OS X Mavericks :: IMac / Reinstalling It After Erasing Hard Drive?
Aug 21, 2014
I recently had to erase my hard drive because it failed and my computer wouldn't start up. When I try to reinstall Mavericks it just goes back to disk utility and I still can't start up my computer.
I have a mid-2011 iMac (with Mavericks OS), and am doing a clean install before giving my computer to a relative. I performed a secure erase of my entire harddrive (using disk utility), reset the NVRAM / PRAM (but it only chimes once even after I tried several times), and now I get the grey screen even when I try to boot from CD, safe boot, or any other commands. I can't even get back into the disk utility.
On a side note, I have the install DVD in the DVD drive and I can't get that out.
so I got OS X Leopard. I had a copy of Windows Vista, and decided to try out the Boot Camp Assistant. Didn't have a problem partitioning the drives and installing Windows. However, I now find it entirely pointless to have Windows on my Mac being that I have a PC now. I tried doing it myself at first, and ended up erasing the Windows partition, and now I'm having troubles combining the drives into one. I saw something about running an uninstaller through the Boot Camp Assistant, but I think erasing the Windows partition ruined that for me. Whenever I try to use the BCA while the drive is mounted I get this error message: The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored to a single partition. The startup disk must be formatted as a single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) volume or already partitioned by Boot Camp Assistant for installing Windows. When I unmount the Windows partition, I get THIS error message: Boot Camp Assistant cannot be used. This startup disk is not supported.
I am planning to move my SSD drive from my MBP into an iMac. If i do this, will it boot, or will I need to format and reinstall everything? (i understand its a 2.5" drive, that isn't an issue I have a caddy)
I installed Snow Leopard long after installing OS X5.5, now updated to 10.6.8. If I have to erase the HD and reinstall all software, Would I have to use the install CD's for both 10.5.5 and Snow Leopard?
I have royally screwed up! I want to erase the hard drive on my Power Mac G4 to prepare it to go to my son. I thought I was doing it right, but had forgotten to put the energy saver on "never turn off" so the screen dims when I try to continue with the erasing. Tried to start over with an install disk in the tray. Now can't access the original disk.
Im really close, well just about done on selling my powerbook and I want to erase my HD so I can give it to the buyer by "factory settings", especially by erasing all my keychain passwords.
I have a 2007 white MacBook that I am going to be selling. I want to erase the hard drive. I have gone into utilities but it won't let me erase the h ard drive completely.
I need to reinstall Office 2011 for my iMac. I downloaded it off the web and do not have the email that has the product key. I have found out how to uninstall it, but need to know how to reinstall it.
I've just ordered another drive since the 160gb I allocated to OS X of my primary drive's measly 250gb of space simply isn't enough. I'll likely change my old 750gb data drive into the new primary and use my new drive as a larger data drive. I'm not really fussed about changing the size of my Boot Camp partition - I just really don't want to go through the hasselhof of reinstalling Vista and updating it etc. If it wasn't for the boot camp partition then I'd simply do a direct copy of the stuff on the OS X partition to the new drive. Any suggestions? I'll happily leave it sitting for a while copying stuff over but reinstalling and updating Vista, OS X and all my applications isn't really an option.
Macbook harddrive crashed (flashing question mark folder etc.). Bought new harddrive (2.5 in SATA), and reinstalled. Don't have original installation DVD so used legally acquired Mac OSX. Now instead of folder, the Apple logo appears with spinning gears but otherwise unresponsive. Can't install or eject DVD.
I split my MacBook Pro into 130 GB for OSX and 100 GB for Windows 7. Although I do enjoy and use Windows 7 on my laptop often, I need more space on the OSX side for my media. At first I planned to keep it in an external My Passport drive and just connect it whenever I wanted to use my media, but I came to learn that that idea is a pain in the ass. So I would like to keep all of my media (mostly music) in the OSX partition. The thing is though, I have a Windows 7 desktop at home, and I installed windows 7 on my MacBook Pro only because I found it convenient to be able to work on Windows-only things when I'm not at home. So I really don't need that big of a partition on my MacBook for Windows. I figure, for my purposes about 50 GB is plenty. I already have a copy of all my media hooked up to my PC on an external harddrive at home anyway.
I would like to have all of my media wherever I carry my MacBook as well so I would like to adjust the partition to maybe just 50 GB for Windows and the rest for OSX. Is there any way to do this without having to reinstall Windows 7? I would really like to avoid the process of reinstalling Windows and all the programs I already have in it.
After backing up my data and then swiping my hard drive using Disk Utility, my OS seems to have been uninstalled as well. Is there a way to recover the deleted information and go back to the last working configuration? I'm on a MBP IC2D 2.16 w/ Lion.
After deleting about 500 emails and going to erase deleted messages the memory available on my hard drive did not change. Should it? Do emails not take up any memory?
I have an old G5 I'm giving away and I don't have the install disc for it. I was wondering if there was a way of formatting the hard drive and not reinstalling OS X straight away, but if someone inserts the disc when booting it up they can reinstall it.
I have an external hard drive that I was previously using on PC, having attempted to use it on a Mac, it will not write to it. I've found that I have to format to FAT32, which I think i can just about manage (yes, im a girl) but my concern is, if i format through the MAC, will i then lose what's on the hard disk as the tab says 'erase'? I have a lot of images on the hard disk so am a little petrified! Any advice for this really basic question would be appreciated!
I'm fairly new to macs and am having some problems. Here's the situation:
I've got a 3 year old 13" Macbook - 2.1 Intel Core 2 Duo, 1.83 Ghz, 512MB memory, 60 GB hard drive - I bought it from Apple directly - it was a ""reconditioned"" one from the factory.
It has worked fine for 3 years, but lately has been getting slower and slower (most programs), and even the home screen has been acting weird, and loading up funny, if at all sometimes, and I get the "spinning beachball of death" much more often and/or for longer periods. I have all my files copied elsewhere, and I just figured I would start over and reinstall the 10.4 Tiger OS that came with it - I have the original grey install/restore DVDs.
In case it matters, the two install/restore DVDs read: mac os version 10.4.8 AHT version 3AA18 disc version 1.0 22691-5967-A
So here's what I've tried so far:
-I booted up with the install/restore DVDs and have run the hardware checker several times. It says everything is fine.
-Also through the Utilities on the restore disk, i checked/repaired the disks and the "permissions" which showed up in the Disk Utility as the "Mac hard drive" or something like that, about 5 or 10 GB, and the main part of the drive, the "55.9 GB Fujitsu MHV2060BHPL". That all seemed to check out fine as far as the computer could tell me.
-I tried installing Tiger from the restore DVDs, the first time with the "archive and install" option. It seems like everything is working with the installation, and it gets through the second DVD, but when its done, it states that there are "software errors" and to try to install it again. (And no it won't boot up at all on its own...) I tried it again with another of the install options, I think it was "Erase and Install" - same thing. I also tried the "first time install option" too - same thing.
Next, since I got all my info off the computer already, I tried reformatting. First I used the function that writes zeroes over everything, for both the "Mac HD" and the "55.9 GB Fujitsu" drive too. Then I tried all three different install options again, starting with the "initial install" one. I also went into Disk Utility and used the format (and/or partition?) function and the drive has been redone with the mac os "extended journal" format, always with the same result as before. The whole thing (including the DVD test that it runs) seems to go fine with the install, but at the end it always says there are software errors and to try the install again... Is this possibly a hard drive problem (even though it "tests" fine)?
What if I ordered one of these:
Would that work in my macbook? Could I just replace the drive and go for another "first install"? Or is it likely something else?
I have one hard drive that is readable and writeable on my mac desktop but read only on my mac air. I am trying to transfer all files from a couple external hard drives onto a new larger back up drive so I do not want to lose any information by reformatting.
I have several hundred files on an external hard drive which i used with my toshiba laptop, I purchased the Mac, (after years of consideration!) and now I find that I'm having real difficulty in uploading to the mac from that drive.
I have also purchased the lightroom version 5 (i had version 4 on the laptop, and am just aching to use this on the mac ...
I tried to install Mavericks and it told me my disk had been damaged and needed to be repaired. I took it into the Genius bar, he wiped my disk and told me when I got home to plug in my backup harddrive and click restore and it should be resolved. But I did the restore, created a new profile and everything and I can find my backup folder because my harddrive is plugged in, but don't know how to get everything from that folder back onto the computer, and back in its rightful place. i.e. pictures back in iPhoto, songs back in iTunes
I have Sibelius 7 installed on my MacBook Pro. It is licensed to a friend of mine, he gave me the second license that comes with the software. I am looking to reset my Mac to Factory Settings, as if it's new, but I would like to reinstall Sibelius once it has been reset. The problem is, I don't have the original discs, my friend has them. Am I able to reinstall Sibelius from a back up without the original discs, or should I wait until I can use the discs again?
I'm running a MacBook Pro with OS X Version 10.9.3 with a 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor with 8GB of memory.
I've had a lot of problems with my iMac G5 power supply and since I have newer computers I've decided to get rid of this computer.
I want to save the hard drive and put it in a case, then use it as an external drive on my other Macs.
What sort of case do I need to shop for? Should I look for SATA or what exactly is the proper nomenclature.
Is USB 2 the preferred choice, or Firewire, or what? Is there a USB 3? I use a mid-2010 27 inch iMac with the intel processor, and I needed to buy an adapter to use my older Firewire external drive. Is Firewire a dodo?
Whenever starting up, a grey screen would appear and after the screen would shut off immediately. I decided to reinstall Mavericks (which worked). However, my iTunes is completely wiped clean. I have all my music files still on my computer but not in the iTunes. Is there a way to get them all back without having to drag and drop each file one by one? And is it possible to get all my old playlists back with the dates added/play counts etc.?
I was wondering if anyone had successfully installed and 2nd hard drive in their iMac?I have a 2 year old 2.8 24'' iMac and the performance just isn't cutting the mustard, it's all hard drive related and I already have a decent 1TB drive in there.I was thinking of perhaps swapping the optical drive with a second hard drive for RAID0, but not too sure if there will be space and was wondering if the optical drive is a standard SATA connector, or if there is some way I could run a SATA+power cables externally?