OS X :: Umbp SL Just Froze / Reason Of This?

Oct 1, 2009

Where can I go to find the reason why the system froze up? This is the first time I've had pus the power button and do a hard reset since installing SL a month ago.

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Intel Mac :: 2011 Froze, Restarted And Froze Again?

May 27, 2012

I have a 2011 Imac and was on the youtube watching a music video when all of a sudden my screen COMPLELETY froze, and a loud clicking noise kept repeating itself nonstop from the speaker, I'm not sure if the sound was coming from the song OR my computer actually making the noise itself.  I held down the power button and waited a couple minutes and restarted.  The white screen came on with the apple logo, but all of a sudden it completely froze, I waited a few minutes and powered off.  I now waited 5  minutes and restarted and it WORKED!  Everything seems fine?


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Mac :: New MBP Heavier And Better Speakers Than First UMBP?

Jun 24, 2009

i have a first gen 15" uMBP base model. I have had 2 and they were both the same. First off my dad's friend brought over his new base model 15" uMBP with the SD card slot. Things i noticed:- Weight -- Noticeably heaver (Maybe they made the bottom thicker because they did away with that support bar that ran accross where the old door use to latch?)- Screen brightness -- increased color gambit, i dont think so looked exactly the same, except the new screen is much less "instant on" when the back light comes on it sort of turns on with a gradient where mine just "bink and it is on"- Sound (The bass and overall sound.. even the start up gong noise is much better on the new model)

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OS X :: Safari Keeps Locking Up On New UMBP

Jul 10, 2009

I just got a brand new 17" UBMP and when using Safari 4.0.1, I get lots of lock ups with spinning wheels. It happens when just surfing the web & every time so far when trying to put characters in the search bar in the bookmarks page. The system does not allow me to do force quit at the apple logo nor on the application logo - I can go in Activity Monitor where it says, "Safari Not Responding" and I then quit the process. I was not expecting it on the latest top end Apple machine running the latest versions of Apple's own software!

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MacBook Pro :: The Cheapest SSD's For A UMBP?

Aug 11, 2009

Anyone know where I can find the cheapest SSD's for a uMBP?I've already look around and the prices are ridiculous!

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MacBook Pro :: Use UMBP As A PC Screen?

Sep 17, 2009

I'm going on holiday in Mid-October, and I have a computer there waiting for me, but I don't have a monitor available so would like to hook it up to my macbook pro's screen for obvious reasons.

Anyone ever done this? The computer just has a standard VGA output.

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OS X :: UMBP Wacked Out After HDD Swap

Jan 27, 2010

I recently replaced the harddrive in my unibody 15" MBP. It's been acting a little strangely but the harddrive seems to be working mostly fine. Firstly, each time I start up the computer I am greeted with about 10 or 15 of these messages, and I have no idea what they mean or how to make them go away. Secondly, my iPhone is not recognised in iTunes when I plug it in. I've tried with different cords, different ports, with and without the dock, and have restarted both the computer and the phone, but to no avail. It is recognised on other computers, and shows up in System Profiler (see pic) but iTunes doesn't show any sign of it being there. Though when I plug it in, the phone does make the usual sounds and shows the charging symbol. What could "Current Required (mA): Unknown (Device has not been configured)" in System Profiler mean? Thirdly, I just restarted my laptop and now I can't use 3 or 4 finger gestures. Any fixes?
EDIT: just restarted again and gestures are working. What on earth is going on? I do still have my old harddrive sitting in an enclosure. I havent cleared it yet because I thought I may run into problems like this.

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OS X :: UMBP Energy Saver Options - Right?

Mar 21, 2009

I'd like to set my mpb (early 2009) to "higher performance" for the power adaptor and "better battery life" while on the battery. Can someone confirm if this is possible? I can't seem to do this because when I change it on one power source it automatically changes it on the other power source. Is there something obvious I am missing - I have searched the forums in vain. (I have checked that I don't need any software updates).

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Windows On Mac :: BootCamp On UMBP With RAID 0

Mar 29, 2009

According to everything I've read, this shouldn't have worked, but it seems that Win7's ability to boot from GPT volumes makes it possible. I just replace the optical drive in my 2.66 MBP with a 2nd Seagate 500g drive and wanted to see what the OSX soft raid could do.

Long story short:
1. Each of the pair of disks contained a member of the larger OSX raid volume, plus a smaller partition intended for Windows.
2. The win-intended partitions stayed independent and formatted as FAT32.
3. Booted off of Win7 media. In setup, selected 1 of the FAT32 partitions and reformatted it NTFS. Installer accepted the partition as valid and installation proceeded normally and completed with Win7 as a valid boot option. OSX still works, of course.

Windows installer wouldn't accept the drives as a raid volume and although Vista is supposed to support GPT for data volumes, it wouldn't accept it as a system vol. Don't bother with Bootcamp Setup Assistant. It simply says there's no valid disk and is of no help at all. This has to be done manually.

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MacBook Pro :: Best Aftermarket SSD (for 17in UMBP)?

Jul 10, 2009

I am considering a purchase of a 17" unit. I will probably buy a base unit and then upgrade the memory and possibly the HDD myself (this is largely driven by procurement transaction limits). Is there experience here in adding a SSD to the 17in? I could manage with 256Gb, but have 500Gb drives reached the market yet?

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MacBook Pro :: UMBP W/ 8GB RAM Paging Out Constantly?

Jul 30, 2009

I have a 17" 2.93 UMBP w/ 8GB RAM. I have two X25-Es as boot drives and use an external 1TB Caviar Black as my home folder. I rum virtual machine from the external.

My question is this: is it abnormal for a machine with 8GB of OWC RAM to page out (right now at 2:02 after boot page outs are at 421.5 MB). Usage is moderate (Safari, iTunes and a Parallels VM with 512 MB virtual RAM assigned). I'm thinking my RAM is either crap or defective any constructive.

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OS X :: New UMBP Locking Up While Watching Movies?

Aug 24, 2009

I got a new uMBP from the Apple store early July and I have since noticed that when I am watching movies in quicktime, iDVD or in iTunes my computer momentarily locks up for about a minute... it seems like its around 15 minutes into the movie. I have tried many different power saving options and have compared movies on my HDD to straight from a dvd...

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MacBook Pro :: UMBP Brightness Dim Over Time?

Sep 8, 2009

I recently purchased a unibody macbook pro 2.8Ghz (awesome machine by the way) and was wondering whether would the LED screen get dimmer over time like the previous non unibody models?

When I had my powerbook and non unibody macbook pro, I had a habit of keeping the brightness at full and realize after a while it starts to get dimmer and dimmer. A good fren alerted me to try and keep the brightness at 50% to conserve battery life was wondering do u any of u notice the same dimming occuring on ur UMBP?

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OS X :: Electric Shock / Vibration On UMBP 5?

Nov 3, 2009

I took the plunge and got a MBP 13 (5,5) in October. Its all going well except for the same problem that recurs.

The problem is that when plugged in via magsafe i recieve a mild tingling throughout the shell. This first happened a week after I got it but I solved it by using the long lead instead of the smaller plug. But now even the longer lead which is supposed to remove the issue still gives me the same vibration/electric shock feeling. Its NOT minor, I feel it when its plugged in and it hurts! I get a headache when it does this.

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Hardware :: Why Is My Umbp Connecting To My AEBS At Only 2.4 Ghz

Nov 28, 2009

This is strange, my Imac is connecting at 5Ghz but my late 2008 umbp is connecting at the 2.4 ghz frequency. Wi-fi is notably slower on my MBP than it is on my Imac. Is there anything I can do to change this and force it onyo yhe 5ghz channel?

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Hardware :: Best ESATA ExpressCard For UMBP?

Dec 29, 2009

What is the best and most compatible eSATA ExpressCard for uMBP (whatever the OS that might be running)?

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MacBook Pro :: Replacement 'apple' Key For UMBP?

May 29, 2010

I miss my "apple" key. Does anyone make a apple key that would replace the command key on a unibody MBP?

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PowerPC :: Froze Up And Won't Boot

Sep 11, 2008

Basically, I have a 12" 1.33ghz powerbook that's progressively gotten worse over time. The problem started occasionally with the clock drifting and the computer freezing after waking from its sleep. After booting, everything would be fine again and the problem wouldn't happen for a couple weeks or a month. But then it got worse, where it would freeze but wouldn't boot after the first try. This went on for a few weeks, where now it won't even boot anymore. What I get is the boot chime followed by the grey screen without the apple icon. I can still use the reboot key commands, but that's it. Has anyone had a similar problems, know what might be happening or have an idea of how to fix it?

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OS X :: MacBook Pro Froze During Update

Mar 26, 2009

It's been frozen for over half an hour while installing 13 updates (I don't know what they were, I just know it told me I needed them). It's current status is "configuring installation".

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OS X :: MacBook Pro Froze During Shut Down

Sep 3, 2009

First time this has happened to me during shut down. Second time it has froze in the 1.5 years I have had it. I simply selected shut down and it was shutting down for over 10 minutes. The background was the Purple Leopard background and the Loading Wheel was on the screen. (Not the Pinwheel but the wheel in the lower center of the screen.)

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Mac Pro :: Computer Froze And Will Not Start Up

Jun 29, 2010

MAC PRO 2.8 quad-core Intel
4 x 1GB
2 X 500GB 7200 ATA
ATI RAEDON HD 2600 XT 256MB dual link DVI
16X superdrive

Computer froze today, it was running fine this morning. I went to restart it and now it won't restart. No history of this happening before. It will shut down if I force it, but it will not boot up. After I turn it on, it starts up as normal with a chime and goes to the grey screen with the Apple Logo and spinning wheel. But then the Apple Logo becomes a Circle with a Slash through (international "no" symbol), the spinning wheel remains spinning. And then it just stays like that wheel spinning and "no" symbol. I've tried starting it holding down "shift", holding "option-command-p-r", holding "d", holding "c", and holding "option"... with the same results each time. I ran Disk Warrior on all the disks and tried staring up with no external drives and I've cleaned it thoroughly of dust.

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Mac Pro :: 2.8 2008 Froze Now Won't Turn On

Feb 26, 2012

I plugged a usb cord (prom an Epson printer) into my 2008 Mac Pro, next thing I know everything is frozen. Turn off the Mac Pro now I can't get it to turn back on.I've unplugged it from electricity and retried, I've taken off the two exterior hard drives that were connected via firewire and the usb printer, nothing seems to be bringing this computer back to life.The computer was working completely fine a half an hour ago.

mac pro 2.8 2008, Mac OS X (10.6.4)

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MacBook :: Screen In 13" Versus New UMBP

Jun 9, 2009

It'll be interesting to see if the screen in the 13" MBP announced yesterday is the same one that Apple quietly started putting in the MB a couple of months ago. Someone recently posted that Apple changed the display in their UMB after they complained about the washed-out look of the screen. I wonder how difficult it would be to get Apple to agree to a replacement based on the differences between the old and new displays.

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MacBook Pro :: UMBP 17" 9600m GT Only Running At PCI-E X1

Jun 21, 2009

Just noticed this on my uMBP 17" (the first 17" version), while running XP in Boot Camp.

GPU-Z is reporting that the 9600 M GT is running with only ONE PCI Express lane! NVIDIA control panel is showing the same thing!

Am I seeing things, or is it really only using 1 lane? The chip definitely supports x16.

See attached screenshots.

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OS X :: Replacing Hard Drive In UMBP 13 - Torx 6 Not Fit?

Aug 25, 2009

I have a problem which I couldn't solve for quite a while now. I bought a new WD Scorpio Blue 500 GB for my uMBP 13. I can't, however, figure out which screwdriver I need for those mounting screws that have to be removed in order to change the drives. I first bought a Torx 6 (Black & Decker TX 6) which is too big. I then ordered both a Torx 4 and Torx 5 from eBay. They are both too small... So what is wrong here? anyone had the same problem? Or any alternative solutions w/o using a Torx driver?

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MacBook Pro :: Way To Remove Individual Keys On A UMBP?

Sep 9, 2009

I was just looking for a definitive answer on whether or not it is possible to remove individual keys on a uMBP without opening it up and dissecting the innards. I have one key (delete) that I'd like to pop off to clean.

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MacBook Pro :: WD 640GB External HDD For Internal In UMBP?

Dec 9, 2009

so i thought i might as well aksed you people here for some opinions.im in need of large capacity HDD for my uMBP. and i want the 640GB WD cause i heard good review for it, however the WD distributor in my country haven't stock it yet, and they say it might be a little bit as late as early january cause i need it urgetnly, here the question, the WD distributor in my country do have stock for 640GB but its the external one, the My Passport [URL]i have bad experiences in online shopping cause in my country the custom is terrible, and they took very long time to scan for shipment, so i thought is it okay if i buy the wd external one then i pry open the casing and put the harddisk inside my umbp ? are they basically the same drive ? and is the casing ( after opened) can be used with my older hard disk to be used as external one ?sorry for my broken english, but i need the answer as son as possible,

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MacBook Pro :: Using Mid-09 UMBP With Hitachi 7200 Drives?

Jan 21, 2010

I've read all the horror stories about how the mid-09 MBP hard drive firmware update and non-Apple 7200 RPM HDDs don't get along. Most of these seem to be related to the use of a SATA 3.0 drive (which shouldn't matter, since mechanical hard drives can't even make use of the full SATA 1.5, but I digress).

I'm about to buy a new Mac, and, even though the Macbook, which doesn't seem to have these problems, would suit my needs just fine (my camcorder is USB and my digital cameras both use CF), I might spring for the MBP anyway (likely to get the additional 2" of screen space on the low-end 15", which has the closest resolution to what I am used to on my outgoing T60).

Obviously, I could pay Apple to upgrade to one of their 7200 RPM drives, assuming I get the 15". But that seems silly, since I can buy, for less than $100 (i.e., half the upgrade cost from Apple, plus I keep the old drive), a Hitachi Travelstar 500 GB 7200 RPM SATA 3.0 drive. My questions are:

1) Has anybody successfully upgraded to such a drive (or its 320 GB little brother, which is otherwise speced the same) in a mid-2009 MBP?

2) If so, did you have to downgrade the firmware as suggested in these forums?

3) If so, did you have to "tweak" the drive in any fashion to make it work?

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Hardware :: Two 24" Cinema Displays With A UMBP?

Feb 7, 2010

Is there a solution to have multiple (2-3) 24" Cinema Displays w/mini display port connected to a unibody 15" Macbook Pro?

It seems the BIG achilles heal is that "mini display port" from the display and connecting to an after market box like the Mattrox DualHead2go. This has become VERY frustrating and I may have to buy a couple of non-Apple displays as the solution! I really like my 24" displays but, NEED more real estate ESPECIALLY when running Parallels.

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OS X :: Which Replacement Internal New Hard Drive For New UMBP

Jul 18, 2010

I have just got a new 17" i7 2.66 UMBP. It comes with a 500GB Hard Drive but I would like to upgrade it to one of the newer 1TB ones.

My reasoning is to have not only more space but create a partition so I can run both OSX & Windows.

I am not sure which brands are more reliable than others & who offers the best warranty or back up service. I would want the fastest & quietest one available as long as it will definitely fit inside the notebook. Reliability & good customer service from the brand is also important as I gather my Applecare will only cover factory installed parts?

Which brand & models should I be looking at and which do you all recommend? I am not sure but I think I need to ensure that any replacement drive does not conflict with the notebooks built in sudden motion sensor?

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