MacBook :: Volume Control Works But Display Has Disappeared?
Feb 26, 2009
I went to alter the volume on my MacBook earlier and noticed that the volume control still works and makes a noise as it goes up and down, the icon alters on the menu bar, but I no longer see the visual blocks that appeared previously...
I found the following screenshot when searching for this to illustrate what is now missing. I guess it's a minor thing, but I would like it back and can't see anything under preferences that would do it.
It seems that the control keys for brightness (default F1 & F2 keys) and volume (default F3, F4 and F5 keys) have moved to another key combination. Don't ask me what I've done . I already tried Fn, but that did not help.
Does any know how to rearrange the keys to the default keys?
When my headphones are plugged in I can use the volume control keys on the keyboard to adjust the volume just fine. But when I unplug my headphones the volume display goes dim, my volume control keys no longer work, and my speakers will not play sound.
The problem started last week. The computer has never been dropped and I won't even bring liquid near it so I know neither of those caused this.
Still using the iMac we purchased about 5 years ago, and it's working fine. About a year ago, the numeric keypad on our wired keyboard stopped working. Anytime one of the keys was pressed on the number pad, the whole computer would freeze completely, and would have to be restarted.
A few weeks ago, we decided to stop tolerating this, and purchased a new wired keyboard with the numeric keypad. The numbers still don't work, and all the F buttons don't either. The volume controls don't work, and I've tried reconfigurating them. But they only end up working in iTunes.
We plugged back in the old keyboard and the same thing happened. Number pad doesn't work and the volume controls, etc. don't work.
Called Apple and they told me to call the store. So I called the Apple store we purchased the keyboard from, and they had no idea. Just told me to return the keyboard...
I don't want to have to try installing programs to get this to work. It really should be simpler than that.
Info: Keyboard with Numeric Keypad, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I have a Mac Pro and not too long ago I swapped from a fat, heavy and filthy white Apple Keyboard to a new skinny silver one. I like it, and also love that the F7-9 Skip Back-Pause/Play-Skip Forward keys work for iTunes, even when another app is active (what's the word I'm looking for - in focus or whatever). But I use Optical output, so the volume keys (F10-12) don't do anything. I know that, when iTunes is the active app, I can command-+/- to change the volume, but I'd love to be able to map the F10-12 keys to do that - without having to have iTunes active (playing, but not the active window).
Recently, my newer (last year) iMac probably running 10.5 started speaking and wont shut up... there is no obvious way to turn it off. I usually figure problems out myself but there are no system preferences that effect it. I even changed the voice in preferences as a test and it is still the same guy reading everything clicked in all applications except when I am in system preferences so far. Usually when I run into a dead end like this there is some mystery key command that works... anyone know?I also noticed that some of the top line (f) keys are not doing what they are supposed to any longer as well... volume up opens the window for expose & spaces it looks like and does not control the volume monitor brightness controls are not working either... I went to the key and mouse preferences and set the key strokes to default and still the same.
I was wondering if anyone knows how to do this- it is a pita to adjust separate volume controls on everything. If I adjust the volume on the keyboard, the volume slider in itunes doe snot move. If I set the volume on itunes with a mouse, then come home and use the volume controls on my keyboard, I have to also manually adjust the slider in itunes. Anyway to link the two?
Can anyone recommend a good equivalent to smcfanconrol that works well for the new mbp 2.4 under bootcamp? I've searched and tried things, but none work as well or easily as SMC.
I have a Mac Book Pro. The keyboard controller for my volume does not work. It is stuck on full blast and when I try to lower the white image comes up on the screen showing that it is fullblast with a white circle and and a line through it. Also, when I try to lower it on the top right of my screen it is on full blast and will not let me slide it down. I tried shutting down the computer and then holding command+option+p+r until the start up sound to reset the PRAM but nothing happened.
When I first bought my MBP (January 2012) I had this problem; plug in headphones, and I lose the ability to control the volume using the keyboard controls.Over the phone, Apple had me do a PRAM reset. After that it only happened sometimes, with a regular reboot solving the problem. It happened again today. I did a PRAM reset again because I'm sick to death of the little ******** issues I have with this MBP. (I've brought it into an Apple store, they kept it for a week and said nothing was wrong with it.) Â
The PRAM reset got it working ... then I plugged in the headphones. They still worked while they were plugged in, but when I unplugged them. Gone.BUT, not only are they gone for the MBP's speakers, they're gone for the headphone as well this time. AND, not only are the keyboard volume controls not working now, but the little volume slider at the top of my desktop isn't working either. I did a regular roboot, it solved it, until I plugged in my headphones. Â But it gets better, the keyboard buttons work if I'm using my headphones and listening to something on YouTube, but they don't work if I'm listening to iTunes. And that's only the headphones, MBP speakers non-responsive in either case.Â
I do get the little pop-up interface that shows you the volume going up and down or if it's muted, it even gives me that little chime everytime I click the buttons, it's just not doing anything except looking pretty. I can control the volume either by using the volume slider in iTunes (or whatever application), as well as by going to System Prefrences, clicking on Sounds, and controlling it using the Output Volume slider.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.8 i7, 8GB RAM
I recently ran an update for my Macbook Pro. After the update, the volume keyboard shortcut does not work. I have the setting for the function keys to work like normal function keys so I have to press the fn key to change the volume. This does not work and changing the setting does not work. I cannot add a shortcut either. Whenever I push the shortcut, I get a grayed out screen with a symbol showing that I cannot change the volume. I can still make changes by clicking on the volume symbol at the top of my screen but I really need the shortcut back.
Speakers are not muted, according to system profiler, they are connected. Won't let me turn them up or down, even though they are set to the highest setting. Basically the volume control is greyed out.Â
I have no sound and even when I go into system preferences it is set on max and to show on desktop but it is in grey and unchangeable.
No sound comes out of any program and my itunes won't even play songs much less me being able to hear them. Isn't there some way for me to go back in time and have my computer reset everything as it was last week?
I found a way to control the volume through the system preferences, but I tried to do this with the top keys that have the volume labels on them, but when I press one of them to lower or increase the volume, it either brings a widget up to the screen or moves the current windows off to the side, & does nothing to the volume.
I have no idea how this came to be, but my dock no longer has the system settings / control panel icon, and I have no way to access any of my system settings now. Using Snow Leopard. Has anyne seen this happen before and does anyone know how I can undo this?
I was wondering if there is anyway to change the default volume setting on my Mac Book Pro? When I plug my headset or earbuds into my Mac Book Pro, the volume automatically increases to half way. Which in some cases, actually most cases, its blasting. I've adjusted the volume in system preferences and nothing works. Is there a terminal command or a change to a Plist to control this before I?m forced to sue Apple for causing my deafness?
Vista and 7 have built in functionality to allow the user to control the application volumes independently of each other. For example, if I'm watching a video, and also am browsing websites that randomly emit noise, it allows you to mute your web browser while still having sound from your video. Can this be done in Mac OS X? Or are there free programs?
I work online through a website that has annoying and non-essential sound, so I want to mute this in order to listen to music through iTunes.
Using Lion, latest and fully updated. At some point in the past week or so the volume control stopped having an effect. Using either the keyboard function keys or the item in the task bar, the graphics look good and the blocks/slider move around just fine, but there is no effect whatsoever on sound output. I can control the volume in whatever app I'm using, whether it's a Web app or local app with its own volume control. But the system volume controls no longer have an effect. This is true whether or not I'm using the display output or headphones.
Info: Mac Pro (Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.2), 8-core Xeon, 16G ECC RAM, 0+1 RAID
I have recently purchased a macbook pro. I have added an aol email account to my mail, which is great but although i can receive emails, I am unable to send them. I get the message Verify that you have addressed this message correctly. Check your SMTP server settings in Mail preferences and verify any advanced settings with your system administrator. I have checked the settings and the connection doctor and everything is fine.If I need to send email i have to log ito my aol account via safari, but I would much rather use the mail that is set upon my mac.
I just started using Skype and use a Plantronics USB headset/microphone. It works pretty well calling a phone but has a really annoying side tone when calling another computer.
My problem, though, is that since I started using the headset, just a few days ago, my built in microphone and speaker and the ability to plug in just a headset and listen have vanished. Also, the volume icon in the menu bar has disappeared. If I go to System preferences, there is only plantronics in the menu. I've tried restarting with no change. It used to work just fine...where might it have gone?
My Sims 3 game keeps crashing and I read that overheating might be the cause and that getting a fan controller may solve the problem. I have a 2010 model 15" aluminum mbp, 2.66ghz, 4gb ram, running 10.6.5. For some reason, none of the fan controllers (smcFanControl, Fan Control, iCyclone) I've been able to find will work. smcFanControl at least installed and opened but changing the fans rpms didnt do anything (edit... reinstalled, it revs the fans for a second then goes right back down). Fan Control seemed promising but after it "successfully installed", it was nowhere to be found. After that, I reset my smc cause it said i may have to after installing these and tried iCyclone but upon opening stated wasn't supported by my computer so that was a bust.
In iTunes 9 i was able to disable the volume control for remote speakers in Airtunes. In iTunes 10 this option has disappeared in Airplay. Is it somewhere else in the menu or have they just threw this option out of iTunes 10. Is there some sort of workaround?
sometime this week the volume control on my pro keyboard stopped working. you can hear the "pip" noise when you hit the louder / softer buttons on the keyboard but the level doesn't change. i am still on good terms with my mute control, however.i have to resort to using the sound control in system preferences instead to increase or decrease the volume (sigh!)
i am running 10.2.8 and at about the same time as this problem occurred, I'd upgraded quicktime and think maybe it's the culprit, but before i waste a few hours playing sherlock holmes.
Is there a way to change the Volume control keys? I have a new keyboard with no media control keys. How can I assign the volume control functions to other keys of my choosing? I hope it's possible.
I just bought a new keyboard for my mac, and although it is very sleek (but the keys are smaller), I have a problem. I cannot configure Control-F11 as an application shortcut. It will only decrease the volume when I try to set it as that. Is there a way to do this? (*Better be )
I have a MacBook Air, and the sound is not working. The sound bar is full but there is a stop sign like the one when you completely turn off the sound. And I cannot control the sound bar, It is stuck like that.
I am having fun with my iMac (late 2011 + 10.7.3) aspecially with software bugs.One of them is following:Volume controll keys on my wireless keyboard do not controll sound. Doesn,t matter which one I press I do see the icons on the display but there is no effect on volume level. The sound "speaker icon" on the system bar is inactive and when I press it I see that slider is frozen at the very bottom and can't be moved.Switch your iMac off.Remove batteries from the wireless keyboard.Switch your Mac on.Sound is back, and after placing batteries back in your keyboard you can see also that sound keys are working again. Unfortunatelly you have to make this operation each time when you switching your iMac off.