OS X :: Transferring Pictures To 13" 2.53 Macbook Pro
Sep 27, 2009
Just bought a 13" 2.53 macbook pro. I love it and while the transition process is pretty fun (See ya Vista!), I wonder if I've done the file transfer correctly, mainly with my photos. What I did was drag them to the Hard drive, and into the "User Pictures" folder within the Library. I later noticed that under my user account, were the familiar, "Movies, Music, Pictures, etc" folders. Should I have put the pictures there? Does it matter? I've already uploaded them into iPhoto as well. Am I wasting HD space by having them in 2 locations or does it even work that way? I'm not a tech dunce, but a newbie when it comes to this stuff for sure.
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May 13, 2012
Is it possible to change the default download folder for transferring pictures from my phone to my MacBook Pro? It is currently the Public folder. I would like to create a specific folder for the transfer of pictures, another for the transfer of files, etc.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Nov 22, 2008
I'm having problems transferring photos from my camera to the computer. The transfer stops and just hangs there. I can't stop the transfer, unmount the CF card, shut down, or restart. The only way to recover is to hold down the power button and restart. The system does not freeze, just the transfer.
If I transfer all of my pictures at once, it usually hangs after about 150 pictures. If I transfer 300 or so pictures 10 at a time, it will hang a couple of times. However, while the computer is waiting on a hung transfer, I can start more transfers and those will work fine. After I "restart," I have no problem copying the previously-troublesome pictures.
This happens when I use iPhoto, copy using the Finder, or copy using Terminal. I have two CF cards, and it does this for both cards. (Before I use a card, I usually format the card inside the camera.) I have two readers, and it does this for both readers. It has to be a problem in the system somewhere.
I'm running 10.4.11.
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Apr 10, 2012
Is there a way to get pictures that are part of the library on my iphone on to my macbook. I find it completely unbelievable that Apple has purposely made it impossible to be able to get 4 YEARS OF PICTURES off my Iphone and back onto my computer.
MacBook (13-inch Early 2008)
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Jun 22, 2014
Messages keeps switching the conversation view from "Show Names and Pictures" to just "Show Pictures". This is in the menu under: View > Messages > Show Names and Pictures. I have to change it multiple times a day, including every time I open the app from a closed state.
This is very confusing in group iMessage conversations where all the iMessages are coming from the same grey silhouette icon. The issue is only happening on my Mac mini. It's not happening on my MacBook Air. Both are running Mavericks 10.9.3...So I keep changing the setting here, but it somehow just switches back to Show Pictures only:
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Jul 2, 2012
Since there are no more restore discs included with MBPs I have attempted to use a USB kit but, when I try to transfer I get "error 254". The Samsung 830 shows up but, no dice.
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Oct 1, 2010
I am about to purchase a mbp and my wife already owns a macbook. I was wondering how do I transfer her cs4 to my mbp from her mb?
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Jan 7, 2009
i just bought a new aluminium macbook and i want to transfer my entire iphoto gallery on my iMac to the iphoto on my Macbook. i also have most of the photos on my iphone, but not in the camera roll album.
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Jan 29, 2009
Hiya everyone. You may remember my older post about picking a computer for my girlfriend. Anyways, we ended up going with the Whitebook, 2.4 ghz, 160 hd, 2gb ram refurbed. Tomorrow night I'm going to help her get acquainted with the OsX and such.
Anyways, nothing like a night of intimate file transferring. Can anybody tell me how to transfer huge amounts of data between computers easily? I know this is an incredibly newbish question, but i've only ever added stuff to my Macbook, and sent files to friends, nothing more. How can I mass transfer about 80 gb from a pc to a mac?
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Jun 10, 2009
I bought a UMB this past November and love it except I fell victim to the poor screen quality. I am very impressed with the new notebook lineup. It seems like they are now what they should have been in the first place. I am attempting to sell it and purchase a new MBP. I think I will go with the 15" since the larger screen is more affordable and would be worth it to me.
Now, if I get the new machine, what is the best way to transfer my files such as iTunes and iPhoto libraries, etc? I use Time Machine. I don't want to simply transfer all of my files and settings... I want to be somewhat selective as in I don't want older clutter on my new machine. So do I just plug my external hard drive with my time machine backup and I can pick what I want or do I just drag what I want saved to my external HD and drag them onto the new machine.
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Jul 2, 2009
I have already received some help from macdog about my future mac HD, but I was wondering about transfering some data from my pc. I am only wanting to transfer a couple gigs of videos, but I don't know the best way to do it. I thought about using ethernet connection to achieve this, but I am not the best with network stuff like that.
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Aug 6, 2009
I finally got my brand new MBP 13''. It is a great machine. As the title notes, this is my very first Mac, so I don't really know the innerworkings of them well.
I wanted to try and copy over my itunes music and stats from my PC. I wanted to try and keep all my playlists, ratings, playcounts, etc. as well as all my songs. I'm wondering if there is a best way to do this? Also, is there a good way to keep a library synced between the PC and Mac? Or will that be way too much work.
Also, I synced up my gmail to work the Mac mail program, only problem is that it put all my email from Gmail in the new folder. Every piece of mail that was archived in Gmail is now showing up in the new folder.
Lastly, is there any site or blog that highlights all the great things one can do with a Mac. I feel like I need a quick tutorial on the good free programs to get as well as little shortcuts that will save time.
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Sep 24, 2009
How easy is it if I have photos saved on my PC and stored on USB to get them on a Macbook Air?
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May 18, 2012
I recently bought a second hand mac from ebay and it was pretty empty. There are some settings still from the previous user.
My old mac's backlight has died and the only way to use it is to link it up to my tv.
I have tried using the Migration assistant via WI-FI and ethernet cable and both haven't worked.
I'm considering taking the hard drive out of the mac and using it as an external hard drive. There are a couple of programs i've tried to download but dont work and i'd really like my firefox settings back!
I was also wondering if i was able to take the RAM from the old mac and install it in the new mac?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 3, 2010
Transfer his files from his old over heated macbook 2006 to his new macbook pro
WE have a external hard drive case for the old macbook hard drive and I am looking for a "quick" way to transfer all the files to his new computer from this
Some of the files are gone and we are guessing that is the heat damage and want to get the rest off ASAP
We already have a new external hard drive to back up his files
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Dec 29, 2010
(Sp on title) I know there is a tutorial on the owc website which is what I plan to use. But I was wondering if there is any better tutorial anywhere. I got a new ssd ffor xmas and I have already backed up every single one of my files through time machine. (On to my 2tb wd elements). Tl;dr where's the best ssd file transfer and installation video/tutorial.
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Jun 6, 2009
I have 2 laptops and 2 questions!
One is a one year old MacBook Pro (2.66 intel duo) with 200GB HD, OSX Leopard and lots of data I need to transfer to my second laptop (a Powerbook G4 PowerPC 1.67 with OSX Tiger and a 100GB) I am planning on upgrading my MacBook Pro with a 500GB and moving the 200GB to my Powerbook so my question is: If I remove the 200GB from the MacBook and install it in the Powerbook, when I turn the Powerbook on, will Leopard boot up normally with all my data available? Or will the computer ask for the HD to be formatted and will I lose all my data?
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Jun 14, 2009
I'm going to upgrade my CE MB() to 4GB RAM and a 500GB hard drive. How should I transfer my files and everything? Would I need to buy Leopard for the new hard drive? I wouldn't know how to get EVERYTHING onto my new 500GB.
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Jul 13, 2009
We have just purchased a Macbook and have had no problems setting up the email accounts and transferring data etc. the only thing we can't figure out is how to get the old emails over into Mail on the new Macbook.
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Jun 3, 2010
I bought a new laptop yesterday. I upgraded from a Macbook to Macbook pro last night. Despite the fact I got home close to midnight and had to be up for 0430 for work, I just couldn't let this new machine sit in the box it was sitting there asking me to open the content. Me being the obedient women that I am I had to follow my heart.I opened the laptop, powered it, looked at it, admired my new lighted keypad and....went to bed. So my issue is this. Now that I have turn the computer on once now, how do I transfer all the content of my old laptop onto the new one? what do I look up to make the transfer?
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Apr 29, 2012
I just got a macbook pro and I would like to know what is the equivalent of Word in Apple. I purchased PAges for my iphone and Ipad, is there a way to get in on my macbook as well.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011)
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May 3, 2012
I have just moved from a windows 7 based laptop to Macbook Pro with OSxLion.
1: I put my 2gb brand new SD Card in the slot and up it comes as a crd icon with the label No Name.I try and transfer photos from my MacBook to the card so that I may take them to the shop and put the card in thier machine and print them off.No Joy! I cannot drag or paste anything to the card!I have been to disc utilities to format to what I do not know but anyway the only thing I can do is verify, everything else is grayed out.
2: I did manage to transfer some of my photos to a USB stick, but when I went to the shop and put said USB into the machine the stick was not recognized!
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May 19, 2012
I recently bought a Canon Power Shot. I have used it and transferred photos to my Mac and didnt have any problems. Now all of a sudden, I turned it on, to import the pictures to the computer, and the camera just turns itself off and the Mac says no camera detected ! I dont know if this is a problem with the camera or the Mac. The camera works fine when actually taking pictures.
MacBook Pro
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Jun 10, 2012
I got a new iPhone 4s 6 months ago, and connected it to iTunes on my PC. However, now I have gotten a new macbook pro. I would like to sync my phone to my new computer. I took the time to add the contents of my library onto my new iTunes. However, I really don't want to lose contacts, notes, pictures, etc. from my iPhone.
iPhone 4S
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Jun 19, 2012
Is there another way to sync my iphone without having to erase everything on it?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1, macbook with lion
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Jun 24, 2012
We are transferring files from our old mac to our new and we bought a firewire cable. But we didn't get the option and it just started to do it wirelessly, which appears to be going to take about 12 hours. Does anyone know if you can connect the firewire cable in the middle of it transferring, or should we just wait for it to finish it wirelessly?
MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012)
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Jul 3, 2012
I am trying to migrate everything from my old macbook pro to my new one over to my new one over firewire. I have tried twice and it starts at 1hr 30min and goes to 50min to 2hrs 30min and then finishes with in 30min total. Once it finished nothing had finished, it transferred the application names, but not the applications, no documents, no pictures, no downloads, nothing except app names transfered.
Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Jul 3, 2012
So I just bought my new macbook pro and I have already transferred all my music from my iphone onto the computer itself. However, throughout the day I have been dowloading music from the internet using a youtube converter site. They dowloaded onto the computer and are in my library. However, I have been trying all day to now transfer those new songs onto my iphone. Everytime I try to drag it onto the iphone it just doesnt do anything.
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Jul 4, 2012
Ive been struggling with this for a long time but how to transer my music from my iPhone, iPad, or iTouch to my brand new MacBook Air?
MacBook Air, Transferring music
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Aug 21, 2014
I am attempting to transfer photos from my iPad to my Mac Air. These photos were downloaded from 2 different cameras but my problem is that not all photos are moving across to the Mac Air. Is the only solution to go back to the source and download again from the cameras or there an easier way?
MacBook, iOS 5.1.1
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