I got up and tripped over the power cable and It popped out (thanks magsafe! ) but the computer immediately shut down. I plugged it back in and started it up to see my clock was messed up. I changed the clock and redid the update. Everything seems to be working now but I was just wondering if anything else could have happened?
I have already tried using Qtips, other end of match sicks, cleaning the headphone jack with alcohol and a little jiggling with the other end of the plastic ballpen still ni audio from the Mac's speaker and the Built in output still active.
I just brought a brand new IMac today but could not connect the internet with the cable though the cable does work with other computers. Do I have to change the settings or .....? Or its the problem of the jack?
I have an aiport extreme card in my emac. It was installed around a year and a half ago and has workd fine until yesterday. it suddenly says that it is not configured. It also says the antenna cable is unplugged and that it is turned off. I tried to trouble shoot it with internet connection assistant which says cable is unplugged and aiport is off. I have taken the card out and reinstalled it and reattached the cable mutiple times to no avail. And yes, I know how hard it is to push in.
Info: eMac (ATI Graphics), Mac OS X (10.5.8), 1 GHz powerPC G4
Anyone know where I can buy an extra AC cable for the MagSafe 85W power supply that came with my late 08 MBP? I'd like an extra cable and I'm not interested in ponying up the dough for the entire power supply. I checked the Apple Store and Macmall, but haven't found anything as of yet.
Can someone point me where I can get that 6-pin power cable that connects the videocard to the MP motherboard, I remember someone mentioned where one could purchase this cable but I forgot which thread it was.
So just today I was using my MacBook, then I put it down, and noticed smoke coming from the ground. The end part of my power cable was slightly on fire. I quickly took it out my laptop and from the wall. So now the cable's burnt itself, is it covered by AppleCare? I am still in warranty from when I bought the laptop.
I am searching for any bright ideas to power up my Macbook. I find myself in Belize without my cable cord for my Macbook but I happen to have a powered up PC. Any ideas on how I might use maybe my PC to power up my Macbook?
I recently purchased my first MBP, question is.... Do these power cables break down and crack as easy as the iphone data cables?? Please tell me no, at $79 a piece, that would be terrible.
I bought a Referb 09 Mac Pro. I purchased a Gigabyte HD Radeon 6850. The Power cable that came with that card is obviously for a PC.I just need to know what cable I need and where I can get it?
I have searched high and low to find a simple adaptor connection cable to link my Hi Fi to the G4 so that I can record my favorite old LP's and cassettes into iTunes and burn them onto CD with Toast 7 once cleaned up. A wireless unit that works in reverse to the iPod to Hi Fi would be ideal. If I had the technical expertise to design one, assuming not already available somewhere, I would patent this rather than having to have cable traveling from room to room.
The longer the cable the greater the audio loss, if you believe the cable manufacturers. Some of the music I want to record is just not available on CD whether original LPs or in compilations. One artist in particular, Annabel Lamb, I have requested the iTunes Store to incorporate several times with no response. Even the technical Q and A on Roxio's site does not help. Roxannes great the way she tracks the pointer though.
Information: G4 Quicksilver Mac OS X (10.3.x) 250Gb Hard Drive 1.2Gb Memory
I have a uni-body Macbook Pro (Late 2008) At the time of it's release, Apple was still selling the old type of magsafe power cables... (The one that a lot of people reported having melting and other issues with. )
Well, mine has been fine, (and still works) but I'm starting to get worried about the serious fraying inside the cable casing. (See pictures below) I never ever use the wrapping clips on the adapter to wrap my cable around. I always coil it up loosely, to prevent further damage.
Basically what I'm wondering is, if I bring this into Apple will they replace it for free? Or will I have to pay for it? I do have Apple Care.
Was on my PB last night, went to pick the power cable up by the transformer and it emitted a spark, a little bang and then some smoke.
It was very very hot. It was late, and I was slow to react and it remained plugged into the computer after this had happened still charging it as if nothing had happened.
The computer is fine too.
Basically, I'd like to know if anyone has had a similar issue happen to them, and if I should get a new power cord? Or if you think it is okay to carry on using this one.
I haven't plugged it in since last night to see if it works or not, I am worried it will break the lap top.
I have an old 14 inch ibook i use internet/mail my girlfriend recently damaged the power cable so cant get it to charge. Any suggestions as to where I might get a new one?
dog chewed through the cable that runs from the wall to the power adapter for my 20' ACD. I've only been able to find either the adapter, or the adapter and the cord. I just need the cord. Anyone know where i can buy just the CORD, i dont need another power adaptor.
I just purchased a new 15inch Macbook Pro. Upon opening it, the first thing I did was drop my alarm clock on it. This put a little dent on the top front behind the screen. This made me realize that maybe I should pick up a hardshell case to prevent anymore dents. But, upon investigation, there are no hardshell cases that fit the magsafe cable.Or is this not true? Are there brands besides Speck and incase that would fit the new MBP?
how do you guys store your power cable when you take your macbook pro to work or school? for me, i kinda just roll up the cable around the brick, and put it in my bag.
I only have an 8800 GT which requires 1 cable, will the HD4890 be flashable in OS X with only 1 power cord attached? I tried to search the original 3000 post thread but there were many pages of results for "power".
I have a IBM Deskstar ATA/IDE hard drive, model DTLA-305040 that came out of a Power Mac G4 (Quicksilver) whose power supply died. I'm trying to install the hard drive in the open bay of a Power Mac G5 9,1 - A1093 with a 1.8 GHz processor, which (I think/guess) takes a SATA hard drive. Is there a cable I can use to make the hard drive "compatible" inside the G5? Or would it be better to just get a cable to access the hard drive externally, copy the data off it and then be done with the old hard drive? It's pretty old and apparently these IBM Deskstar drives had a lot of issues.
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Model 5,1/2.4 GHz/8 core (mid 2010)
I have a week old new Mac Mini (2.3 Ghz Intel Core 5; 4 GB of RAM) and noticed its power cable is loose. I don't seem to be alone online like in [URL]... Is there a fix for this like a better power cable?
I have to get a external drive for backup with Time Machine. Everyone says to get Firewire I guess because its faster...but.Do you need to use the power cord for those? I know some USB drives you can only use the USB cable and it powers it which is handy because I move the drive a lot and I hate connecting two cables....do firewire drives need both cables?