OS X :: Unable To Write To External Hard Drive Anymore
Dec 10, 2009
I have a Toshiba 250GB external hard drive to back up pictures. I can write to it just fine. I also have a Fantom Drive 1TB external. I could write to it last week, but I turned it on this week and I can't write to it. I can still pull stuff off of it, but I can't write to it. What can be causing this? I have already installed MacFuse and NTFS-3G. It doesn't make sense to me that I can't write to it all of the sudden.
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Feb 15, 2011
i had a External Harddrive.Currently i can Read//Write on it in Windows PC(Windows7)But when i use the same drive in Mac i can only read...but can't able to write. How to resolve this issue
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Apr 24, 2010
sorry if this is a noob question, but when I try to save things to my new external hard drive a box comes up telling me that the disk is write-protected. Is there a way I can write-enable it? I have tried a bit of searching on Google, but to no avail.
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May 26, 2010
After a lifetime of owning PC's I finally purchased a MacBook Pro running OS X. I installed Parallels Desktop 5, Windows XP, and several Windows apps to have dual functionality. Now I need to write to my NTFS ext. hard drive where I backup everything. It has 800gb of space left, so it would be a shame to get a new one just b/c I have a Mac now. I first installed MacFuse and then NTFS-3G. Now when I reboot, the ext. HD won't mount at all. What have I done wrong?
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Mar 5, 2012
I bought a MacBook Pro 13"".I do have a seagate external hard drive. When i connect my External Harddrive to Mac the data can only be read mode.I am not able to Write data on to External Hard drive.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.7)
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Mar 25, 2012
I recently borrowed my brother's laptop to use as a media station for listening to music from, and watching movies, in order to free up some space on my main macbook. In trying to migrate some files over, I discovered that my hard drive, a 320 GB WD Elements drive, is having some problems which I've never encountered before. It has always worked fine in the past, but now I can't transfer any files to or from it, from either computer. In all of my troubleshooting, I've gotten various errors, (-36, -50), and various messages saying how the device can't be read or written from, or how some files contian unreadable data, etc.Disk Utility found an unused node when verifying the disk, and notified me that the disk needed to be repaired.I then used Disk Utility, which said it was able to successfully repair it, but the same problem remains, and after verifying the disk, it still says it needs to be repaired.I've tried to find any files that may be causing the problem, and was finally able to delete a seemingly troublesome file that was stuck in my trash bin from the external drive after trying various apps, (ie Trash It, Cocktail, What's Keeping Me?).This didn't end up solving anything...I've used terminal to eliminate some other potentially problematic files, with no luck still, and I'm not too confident with Terminal so I don't want to be messing around too much without more guidance.
I've used Disk Warrior to try to solve the problem, but still with no success.When I use the app to Check All Files and Folders, it does so for only a few seconds, then reports that "An unexpected error ocurred while attempting to perform file operations" for several files, and that several files' "Property list is damaged and cannot be repaired". When using Disk Warrior to REBUILD the drive, the app pauses for about 15 seconds, then says that it can't be rebuilt because it is in use.Again, I've used the What's Keeping Me? app to kill any activity with the drive, and the same error occurs.I've spent a lot of time trying to sort this out.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 14, 2010
I bought a Seagate Free Agent Go Flex External drive. I transferred all my files from my previous external HD.
When I went to access my folders on my external HD, the folders are all locked, with Sharing and Permission section in the Information "Everyone: Read" only! I can't change any of the information or move things! All of them are locked and "read only." I know how to change it, but only manually, individually. I have several hundreds of folders and I don't want to manually change all of them to "Read & Write." Is their a way to let me re-set the folders to "Read & Write" easily??
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May 10, 2010
I have a Late 09 15" MBP and a WD 1TB external HD. I've never had a problem until now. I start up the hard drive, then it loads up fine and the Mac recognizes it just fine. As soon as I try to copy something - doesn't matter how big it is - I get an error and at the end it says "(Error code - 36)". It just says the file cannot be read or written. Weird thing is I can access everything on the hard drive. Anyone have any tips before I try reformatting the HD?
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Mar 26, 2012
My external hard drive was accidentally unplugged without ejecting. Now when I plug it in, it read only. I can copy files from it but not to it. Is there a way to reinstate write access without losing my data?
Info:MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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May 21, 2012
I have an external hard drive(seagate 250 NTFS format) which i have used on my windows 7 computer now that i'm trying to load the information onto my macbook pro (10.7.4) it will not let me change the permissions nor duplicate the files. How can I be able to edit and save the information to my mac from the external drive??
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 21, 2012
I have an external hard drive I was using all morning. This afternoon, the hard drive isn't showing up on my desktop. It does show up in my system profiler under usb. When I go to disk utility to repair it, it isn't there.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 27, 2009
I recently bought an external hard drive that claims to be OSX compatible, but when i plug it into the usb, it isnt being recognized.
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Jan 20, 2010
Without warning my iMac [OS X Snow Leopard] popped up an alert saying that I should eject a drive before disconnecting it. I had done nothing to generate this error message. I clicked ok to close it and noticed my 4 month old, external 8T Mercury Elite-AL Pro Qx2 was no longer visible in my drive directory. I also noticed this external unit was making a looped grinding noise as if it was trying to write without success. I figured one of the drives failed and took it to the mac doctor. Other than a few directory errors, everything appeared to be fine, so I paid the service fee, brought it home and plugged it in only to find the same prob - obviously it's something with my iMac. Before I go spending more service fees, I wondered if anyone here could point me toward a method of discovering what might be wrong. I ran disk utility [verify and permissions] and fixed some directory errors, but don't know how to look further. iMac was home networked with a PC [Windows] and a laptop [Windows]. I did notice something wacky with the PC, but its very old and I expect it to die any day. I was running the network through the PC, so I direct connected the iMac to the router and modem but no change: still cannot see the external drives. What other info do you need to make an educated guess for me?
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Jan 12, 2011
My new iMac is arriving tomorrow and I need to transfer everything over to it. I know about Migration Assistant, but I want to know if there will be any complications due to the data I have on an external hard drive.
Specifically, I currently have an older (white) iMac hooked up to two 2TB external hard drives. One if for backup but the other one has all my iPhoto and iTunes content on it, including about 1.5 TB of movies and TV shows that I have ripped. None of this material is on the computer's internal hard drive - it is all on the external hard drive.
Because my new iMac has a 2 TB internal hard drive, I want to transfer all the iPhoto and iTunes content currently on the external hard drives onto the internal hard drive of the new iMac. Will Migration Assistant handle this and will it be clear what I need to do?
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Aug 27, 2008
I was wondering how much external memory an iMac G3 1999 will accept! And I'm looking for an external Hard Drive that uses the built in Firewire 400.
btw: it's blueberry. and 400MHz with 512MB SDRam
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Nov 11, 2008
I have a macbook and I am connecting an external hard drive via USB 2.0.
When I want to delete a folder it gives me "error 1407". There is nothing in the folder and it is not protected in any way. It was a folder created by me only a month or so ago. ALL of the folders on my external hard drive are like this. No files are effected with this issue.
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Apr 23, 2009
Supposedly, the external is in use and cannot be ejected, but i don't think it's in use. I've only recently been encountering this problem, and i have no idea why. I've tried quitting every application, but it still claims to be in use.
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Jun 14, 2009
I have a Lacie External Hard Drive that I had been using with my Windows system.
Now, I decided to transfer some of my stuffs from my MBP to this Lacie External, however, it won't allow me. It keeps giving me warning that "Lacie External Hard Drive Cannot be modified".
I had tried to modify the "Lock" property from "Get Info" but its option is grayed out.. I am unable to change it..
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Aug 15, 2009
I have OSX leopard as a disc image on my desktop. When I try to copy the .dmg file over to my external hard drive it copies for a while, then an error message says it can't copy it over and stops. I'm really confused as this sort of problem doesn't usually happen.
I'm running Tiger 10.4.11 and I want to install Leopard. The Leopard disc image is 6.66GB.
I can't burn it to a DVD either because the discs I have are 4.7GB & the .dmg is 6.66GB. Do I need to buy a bigger DVD blank disc?
Another question is how I should burn the disc. Should I simply burn the .dmg file straight onto a DVD (if I can get one that is big enough!) using Disc Utility?
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Feb 16, 2010
I'm praying someone can give me a miracle cure here but im pretty sure its a terminal case. i have a 24inch iMac 2.66ghz core 2 duo and a western digital 1tb external usb hard drive....this hard drive was bought a month or so ago with the sole purpose of store years and years of media to free up valuable space on my iMac hard drive....tonight without any warning at all the drive icon disappears from my desktop with an error message and now refuses to load, when i click initialise on the error dialogue box it takes me to disk utility.
in disk utility i have tried repairing disk and i get the message "invalid node structure". it then tells me it cannot be repaired and i need to re-format my hard drive.
as i said there is literally YEARS of info on this drive that i really really dont want to lose, is there anything i can do, or anything worth trying. as a side note on the front of the drive it has a capacity gauge and has gone from 3/4's full to not showing anything.
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Jan 5, 2009
I'm using a 1.42ghz Macmini running 10.4.11. I've been using a Lacie 500 G firewire external hard drive for over a year to store and retrieve files. I have several movies in the mp4 format stored on the Lacie external hard drive. I recently opened one of the movies in full screen (quicktime). It ran for about 10 minutes before freezing up. I watched the spinning beach ball for about 5 minutes. Unable to force quit Quicktime, I pulled the plug on the Macmini. After restarting the computer, the icon for the Lacie external hard drive no longer appeared on the desktop.
I tried several different things to get the icon back, including: repairing the permissions and shutting down the external drive and unplugging the power supply for several minutes before reconnecting the external drive to the computer. The external drive doesn't show up in either the System Profiler or Disk Utilities.
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May 4, 2012
Two years ago I installed Leopard on a pair of striped Fantom Hard Drives (3TBs) via Firewire 800, and have been running my 2007 Macbook Pro off it ever since. When Snow Leopard came out, I updated it with no problems. When Lion came out, again no problems. Last month I bought a CalDigit VR2 with dual hard drives (4TBs) specifically built for running OS externally. But no matter how I configure, install, or connect... it will not boot up my Macbook Pro, or my Macbook Air.
Last week I bought a new Fantom external hard drive (1.5TBs) and discovered the same exact issue, with one exception... the Fantom will boot the Macbook Pro via USB 2.0, but only when plugged into the left side port.
Has anyone else noticed this change?
P.S. I've talked to the people at CalDigit, Fantom, and Apple, and no one seems to have an answer.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Sep 17, 2007
This issue has been killing my work flow for quite awhile. I have a G5 dual 2.0. I can barely read or write files to an external hard drive. Say I try and copy 1.56GB of audio (12 files) from my external drive it will start to copy then stop at 500mb for minutes then start moving as normal and stop again around 900 for minutes.. then again at 1.4. This also happens when writing.
Here is the confusing part. This happens with two external drives (different models) with firewire 400, 800 and USB. I have reinstall OSx. I have repaired permissions and ran repair disc on everything. These hard drives work FLAWLESS with my Macbook Pro as well. Gr what can this be? It takes forever to copy data to or from a drive which is often how I transfer audio between my desktop and laptop. I should soon have Mac Pro money and this crappy G5 can go out the window. I am on 10.4..
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Apr 13, 2012
hey all, this has been really frustrating for me today. i want to be able to write to an external HDD that's formatted in NTFS. today i find out it isn't possible to write to this file system on a Mac and that on FAT32 it is possible. however, FAT32 can't address files larger than 4GB so this hurts me a lot. are there any other file systems that'll allow me to read and write from a Mac? my goal was to use freeNAS to build a NAS with an old tower and connect my external hard drives to it, but if i can't write to them this may not be possible.
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May 11, 2010
Starting today, when I try and write anything to my non-OS harddrive (with my music library and data on it), OSX gives me the error: "The data can't be read or written" The permissions seem to be fine. I can open files on the HD fine, but they open a little slow. So basically I only can't write to the drive. What's going on? Is my HD dying?
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Jul 10, 2009
I've not Time Machine'd in about 3 weeks. After working fine for several months, out of the blue I get this error. I think it was -61? "Get Info" said it was read only. I couldn't figure out how to make it write & read. Now, out of the blue, I can't even mount it.I'm at a loss. My iMac is on it's last legs and I'm playing with fire. I guess the first order of business is to mount the thing but it just does nothing or IDK how to force it to do this?
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Dec 27, 2010
I bought a WD My Book Essential to do Time Machine backups. It is formatted for a PC but I was told I need to format for my IMac before I can use it. How do I do that? Is it a complicated process? I have only been using a Mac for about a year now and am still learning about them.
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Jan 6, 2011
I have 100gigs of music so I successfully transferred my iTunes media to an external hard drive, and identified this new location within iTunes/Preferences/Advanced/Location. Everything worked great until I had to shut down and start up.
Now, it no longer recognizes the media library. When I try to play a track in iTunes, iTunes says the original file could not be found. It prompts me to locate this one track, which I do, and that one track will play. All of the other tracks have the (!) sign next to them in my iTunes library.
I have double checked the settings in my iTunes preferences, everything appears to be configured as when I first made the successful transfer (identifying the external hard drive as the location).
I've made sure to restart once the external hard drive is connected.
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Jun 15, 2008
One of my important external hard drives recently died and I was wondering of there was a way to see a list of files that were on the drive before it crashed, maybe the spotlight index?
Before sending the drive in for recovery (and not attempting to change the logic board myself) I would like to see if there is any private data on the drive that I wouldn't want to fall into the wrong hands.
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Feb 18, 2009
i have just bought and external hard drive and want to put stuff on it. i know i hav to format it somehow using disk utility on my imac. what do i format it to so i can use it on both mac and pc? it is set to read only in "get info" and ms-dos fat in disk utility.
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