can no longer import P2 footage. I get the stop sign and error: no data.In the import window I can play the clip and everything is fine, but when I add to the clip to the import queue it just times out.
Any thoughts? Is it somehow related to Quicktime being updated by Snow Leopard?
Information: Macbook Pro Mac OS X (10.6.1) Final Cut 5.1