Since my iMac hard drive space (2 terabite) is almost half-full of the Movies I have in my iTunes, I would like to be able to set up my iTunes to store and play the movies from an external hard drive.I just bought a 4 terabite G-Drive for doing this.I would also like to be able to view the movies on my two differant Apple TV's.
I have an Intel iMac and wish to move the movies and music I have in ITunes to a WD 2TB MyBook Studio External Hard Drive, free up my hard drive and still use iTunes. What is the easiest way to move movies to the external drive and then wipe them off my computer to free up space.
I need to move the music and movies from my MacBook Air (original) to an external hard drive, after I do this, do I create a new music folder and media folder on my computer to load music/movies in via the dedicatd external drive and then would I be able to move the newly imported to the external drive which would be my main site of storage?
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Moving music/media
I would like to download some HD movies and stuff from iTunes. Thing is, I got not much space left. Can I store these movies on my external 2.0 USB hard disk?
I want to purchase some high quality music videos on the iTunes store. Then I want to store them on a USB drive which will be used to upload the music videos to my BMW iDrive system. Can this be done?
I recently bought my first imac. I seem to have an issue about copying movies from my imac to an external hard drive.I try to ''drag and drop'' but nothing is happening.I also tried to copy the movies and then paste them to the hard drive but no luck either.
I have an external drive to store all my movies since I have no room on my iMac. I'd also like to watch my movies on other computers and I was wondering if there's a movie player that can be installed on the external drive to watch some movies like (.mkv) and so on.
I realised a couple of days ago that several of my movies and tv shows that I purchased are no longer downloaded on my computer but are stored on the cloud. Now how do I get a backup on my drobo external disk? I don't want to fall or be without wifi and not being able to watch movies or tv shows.
Music has a download icon next to it, but that is not there for movies and tv shows. I have my itunes folder on my drobo, and want to keep it that way...
Im Using OS X Lion and i can not Paste copied items to my External Hard Drive. PAste Option doesnt appear when i tried to paste it. I Tried Pasting it into my System but its ok.
I want to move my photos from my laptop to an external hard drive. I already own a Seagate which is formatted for a PC, with photos already on it. I do not want to lose those photos and have been told by Apple tech that the seagate can be reformatted for mac. How do I do this without losing the PC photos already on it. Is there any difference between photos transferred from a PC or a MAC ?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
My ITunes library is almost 400 GB, I have it on a Mac Mini Server with 2 500 GB hard drives. How do i store some of it on the second drive? Or run my iTunes on the second drive?
The mini mac is full and I want to be able to use the 2 tb drive as storage and time machine. How do I get the content onto the external drive and access it it and hoe does new content get downloaded and stored to the drive not the mac? Also can I have 1 drive playing storeage and back up or do I need a second?
In other words... I have moved my music library to the external hard drive, as per an earlier thread I read here on the forums. It worked like quite well. Now that it is working perfectly, I am having a hard time leaving well enough alone. It is never a good idea for me to think too much...Can itunes be installed and run on/from an external hard drive? If so, how?
This is what im trying to do. I have a macbook with 120gb hard drive. thats not enough space from my music collection. So i was wondering how to make itunes run off a external hard drive. I looked around and found was for a PC.
I transferred all my itunes library to an external hard drive.I had all my songs in itunes and then went to "preferences" and set itunes to look on my external hard drive for my itunes. Then I went to "library" and then "consolidate", and it moved all my library over to my external. I can verify that my songs are all there on my externalHowever, now, itunes won't play any songs of mine. I double click on the song in itunes and it just wont play. There's no error message, there's no exclamation point, it just won't play. Any idea what is goign on? Preferences still shows that my library is directing to the external
I have uploaded all my music to iCloud so am under the impression I do not need my local files which are all stored on a 4TB (not fun to move around) G-Tech drive.
I cannot run iTunes without the hard drive plugged in, if anybody knows a way for me to play my music through iCloud on just my internet-connected laptop
Info: MBP, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 17", 2.66 GHz Intel Core i7, 8 GB
I have a macbook pro with OS 10.7 Lion, only 6 months old but cant acces movies or itunes on the store to buy. All other features on itunes store seem ok ie Apps, books, podcast etc i have tried updating s/w and all other first line suggestions in the manual with no success.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), I have apple care protection plan.
I just got a new external hard drive and have moved all my music over to it but can't get my itunes to recognize it, I have gone to the preferences and when I try and change the location where the music is itunes does not find my external hard drive. I have tried to repopulating the list and it does not find the Hard drive.
I own a 20-inch 250GB iMac and a 320GB Western Digital External Hard Drive. I recently began running out of room on my Mac, mainly because of all that I have on iTunes. Out of my 250GB I am now down to about 18GB. With this in mind, I went out and picked up a 320GB drive to pluck all my iTunes fluff on. I have changed the iTunes Media Folder location in the Advanced Tab to that of my new drive a la Volumes>Dj22091 iTunes>iTunes. I have also consolidated the library and have successfully copied all of my media to that of my new external drive.
Now, the problem. When deleting the material off of my Mac what am I going to pull into the trash bin exactly? I read here @ [URL] that I am to leave the library files alone and to delete all the media out of the Music>iTunes folder but...I don't see anything other than my music listed. If I am to get rid of everything and free up space I would need to delete my TV Shows, Movies, etc. but they are nowhere to be found. I am still left with only about 18GB left on my Mac, so I know that they are around here somewhere.
I have a 500+gig music collection on my home PC. The problem is, 275gig is on a Maxtor External HD (my E: Drive) so the pathway for itunes is different than the rest of the collection which is on a Western Digital MyBook 1T (my H: Drive). I have had no problem until my Maxtor decided to become 'unrecongnisable', thus rendering Itunes unable to find the music on this E Drive. Somehow, I have been able to 'wake up' the Maxtor by connecting to my lap top, disconnecting, and then re-connecting to my home PC. Sensing a problem, I transferred the 275g of music over to the Mybook 1T and renamed this folder 'Music Maxtor'. Of course, I have a folder called 'Music' on the 1T also.
The problem now is, how do I change the pathway in itunes for all of the music that was originally on the Maxtor?? Do I have to do this manually for EACH SONG!?? I don't want to move the music in the music maxtor folder to the other 'music folder, as some of the file names are the same. eg. I have an Aerosmith folder in both. Should I just rename? Is there an easier way? OR, can I purchase another external HD and when I connect it, I make it my new E Drive and just transfer the music maxtor folder back to it??? Would that work for itunes?? I know I have created a fair rod for my back here, but what do you do when you run out of room on an ext HD? Or one packs it in...
my itunes library is on an external hard-drive. I have another external harddrive that is portable and I'd like to have this one to travel with and be able to update it from the main library on the other ext. hd. Right now I have just copied over the entire library of music - no itunes involved - but I realized that this doesn't work for me as I want to be able to update that music file with the newer stuff found on my other main ext. hd.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), external harddrive