OS X :: Settings/control Panel Disappeared From Dock - How To Undo
Feb 14, 2010
I have no idea how this came to be, but my dock no longer has the system settings / control panel icon, and I have no way to access any of my system settings now. Using Snow Leopard. Has anyne seen this happen before and does anyone know how I can undo this?
the application dock at the bottom of the screen has disappeared on my MacBook Air. Even if I go into system preferences and click the dock setting to show the Dock bar on the screen it still doesn't appear.
I have two computers (Mac and PC) connected to a cable modem via Belkin router. Both can connect to the Internet.
My Power Mac G5 2Ghz has two internal hard drives. My primary boot drive has Leopard 10.5.6 and the secondary has Tiger 10.4.11.
I had the built in Firewall set for "Allow only Essential Services" then I changed it back to "Allow all incoming connections" before I installed Netbarrier X5. My access to the internet and router/control panel was fine.
Then suddenly my G5 (Leopard) was no longer able to log into the router/control panel only the PC (Windows XP). Tried Safari and Firefox and both come back with the error message "Safari can't connect to server."
When I boot the G5 into "Safe Mode" it is the same thing, can connect to the internet but have no access to the router control panel. So it can't be Netbarrier.
But If I my G5 reboot with my second drive that has Tiger. My access to the router's control panel is restored.
I am new to Mac and need some help. I just installed norton antivirus for my mac and the software accidentally created duplicate icons in the top right control panel. I am wanting to delete one of these but haven't been successful. I already tried the command and drag off but they don't move, they are stuck there. Any remedies to this? How can I get them off the top right control panel?
After upgrading from OS X 10.5.8 to 10.6(and 10.6.1) my control panel Security does not open but crashes. With the upgrade to 10.6.1 the control panel now says "loading Security (32 bit" but will not open the Security control panel. All other control panels icons work on my duel 2.93 Mac Pro.
I was using my MBP when I noticed that the display (the built in one) looked a little washed out. To make sure my color profile was set to the correct one, I opened up the display panel in System Preferences. The moment I opened it, the display snapped back to its regular appearance. As far as I can tell, it goes into the washed out version after going to screensaver and coming back, and going into display prefs is the only way to restore it. Anyone seen this before or know how to keep it from doing this?
Very suddenly my dock has disappeared, (and occasionally reappears), and is now completely non-useable. Why..? I have created other accounts on my computer previously and the dock on those is fine...I have looked in Activity monitor and it flashes on and then disappears in there.I tried using terminal to 'killall Dock', but this did nothing...Am using Leopard on Alu iMac.
I have a 24inch LCD ACD display connected to my Mac Pro. This display all used to work OK, but now, read on. I had to send this 24inch LCD ACD display away to have the panel replaced. Since it has returned when I look in About This Mac/Displays it shows that I have an iMac connected as the display and now the brightness cannot be controlled. If the 24inch LED ACD is connected to my Macbook it all works as it should
I just paid to upgrade QuickTime and received a registration code. Tho problem is there is no way to find the QuickTime control panel via the Windows 7 Home Premium control panel. How to I ovrcome this?
I just got a Razer Imperator mouse and downloaded the version 1.0 drivers for it from Razer. The control panel has settings for sensitivity, acceleration, polling rate and the lighting (scroll wheel and logo), but none of them work.
I can change any setting I like, but when I close and reopen the control panel, they are reset to default. The mouse is working but the sensitivity/tracking speed isn't quite right, but nothing I do seems to affect it.
Also when I restart my computer, I'm told I have either no mouse plugged in or have a keyboard plugged in that is not recognised. Unplugging and re-plugged the mouse fixes that.
Is anyone else using this mouse? Does the control panel work for you, or do you use some other control panel/driver/extension?
I have just connected my Canon Pixma MG5270 to my iMac running OSX 10.7.3 via WiFi. Printing works great, and scanning from the desktop "Canon MP Navigator EX - MG 5200 series" V 4.0.3 application works like a dream. When I try to scan via the operations panel on the printer/scanner the following comes up - Set the PC to start scanning". This worked fine when connected directly via USB cable. I have searched the web and believe I have the correct settings, particuliarly in MP Navigator:
1. Main Menu -> One-click -> Start scanning by clicking the button (checked)
2. Main Menu -> One-click -> Preferences -> General -> Compress scanned images when transferring (checked) -> Change -> Network Device List (selected Canon MG 5200 series_xxxxxxxxx) -> Scan-from-Operation-Panel Settings -> Network Device List (selected Canon MG5200 series_xxxxxxx) I have restarted the iMac and printer and always with the same result.
i also can't click on anything on the desktop, the only thing that is there and works are the words on the top, stopping at help. Also after every word i write, a pop up says 'alert cannot contact spell checker,' When i open safari i also cannot get it back to finder, and i can't search anything on the computer because after the second letter the screen flashes.
It started this morning i tried to write something in stickies and the computer went crazy to a blue screen and the loading circle started spinning around so i shut it down, when i loaded it up i had all these problems.
I have iBook g4 from 2005. What should i do, i don't know anything about computers. I tried searching online i tried to use killall Dock in terminal it didn't work, it said no matching processes were found.
It seems that the control keys for brightness (default F1 & F2 keys) and volume (default F3, F4 and F5 keys) have moved to another key combination. Don't ask me what I've done . I already tried Fn, but that did not help.
Does any know how to rearrange the keys to the default keys?
I went to alter the volume on my MacBook earlier and noticed that the volume control still works and makes a noise as it goes up and down, the icon alters on the menu bar, but I no longer see the visual blocks that appeared previously...
I found the following screenshot when searching for this to illustrate what is now missing. I guess it's a minor thing, but I would like it back and can't see anything under preferences that would do it.
I have a macpro with OSX on one drive and windows 7 on a partition of another drive. Both systems work fine and I boot into windows by holding the option key down. What is odd is if I go to the system preferences startup disk my windows install does not show up. I did move my windows partition a while ago to a new drive. I used bootcamp to create the partition and winclone to move the data. It's not a big deal not having the option in the preference pain but would be nice. If I am in windows and go to the bootcamp control panel both OS X and Windows are there.
If I log into Windows as a normal user (not administrator) and open the Boot Camp Control Panel, I'll be missing the Startup Disk pane. The only ones available are Brightness, Keyboard and Trackpad.
Is there any way to get the startup disk tab to appear while logged in as a normal user? I don't like the idea of having to run as an administrator all the time in Windows.
I'm currently using a macbook pro 17" 10.5.8 / Unlike windows os, it alerts you in many occasion, for example: low battery, usb device inserted, etc. and you can change the alert sound for everyting in the control panel, sound, option.
so basically, how do I do the same thing on mac? do i need to install additional software? if yes.. any suggestion?
I am currently using the Mac OS X 10.4.11. I've been using the computer without any problems for the past 2-3 years. Just yesterday, when I turned my computer on, many of my files which were once on my desktop has disappeared. The odd thing is, when I look at the amount of HD space available, the correct amount of space is still available. If I use the finder, I am unable to find any of the files which have 'disappeared'. All my bookmarks have also disappeared. In addition, I had previously set specific preferences for my trackpad (for example, i could use two fingers to double click) but those preferences seemed to have been reverted back to the original settings and I had to manually change the settings myself. Is there anyway I can recover the files which had disappeared? I also checked to make sure that I wasn't logged in as another user.
Has anybody got this to work right on the '08 MP's? Everything installs fine, but the fan controls don't effect the right fans. so for example, turning up the CPU fan actually effects both the CPU and the exhaust fans. Any ideas on how to get this working right? or are there any alternatives?
just got a 2nd ATI 3870 for my Mac Pro 2008. THe fan is just as loud or slightly louder than the 1st one. *ugh*. So I downloaded smcFanControl 2.2.2 to see if I can up the fan settings to cool the machine down to hopefully slow lower the fans on the 3870's.
my gf has the new mac with the leopard os on it. today just out of nowhere the dock disappeared. i restarted the computer, it showed up for a short while and disappeared again for good. i checked the dock options but there is nothing about permanent hiding or anything like that.
Have just logged into my MBP and went to the dock to open iphoto and the icon has disappeared, a blank space is still in the dock and if i hover my mouse over it writing comes up saying IPhoto as normal, the same goes for photobooth as well. I can still open them and they work fine. I Have recently installed Snow Leopard. How do I get the icons back?
My stacks have disappeared from my dock. I used to automatically get my downloads on the dock and they fanned out when I clicked on it. That is gone now... not sure if I did something to get rid of it, but I want it back.
Turned on Mac today, and there was no dock on the bottom. Went to the preference thing and tried on all the like hide etc, but it still not there. When I went to through the system icon thing, on the left column, where there is supposed to be icons like 'home, pictures, music, documents' etc they were not there, it was just blank white.
Anyway I can control the fans for my Powerbook G4 so it starts to pump air out at an earlier time than 63C? I tried G4 fan control but it never saved the settings (was at default after restart) and not sure if it even worked.
A while back I installed Fan Control on my MacBook Pro 2,4 GHz. Since then I have processed to at least two clean install of Leopard. From what I have read, the application is located in the MBP firmware. So I have a couple of questions for you: - How do I uninstall Fan control? - Well should I be stuck with it then, I am not sure I really understand how to use it:
I am reading: Fan control: Base speed: 1500RPM Lower Threshold: 50C Upper Threshold: 80C
Current values: Left fan: 1593 RPM Right fan: 1600 RPM Temperature: 47,5C
Are these settings OK? What types of configurations would be dangerous for my machine?
you are running SMC fan control at a low or medium fan setting, that the smc overrides those settings if the Mac starts to overheat and requiring fans to be above those settings?So far I'm using SMC at Medium fan settings, my CPU fan is constantly at 2150 RPM range. Having your Mac cooler than normal for the price of some lower fans is quite worth it, but I'm worried that if I am using a lot of high CPU apps that the fans won't automatically go up, because right now i'm compressing some 7zip archives of old data and the CPU is around 104 F, 2150 RPM fan still, it didn't change one bit from CPU at 90 F idle and 2150 RPM idle