OS X :: Reinstalling From An HDD Or Flash Drive?

Jun 6, 2008

I don't have a DVD drive in my old 800 G4 Tower, so I have to borrow an external one if I have to re-install Tiger.

If I copy my Tiger DVD installation disks to an external HDD or a Flash Drive or an internal HDD (a secondary HDD), would I be able to re-install from one of those drives?

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Mac Pro :: Migrate To New Hard Drive Without Reinstalling OS X And Windows?

Dec 23, 2008

I've just ordered another drive since the 160gb I allocated to OS X of my primary drive's measly 250gb of space simply isn't enough. I'll likely change my old 750gb data drive into the new primary and use my new drive as a larger data drive. I'm not really fussed about changing the size of my Boot Camp partition - I just really don't want to go through the hasselhof of reinstalling Vista and updating it etc. If it wasn't for the boot camp partition then I'd simply do a direct copy of the stuff on the OS X partition to the new drive. Any suggestions? I'll happily leave it sitting for a while copying stuff over but reinstalling and updating Vista, OS X and all my applications isn't really an option.

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OS X :: Reinstalling Leopard On MacBook With Broken CD Drive

Jun 22, 2009

So I recently decided to attempt to revive my "broken" macbook. The two major problems with it is 1. There is zero battery life. I mean if I unplug it it dies. 2. The disc drive simply does not work. It will accept discs but will not read them. The other major problem is that vista is the only operating system on the computer, because I used to use it as a ventrilo server, and as a WoW server for about a week. Now, i'm wondering, is there any way to install leopard not from a disc, but from a hard drive? I have a legitimate copy of leopard and am really annoyed right now because I would like to take the computer in for repairs but cannot do so because of vista.

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MacBook :: Reinstalling Installation DVD On New Hard Drive

Nov 15, 2009

Macbook harddrive crashed (flashing question mark folder etc.). Bought new harddrive (2.5 in SATA), and reinstalled. Don't have original installation DVD so used legally acquired Mac OSX. Now instead of folder, the Apple logo appears with spinning gears but otherwise unresponsive. Can't install or eject DVD.

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Windows On Mac :: Repartitioning Hard Drive Without Reinstalling 7?

Nov 16, 2009

I split my MacBook Pro into 130 GB for OSX and 100 GB for Windows 7. Although I do enjoy and use Windows 7 on my laptop often, I need more space on the OSX side for my media. At first I planned to keep it in an external My Passport drive and just connect it whenever I wanted to use my media, but I came to learn that that idea is a pain in the ass. So I would like to keep all of my media (mostly music) in the OSX partition. The thing is though, I have a Windows 7 desktop at home, and I installed windows 7 on my MacBook Pro only because I found it convenient to be able to work on Windows-only things when I'm not at home. So I really don't need that big of a partition on my MacBook for Windows. I figure, for my purposes about 50 GB is plenty. I already have a copy of all my media hooked up to my PC on an external harddrive at home anyway.

I would like to have all of my media wherever I carry my MacBook as well so I would like to adjust the partition to maybe just 50 GB for Windows and the rest for OSX. Is there any way to do this without having to reinstall Windows 7? I would really like to avoid the process of reinstalling Windows and all the programs I already have in it.

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IMac :: Move MBP Hard Drive - Without Reinstalling OSX?

Mar 23, 2010

I am planning to move my SSD drive from my MBP into an iMac. If i do this, will it boot, or will I need to format and reinstall everything? (i understand its a 2.5" drive, that isn't an issue I have a caddy)

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PowerPC :: Formatting The Hard Drive And Not Reinstalling OS X Straight Away?

Sep 8, 2010

I have an old G5 I'm giving away and I don't have the install disc for it. I was wondering if there was a way of formatting the hard drive and not reinstalling OS X straight away, but if someone inserts the disc when booting it up they can reinstall it.

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Applications :: Wiping Hard Drive And Reinstalling OS - How To Keep Everything In ITunes

Dec 15, 2009

Preferences, playlists, purchased music, etc.

I figured there was a thread just like this already but didn't find it.

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Software :: How To Merge Two Partitions At Mac Hard Drive Without Reinstalling The OS

Dec 31, 2010

Is it possible to merge two partitions at Mac hard drive without re-installing the OS.

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OS X Mavericks :: IMac / Reinstalling It After Erasing Hard Drive?

Aug 21, 2014

I recently had to erase my hard drive because it failed and my computer wouldn't start up. When I try to reinstall Mavericks it just goes back to disk utility and I still can't start up my computer.


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Laptops :: Reinstalling Tiger On Macbook - Hard Drive Dead?

Feb 22, 2010

I'm fairly new to macs and am having some problems. Here's the situation:

I've got a 3 year old 13" Macbook - 2.1 Intel Core 2 Duo, 1.83 Ghz, 512MB memory, 60 GB hard drive - I bought it from
Apple directly - it was a ""reconditioned"" one from the factory.

It has worked fine for 3 years, but lately has been getting slower and slower (most programs), and even the home screen has been acting weird, and loading up funny, if at all sometimes, and I get the "spinning beachball of death" much more often and/or for longer periods. I have all my files copied elsewhere, and I just figured I would start over and reinstall the 10.4 Tiger OS that came with it - I have the original grey install/restore DVDs.

In case it matters, the two install/restore DVDs read:
mac os version 10.4.8
AHT version 3AA18
disc version 1.0

So here's what I've tried so far:

-I booted up with the install/restore DVDs and have run the hardware checker several times. It says everything is fine.

-Also through the Utilities on the restore disk, i checked/repaired the disks and the "permissions" which showed up in the Disk Utility as the "Mac hard drive" or something like that, about 5 or 10 GB, and the main part of the drive, the "55.9 GB Fujitsu MHV2060BHPL". That all seemed to check out fine as far as the computer could tell me.

-I tried installing Tiger from the restore DVDs, the first time with the "archive and install" option. It seems like everything is working with the installation, and it gets through the second DVD, but when its done, it states that there are "software errors" and to try to install it again. (And no it won't boot up at all on its own...) I tried it again with another of the install options, I think it was "Erase and Install" - same thing. I also tried the "first time install option" too - same thing.

Next, since I got all my info off the computer already, I tried reformatting. First I used the function that writes zeroes over everything, for both the "Mac HD" and the "55.9 GB Fujitsu" drive too. Then I tried all three different install options again, starting with the "initial install" one. I also went into Disk Utility and used the format (and/or partition?) function and the drive has been redone with the mac os "extended journal" format, always with the same result as before. The whole thing (including the DVD test that it runs) seems to go fine with the install, but at the end it always says there are software errors and to try the install again... Is this possibly a hard drive problem (even though it "tests" fine)?

What if I ordered one of these:

Would that work in my macbook? Could I just replace the drive and go for another "first install"? Or is it likely something else?

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MacBook Air :: Clone To 64 GB Flash Drive As A Boot Rescue Drive?

Nov 15, 2010

When I travel I would generally take a small travel drive that is clone of my white MacBook as a rescue drive.Now that I have the MBA I am wondering if I could just clone my 11.6 MBA to a 64 GB flash drive and then if the worst happened I could reverse clone from the flash drive to the MBA.

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OS X Mavericks :: Downloaded To A Flash Drive Or External Hard Drive?

Jun 24, 2014

Can a coy of Maverick be downloaded to a flash drive or external hard drive?

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OS X :: Using Flash Drive?

Jan 15, 2011

I formated my usb drive on my Mac to Journaled.

Now that I sold my Mac, I cant open that FlashDrive on my PC.

It doesnt even read.

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OS X :: U3 On USB Flash Drive -- How To Fix It

Dec 6, 2009

Here's a strange one. Got a new flash drive. My first step, always, is to use disk utility to erase and reformat the flash drive into FAT32, single partition.

But when I plug in my latest flash drive into my Macs, I see the U3 Install Disc icon on my desktop.

What gives? How can U3 still be on it after a reformat? More importantly, how do I get rid of it?

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OS X :: Best Usb Flash Drive For Use With Mac And Pc?

Aug 10, 2010

im in need of a good fast usb flash drive for use in both a pc and mac. large files will be uploaded and downloaded off of the drive so i need something that can do this quickly.

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OS X :: Cannot Find Flash Drive

Mar 23, 2009

I have a 32MB flash drive and I though of experimenting with my TimeMachine on my MacBook Pro . I never used time machine before. I deleted everything from my flash drive and opened up time machine. I then selected my flash drive to be used as a back up drive, I was asked to erase flash drive and reformat ... O.o I wasnt to sure about it but I did it anyway [stupid I know, dont bash me] so TimeMachine began to back up onto my flash drive, then I got a notice that said that I cant back up on my flash drive as it only has 31.2 MB where 91MB was needed. So I took it out. Less than a minute later I inserted my flash back into my mac and it was not being detected. I cant find it in my finder or my desktop.. I even looked for it using spotlight and nothing was found. Its brand new and I really hope I could use it again. Somebody please help.

p.s I also tried using another flash drive and it was detected as soon as it was inserted.

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OS X :: Formatting USB Flash Drive?

Oct 14, 2009

I am trying to format a 4gb USb flash drive and I just can't seem to figure out how. I saw some people say you have to empty the trash while the drive is plugged in, but that doesn't seem to work either.

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OS X :: Boot From Flash Drive?

Nov 15, 2009

I need to boot my macbook from a flash drive. The drive is formatted, but I don't know how to get the computer to start up using it. Is there a key to hold or something?

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OS X :: Theme For Flash Drive?

Jan 17, 2010

Is there a way to do my idea? You plug in the flash drive and when you double-click it, and background pops up with a little box for you to enter a password. I don't think any apps can do this, but is it possible?

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OS X :: Unable To Use Flash Drive

Apr 17, 2010

I was trying to transfer some files to a friend's Mac with my flash drive and it said I needed to format it for some reason so I did, and now the flash drive isn't even recognized on my PC! ( Windows 7 )

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OS X :: Formatting Flash Drive For Mac And PC?

Jun 23, 2010

So my exact problem is that I usually use my Flash between my Mac and other PCs. And I just installed OSX Snow Leopard from my 8GB Kingston Flash. Now I know to use Disk Utility to reformat to MS-DOS (FAT) to be able to to use it between the to OSs again.

So I do that but PCs won't read it and ask me to reformat it again. I'd happily do that cuz I know as long as it's in FAT or FAT32 the two OSs will be able to read and write from each other. But the PC only recognizes 200 mb and when I do reformat it on the PC there are now 2 different Partitions. One being the PC's 200 mb in FAT and the other Mac's almost 8GB MS-DOS.

I've tried a few different things too. I've tried Partitioning the whole thing over again int MS-DOS after having erased everything. Which I see only causes the Flash drive to shrink from 8.01 GB to 7.80GB and still isn't readable by a PC.

Then I tried Erasing it to free space but PCs still don't recognize it and still ask me to reformat the 200mb is sees on the Flash.

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OS X :: Can I Clone My 10.6 DVD Onto A Flash Drive?

Aug 20, 2010

i hear its possible to make a install emergency disk using a flash drive, i purchased a HP USB 16GB flashdrive v 165w, [URL]

i formated the drive as a Guid Partition, ignored preferences and all the stuff i could find online to see to it that i did it right but no go,

can anyone tell me if this drive is incompatible or which one i should exchange it for?

i tried cloning my original OSX Leopard DVD and i get errors when from both CCC and Super Duper,

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Intel Mac :: Won't USB Flash Drive?

May 3, 2012

When I plug any of my USB flash drives that work with my PC laptop my iMac doesn't see them or mount them. They don't even show up when I look at disk utility. I have a USB printer and an external USB HDD plugged in and they work.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac Pro :: Flash Drive Not Recognized

May 28, 2012

I am a new MacBookPro user and I really don't know what I am doing . I am having problems with the flash drive. It appears that it is not being recognized.


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Hardware :: USB Flash Drive Not Working

Sep 5, 2010

So I have a 128GB flash drive that I bought on eBay a while ago that is no longer working. It had been working fine in both Mac OS and Windows, however it will no longer show up in Finder or Disk Utility. It does, however show up in USB Prober and System Profiler. In Windows, it won't show up but sounds are emitted when I pull it out or plug it in. Of interest, it is a Kingston drive but System Profiler lists the manufacturer as Alcor Micro.

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OS X :: Flash Drive Containing .M4V Files Don't Show Up On PC?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a 1GB flash drive..of which i've placed some iTunes formatted home movies in to hand to my dad who has a Windows XP laptop.

When this flash drive is connected to his laptop and I discover the flash drive on XP, and try to open it...nothing happens. Nothing opens. At best it says that in order to view the files in the flash drive that Windows XP needs to reformat the flash drive, but in the process it states that it will have to erase all content and data to do so..

So now i'm wondering how can I transfer these movie files from my MBP to his Windows XP laptop.?

I've only tried this on flash drives and really hope it wouldn't be the same situation if I used my external hard drive instead; as in connecting my external HD which had a ton more home movies, connect it to his laptop and hopefully it showing up... My external HD isn't running Time Machine or anything like that, it's just a clean External HD where I throw in a lot of home movies...

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MacBook Air :: MBA Flash Drive Versus MBP SSD

Oct 25, 2010

I have a recent (3 month old) 13 inch MBP with the 512GB SSD. I'm considering a 13 inch MBA with the 256GB NAND flash drive. Obviously I'll have to manage with less storage space, but apart from that, what is the difference between the two drives? Will the newer one in the Air be faster, as it is an Apple custom component rather than an off the shelf part?

I think the new Air is great value, BTW. The SSD in my MBP cost a fortune (but it is really really fast). Also, before anyone says "just keep the MBP", my assistant wants one, so I'll be buying either another MBP or a MBA anyway.

So which is faster MBP with standard 512GB SSD or new MBA with standard 256GB NAND flash?

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OS X :: Sync Folders On Flash Drive?

Nov 24, 2006

Is there a way to have a flash drive I own automatically sync certain folders (like the documents) when I insert it?

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OS X :: How To Boot Macintosh From USB Flash Drive

Nov 15, 2008

Can this be done? Instructions anywhere?

What size USB flash drive needed?

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