OS X Technologies :: Create Folder With Name Client150412n?
Apr 14, 2012
I'm new to ApplesScripting. I've found this script that I'd like to change:--This script will make a new folder on the desktop with current date and dialog box--format the date to 2010-11-19tell (current date) to get day & (it's month as integer) & (it's year as integer)set TheDateFormat to the result as text-- asks for folder name with date as default answerset TheFolderName to text returned of (display dialog "Name the folder" default answer TheDateFormat)--make folder with date & user entered texttell application "Finder" make new folder with properties {name:TheFolderName}end tellThe desired changes:- Date format should be: 150412 + a letter (a, b, c) if the folder to be created already exists.- Place the cursor at the start of name dialog, no selection active.- The new folders should be created in /Users/Hans/Dropbox/Jobs/Another question is related to execution of the script:- How can I start the script easily with a shortcut key or a Dock icon?- Is it possible to select client name from a plain text file containing client names in separate lines?- Is it possible to have zip files automatically unzipped to subfolder names with the zip package name?- Regarding the Dock icon I could even imagine that I drag a zip or other file from an email or the Desktop to the icon and that I only have to type the clients name to have the file moved to a new folder. user entered texttell application
Please accept my apologies if I'm posting in the wrong section . I've been using the fantastic Create Booklet PDF Service (workflow) by Christoph Vogelbusch (his page is on .mac, so it just went bye-bye). I'd like to turn this worklfow into a folder action so that when a file is added to the folder, a pdf booklet is created automatically. In particular, I'm interested in doing this in Microsoft Word. Can anyone tell me if this is even possible, and if so, either point me in the right direction (or, at least, to the best Automator community where I might repost this request)?
Info: 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
What i am trying to do is create a program that lets the user have a small conversation with the computer but i don't want to use "else" and list the possible inputs seperatley and have to write the same thing over and over again. does anyone know of a way i can list possible inputs together and have them lead to the same result?
Been up for a while trying to figure this out with no luck. I created an app that will uninstall a program and all of it's files.
example try do shell script "rm -rf /Applications/TestFakeApp" end try try do shell script "rm -rf /Applications/TestFakeApp2" end try try do shell script "rm -rf ~/Library/Preferences/com.FakeTestApp.plist" end try try do shell script "rm -rf ~/Library/Preferences/com.FakeTestApp2.plist" end try try do shell script "rm -rf ~/Library/Logs/FakeTestApp*" end try try do shell script "rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/FakeTestApp" end try
there are alot more paths to remove but this is just a few for example
I want to be able to create a log.txt file on the desktop to show what has been removed and or what could not be removed.
I then tried by creating a text document by using
do shell script "touch ~/Desktop/test.txt" tell application "Finder" open file ((path to desktop folder as text) & "test.txt") using ((path to applications folder as text) & "TextEdit.app")end tell
but I don't know what to do next.
1. Have it check for each file to see if it was deleted or not
I am using a script that Jacques Rioux kindly helped me out with a couple days ago. I altered his script a little to complete a different task I needed to create a shortcut for. The script below first creates two folders (TIFF & JPEG) and then it sorts files with an extension .tif into the 'TIFF' folder and files with the extension .jpg into the folder named 'JPEG'. This works great but I would like the script to effect multiple folders. Can anyone help me add to the script so when you click it, a prompt will pop up allowing you to choose multiple folders to apply the script too? As of now it will only work on one folder at a time.
I would like to create a Smart folder that only has applications & utilities in a sub-folder.
This will be similar to the default applications folder that shows in the dock, but without all the extra files & folders - just a list of applications.
I can do this by esily by just having a smart folder of applications showing only type=application.
However, I would still like to have utilities in a sub-folder.
If thats not possible, then it would be OK to have 2 seperate smart folders, 1 for apps excluding utilities & 1 for utilities only.
Is there some way in the smart folder options i can exclude a sub directory?
I must have done something to my installation of OS X. When I go to create a new folder, it automatically creates the folder with the name "untitled folder". The problem is, the name isn't selected. Normally, when you create a new folder, you can just type the name immediately. For me, I have to create the new folder, then click on the name to select the text and then type it. Also, when I do go to type in the new name, the text "untitled folder" doesn't disappear. I just type over it.
I'm using MacBook Pro Early 2011 model with Mountain Lion (10.8.5).
I recently noticed that there was an application folder in my home folder (the folder with your username), but that application folder had been empty. I remember I used to be able to access to my applications from that folder, but not anymore.
Since the folder was empty, I deleted it before doing further research.
After deleting the empty application folder from the home folder, I looked up and some said the application folder in the home folder and the application folder in Macintosh HD are two different folders. I don't know what it means, but I would like to have an application folder with applications in my home folder. Is this possible? or should I just make an Alias folder and put it in my home folder?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
I'm running 10.7and I'm trying to create an applescript to install printers. I'm able to run the first command without issues but the other two keeps giving me error messages in applescript. I assume its because the other two commands have spaces? These are the commands I run when in Terminal:
Does any one know of a bug or a log for folder scripts that do not run? I am trying to get a basic folder script (to replace %20 in the file name) of the Downloads folder.
When downloading multiple files (two or more) it runs only on the first file, successfully without error, and then never runs on the second file. If I move both of the files out of the Downloads folder and move it back it, the one file that does not get the folder action now does and everything is peachy.So it is not that the folder action is not scripted properly. It is just that the folder does not catch the second file download - guess maybe too fast? Has any one seen this or have this bug?
Our environment has multiple Windows file servers, both 2003 and 2008. If one of these SMB shares is accessed from a Mac and the user creates a folder, will the ACLs on the share that are set to cascade actually cascade to this newly created folder? We've had issues in the past where ACLs that are supposedly set to cascade on a shared folder are not present on sub-folders created from Macs.Next question: if the share resides on a netapp device, do the same rules apply? The Macs are still connecting to these shared folders using the SMB protocol.All Macs are bound to our 2008 AD domain and use network accounts with local homefolders. The issue seems to happen when one or both of the following things happen:
1. A Mac user copies/creates a folder on a Netapp share and for some reason it doesn't inherit rights correctly
2. We move the folder from one share on an actual Windows server to the Netapp and it doesn't take permissions correctly.
Info: MacPro 2x2.66GHz Dual Core Xeon, 4GB RAM,, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Im trying to run an rsync command which copies a backup of a server services folder using a remote computer. The backup folder of services resides on the main system disk.
errors out with building file list ... rsync: link_stat "/Users/john/ssh" failed: No such file or directory (2) rsync: link_stat "/Users/john/admin@mail.arina.biz/Volumes/Server HD_mail/Data Store Backups" failed: No such file or directory (2)
I've also tried to open the server in finder and run the rsync without ssh. This works for non system disks but get permissions errors on this system disk rsync: readdir("/Volumes/Server HD_mail/Data Store Backups/M-W-F/Data_Stores/mail/259F2CAC-D0EB-4348-B85F-1257F8242E87"): Permission denied (13)
How can i open the files in the folder if you scroll to "--open file items of the name folder" you can see where I am struggling to run the script.How should this look to run, currently the script runs, with no errors or anything appearing in the folders.
I am running OS 10.6.8, using Automator to create a Folder Action. The input is a single folder containing 2 or more PDF files. I drop this folder onto the folder with the action attached. All of the PDFs are combined and the resulting PDF is copied to a new location.
It works very well with one problem. The name of the combined PDF is an automatically generated system name. I would like this PDF file name to change to the name of the original folder that contained the original PDFs.
To summarize: "Folder A" has the action attached. "Folder B" contains 2 or more PDFs. I drop Folder B onto Folder A. Automator creates a new combined PDF. I would like this to be named "Folder B.pdf"
I have a folder action set up to open movie files in a conversion app but every time I add a new file it loads all the files in the folder. How can i exclude a file that has already been opened by the folder action. I can't move the file due to queing up moves for conversion if the file is moved after it is opened the the program doesn't know where to look for it. Ive tried Filter finder items by last opened and set it as today but that did not work. It opened nothing. May I could set it up to know if the file has been there longer then 5 min that the folder action should not open it.
I want to create a Folder Action to run the following shell script on all files with extension .vcs:
sed '1d' >reminder.ics
The job of the Folder Action is to take any Calendar item files downloaded from TVGuide.co.uk, remove the first line and then save them as .ics files. The reason for this is that the files are automatically generated with a carriage return on the first line, which BusyCal (being strict about these things) doesn't like. It then rejects the whole file.
I have tried doing this with Automator but the result didn't work.
If it's possible to have the Folder Action retain the original file name (ie. everything pre-extension) that'd be a bonus.
if there is a way of having a list of image file names, searching for the images then putting them into a new folder? I'm guessing it can probably be done through mac scripting but I know nothing about scripting and genreally not great with technogy so ideally need step by step instructions!
I have thousands of music projects with a somewhat fixed folder hierarchy and I'm trying to first rename and then extract (move) certain files from their original location.
Here is the most common example of the hierarchy: ProjectName/Info/Setups/fixed name file (either a pdf, txt or jpg)
My goal is to have these files renamed after their parent folders, all the way up to the Project Name and then have them moved to a set folder, out of this dull dictatorship I've created, so my files would end up with a name like this: ProjectName - Info - Setups - fixed name file
I'm trying to write a script that will open a specific folder. The only problem is that it needs to be run on multiple machines with different Hard Drive names. Here is a sample of the script that will work on my machine.
tell application "Finder" activate open folder "HDD:Volumes:USERData:Users:Staff:Name" end tell
Is there anyway to change "HDD" to whatever the current users Hard Drive is named?
I’ve found this script that copies the names of multiple selected files in the Finder to clipboard: try set theNames to {} tell application "Finder" repeat with i in (get selection) set end of theNames to name of i end repeat end tell set {TID, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, return} set the clipboard to theNames as text set text item delimiters to TIDend try I need to prepend to each result a string like [URL] where “folder” is the parent folder relative to the files.
Does anyone have some experience running multiple folder actions at the same time?I've written a Applescript folder action that processes some files. When adding some files, the script starts and all goes well. The processing of each file takes a few minutes, but all files are processed correctly.However, when adding some new files to the dropfolder, while the folder action is all ready processing other files dropped a few minutes earlier, the process that is all ready running immediately aborts and the folder action is relaunched on the new files, leaving the old files for what they are.The same problem occurs with multiple folders, each having a folder action attached. When dropping files in "Folder A", the script starts processing. But if someone droppes files in "Folder B", The script of folder A aborts, and the script of folder B starts processing. When adding more files to the folders, the result is the same. In some casses, when the last dropped files are processed, the os continues where the operation was aborted on the previous files. But this not always happens. To make things worse, when you remove the items from the folders afterwords, the folder actions starts running again on items no longer present in the folder ..Does anyone know how I can prevent the folder action being aborted when new files are dropped and placing the new files in "Hold", until the previous files are processed? How can I prevent a folder action being aborted when a item is dropped into another folder?I've written a small script to test this behaviour. Just create one or more folders and attach the script below. Drop a item into the folder, wait a few seconds and drop another one in the same or another folder. To monitor what happens please check the console. [code] Info: Mac OS X (10.6.8)
im trying to make folders and name them with structured names but im getting an error and im not sure what im doing wrong.
the error i get is:Finder got an error: Can’t make "/Users/USERNAME/Desktop/Fake Server/Project Name" into type item. ----------------------these variables are just used for my example, the actual script asks for input and makes that into the variables ------------------- set the_folder to "Macintosh HD:Users:USERNAME:Desktop:Fake Server"set theChosenOne to "Selected"set Code to "ABCD"set Number1 to "12345" set projLocation to (POSIX path of the_folder & "/" & theChosenOne)set folderTags to Code & " " & Number1 tell application "Finder" make new folder at projLocation with properties {name:folderTags & " artfile"}end tell