OS X :: Plus 4Mb Will Not Start After Dark Castle?
Nov 4, 2009
I have a Mac Plus 4mb that booted up fine with its system tools disk but I put in disk 1 of Dark Castle and a bomb appeared. Since then I cannot get it to boot up using the system disk that worked ok to start with. I have removed the power cord, left it overnight and still no luck. How do I reset it so it reads the system tools disk and boots up?
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Nov 14, 2001
Old school gamers will remember Beyond Dark Castle. I still play it on my se/30 .And now a new version. The beta is pretty good.
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Jun 7, 2012
The screen on my 2006 iMac goes dark shortly after start up.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.1.x), 24" screen
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Jan 1, 2010
I can barely see digital pictures and the likes. But websites and such i can see fine so long as the colors are light and looking on this site... [URL]
the first image i absolutely cannot see, it is 100% pitch black.. the other bellow it shows up just fine. But the two left/lowest squares on the color table on the very bottom the page both appear the same shade of pitch black.
I can see light but not dark. I tried callibrating and adjusting brightness and contrast.
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Oct 29, 2010
I went yesterday evening to the Apple store in Georgetown as I happened to be near by and checked out the new Airs. The keyboard letters look reflective bu the keyboard also looked somehow cheaper (which I guess it is truly). Tough to test the usability in the dark in the store, I tried to hover over it with my jacket (must have looked pretty stupid) but it is not a real live test. So for you who had a backlit keyboard before
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Feb 22, 2010
i have a mbp from 2007 and it seems my screen has grown quite dark! anyone else have this problem? what does one do?
It also has some "splotches" a patch or two of discoloring.
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Mar 31, 2012
My six years old MBP OS 10.4.x Tiger all of the sudden the display turned black. I hardly see the content of the desktop only when there is some light on the room, looks like I have reduce the light to the Display. I have tried to reset the PRAM with the opion, ctrl, P, R key combination and it did not work. It boots-up OK, no problem with the HD neither Memory, I have not run any test on it though. I have not had any trouble on my MBP until now and I have to say I have never reinstalled the OS.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Aug 22, 2014
I have a 2012 macbook pro and needed to change the brightness of my monitor for my eyes, the problem is I find it hard to see the tab bar now because it is too dark. I looked on these forums and found how to change the brightness of the tab bar without compromising any of the other parts of the screen, but it is not for my particular year or model " [URL]
Apple TV, blinking light on apple tv box stop
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Aug 11, 2009
I have an iBook (OSX 10.3.9)that's been great for the last couple of years. However the last week or so the screen goes dark for no apparent reason. You can still see through enough to fiddle around and hit shut down...and after it shuts down, and I restart it...it seems normal...that is until the next time. It's happened about 4 times in the last three days. A couple of times on battery and once plugged in I think. It's like it goes to sleep but you can't hit the space bar to wake up. Also seems like maybe an energy saving deal gone awry.
Now for info that may be pertinent: I dropped this laptop(in it's case) about a year ago. Holy crap..all docs would only read in magenta. No black no color only magenta and a "photograph negative" looking image for background or any graphic. I was sure it was dead duck and fried but kept trying it periodically. After about a month, after giving up...I turned it on and it was fine...as if nothing was wrong. Weirdest deal. It's been fine ever since.
I thought perhaps I was too lucky...and assume this may be a result of that fall.
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Nov 23, 2010
I get an dark black stripe at my iMac (mid 2007 or 2008).It's best visable when i put my darkness at lowest setting and on white survaces.
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Nov 29, 2010
My iMac has these dark spots on the screen and I wanted to confirm that it is a hardware issue before I make an appointment with an Apple genius. I thought it was dirt, but cleaning it didn't do anything.
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May 15, 2009
I have a dark spot on my MacBook display of diameter 0.15 inches (or 4 mm). The spot is bright if looked from an angle.I brought my Mac to the Apple Care and I just received the verdict: the spot was caused by ME by applying extra pressure to the LCD!. Which is not covered by Apple Care warranty!
That's interesting since I am 100% sure that I didn't harm the screen. The guy even suggested that I forgot my pen on the keyboard and closed the laptop! That's great!
I told the Apple guy to send me back the laptop as it is after he offered a repair for $700 plus tax! But I am determined to go on with this since I love my Mac, I spent a lot of money on it.
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Sep 22, 2009
I have a prob with my MBP and wondered if anyone had an idea what the problem is?
Today the screen just goes black.. when i turn the backlight up and down i can see some difference but no picture on screen.
The mac book is still on and music playing.
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Feb 1, 2012
This was a sudden occurrence. Everything fine one minute, then when I opened the MacBook, there are dark (black!) smudges on several of the words on the menu bar. The first smudge starts at the right edge of the apple and almost totally obliterates the word "safari." There are light, but still black smudges on File, Edit, View and History, and on the airport icon. This has never happened before.
MacBook (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), This is a sudden occurrence.
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Feb 4, 2012
my screen is just randomly going dark. its not shuting down - just seems to go to sleep but nothing I do wakes it short of turning the power button off then on. When I do that it quickly comes on again and seems to work fine. Seems to be happening with more and more frequency and is not particular to any software. I've read the boards here - I'm not a gamer ( no games on this computer) I'm a photographer with lots of files and I use photoshop alot. Yesterday I was on you tube and my screen went dark again but the video was still playing - I could still hear it. In fact, I could hit my mouse to stop and start the video but I couldn't see anything. Hardware Overview: Model Name: iMac Model Identifier: iMac11,1 Processor Name: Intel Core i7 Processor Speed: 2.8 GHz Number Of Processors: 1 Total Number Of Cores: 4 L2 Cache (per core): 256 KB L3 Cache: 8 MB Memory: 8 GB Processor Interconnect Speed: 4.8 GT/s Boot ROM Version: IM111.0034.B02 SMC Version (system): 1.54f36
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), about a year old
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Feb 17, 2012
I bought an Imac 27'' like 6 months ago, but my screen seems to have some dark spots in the corner, when I put any white image, on that spots it shows like the screen were dusty but is not, at the same time in the middle screen when if Iput some black image some pixels show lighter than the others.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Mar 31, 2012
This is happening to both my sister and me on two different macbook pros. When we open up the computer it shows the desktop then goes dark and nothing but a restart will bring everything back. I have checked our settings and it is not related to them. Also, it doesn't happen all the time, just sometimes. I can't find a reason for it.
Both are new and both run Lion's latest updates.
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Apr 22, 2012
Late Model 2010 Macbook pro, opening screen from closed position allows the screen to turn on as normal, but two seconds later, goes to complete black. Temporary fix includes hitting F1 to lower brightenss (if the screen was at full brightness) or F1 or F2 (if screen was not at full brightness) changing this brightness level brings back screen to full brightness -1. this problem seems to be pretty prevelent and related to the nvidia card ro something simialr. are there any known fixes? will apple acknowlege this. this just started happening to me a week or so ago but i've seen articles are far back as early 2011 with the same symptoms.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.66 GHz ,i7, 8gb ram, 500gb hdd
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May 5, 2012
My iMac Screen on my left side darker than my right side but it have been having this issue with my screen brighten up and down by itself from day one. Purchase my iMac about 13 months ago
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), iOS 5.1
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May 5, 2012
display on my iMac 27 (bought in august 2011) have many dark spots. This is my display: url.. Could i replace my mac if i don't bought apple care? I live within USA and don't have Apple Store
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Jun 15, 2012
My MacBook has suddenly gone dark. It charges fine and the battery lights show there's charge. The screen is very dark when powered up? When I turn the brightness down fully, then go to turn it up the screen lights up for a second then goes again?
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Jul 2, 2012
My wife has a 2009 27" iMac that has been perfectly fine since we purchased it. I had upgraded my old Macbook Pro to 8GB of ram and had the old 2GB sitting around. It was DD3 1066 just what hers took so decided to put the ram in her machine. Shut it down, unplugged all the cables, flipped it over on a towel and inserted the ram. Booted it up and now I get this same effect as the pictures in this thread: [URL]..
We took our own pics but they did not come out well. Both the upper corners have this. Never had an issue before and we are in a climate and humidity controlled room. Obviously the machine is out of warranty but I know this was a problem before on 27" models. Literally it was fine, turned it off, put in the ram, flipped it back over, and turned it back on then the spots were there.
Has a real root cause ever been found for this? Worth it to pull the glass and check the screen itself?
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Dec 7, 2014
Some app icons don't display in the toolbar correctly when in Dark Mode and was wondering if there is a solution...
Google Music Manager is impossible to see unless you click the toolbar icon - is there a fix for this?
Google Drive is the same but I've downloaded an AppleScript which someone custom made which requires editing the PNG files
however, the Google Music Manager doesn't have any PNG files in its Resource folder.
Mac mini, OS X Yosemite (10.10)
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Dec 12, 2014
My MacBook Pro's screen has been going black recently, sometimes is pops back up and sometimes I have to shut down and reboot. But while the screen is dark the computer seems to be functioning (music still playing, sounds from touching keys randomly in the dark) I recently upgraded to Yosemite - coincidence or is my 6-year old Macbook just getting on in years?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Mail 4.6
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Sep 9, 2014
My MacBook is from 2007, so it is old and has its problems.When I turned it on one day, it was all normal, and randomly the screen got so dark, it looked like the computer had shut down on me. I knew it was still turned on though because the little light was indicating that it was on and it was still making the cd drive/booting up sounds.
After a while, I noticed that the screen just went very very dim, because I could still slightly see the webpage I was on. Turning up the brightness of the screen did nothing, same with restarting the computer.
Sometimes the screen would come back to the normal brightness, until I would go to do something on the internet and it would go very dark again. It's so unpredictable, I don't even want to deal with it anymore.
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Aug 26, 2014
I just bought the latest and greatest 15 inch Macbook Pro with Retina Display in mid-2014. Every once in awhile, my screen will go dark. When I hit the touch pad, the cursor will show up and will move, on a completely black background. At that point I panic and start depressing the touch pad, when that doesn't work, I try depressing the on/off key; which does not respond at first, but finally the screen returns to normal.? NOTE: My operating system is OSX 10.9.4.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Dec 6, 2014
My screen is very dark and it wont change! what do i do, i have to point a flash light at it to partially see the screen.
MacBook Pro
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Feb 25, 2009
The new Macbook pro 17" seems to have a very dark display. I was in two Apple stores in, one in NYC and the other in Whiteplains and both stores had the new machines displayed. The screens were substantially darker than the 15.4" LED version. The preferences did not seem to help because the machines did not provide a selection between power save and high performance. Does anybody know anything about this, or should I just assume mine will be delivered with a dark screen? The screens were glossy in both stores, NOT anti-glare.
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Jun 14, 2007
I got a cheap 1.42ghz 512mb RAM, 14" screen G4 ibook because it had a broken hinge. I tore apart the laptop and replaced the hinge (screen frame) and put it back together. The screen wouldn't work. I opened it back up and found that the video connector was lose, so I connected it and put it back together. BAM!! Everything worked... everything except the sleep feature when the lid is closed. So I opened it back up, took the magnet from the old frame and put it on the new frame (which was missing its magnet).
When I turned it back on the screen was blank/dark. It showed all the signs of classic inverter board burnout (dark screen, can be seen with flashlight from behind, can be seen on external monitor), so I ordered an inverter board and when it arrived, I swapped it out. Still nothing. The next idea would be the backlight, but that doesn't make sense... I'm trying to figure out what might have happened to make the inverter/backlight go from working fine to not working when all I did was removed the screen back case, screw on the magnet and close it up. I have done a bunch of digging around under the hood and am wondering if anyone knows of a possible ground wire, other connection, easily broken wire, or other issue that might have happened. I'm thinking that it might be one of the power wires that goes into the inverter. It might have broken inside the shield, or maybe I was sold another bad inverter board.
Assumption 1: one or both inverter boards are good.
Are there any connections other than the inverter data/power cable from the mobo and the cable from the inverter to the backlight?
Does anything else (backlight, etc) have to be grounded? Where are these groundings?
Would anything else give the same symptoms except the inverter?
How can I test the backlight? I heard that there are two lights in these machines, so if it was one of the florescent lights, only 1/2 the screen would be dark.
Assumption 2: Neither board is good and that is the problem.
How can I test the inverter board (short of an osilascope) to see if it's working?
Is this a good assumption?
I'm about stumped right now and haven't found any direct help on forums. I'm hoping someone in the Mac community has run into this or has an idea about what could be going on. I'm really hoping that I missed something like replacing a screw that is also a ground or something along those lines.
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Jan 14, 2009
dread going to work and use pc all day. anyway the only issue i have is every so often i will be working away and my whole screen goes blank for a second,,freezes. I have to tap the mouse to get it to come back,
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