also, their all .avi video's. and i'm really confused! also, quicktime isn't letting me play .avi videos for some reason! and vlc won't download for me. and i'll put them on a USB but they wont download on my computer!
I just bought a new MacBook Pro to supplement my iMac.If I remember correctly, when I hook up a laptop to my desktop I can access it the same way I would an external hard drive? I'm wondering if it's possible to drag and drop PROGRAMS (self contained ones are obvious, but I'm talking programs like Creative Suite 4) over to my new computer? I'm guessing that certain programs that require registration will need the registrations to be re-entered? Just wondering what's the best way to transfer specific applications from my desktop to my mac. Also, Will any specific conflicts arise by transferring from Leopard to Snow Leopard? (other than program compatibility issues)
I have an existing macbook 2007 model, and am looking to upgrade. Would you: A). Keep the MacBook for now and get a new iMac i5 (so you had a big one for home, and could carry the small one around to school etc) B). Upgrade to a new MacBook Pro when they get released and just have 1 computer.
I figured that if I sold my macbook it would bring the MacBook Pro option down to the same price as the iMac (taking into account increased amount for Applecare etc.). So out the pocket choices A and B would cost within a hundred bucks. I do need a laptop for my master's program, but it's mostly taking notes etc. So any laptop would do, but at home I play games and mess with video and photography, so would like a computer that could handle that as well.
How do i get programs to not automatically open when i power on my laptop? I tried system preference > General and unchecked the box "Restore windows when quitting and re-opening" that didnt work.
I'm a new Mac user, and new to this forum, Just wanted to ask a quick question about connecting my new macbook to my TV.
I connected it up no probs and have sound aswell - but can I shut my Laptop lid, and have access to the computer? I have movies in iTunes that I want to watch, whilst they are displayed perfectly on my TV, my laptop is kinda in the way and distracting whilst watching the TV.
Is there an option in Settings where I can close the laptop up, but still have it running, rather than going to sleep?
I own a bluetooth mighty mouse and keyboard so I will still be able to control the macbook....I just want to shut the lid whilst watching films, etc.
The hardrive in my late 2006 Macbook 2.0ghz laptop has finally kicked the bucket. I confirmed this with an Apple Genius at my local Apple store after she plugged in an external drive and running disk utility to run a diagnostic. However, I forgot to ask her about some details concerning my time machine backup which resides on an external drive that connects via firewire. I do know that my files and folders should be restored without issues. Although, I'm not sure about the following:
1. Will all my non-apple applications / programs be restored?
2. Will my configuration settings for mail be restored?
3. Will my itunes settings be restored (I have an iphone and ipad that connects to itunes)?
4. Will my contacts in address book be restored?
I still have the original drive of this laptop which still works just fine and boots up okay (never erased the OS) where the upgraded drive that I installed a few years ago is the one that failed. Therefore, I will be reverting back to the original drive that is smaller and slower.
The Genius recommended to run disk utility from the Snow Leopard Upgrade DVD (I originally had Leopard installed) to format the drive/install the OS and then do a full restore from my time machine backup. Although, I'm not sure if all my programs and settings for certain apps will be restored. I appreciate any help or other optioins I can possibly do to get back my saved files, programs, and settings.
I just picked up my new 13 inch 2.26 GHz macbook today and am really happy. But i have a few basic questions and all since i am a new mac user coming from a pc. 1- I have a 500GB western digital elite harddrive that i used to back up all the data from my pc. Now some of these files are over 8GB large. I am confused as to how i can transfer over files. I have heard about different file formats but i am very confused by each. I would love if the hardrive could be used for both mac and pc tho. Does anyone have any insight to this. 2- Are there any free programs i should download. I already have coconut battery, adium, istat pro and iwork.
i am thinking about buying the new macbook pro. I currently have the older version approx 2 years old.I have purchased aperture, photoshop and ilfe. would all of these programs be put onto the new laptop without having to re-purchase?
Is there any way you can reset your MacBook Air to the original settings you first recieved it in? I've noticed I have way to much junk to go through and try to delete it all and when I try to delete something it does the poof thing it's supposed to, but later I notice it has not been deleted. I've tried restarting my computer, and completely turning it off for 24 hours then seeing it its gone, but it never deletes.
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2), i only have one computer account
I have purchase a new mini and want to transfer programs from my older MacPro before recycling it. Problem is, it's 4 yrs old and I have run upgrades via downloads and no longer have discs - but then again the new mini doesn't have an optical drive.
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.11), hoping to upgrade soon
where the *#$& does one change this setting? Right now, if I close the laptop, it goes to sleep. This is bad - for presentations, running iTunes at home... But I can not find where to change this - I've been through every section of Pref's.
I have an older mac with snow leopard and I just bought a new AIR with Lion. Is there a way to transfer everything including programs that are work related on to the new machine? Can I do it with time machine?
I had a drive go bad on my G5 desktop. Luckily I am all backed up on my G4 LAPTOP. I put a new drive in the G5 & installed OS 10.5 (the G4 lap runs 10.4) and installed the apps from the original discs onto the new G5 drive. However, I am missing my Photoshop CS2 disc. My question is, how do I transfer Photoshop CS 2 from my laptop to the new G5 drive? I don't want to buy another $200 CS2 app.
I've got and OLD Toshiba Satellite 2100 CDS running windows 95. It actually still works. I need to get some files off of it, it's got is one usb port, another port I don't recognize, a floppy drive, and a CD drive (can't burn). I've tried just using a usb stick, but the Toshiba wants a driver to use it. I tried connecting to the internet with it through the usb, but it also wants a driver for that. This computer is set up for connection through dial up only. I don't have a modem capable of dial up.
my few months old 13" macbook pro (4gb ram, 500gb hard drive) was destroyed by liquid damage the other day . i was told the hard drive may be salvageable and that it would be easy enough to install in a new macbook by myself. however, i've been thinking of using the cost of a new macbook to buy a second- hand macbook pro instead. i presume i wouldnt be able to install the old hard drive on a macbook pro would i? if not then how would i transfer the data to it from the old one?
I have a G4 laptop with Airport and bluetooth, and have just bought a MacPro which needs to go back because it's faulty. Problem is, they say the bluetooth module is not available anymore for my replacement MacPro and I didnt order a airport either, Im not to fussed about the wireless keyboard + mouse but I was going to use bluetooth to transfer files and share the internet connection from the G4 when needed (The MacPro dosnt need constant connection, only for updating, registering etc). Now, getting the replacement macpro has already taken about 3 hours of phone calls so im not sure if its worth trying to get the bluetooth for what its worth, I dont know if this is even the best way to share files and connection? Would using the ethernet be easier, I assume I would still need a hub like with PCs? Is it possible to use a cheap 2-4 port hub or do I need an expensive mac one? Or should I press them for an airport?
I'm trying to do it with a USB drive. Well, I plug in the drive and nothing happens. Usually when I plug something in my Mac will recognize it and it will open up. So what do I do? The USB drive is by HP... and I used another drive by Ultra Speed and that one worked just fine (but I can't use it anymore because I broke it... I took it out too early and now it won't let me put any files on it?). Is there a button
Yesterday i spilled water all over my 13' macbook pro (oops!). Tomorrow i am going to the macstore to buy a new 13' macbook pro. My current notebook is almost two years old, runs moutian lion and has my very important paper on it. Will i be able to take the hard drive out of that one and put it in my new laptop?
Due to the slow internet available in my area and the cost of Verizon service, can I transfer updates from my laptop to my desktop? I use the library forupdates as their speed is much faster and I can carry the laptop.
The problem is that when I transferred files over from my laptop and my desktop, the itunes library the new computer picked up was my old one on the desktop. So I need to change it. I was able to sync my iphone with the correct itunes, but would like to get it onto my new laptop. Any suggestions. I heard that I need to get rid of the library that is incorrect on the new computer. What is the best way to do that and then transfer the better one? Or is there another way!
I'm planning on buying a 17" MBP (anti-glare) in the coming weeks and my wife wants my current 15 MBP, no problem.
My question is what is the best, most efficient way to transfer all my files, programs & settings from the 15" to the 17"?
I've got the 15" setup just right (for me) as I use it for personal & business tasks. It also has Parallels w/XP that I MUST have for work. I'd really like it if all my email & password settings were able to transfer without issue as well.
Do I use Migration? restore Time Machine? or something else?
I assume then I can use the same steps to set the 15" MBP up for my wife from her iMac.
just bought a new MacBook Pro, and I have my 3 kids' profiles on Rosetta Stone on my old iMac that I'd hate to lose. Has anyone found a way to move profile data/progress? My Google Fu has let me down.