OS X :: Best Way To Transfer Files And Settings From MBP To A New One?
Jul 6, 2009
I'm planning on buying a 17" MBP (anti-glare) in the coming weeks and my wife wants my current 15 MBP, no problem.
My question is what is the best, most efficient way to transfer all my files, programs & settings from the 15" to the 17"?
I've got the 15" setup just right (for me) as I use it for personal & business tasks. It also has Parallels w/XP that I MUST have for work. I'd really like it if all my email & password settings were able to transfer without issue as well.
Do I use Migration? restore Time Machine? or something else?
I assume then I can use the same steps to set the 15" MBP up for my wife from her iMac.
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Feb 29, 2012
I have a 2011 Macbook Pro and an older (5 year old) Western Digital external hard drive. I have always used this hard drive for both mac and windows. Recently, however, whenever I go to transfer a file from the mac to the WD hard drive, the little transfer window pops up and it appears to initiate the transfer. However, it never fully starts it. It appears to "get stuck" in that initiating stage, showing zero of 3.16 gb transferred and shows an unknown transfer time. This happens no matter how long I leave it open. Again, I have used this external hard drive with my macs for the past 5 years without any problems until now. I haven't moved or modified the WD hard drive
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.5)
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Oct 19, 2009
I just bought a new Macbook Pro and I'm on my existing Macbook Pro right now.
What is the best way to transfer my settings, programs, etc.. I believe the new laptop will have snow leopord while I am currently on 10.5.8
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Jan 21, 2009
I just purchased the new mbp with the stock 250GB @5400rpm drive. I'm looking to upgrade to a 320GB @7200rpm drive. However, I have already made customizations on my current drive such as the dock, dock icons, putting folders in the drawers, basically a lot of little tweaks here and there that took a decent amount of time.
If I opt to install a new drive and put the current one in a closure, is there anyway to transfer all of the tweaks I made to the new hard drive upon/after installation of the OS?
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Feb 15, 2009
I'm going to be moving to a new computer soon. Iv got a hackintosh now so I can't just straight up do a full migration. For apps like adium and firefox, how do you transfer all their settings over?
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Apr 13, 2010
I had severe account troubles on Snow Leopard, and today, the Mac partition became corrupt and unreadable. I have a very recent Time Machine backup of that user account, but I don't want to transfer the account itself. Can I just transfer applications, documents, and settings, and not the account itself? And how do I do a clean install of Mac Snow Leopard onto a hard drive with a previous installation of the OS?
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Jun 25, 2012
Snow Leopard (10.6.8) became corrupted resulting in not being able to shut down my 1/2007 Intel Core 2 Duo MacBookPro and not being able to download numerous programs and updates. I backed-up my laptop, took it into the Apple Store where they wiped the hard disc clean and reloaded the OS. They suggested I use Migration Assistant to restore my backed up information to my laptop, but ALL of my settings from Desktop, to the Dock, to Finder, to screen savers, to Safari bookmarks, to all of my Mail inboxes, archives and smart email boxes, and to Documents and all of my files and their organization, to iTunes, to Address Book, to Calendar are GONE. Do I need to do some more formal kind of a restore from my back-up drive to recover/restore this information and "get my laptop back" or is it all lost?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), see note above
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Feb 16, 2010
I'm banging my head against the wall with this problem. I have a new MBP 13", 4GB Ram, etc etc. When I transfer files across my network (or the office network), it will consistently fail to transfer a few of the files. For instance, I just tried to copy 50 photos to an SMB share on our server here at the office. The transfer window show the progress of 50 files, but when I look at the folder, there are only 48 files. Sometimes I get less, sometimes I get all 50. The same goes for my home network to an SMB share. I've confirmed this failure over N and G networks. The AP at home and the office are different models and I went as far as purchasing a new one for home since I thought it was the problem. Same results. Is there some hardware error going on here with my wifi card? Is there any way to test it? Are the SMB shares the problem?
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May 2, 2012
After using Migration Assistant to transfer files from PC to Mac, I can not find the files on my Mac?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jul 23, 2009
I am currently using the Mac OS X 10.4.11. I've been using the computer without any problems for the past 2-3 years. Just yesterday, when I turned my computer on, many of my files which were once on my desktop has disappeared. The odd thing is, when I look at the amount of HD space available, the correct amount of space is still available. If I use the finder, I am unable to find any of the files which have 'disappeared'. All my bookmarks have also disappeared. In addition, I had previously set specific preferences for my trackpad (for example, i could use two fingers to double click) but those preferences seemed to have been reverted back to the original settings and I had to manually change the settings myself. Is there anyway I can recover the files which had disappeared? I also checked to make sure that I wasn't logged in as another user.
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Oct 1, 2009
I am trying to transfer my user settings and music/photo libraries to my new MBP from my old Alu PBG4 (running 10.4.11), however migration assistant was unsuccessful over the wireless network (which i have a feeling may be because of the old PBG4). The old PBG4 only shows options for using a firewire cable with migration assistant, however when using the MBP it responds to the authentication code sent out and starts the transfer, but gets hung up after about 5 min.
I also have an external HD with a copy of my entire system, but can't figure out how to give the migration assistant access to it. Do I need to create a startup disk on my external HD for this? If so, how exactly do I go about doing that? I'd like to transfer only my itunes library with playlists, iphoto library w/ albums, and safari bookmarks, everything else can start fresh.
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Dec 29, 2009
Is there a way to transfer all settings and applications from my iMac to my Mini? It took some three working days to setup my iMac. What I want is obviously to have the exact setup on both my iMac and my Mini without having to configure both computers separately. I guess Migration Assistant isn't really meant for this task, or is it? Would a disk image of the iMac's system partition do the trick, despite different hardware setups? Both computers are running Snow Leopard.
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Apr 25, 2010
As a new mac user, I'm doing a lot of homework on security. I found out that on major tool is to create a standard user account, and use that for daily use-which I have done. The problem is that in the short time I've had my mac, I've put thousands of files and installed programs and changed settings. Is there any way for me to transfer all this data to my new standard account? I've looked into Migration assistant, but that only works with 2 computers. I'd also like to avoid setting the new account as the admin and setting the old account as standard.
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Aug 23, 2010
I was hoping someone would know a better workaround for a problem I'm having. When I export .csv files, it replaces the commas with semi-colons as the separators. On Mac OS X, I haven't been able to discover a way to specify a different list separator symbol. So I just opened the CSV file into TextEdit, chose Edit > Find > Find, and then searched for all semicolons and replaced them with commas. Of course you can also change your computer's region by going to Apple Menu > System Preferences, clicking on International, and then the Formats tab. Here you'll find the Region menu, where you can specify an English speaking region, which you'd probably want to avoid doing.
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May 5, 2009
I had a problem with my iMac in that the second monitor kept flickering black every few seconds. After much pulling out of hair, I managed to sort it by using SwitchResX, creating a new resolution with a slightly different refresh rate.
Well, I've now reinstalled Leopard, and I'm not sure what files SwitchResX modified. I have a mountable backup image of the old installation and I just need to know what files to copy across.
I've copied over Users/Me/Library/Preferences/ByHost/(URL).6881753F-E268-5D65-B162-DE4A346FC4E3.plist
I *think* one other one (I cant remember which .plist file it was).
Rebooted and I still have the problem, so I assume I've missed the correct file....
I dont know what settings I used either so can't redo it.
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Jun 3, 2009
how I could change my settings so that when I double-click a file, it opens in a new "(default)" application. I have noticed that I can right-click -> open with -> other... -> and click "always open with" but it has never worked once. Where can I manipulate this setting?
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Jun 24, 2010
I am moving from a PB 10.4 to a new Imac 10.6. The PB has several years of my Mac life; the Imac just the pristine OS. I have already learned how to transfer files: I got the firewire cable and know the Setup/Migration attendants reasonably well. However, there are several issues confusing me on how to proceed.
(1) If I let SA transfer my PB files wholesale, then I'll be taking my 10.4 life with me. That's not why I bought a 10.6 machine!
So as far as Apple stuff goes,
(2) I would like *not* to transfer it as much as possible. In particular, not have the old /Applications replace the new one.
(3) I would like to transfer the settings as well as support files that my own use has generated, eg, preferences, bookmarks, cookies, etc.
If you have walked this fine line before, please tell me how to proceed. Tentatively, I am thinking: Use SA to transfer my Users account, most other stuff but NOT Applications. I'll transfer non-Apple apps by hand, and use the Apple apps that came with 10.6. (Hopefully, my settings, preferences, bookmarks, etc would have been transferred and the apps will see them.)
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May 12, 2009
I have a MacBook 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB running OS X 10.5.6. Had it for over a year, no problems until tonight. I was having trouble connecting to a printer via Airport and rebooted the MacBook. When it loaded, my desktop photo was gone, my customized dock had reverted to the first-run configuration and my entire Documents folder was empty. The capacity info at the bottom of the Finder window reassured me that my files were still there. I restored them to an external HD with Data Rescue, then ran the repair utilities from Disk Utility using my Leopard disk. Rebooted with no change.
Then, attempted to reinstall Leopard with my original disk and after I selected the language, it told me that Leopard can't be installed on this computer. About this Mac still shows version 10.5.6. All apps are intact and boot up but they all boot in first-run mode. Entourage has lost my mail database and my multiple email accounts/passwords/instructions. I've been on Macs for 20 years and never run into anything like this. How do I straighten this out? I'm willing to put in the hours to reinstate passwords, preferences, etc., but I really want to know what's behind this in case it happens again.
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Oct 24, 2010
How do I batch change files' UNIX settings? I have web sharing turned on and have it set up so it's serve up the files and folders on my hard disk. It works great, but when I look at the folders it's showing in the web page, approximately 1 in 10 folders just isn't being displayed. The OS X permissions on these folders is all set to "read and write" for everyone, so I presume there is some sort of other UNIX or Apache file/folder settings that are keeping these folders from being displayed in the webpage. How do I make these hidden folders show up in my web page's displayed directory of folders?
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Dec 11, 2009
I'm pretty new to Mac and I'm currently quite confused about how to set default settings for all my files and folders in Snow Leopard. Specifically, I would like for all the icons in Finder windows (and preferably also in the "Documents" stack in the Dock) to automatically be displayed as large icons and also for all my files and folders to be arranged by Kind - all of this in "List View". In "Icon View", all of these things do work (except for in the "Documents" stack in the Dock).
In "List View", when I select "Use as Defaults" in the "View Options" panel (View>Show View Options), it does not seem to apply my settings automatically to all my folders and files. Likewise, when I right-click in a Finder window and select "Arrange by > Kind", it only seems to arrange by Kind in that particular folder.
I have read several other threads, but none of the solutions seem to work for me. One thread suggested that I hold "alt" after I have right-clicked so that the option "KEEP arranged by" shows up, but this does not seem to happen in "List View".
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Dec 6, 2014
How could I delete all the files and go back to factory settings on my mac? I want all the files to be deleted. But when i hold on power and option buttons, on screen only appears 1 disk -MacintoshHD and says to choose a network... How can i reset my computer factory settings? Besides, when I did a cleanup I deleted, probably, some important files so I can't login into my computer..
MacBook, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)
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Apr 16, 2012
My settings do not allow for sharing of my iMac or its folders and files. Yet, another person's Shared Folder is appearing on my iMac and I cannot remove it. How do I remove it and did it get there by this person hacking in?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Dec 21, 2010
I have recently purchased a USB stick so that I can plug into my tv to watch movies on. However when transferring AVI files from my Mac onto my USB stick it seems to transfer the whole file but when I try to watch it through quicktime or on TV it is unable to read the file. The thing is it is not happening to all my AVI files as some of them are able to be transferred to USB and work fine but then others are not working and I am not sure what the difference is. The AVI files all work fine on my Mac before I transfer them but something is breaking down when they are transferred.
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Mar 10, 2009
I've just got a new Macbook. I'm trying to transfer some files from one computer to the next. I get the box asking for me to accept and it looks like it's transfering the files. But nothing happens. It just does that forever with nothing being transferred. Is there a setting I'm missing? Also, is it possible to transfer folders? In the past I could only do single files at a time.
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Jun 17, 2009
I have a basic PC with XP and I am getting a MBP 13" tomorrow.
I have an external hard drive... Can I just put the stuff onto it (only like 40gb) and then transfer it to the Mac easily?
Or is it complicated...?
I don't care about being able to use it back and forth regularly. I just want a one time transfer.
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Jun 26, 2009
i'm buyin the new 15'' mbp this weekend and i need to transfer all of my files from my hp laptop over.what would be the easiest way to do so? i was thinking of using an external hd and just moving everything over but i hear that hd's formatted for pc's dont work on mac's and vice versa. is there a way i can just plug a cable between the two laptops and have things transfer?
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Sep 10, 2009
I am upgrading the HD on my UMBP to a 500 gig Scorpio Blue , and putting the original one in the case which is USB only, NO firewire only USB. What would be the best method for transferring my information from the old to the new? I did do a search here on the forums but did not find anything that really hit the nail on the head so to speak.
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Oct 13, 2009
i have a macbook 13 inch aluminum, and i was wondering if there was anyway, i could drag a file from my pc desktop, and drop it onto my mac desktop, without putting it into any sort of folder. i have searched all over google and youtube for the answer, but i cannot find anything.
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Nov 22, 2009
Im trying to transfer extremely large files from one external hard drive to another, a La Cie to a WD. By large i mean 100-300GB. It starts to transfer and then says a file containg that name already exists. here is how it is setup La Cie(Content) --Firewire 800---->Macbook Pro---FireWire 400--> WD(empty)
im trying the drag and drop method. Am i doing something wrong is there a free program that can do this for me?
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Dec 23, 2009
I'm on OSX 10.6 and I'm trying to wireless transfer files from my Windows 7 PC to this Macbook. So far I have enabled file sharing and enabled the Windows SMB. The Windows computer is connected to WORKGROUP. This computer is connected to WORKGROUP as well I guess? I don't know how to tell. Anyway, what is the next step? I tried just typing smb://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx in the Go > Connect to Folder but that didn't work.
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