MacBook Pro :: Does QuickTime Support Flash Video Or FLV Format
Sep 9, 2014Does quicktime support flash video or flv format
MacBook Pro, iOS 7.1.2
Does quicktime support flash video or flv format
MacBook Pro, iOS 7.1.2
I want to move from pc to mac but I'm struggle if it will support my flash drive format NTFS. Will it support ? or it support only FAT32 ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe document Baraka.avicould not be opened. A required codec isn't available. f there is any available software to open avi.
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X(10.5.4)
My OSX is Lion, (10.7.4) but the Quicktime support for MPEG-2 format is missing. When I look in the Quicktime system library there is QuicktimeMPEG.component & QuicktimeMPEG4.component, but no QuicktimeMPEG2.component. So, I presume its not there. How do I fix this? Do I have to re-install something? I had Quicktime 10.1 on my system, but have now also installed Quicktime 7.6.6. I need to work with some MPEG-2 videos & convert them to MPEG-4 format. I gather I can do this with MPEG Streamclip, but not if MPEG-2 support is missing!
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
i have a macbook and have been trying to play a dvd disk i have with some movies on them. well besically they wont play as theyre AVI files.
Adding additional Media format support to QuickTime. Can I use my ITunes to do this?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have a wmv file I would like to play - downloadedFlip4Mac WMV Components for QuickTime - and still cannot run file.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.1), none
Having difficulty downloading this software?Adding additional media format support to QuickTime?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHT3526: Adding additional media format support to QuickTime?
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Mac Book Air/Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.7)
I'm looking for a easy to use video format converter to format a ".m4v" file to a format that iTunes or Quicktime will recognize.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a Quicktime Player ver. 10.1 on MacBook that does not play mpeg-2 files.
i want to convert TPS file format to other video format in mac
View 2 Replies View RelatedCould someone check in their System Profiler -> Serial-ATATRIM would be really useful during the lifetime of the flash drive.
View 24 Replies View RelatedWill new Macbook Air support Adobe products such as Flash Player?
MacBook Air
I work for a post secondary school with online formatted classes. We send flash drives out to students to access video content when they are on the go, but it was pretty much made for Windows based computers. I have had a few students now who have Macs and cannot open the content or are getting a message stating the drive is not formated. I see many instructions on how to format a flash drive from a Mac to work on a Mac & PC but nothing about being able to format the flash drive using a PC so it can work on a Mac.Â
Dell, Windows XP Pro, Windows 7
I have a blackbook running 10.6.4 with a GMA 950 that I use dual monitors with. If I use the extended desktop mode, and drag a safari window with a flash player onto the external display it will freeze and become unusuable (can't interact with it). The audio will still play through the speakers, and dragging the window back onto the main display brings back the flash functionality. This is a fairly new problem, it never used to happen before.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI lost a quicktime component in I Movie and I can't watch the video
View 2 Replies View Relatedit doesn't let me video chat on iMessages it says" this computer does not support video chats".
MacBook Pro with Retina display
I currently use a first-generation Mac mini with Snow Leopard and would like to upgrade to a second-generation Mac mini with Lion. I have many PICT images on my hard drive that I created with Color It! and am using as textures in Poser 7. Will I still be able to use PICt images in Lion, or will I have to convert them to PNG or JPEG?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
I want to create a simple flash movie (I don't yet own or know how to use Adobe Flash). Pretty flowers in the background, inspirational music, passages from the Bible or something fading in an out... you know the schtick. Maybe convert it to a screen saver.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have just posted this story "Unfurling the cat's tail for Quicktme Panorama Authors using OSX" in my Posterous Blog.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI installed the QuickTime 7 with Registration code but seem it cant use it for .mov to .flv format, can I get teh refund coz that's why I nrought the software for.
QuickTime Pro
I have had this problem quite a while now:When I open an .avi file it automatically opens using QuickTime. I'd like that because it's the best player for Apple.The problem is however that I can only hear the sound, there's no image/video.I use 10.7.2. (now updating to 10.7.3), but it already did this before I had OSX Lion installed.If I search for new updates it doesn't come up with an update for QuickTime.Any other player works (although VLC's the only one I tried so far).
Mac OS X (10.5.8)
Please help i cannot play avi and other video formats with my quicktime
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I use an Olympus OMD-E10 but I cannot see the .ORF RAW on my 2011 iMac with Preview. I get: "Preview currently does not support this raw file format." My Macbook Air reads the files OK. Both run 10.9.4. Is there a way to check that Camera RAW Compatibility Update 5.06 is actually installed?
Both machines have Preview Version 7.0 (826.4)
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Anyone know of a Mac OS X software that will capture streaming video and save in a playable format in Mac OS X? Kind of like Download Helper for Firefox captures FLV, MP4, MP3, etc... and saves it to your hard drive.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI thought that I would just point out that when I went to watch the iPod touch Guided Tour on Apple's website, this showed up:I would also like to point out that I upgraded to Snow Leopard, I didn't install Quicktime 7, meaning that Apple's own website doesn't support the newest version on Quicktime.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI rented a movie this evening, it downloaded but an error message that says the movie requires quicktime that is not compatible with this version of iTunes. How do I watch the movie? I have never encountered this one before.MacBook Pro, Santa Rosa, OS 10.6.1, iTunes 10.6.1 (7)
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Adobe this week issued a preview release of an update to its Flash Player, code-named "Gala," which allows for H.264 video hardware decoding in Mac OS X 10.6.3, placing less emphasis on a computer's CPU. The capability for Flash to use GPU hardware acceleration just became available with the Mac OS X 10.6.3 update for Apple's Snow Leopard operating system. A new technical note revealed a new framework that allows developers low-level access to H.264 decoding capabilities in Macs with compatible GPUs, including the GeForce 9400M, GeForce 320M and GeForce GT 330M. Previously, hardware acceleration for Flash was only available through Windows PCs and X86-based notebooks. Gala marks the first time Mac users will be able to benefit from hardware decoding of Flash.
"The combination of NVIDIA GPUs (GeForce 9400M, GeForce 320M or GeForce GT 330M) with the Gala version of Flash Player enables supported Macs running the current version of OS X to deliver smooth, flicker-free HD video with substantially decreased power consumption," Adobe wrote on its website, where the software can be downloaded. "Users will be able to enjoy a much smoother viewing experience when accessing rich, H.264 video content built with the Flash Platform from popular sites like [URL] or YouTube." The preview release of Gala is a sign of things to come, but does not yet provide consistent results. In a quick test, Engadget found that CPU use Apple's latest Core i7 MacBook Pros dropped a third to a half, but the Core i5 machine actually increased the CPU load by as much as 20 percent.
The Gala preview is intended for developers to test the new functionality and test compatibility. The feature is expected to find its way into the Flash Player after the release of version 10.1, expected to arrive in the first half of 2010. To test it, download the 7.4MB installer from Adobe. The preview release notifies users when hardware decoding is in use by displaying a small white square in the upper left corner of a video. Adobe has sought input from developers on the preview release as it prepares a final product for the general public. Gala is evidence of a rare positive between Apple and Adobe, two companies that have been engaged in a bitter rivalry of late. Most recently in their ongoing feud, Adobe abandoned development of Flash-to-iPhone porting software. After Apple's iPhone OS 4 developer agreement specifically prohibited the use of an intermediary tool, such as the one Adobe plans to release.
After Adobe employees criticized the iPhone for being a closed system, Apple fired back in a rare public comment, stating that Adobe "has it backwards," as Flash is "closed and proprietary." Apple has backed the open source standard HTML5 video streaming format while blocking the use of Flash on its portable devices, including the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. At a company meeting in January, the Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was rumored to have called Adobe "lazy," and said most Mac crashes are due to Flash. "The world is moving to HTML5," Jobs was quoted as saying. Jobs also allegedly called Flash a "CPU hog" in a meeting with officials from The Wall Street Journal. The Apple co-founder was said to have called the Web format "full of security holes" and "old technology." For more on why Apple is unlikely to ever allow Flash onto its iPhone OS-powered mobile devices, see AppleInsider's three-part Flash Wars series.[View this article at URL]