OS X Server :: Won't Find Apps To Upgrade 10.3.9
Aug 17, 2008How do I upgrade from Mac Os X 10.3.9 to Mac Os X 4 or better?
View 1 RepliesHow do I upgrade from Mac Os X 10.3.9 to Mac Os X 4 or better?
View 1 Replieshow can i update a macbook from 10.4 50 maybe 10.5 or 10.6?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a three-four year old iBook which runs fine (I mainly use my iBook for email, Internet, and Microsoft Office) but I'm thinking of upgrading my OS and am wondering what would be the best OS to upgrade to. In case you're wondering, I'm considering the upgrade because there are a couple of applications I would like to demo (and maybe buy) that require a minimum OS of 10.4.
View 5 Replies View RelatedSo I got my first laptop and decided to splurge and got a mac. Now it's great, works great, took me a while to get used to the OS but love my mac now. I use it predominantly for surfing and just basic but am also doing filmmaking. My friend has a macbook pro with 4gb ram and better proccessor, and we used that for film editing, but want to make upgrade mine into one as well (filmmaking laptop). I also may want to use it for gaming (starcraft), photoshop and just a whole bunch of apps and programs. Should I upgrade the ram, get it upgraded for me (get someone to put in the ram) should I even buy ram, is there anything I can do to make a faster processor? Also, my internet is kinda slow, anything I can do to speed it up? Finally, my mac sometimes lags when there's a lot off apps open so I was thinking of upgrading it. I don't have much of a budget (probably not even a 100) so I need something cheap, but don't want shotty second hand stuff. How much can I add, and what else can I do? On another note, Ive been using firefox as my default browser and have added a whole bunch off addons, any other programs I should get for firefox OR any programs I should get for my mac?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI accidentally dropped my "Applications Folder" off my Dock when I first got my Mac and it disappeared. When I put it back by dragging the applications folder onto the Dock, instead of assuming the Applications Folder logo, it took on the logo of the first application in my Applications Folder: the Address book. Now, my desktop permanantly has the picture of the Address Book instead of the picture of the Applications Folder.
How do I fix this? ive followed other thread advice with no luck. Is there a way to re-set the Dock? Where does the logo live and how do I get it back there?
I can't seem to get the App Store to sell me Lion Server for my Snow Leopard Server.I'm trying to remain positive about this but I'm getting really that money isn't enough to make this happen.My experiencewith the App Store and Apple policies in general is its almost time to dump OS X and head back to Open Source.I put money in my iTunes account.I've done the 15 logins it takes to satisfy AppleID my account is complete and up-to-date in the store and the Support Communities.How do I buy the software and actually download and install it?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8), upgrade to Lion
I have recently purchased a Mac Mini with Lion X. I also have a couple of MBPs. I'd like to have the Mac Mini act as the place where all the Time Machine backups go (I have a 1 TB external disk hooked up to the Mac Mini). Apparently, I must have Lion x *Server* running on the Mac Mini for it to become available as a Time Machine destination for the MBPs. How can I upgrade my Mac Mini from Lion X to Lion X Server?
Mac mini
I am working on an iMac, 1.83 GHz, my OS version is 10.4.11. I became interested in upgrading as I really want to be able to use the new Blackberry sync application for Mac that was released the other day. I found the 10.5.1 version by googling it, but cannot find a 10.5.0 version for download anywhere (seems to be a requirement before the 10.5.1, much to my newbie chagrin).
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to find Weather Apps.
View 4 Replies View RelatedCould you send me a link to download a a version of ichat suitable for my 10.4.11. I accidentaly deleted my ichat from my mac, and can't find it any where.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am cleaning out my macbook from apps that i installed that did not come with the Mac before I install Snow Leopard.
Also, I don't think iMac came with adobe applications did it?
I need to burn a bootable iso image. What is the best app. for mac? I burned with normal "burn" of mac, and the cd was not bootable?
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhich application can I refer to create a form and send it to my clients who can fill them? I use Mac OS 10.6
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo i got this hair-brained idea the other day. I wanted to make a media server (mac mini + external drives shared out to my other machines. Mac mini hooked up to tv.) Then i thought...well i might as well use it as my data server as well. So...id like to find a program (free is good, but cheap is ok =P ) that i can use a scanner, scan in receipts, documents, taxes, etc... and store them so i can go paperless. The app must have a folder structure so i can organize them by year/month/item. I could do this manually, but i figure an app would be more useful
Any mac apps available? I'm a recent switcher (3 months ago) so i havent been able to find anything yet with my searches.
I need to find out how much I have spent on apps for taxes. But in the app store on my iPad under the purchased tab, it lists all the apps but the prices are not available.
iPad 2
My middle son is off to college this week (in Japan) and will be taking with him a new MacBook Air. Naturally, he wants to also take his music and apps that he has purchased over the years, which now reside on my iMac (the family's media hub) along with music and apps for all the other members of the family.
But I can't find any way to sort the music and apps by account, which means he'll have to go through the entire iTunes libray one song and one app at a time. That'll take way too much time.
Is there a way to easily identify the music and apps associated with a single iTunes account from among many accounts?
I also face this same prospect when the youngest child goes off to college in 3 years, so if I can figure this out for the middle child, it will save considerable time when the youngest gets her own Mac.
I had my iPhone replaced and would like to find a list of the purchased apps so I can reinstall.
iPhone 4
Anyone know of an application that will print Form 1098. Neither TurboTax of MacinTax does this. I need to fill out a bunch of these and hate the idea of having to do it by hand.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a photo management program that will organize my photos using folders for events, so if I ever decide to switch programs, it will be easy because it's all organized already. I currently have iPhoto, but it doesn't seem to create folders in the "Pictures" directory, so I doubt switching to another program from iPhoto will be simple. Do any of you know of an app that does what I want?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI used photoshop to slice my image file. I save it as a html and image file. I save the html part as the index.html. I open it in dreamweaver cs4 and center the sliced images. Now when I take an ap div tag file and put text in it, all looks fine. Now here's where I run into problems. When I resize the screen, the sliced image files centers fine but the ap div portion of it doesn't move with the slice images to stay in it's perspective spot.
So how do I make it where the ap div layer stays in perspective to where I put it no matter what the screen resolution is?
<!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
<title>QW Template</title>
<!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<script type="text/javascript">
function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0
var i,x,a=document.MM_sr; for(i=0;a&&i<a.length&&(x=a[i])&&x.oSrc;i++) x.src=x.oSrc;
Hi well after i login on my mac i find my dock reset to the default apps...
Why does this happen. and how can i fix this?
I recently upgraded to OX 10.6.8 (MacBook Pro). Now Quark Xpress and Microsoft Word can't find the fonts. They both see the same list of fonts. The fonts are all windows true type fonts (.ttf). The list of fonts available does not include all the .ttf fonts in the library. There is no font folder anywhere that has only the fonts that these two apps see in it. The apple apps I tested see all the fonts in the library. How do I make the fonts available to the non-apple applications?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe apps website says the app is still available but I can't find it or download it
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
Can't find stacks. How can i get it and other apps back?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), leopard
Where can I find a list of apps that would use an app-specific password?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWill my apps and stuff and things I've downloaded disappear when I upgrade from Snow Leopard to Mavericks? I am afraid everything will go away Do I need a USB to put my stuff in and then put it back when Mavericks has been applied? Because i'm downloading Mavericks right now and my iMac is so old it doesn't support half the stuff the new ones do. It was made in early 2009. And also, if it will stay, would it go away if I entered a different apple ID when it will reboot and say "Enter APPLE ID"
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
where can I find an upgrade to take me from 10.4.11 to 10.5.something?
View 7 Replies View Relatedi basically want to stream video from my isight while i am dj'ing live. i have the audio from the mixer being fed into the powermac via a usb sound card.
anyone have any ideas? or am i just going to have to be pissed because there is no good software out there like the shoutcast NSV for windows?
I just bought windows xp and i am just trying to install through boot camp. I downloaded Boot Camp Beta 1.4 installation and set-up guide. On step 1 it ask to "open boot camp assistant (located in Applications/Utilities/) and follow the on-screen instructions." I can't find Boot camp Assistant in the utilities folder. I am using a white macbook with mac os x 10.4.11.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a very odd problem. Spotlight can't find TextEdit anymore, even if I type the name of the app fully in the field. The app is right where it should be in the Applications folder. It hasn't been excluded from search and I have done a reindex of Spotlight but the problem persists. Other apps come up exactly right.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)