OS X :: Retrieving Movies Off Of External HD?

Aug 6, 2010

My question is pretty straight forward. I have about 50 movies that I've ripped from my DVD collection that are on an external HD. I don't have copies on my main HD because of storage issues. But I recently upgraded my internal to a 1TB disk and would like to move the movies back onto my main HD. The problem is when I try and drag the file from my External onto my Internal I get about half way through and the transfer just stops. I've tried at least 10 different movies and none of them will work.

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Applications :: Retrieving IPhoto Library From External HD

May 20, 2010

So I decided to transfer my entire Iphoto Library to my external HD, about 1 hour ago. I did the transfer, and checked to see if I could open my new Iphoto Library from my external by pressing option before clicking on Iphoto and choosing the new library. Everything worked fine, so I deleted my Iphoto library on my mac HD. After deleting all the files I tried to open my Library on my external and Iphoto opens without and pictures. The Iphoto Library on my external has 14.97 GB being used so I know the files are there, I just cannot open them.

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OS X :: Moving Movies Folder To An External HDD?

Nov 13, 2007

So I want front row to look at the movies folder on an external drive instead of in my home folder...

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OS X :: How To Set Up Movies And TV Shows From ITunes Onto An External Hdd

Jul 10, 2010

I love how iTunes has it's movie and TV library set up, i want to keep my music on my internal drive, but my movies and TV shows are taking up to much room. I also don't want to have to import anything any time I want to watch a movie or TV show.

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Applications :: Can I Store My ITunes Movies On An External HD

Oct 3, 2010

I would like to download some HD movies and stuff from iTunes. Thing is, I got not much space left. Can I store these movies on my external 2.0 USB hard disk?

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OS X :: ITunes Movies To External Hard Drive

Mar 24, 2009

Can you piont iTunes movies to an external hard drive? Just movies nothing else because I don't want to re-rip my 500gb of CDs to an external drive.

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ITunes :: Update Movies Library On External HDD?

Feb 3, 2012

I have a directory of H.264/M4V files on an external HDD that I use in iTunes.I do this - without copying the files themselves - by simply dragging and dropping the contents of the directory into iTunes Movies.

HDD/H.264/(select all) -----drag into-----> iTunes/Movies 

What I'm wondering however is - Can I get iTunes/Movies to AUTOMATICALLY update, when new items are added to this external folder on HDD/H.264? It hasn't been autoupdating thus far.Simply selecting ALL again HDD/H.264/(select all) and drag copying to iTunes/Movies DOES however add the new titles.  Of course this has to be done every time I add something new. 

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MacBook Pro :: Playing Movies Using VLC On External Display?

May 7, 2012

My Macbook Pro is connected to my TV through the DVI port. There is a side-by-side arrangement, not mirror displays. Everything is working perfectly, sound and video.  Sometimes I try to use VLC to play a movie on the TV screen, while I do work on my Macbook screen. Many times it will easily work, no problem. But sometimes, when the movie opens up I cannot get it to move into the external screen. But ONLY the VLC movie will have this problem (sometimes iTunes too). All other applications will move into the external screen fine, but the VLC movie will not go past the boundary of my Macbook screen. I am using VLC as opposed to other applications because some of the movie files can only be recognized by VLC. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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ITunes :: Use External Speakers When Watching Movies In It?

May 19, 2012

I have some speakers connected via an Airport Express to my iTunes. I can use them perfectly well when playing music from my music library. w how to use them when I play a movie from my iTunes library? 

Macbook, Mac OS X (10.5.7)

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Mac Pro :: Export Movies To An External Hard Drive?

Jun 18, 2012

How do you export movies to an external hard drive

Mac Pro, iOS 5.1.1

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Hardware :: Rented Movies Not Playing On External Display

Apr 7, 2009

Cant seem to find any topics on AI about this, but there is on the apple discussion boards. I have the new mac mini connected to an old plasma. I tried to watch a rented movie (through iTunes) but all I get is a black screen and no sound. It downloads ok and has all the chapters etc.... but just wont show any picture or sound when I play it. Things I have tried:

1. reinstalled Quicktime
2. installed lastest firmware
3. purchased a song to confirm my computer is authorized

The movie was in SD, from what I have read the problem only occurs with HD, but not for me.

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IMac :: Copying Movies To An External Hard Drive?

Sep 23, 2010

I recently bought my first imac. I seem to have an issue about copying movies from my imac to an external hard drive.I try to ''drag and drop'' but nothing is happening.I also tried to copy the movies and then paste them to the hard drive but no luck either.

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App Store :: Transfer Movies From An External Drive To The Cloud?

Mar 11, 2012

how I transfer movies from an external drive to the cloud?

MacBook Air

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MacBook Pro :: Transfer Some Movies To An External Drive But Saying It Will Take 7 Hours?

May 30, 2012

I have a Belkin USB hub with 4 slots. I was trying to transfer some movies to an external drive. It said it'd take 7 hours. When I connected the drive directly to my laptop, it took 5 minutes. I'm wondering if there is a better hub to use or if this one is just defective.

Belkin USB hub with macbook pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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How To Store ITunes Movies On External Hard Drive

Jul 2, 2012

Since my iMac hard drive space (2 terabite) is almost half-full of the Movies I have in my iTunes, I would like to be able to set up my iTunes to store and play the movies from an external hard drive.I just bought a 4 terabite G-Drive for doing this.I would also like to be able to view the movies on my two differant Apple TV's.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Change The Location Of 'movies' Folder To An External Hard Drive?

Mar 10, 2008

I am looking to change the location of my 'movies' folder to an external hard drive.

This is in an effort to use Connect 360 to play movies wirelessly that I have on this hard drive.

Any thoughts?

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ITunes :: Get Tv Shows And Movies Backed Up On External Sata Drive?

Apr 11, 2012

I realised a couple of days ago that several of my movies and tv shows that I purchased are no longer downloaded on my computer but are stored on the cloud. Now how do I get a backup on my drobo external disk? I don't want to fall or be without wifi and not being able to watch movies or tv shows.

Music has a download icon next to it, but that is not there for movies and tv shows. I have my itunes folder on my drobo, and want to keep it that way...

iPad 2 Wi-Fi, iOS 5.0.1

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ITunes :: External Hard Drive - Movies / Music Transfer

Jun 7, 2012

I have an Intel iMac and wish to move the movies and music I have in ITunes to a WD 2TB MyBook Studio External Hard Drive, free up my hard drive and still use iTunes. What is the easiest way to move movies to the external drive and then wipe them off my computer to free up space.

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ITunes :: Moving Music And Movies From MBA To External Hard Drive

Jul 2, 2012

I need to move the music and movies from my MacBook Air (original) to an external hard drive, after I do this, do I create a new music folder and media folder on my computer to load music/movies in via the dedicatd external drive and then would I be able to move the newly imported to the external drive which would be my main site of storage?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Moving music/media

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ITunes :: How To Control File Location Of Purchased Movies (external Drives)

May 14, 2012

My current setup: iMac i7 with 4 external 3GB drives daisy chained with FW800 

Drive 1:     Media - this is where I keep my itunes library and all my music, music video and TV show files (1.4TB)

Drive 2:     Movies - this is where I keep all my purchased movies files (1.2TB) 

Drive 3:     Media Backup

Drive 4:     Movies Backup 

iTunes is set to "Keep iTnes Music Folder organized' but NOT to 'Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library' 

Problem:  Whenever I buy a new movie, it stores them on my media drive by defcult.  I want it to store them on my Moies drive. 

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OS X :: How To Do Data Retrieving?

Jul 1, 2009

I am paranoid about losing data so I have lots of backups on my computer end but today my CF card from my digital camera seems to be failing or have failed ( before I even got a chance to import it into my computer!) I have about 800 shoots taken in Raw format from a vacation that i must retrieve! when I stick the card into the camera the camera can read the card and I can view all the pictures etc just like normal but when I insert it into my computer it shows up as only a 7.5gb drive ( its a 16gb CF card ) and I can access the root directory but if I try to go to any sub dir finder just freezes up and then I have to force restart the computer, I tried on other computers ( win and mac as well as a ps3 ) it wont let me view the files on anything but the camera!

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MacBook :: Unable To Transfer Movies From External Hard Drive - Error Code 36

Apr 1, 2012

I  am unable to transfer movies from my External Hard drive to the MacBook. The error  code is 36. how to get this sorted out? 

How do I give change permissions, and give full control?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.11), Mac OS X Tiger

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ITunes For Mac :: Purchased TV Series / Movies And Music Downloaded To External HD - File Will Not Load

Nov 30, 2014

I have purchased itunes tv series, movies and music and have transferred them onto an external hard drive and tried to play them on my tv on a media hub.  The file will not load.  Is there some form of blocking by itunes or another p[roblem and how do I fix it?


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Mac :: Retrieving Draft Email?

Mar 31, 2009

I cannot tell if this question has gone through, so please forgive the repeats. Simply put: I want to retrieve a draft email I had deleted by mistake. Please give me direction as I have tried using a few applications today, such as DevonthinkPro, and could not find any indication of drafts, just sent or inbox emails.

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Intel Mac :: Retrieving Photos From PC's Ext HD

May 14, 2012

I'm relatively new to the world of Apple.  I have an iMac running Mac OS X, version 10.6.8.  I stored photos from my PC onto a NexStar CX external HD.  A friend told me I should be able to access them from my iMac but when I plugged it in I get this message:   

"NTFS-3G:  Volume not cleanly unmounted 

The NTFS volume that you're trying to mount (/dev/rdisk1s1) has not been unmounted properly.  This may mean that the volume is in an inconsistent state, and mounting it with NTFS-3G could lead to data loss.  You are recommended to attach the drive to a Windows computer and unmount it properly with the "Safe remove hardware" feature to guarantee the safety of your NTFS volume. 

To ignore this warning and attempt to mount the volume anyway, press the "Force" button.  To abort the mount process, press "Abort." 

Although it's been quite a while, I'm very confident I didn't shut down the EHD improperly the last time I used it.  Also...  I no longer have a PC to hook it up to.  What does this message mean and what can I do to get to my photos? 


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QuickTime :: Retrieving A Lost Key?

Jun 9, 2012

I bought QuickTime Pro and it was delivered to me electronically.  I don't remember my key, and I bought a new hard drive and did some other stuff to upgrade my PC, ultimately causing me to lose the setup and program installation files.  How can I retrieve my key?  I followed the article that said to go to your account and look at your order history, and I can see that my product was purchased but I do not see a key anywhere. 

Windows 7

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IMac (Intel) :: Movie Player (like QuickTime Or VLC) On External Hard Drive To Watch Movies?

Sep 2, 2014

I have an external drive to store all my movies since I have no room on my iMac. I'd also like to watch my movies on other computers and I was wondering if there's a movie player that can be installed on the external drive to watch some movies like (.mkv) and so on.

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OS X :: Mail Application Not Retrieving New Messages

Feb 26, 2009

Ever since I upgraded to Leopard over a year ago, my Mail.app has been pretty buggy. my mail.app is currently set up to connect to my university IMAP server with SSL and password authentication. Before I upgraded from Tiger to Leopard, mail would always retrieve any new mail on the IMAP server every minute and any time I press get mail. Ever since I upgraded however, the get mail function hasn't worked exactly as it should.

Sometimes get mail would work, sometimes it won't, and sometimes it takes a long time for my computer to automatically retrieve new e-mails. The weird thing is, connection doctor shows no connection abnormality, and if get mail doesn't work, I can get it to work again if I quit and reopen mail, which is always a pain. Mail on my iPhone works perfectly (syncs to my MBP), and I have already tried deleting mail.app, reinstalling from my Leopard DVD and basically resetting all settings.

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OS X :: Retrieving Files Deleted From Server?

May 28, 2009

Today at work I accidently deleted some images from the server/network and they are not in my trash and i can't find them anywhere, does anybody know how to undelete files that were deleted straight from the server?

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OS X :: Retrieving Information From Previous Backups

Jul 11, 2009

Just recently upgraded from a black MacBook to a MacBook Pro. Transfered the information via firewire so I didn't lose anything. Set up time machine to back up my computer and I only have backups from July 7th (when the time machine start). I have information (media, movies, music, etc) dating all the way back to October 2008. The information is on the time capsule, but I just want to know how to get some info off the from previous backups.

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