MacBook :: Sleep Indicator And LED Behavior

May 26, 2008

I recently had to reset the SMC on my Macbook Core Duo in an attempt to rectify a separate issue and now I don't know if the sleep indicator LED is behaving abnormally, because I don't seem to remember for sure how it was before the SMC reset.Can anyone tell me if the Macbook's sleep indicator LED on the bottom right hand corner should be lit when the machine is switched on? I can almost swear it wasn't before, but now the LED is constantly lit up.

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MacBook :: Sleep Indicator Has Stopped Working?

Jan 15, 2009

I noticed a couple of days ago that my sleep indicator has stopped working. When I shut the lid the computer goes to sleep.... when i open it back up after 30 seconds or a minute msn tries to reconnect and i heard the cd make that little noise that it does... anyone know of anything i could try to make it work again?

This is my first mac, it's a Macbook Aluminum Unibody 13" 2.0GHz... this is the only problem I've encountered.... I know it's pretty minor, but I like things to work as they're supposed to, especially when they're this new.

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MacBook :: Does The Led Lamps Apple Logo And Sleep Indicator Ever Run Out

Nov 23, 2010

due to my low skills in electronics I want to know this.The shiny logo at the back of apple laptops, and the shiny sleep indicator, are these some kind of lamp? If so, dont they ever run out of electrons? Like when you have to change your light bulbs at home. I have never heard of them stop working so I guess they work in some other way?

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MacBook Pro :: Sleep Indicator Light Should Be Solid When The Computer Is On?

Jul 3, 2009

PROPOSITION: Turn the sleep indicator light to a power indicator light.

I just noticed, the sleep indicator light pulses when my MBP is in sleep, but is always completely off when it's in use. This is actually a little frustrating, as sometimes I leave my MBP idle with the screen off and the backlit keyboard off as well, and I can't tell if the thing is on or not since it's dead silent.

Also, I noticed that when I leave my MBP plugged in, idle overnight, the sleep indicator light is solid in the morning. It's definitely not indicating sleep, since the unit is on, so I'm not sure what it means.

Anyway, anyone else think the sleep indicator light should be solid when the computer is in use? How would you tell the difference between an MBP that is powered off, and closed and slipped into a backpack, from an MBP that is simply powered on but fails to enter sleep for some reason?

Is there a way to keep the light on forever, sort of like a power indicator? ALL my previous laptops have some sort of power LED just so you can at least tell it's on. It just doesn't make sense to me.

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MacBook Pro :: Dust Inside Sleep Light Indicator? (PIC)

May 6, 2010

I noticed when I put my new MBP 15" to sleep, there is a little black dot inside the sleep light. I know it's a minor issue, but is this normal?

If not normal, is it possible dust got inside? Would I be able to blow aerosol air in that area if I remove the bottom plate?

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MacBook :: Black Screen But Sleep Indicator Is Coming On And Off

Feb 18, 2012

I've got pretty old MB that was bought back in 2007, and it's been working ok up until today. All of a sudden I can not boot it, the screen stays black. Whenever I turn it on the screen flashs for ~100ms and then remains black, at the same time the sleep mode light is on and off not gredually fading in and out like when it is in sleep mode but sharply. Safe boot didn't help, PRAM reset didn't help, booting into the firmware (CMD-OPT-O-F) didn't work as the screen stays black. . I can hear hard drive working but other then that I see no signs of life (even caps lock and num lock keys don't get highlighted when I press them)

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6)

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OS X :: Finding Power Indicator Dock Indicator Lights?

Sep 16, 2009

I can't for the life of me find those dock indicator lights that are bright blue and shaped like power indicators, like the logo on the MBP power button.

I had them before and have been searching for an hour and cannot find them anywhere.

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MacBook Pro :: Weird Battery Behavior After Calibration?

Nov 11, 2010

I've just calibrated my battery on my 2.4GHz MBP (let it run out until it slept, then woke it up, then used it till it shut down, then charged it) and it's stuck on "finishing charge". Additionally, the battery health has gone down to 23% from 37% since I have done this.

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MacBook Pro :: Hum Resonating From Under Keyboard / Is This Normal Behavior?

Dec 24, 2010

I placed my ear against the keyboard of my MBP (See Signature).

I noticed a faint, regular hum. Regular meaning that the sound was very uniform. MMMM....

Is this normal behavior?

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MacBook Pro :: 10.7 Suddenly Slow, Odd Behavior And Apps Crashing?

May 3, 2012

I've tried every trick I can think of within my current technical competency and I'm stumped for what to try next.Lately I've had some odd behaivour with it that may or may not be related or even significant...Finder hanging semi-regularly.Different programs preventing shut down.My volume randomly going up and down like the keys are being pushed (possibly a remote issue related to my recently purchased Apple TV, though not actually being used at the time of incendents?)

Current Issues Suddenly this week it feels like everything's causing trouble. Issues inclue...Various programs crashing or hanging (Firefox, Finder, Photoshop, Illustrator etc. - seems non-specific). Finder in particular I can't even get to reboot sometimes.Finder sometimes not loading view of files in folders, no spinning loading wheel either.Power cable light went amber for a period yesterday even though the MBP was at full power and plugged in all day.Photoshop file I created and know was working fine yesterday suddenly had an 'unexpected end-of-file error' today suggesting it wasn't saved properly and is since corrupted.Everything is running painfully slow, even when it works. Things I've changed latelyThe only things I can think of that I've done differently lately are these...

Upgraded my Dropbox to 100gb and started working with large artwork files directly from there.Changed the settings on my Airport Express Base Station at my office, which my MBP is set to try and connect to when possible. Remedies I've triedRebooting numerous times.Zapping the P-ram, which wont even work at the moment. Even with holding in the power button the MBP just loads to the login screen as per usual.Rebooting in safe mode.Emptying the trash can.Running iAntivirus to scan for viruses which came up clear.Repaired Disk and Repaired Disk Permissions.Run Spring Cleaning to clean System Caches.Cleared more space on my hard drive.Updated all software I'm completely out of ideas and I'm still none the wiser as to what the actual issue is.

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Trackpad In Bootcamp - Drivers / Software To Improve Behavior

Aug 24, 2010

My Macbook Pro, along with what seems like all multitouch trackpads on Windows, has problems scrolling. In OS X, scrolling is smooth, predictable, and natural. In Windows, the page jerks around as if it's having a spaz attack. Does anyone know if there are any drivers or software that would improve the behavior of the multitouch trackpad in Windows?

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OS X :: Revert To Old Expose Behavior?

Sep 1, 2009

Am I the only one who doesn't like the new Expos� in Snow Leopard? The ability to restrict it to certain apps and expand windows individually is great, but the windows are laid out much less efficiently over the screen. It's neater looking, I suppose, but the window contents are harder to see at a glance.

Does anyone know of a way to revert to old Expos� behavior?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Odd Sent Mail Behavior (mixup)?

Jun 6, 2012

When I reply to emails, mail sometimes picks up an ancient email with pictures and places it in the sent folder instead of the reply I have just sent. My recipients get the correct reply though.Total mix-up of old and new messages. It seems to only happen when I hit "reply".... 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.4 :: Change The Behavior Of Function Keys?

Jul 2, 2012

I don't know how but it looks like my function keys are disabled.  How do i turn them back on?  This is for a mac computer i have at work, i don't know if it's tiger, leopard or snow leopard.

Windows XP

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OS X :: Strange Behavior When Navigating Terminal History

Nov 20, 2009

When I look through my bash history (by pressing up), occasionally the first 3 or 4 characters of a command will stay and push everything else forward. For example, suppose my last few commands were:

vi .bashrc
ls | grep D

And then I was trying to edit .bashrc again. After hitting up three times my prompt would say:

$ ls |vi.bashrc

The command would still work as intended but seeing this is very strange and often confusing at first. I searched around and couldn't really find anyone else reporting this issue and was at least wondering if anyone knew how this could happen. I have a modified prompt, if that could cause it.......................

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MacBook Air :: Speculation Why No HDD Accessing Indicator

Feb 9, 2010

So I was sitting around with my MBA and it froze, I admit I was a bit ambitious in trying to launch several things at once none of which were "nice" per se, but nevertheless, I didn't want to restart it just in case it'd start responding again. Now at this point, if I had an ugly as hell laptop from some cheap company (or even the more expensive non-apple branded laptops), there would be a light which flickers to tell me whether things are still happening or not, and when it stops I'd know, "damn windows has let me down again" or whatever it is that caused me to crash my laptop. But with the mac laptops, this indication does not exist and it is a minor annoyance, but nevertheless, it begs the qusetion, why doesn't it exist? Why is there no "activity" light on a laptop? Or the iMac for that matter? Or any mac? Is it a sign of "oh we're so responsive that you'll never need indication that we're not responding"? Because well that's just crap.

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MacBook Pro :: Charger Light Indicator Goes Off

Jun 20, 2014

I have a Macbook Pro and seems there is an issue with my chargers light indicator. When I plug in it, it glows green first, then turns to orange and then goes off. While it's off, it seems that my battery is not charging but also does not lose any charge, so it just keeps the charge on the battery. Should I be worried about that ?

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Laptops :: Mouse Behavior -- Jumps To Corner Of Screen

Dec 14, 2009

Intel iMac Dual Core 2.4 GHz with wired Magic Mouse.

This just started happening a few days ago. My cursor randomly jumps to the upper left corner of the screen for no good reason. I've cleaned the optical sensor on the mouse.

I used a test account and it didn't happen there (although I probably should have given it a longer test). I'm wondering if it's a corrupted preferences issue, but I can't find any likely prefs to trash.

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Mac Pro :: Extremely Strange Behavior With FCE / HD Exporting Video 3x Faster Then SD

Mar 18, 2009

Right now im working on a video at school. We have 2006 Quad core mac pros with final cut express. I exported my video in 1080P and it took about 20 minutes to export. But when I went to export it in standard def it says 1 hour remaining. Why is HD exporting 3x faster then SD? Im really confused. I have plenty of ram and CPu Im lost.

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OS X :: Terminal Strange Behavior - Login Through Comman Line

May 10, 2009

I am new on mac os and newer dealing with command line. I've been installing mysql on my Leopard OS and i've noticed some strange behavior with terminal. When i try to login throught comman line i go to installation folder and type mysql -u root. Terminal prompts "Command not found" althought mysql comman is right there. Others commands are "missing" as well like updatedb. When i type echo $shell empty line is returned. When i type echo $PATH i get /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin / So, right now i don't know if my terminal is working properly or not.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Change The Behavior Of Function Keys?

Feb 26, 2012

This has stopped working for me. The volume and brightness keys have stopped working, regardless of what I set "Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function key" to. I'd love to know how to restore the default function key behaviour.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Indicator Lights Don't Fade?

Oct 19, 2010

I recently had issues regarding my display (June 2009 MBP 17") not dimming as the ambient lighting changed. The issue was only recent. I reset the SMC, and that has appeared to fix it.

However, I've noticed that the battery indicator lights do not fade after 5 seconds anymore and just turn straight off when the computer is open and on. When shut down or asleep, they behave as normal.

I reset the SMC again to ty and fix this but there was no change.

Now, I could be wrong, and maybe that's how it always was, but I do remember them fading no matter whether the computer was active or off.

Can anyone confirm this and if so, provide any possible fixes?

It's not a huge issue, just a minor annoyance now that I'm aware of it.

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MacBook Air :: Brightness Key - Change Indicator On Screen But Not Actually

Feb 10, 2008

When I push the brightness key on the keyboard, the appropriate image comes up on screen and goes to full brightness, but the actual brightness of the screen doesn't change and the lack of change is reflected correctly on the brightness slider in System Preferences.

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MacBook :: Battery Life Indicator Showing X

Jan 3, 2009

My MacBook (purchased late 2007) battery indicator has an "x" where the battery meter usually shows the time/% remaining. When I unplugged the power cord, the computer shuts down. The battery life indicator on the bottom of the battery shows it's fully charged and it works fine with my other MacBook. How to resolve the battery issue?

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MacBook :: Battery Indicator Lights Not Working?

Feb 2, 2009

anybody else have this problem? just got it in the mail today, everything is perfect except that the lights on the left side are not working. i don't know if there is a setting i have to turn on or something.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Indicator Jumps From 23% To 51% And Turns Red?

Dec 29, 2009

Over the last few weeks my battery health on my late '07 MBP has declined from about 79% to a terrible 39% this morning. However, just a few minutes ago something very strange happened. The charge indicator jumped from 23% to 51%, but the indicator remained red. I did a search but didn't find anything about this issue, so I thought I'd post. Has anyone seen this before?

I just calibrated my battery 2 days ago and it still showed my health as 39%, but now iStat is showing the battery health as 70%. The battery info is listed below:

Battery Information:

Model Information:
Device name:ASMB012
Pack Lot Code:0001
PCB Lot Code:0000
Firmware Version:0110
Hardware Revision:0500
Cell Revision:0303
Charge Information:
Charge remaining (mAh):1726
Fully charged:No
Full charge capacity (mAh):4167
Health Information:
Cycle count:224
Condition:Check Battery
Battery Installed:Yes
Amperage (mA):-1733
Voltage (mV):10765

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MacBook :: Battery Not Charging - All Indicator Lights Comes On

Mar 29, 2010

I've already tried the "remove the battery and hold the power button down, then put the battery back in, etc." thing. Not working. My MacBook keeps saying my battery is not charging. If I press the button on my battery, all five green indicator lights come on, as if the battery is fully charged. When unplug the MacBook's power cord, the computer goes dead. This is a 2.4 Penryn black MacBook.

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Find Battery Indicator Lights

Feb 10, 2012

Why can't find Battery indicator lights (side)? the manual shows they should be on the left side of laptop

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MacBook Pro :: Gray Screen With 'indicator Bars'?

Jun 15, 2012

I just came inside after being outside for about 6 hours. When I opened my shell, there was no screen light-up, no keyboard lights, etc. I had already plugged into my power adapter and external hard drives (just as I always do). I punched keys, tried to use the trackpad - nothing. So I hit the power button for a few seconds. My screen came up seriously grayed out with 'indicator bars' (such as the ones that control brightness, sort of, but larger) at the bottom of my screen. Once they al went on, from left to right, my computer was awakened from it's normal sleep mode. 

Mac OS X (10.7.4), 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD

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MacBook Pro :: Randomly Shuts Down Now With Red Battery Indicator At 52%

Dec 4, 2014

For the past few days, my mid 2012 15" rMBP has been powering down or sleeping while in the middle of performing tasks, and more importantly when it's ABOVE 15% charge. Just today however, I now have a red battery indication at 52% and holding.

At the time, I had an external monitor plugged into the thunderbolt port closest to the ac adaptor port. I was running Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop, but nothing else, and was not connected to the internet. I had turned wifi off. My problems continued until I plugged in. Once on a full charge, I unplugged and the same thing happened all over. Numerous times. So, I disconnected the external monitor, and thought that solved my problem. The next time I used the computer, I put the external monitor into the other TB port and did not have any issues, however I wasn't using the rMBP as extensively. 

Today, again while performing tasks such as importing/exporting images with LR & PS, my laptop shut itself down. It runs warm, and fans are purring like crazy, but that's normal for the work I'm doing. Prior to the shut down, the battery read ~24%. I plugged in and woke it up. No external monitor is attached today. I am not running any other programs besides Chrome at the moment. I noticed a red battery light at 52% and it has not changed. Option clicking the indicator shows a "normal" condition. 

OS 10.8.5
2.6 ghz intel i7
16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
250 GB SSD (with ~25GB free)
NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 1024 MB

I have had a Speck hard shell case covering the laptop for a few weeks, but no issues until this week.I am a pro photographer who shoots tethered on location and carries my rMBP around on assignment. It has never been dropped, or damaged in any way.

This is my current system info:

Battery Information: Model Information:  Serial Number:   Manufacturer:   Device Name:  Pack Lot Code: 0  PCB Lot Code: 0  Firmware Version: 511  Hardware Revision: 000a  Cell Revision: 1150  Charge Information:  Charge Remaining (mAh): 3455  Fully Charged: No  Charging: No  Full Charge Capacity (mAh): 7431  Health Information:  Cycle Count: 533 

[Code] .....

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

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