MacBook :: Dark Spot On The Display

May 15, 2009

I have a dark spot on my MacBook display of diameter 0.15 inches (or 4 mm). The spot is bright if looked from an angle.I brought my Mac to the Apple Care and I just received the verdict: the spot was caused by ME by applying extra pressure to the LCD!. Which is not covered by Apple Care warranty!

That's interesting since I am 100% sure that I didn't harm the screen. The guy even suggested that I forgot my pen on the keyboard and closed the laptop! That's great!

I told the Apple guy to send me back the laptop as it is after he offered a repair for $700 plus tax! But I am determined to go on with this since I love my Mac, I spent a lot of money on it.

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PowerPC :: Powerbook G4 Large Dark Spot On Screen / How To Fix It

Feb 8, 2007

Let me first apologize for this being very similar to one other topic in this section. However this is exactly what is happening to my computer and no one has answered the other guys thread ( similar to my post - agentphish - posted 01-19-2007, 08:19 AM).

I have searched through 50 of 77pages in this particular forum and my eyes are bugging out. Could someone please give me advice on this matter.

First, about 1 month or so ago I started noticing that in the bottom left and right corners of my screen, about the size of a nickel, it is a lighter color than that of the rest of the screen. It is hard to notice, but I do.

Now, I have recently begun to experience a large round dark area, just slightly smaller than the diameter of a CD in the lower left hand side of my 2 year old powerbook.
It only manifests itself when the computer has either been asleep or turned off for a period of time (typically the longest for me is a few hours during the day that it may be off or at most a period of overnight while I am sleeping)

It seems as though after 5-10 minutes it goes away presumably as the pixels are "warming up" or whatever it is that pixels do.

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MacBook Pro :: Apple Logo Bright Spot On Display?

Jun 30, 2012

Recently I found a bright spot just behinde the apple logo on my macbook pro mc 723 (early 2011) seems that the light of the logo passes through the display...what can I do for it?! It is so bothering especially when working on a white or bright gray screen...

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Dark Display On OS 10.4?

Mar 31, 2012

My six years old MBP OS 10.4.x Tiger all of the sudden the display turned black. I hardly see the content of the desktop only when there is some light on the room, looks like I have reduce the light to the Display. I have tried to reset the PRAM with the opion, ctrl, P, R key combination and it did not work. It boots-up OK, no problem with the HD neither Memory, I have not run any test on it though. I have not had any trouble on my MBP until now and I have to say I have never reinstalled the OS. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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Hardware :: Display On Macbook Very Dark And Inaccurate?

Feb 16, 2008

My macbook has had this problem for a while but I have lived with it so far, but now it is really annoying me. Images and video are displayed very darkly, often loosing a lot of detail and maing the image un-seeable. I have tried fiddling with the gamma settings and all other settings that I can find on the control pannel, but so far I have had no luck.

Just as an example, this is a frame from some video I shot:
click for pic

On any other monitor, the bulb appears bright and white and the ball bearing is visible. On my monitor the bulb is very dark, most of the fragments are invisible and the ball bearing is just a small crescent of light.

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Flickering / The Display Goes Dark, Almost Black, For A Second?

Sep 5, 2010

So I've got my MBP that I've had for about 4 months, the thing is. It just recently started to have screen flickering issues. I'll be sitting doing w/e as usual and all of a sudden the display goes dark, almost black, for a second, then comes back up again. I have yet to find any trend in when this is happening, but it is definitely happening on battery as well as plugged in, but it seems to be getting worse.any one have any idea what this could be, something I can fix on my own, or should I take it in?

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MacBook Air :: New 11.6" MBA/bottom Of Display A Dark Strip?

Dec 13, 2010

Just picked up a 11.6" MBA this past Saturday. I am noticing an interesting display "issue"... I wanted to confirm that other's are not seeing this before I take it back to the store.

On the bottom of the display, there's a strip, maybe 2-3mm worth, where it is darker than the rest of the display. Are any of you seeing this behavior as well? It's particularly noticeable when when using solid background colors.

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MacBook Air :: Slight Flickering Only On Dark Grey On External Display?

Sep 12, 2010

I have a 28" inch display attached to newest version of Air. Works ok except when I have a full screen on plain dark grey background, then I see a waviness or flickering effect. Like the dark grey in Iphoto background. Other than this, the other colors seems ok. Pictures are fine, even when dark. Maybe there's a slight flickering with dark blue. Any explanations for this.
using mini display port to dvi. Tried with a friends dual link display, was a little different, but still unstable looking in dark grey when it fills the screen.

Could it be just what it takes to make this color, or the Hertz, which is 60. Other than this, no problem with the screen.

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Laptops :: IBook G4 Display Goes Dark

Aug 11, 2009

I have an iBook (OSX 10.3.9)that's been great for the last couple of years. However the last week or so the screen goes dark for no apparent reason. You can still see through enough to fiddle around and hit shut down...and after it shuts down, and I restart seems normal...that is until the next time. It's happened about 4 times in the last three days. A couple of times on battery and once plugged in I think. It's like it goes to sleep but you can't hit the space bar to wake up. Also seems like maybe an energy saving deal gone awry.

Now for info that may be pertinent: I dropped this laptop(in it's case) about a year ago. Holy crap..all docs would only read in magenta. No black no color only magenta and a "photograph negative" looking image for background or any graphic. I was sure it was dead duck and fried but kept trying it periodically. After about a month, after giving up...I turned it on and it was if nothing was wrong. Weirdest deal. It's been fine ever since.

I thought perhaps I was too lucky...and assume this may be a result of that fall.

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Display On IMac 27 Have Many Dark Spots

May 5, 2012

display on my iMac 27 (bought in august 2011) have many dark spots. This is my display: url.. Could i replace my mac if i don't bought apple care?  I live within USA and don't have Apple Store


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Intel Mac :: Display Will Suddenly Go Dark When Browsing?

Mar 18, 2012

Why would our display will suddenly go dark when browsing?

iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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PowerPC :: IMac G4/17 - Sunflower - LCD Display Is Dark - No Image

Jul 30, 2007

I replaced my iMac G4/800 17" hard drive that was failing (S.M.A.R.T. status) tonight. Textbook operation, following directions from No problems at all. I pre-built the drive with Tiger 4.10 in an external case (using the iMac as host) and transferred everything to the drive and tested. I booted off the external drive for a few days for testing. Again, no problems.

I got the iMac back together and booted up. Everything sounds fine but the monitor is black. It's as if there's no power to it or perhaps the lamps were just out.

When I press the power key for 1-2 seconds, the mac goes to sleep and the white Sleep Light on the front of the monitor comes on, so the monitor would appear to be getting power.

The Mac is working, evidently, as the chime for new mail sounded and the new drive chirps a little (very quiet though, btw).

I do NOT have a second monitor to hook to the VGA port, unfortunately.

On one reboot there was a sine-wave 'bong' sound, but the Mac proceeded to boot. I shut down again after that, took the housing apart and checked for trouble. Nothing. The video cable and connector is fine. There are no cables pinched or cut that I can see. And I did ever-so-carefully align the two halves when reassembling.

On the third boot I got the normal Mac chime (no bong/gong) and it booted fine - with no video.

One side note that I expect to be un-related: I left the HD jumper in cable-select mode, as the drive that was in there was also set on cable select (was a Western Digital 250GB drive; the new drive is a Maxtor).

What's wrong with this iMac monitor?

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OS X :: MBP Shows Dark Display With Thin White Stripe?

May 4, 2009

Recently, the display of my MacBook Pro (unfortunately, out of warranty) often is black/greyish after wake-up/start-up with a thin white stripe in the middle of the screen, and the computer (obviously) cannot be used in this mode (you can hear it start up, but since the screen is completely dark, I can't actually do anything - restarting doesn't help either).

At first I thought it might be the graphic card (since there is a known problem with NVIDIA), but I've brought it in for repair where they have run multiple software-tests, and no error code was returned (when I brought it in it magically "fixed itself" and, once running, the problem can't be re-recreated), so nothing was fixed.

It seems to me that the MacBook for some reason cannot find or communicate with the display because I just discovered that if I hook up an external monitor, it manages to find that, and, after disconnecting the external monitor again, also "reconnects" to its own display. It then generally runs fine until I physically move it (ie. put it in my backpack and carry it somewhere) - after being moved, it tends to have the same problem again (not always, but more and more often).

Have you had any similar experience and/or what might cause this and how it could be fixed? I'd like to avoid replacing the display or something of the sort until I know for sure what's going on.

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IMac :: Screen Burn In - Dark Patches On Display

Dec 4, 2009

How many others on here have an imac with burn in problems? I have a tone! I am so unhappy with this product. I am happy I have the extended warranty, I am now getting a new monitor for my imac.

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MacBook Air :: LED Display Screen Goes To Completely Dark / Bottom Side Of Screen Is Brighter

Jun 16, 2008

I tried to use some software to test the display. I found when the screen goes to completely dark with the backlight on, the bottom side of my screen is brighter than other parts.... have u guys met any problem like that, or is this some problem with my MBA?

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Hardware :: IMac G3, CRT Monitor Doesn't Show Dark Colors Well - Dark Clors Appear Black

Jan 1, 2010

I can barely see digital pictures and the likes. But websites and such i can see fine so long as the colors are light and looking on this site... [URL]

the first image i absolutely cannot see, it is 100% pitch black.. the other bellow it shows up just fine. But the two left/lowest squares on the color table on the very bottom the page both appear the same shade of pitch black.

I can see light but not dark. I tried callibrating and adjusting brightness and contrast.

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MacBook Pro :: Light Spot When Brightness Is All The Way Down

Sep 5, 2010

When I turn my brightness all the way down, there's still a barely (but clear, still) lit circle at the centre of my screen. I have a 13'' mbp. I can even see my cursor and move it around. This spot, at very low screen brightness, appears kind of yellowish. When I turn the brightness up, it is not noticeable. The circle part has roughly a two inch diameter.

I've had the mbp for about a month, and just noticed this now. I do turn my brightness down quite a bit, but its usually in a well lit classroom and thus its possible I just did not notice this circle that is still barely lit until now.

UPDATE*: I have just discovered that covering the lit apple logo on the screen's exterior (directly opposite the lit circle i suppose) causing the circle to gradually disappear. THe laptop is sitting behind a window (ie light can shine on that apple logo)...what's up with this?

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MacBook :: White Spot On LCD Screen?

Mar 20, 2009

This morning I noticed a soft white spot on the lower left corner of my Macbook. It's not a dead pixel. I've seen those before and this is different. This spot only shows up as a light spot when the screen has a light background. On a darker screen it totally disappears. The spot is a few mm in size and. I've examined the top of the LCD case and it's smooth. The Macbook has not been dropped in anyway.

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MacBook :: Is Android Hot Spot Compatible With It

May 27, 2012

is my murcury andriod compatible with my macbook

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.0.x)

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MacBook Pro :: Dead Pixel - Inconspicuous Spot

May 10, 2010

Would you send a mbp back because of one dead pixel? Would it more depend on where it is on the screen? What about two or three? What would Apple say about it? I had no dead pixels day one of my mbp. Day two, one dead but it's in an inconspicuous spot so it doesn't really bother me, but for a $2K laptop, it probably should be right. I have so much loaded on it that I don't want the hassle of sending it back.

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IMac :: IMac Display Half Dark?

Nov 3, 2008

Allright, I have a 24" iMac. 3.06 Core Duo 2 4GB RAM etc etc.

Just now, as I was innocently talking to a friend using iChat, the top of my screen flickered once or twice and then went dark. I am typing on it now, so it is not unreadable, it just looks like the back lighting has gone off on the top half. The middle is relatively light (bleedover from bottom back light?). I have tried playing with the hinge to no avail. After I reset the computer, cleared pram-nothing. Zippo. I got the top to stay lit for about a half second after reset, but it then flicked off again. Do I need to load up my iMac and drag my ass to the Apple Store (it really is quite a task to drive there)?Here is a horrible cell phone picture (and no, the screen IS dark, that's not a shadow.):

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MacBook Pro :: Why Is There A Weird Blue Spot / When Screen Is Black

Dec 2, 2014

while working on my computer i can vaguely see a weird blue spot in the center of my screen. When the screen is dark or black a bright blue spot appears.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Cursor Kips And Puts Me At A Different Spot On Regular Basis

Apr 7, 2012

The cursor on my Macbook Pro skips and puts me at a different spot on a regular basis. This makes typing very difficult particularly when the page is accessed through the internet.

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OS X :: Spot Light Can't Use On Trash?

Oct 11, 2010

I accidentally deleted some files and tried spot light to retrieve but not successful. Spot light not applicable for Trash, is that correct?

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OS X :: Spot Light Is Not Working Properly?

Oct 25, 2009

if i type in spotlight, safari for example, you would normally get safari right?
here is what im getting.

along with searching for disk utility.

try it, you will get the actual application and all i get in random garbage.

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Intel Mac :: Get Rid Of Hazy Spot On Screen?

Mar 31, 2012

How do I get rid of hazy spot on my IMac screen?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Black Spot On Screen

May 31, 2012

I have a tiny black spot on my imac screen that is only noticable when background is white.


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Intel Mac :: White Light Spot On Screen?

Feb 9, 2012

i have a problem with my imac 21,5 medio 2010, since today i have a white spot/line of 3cm and i have warranty. will apple repair it ? 

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010)

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Intel Mac :: Black Spot Showing Up On Top Right Of Screen?

May 16, 2012

There is a black spot on top right of the screen on my imac 21 inch.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Applications :: Files Not Found - Can't View - Put All Photos In Same Spot?

Apr 5, 2009

I moved my iphoto library to an external HD (WD Passport) and everything seemed to be working fine. Recently I added more pictures to iphoto, importing them from my camera, and when I tried to view there files, the originals on the passport hard drive, they weren't there. I went into iphoto and clicked on one of the photos and went to show file and it took me to volumes coming from the mac HD but it showed the iphoto library with all the originals. I'm confused where the volumes folder is located and how iphoto put all my photos there and not on my passport. What I should do to put all the photo folders in the same spot on my passport HD?

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