OS X :: Networking IMac From Mini And Vice Versa
Mar 8, 2010
I have added a Mini to my Apple family and Im loving it so far. For a while now Ive been ripping Blurays on my iMac for streaming to my PS3 for playback. Well the Mini has taken the PS3s place as my HTPC. So I setup the Mini on my network and all is well. I can connect to my iMac from the Mini and Vice Versa. I can screen share, no sweat. I can copy and paste files between the 2, no problems. My issue is mainly with the program Plex and iTunes. All my BDs are stored on my iMac so I pointed Plex to the iMac drive to add the movies. It appeared to work until I restarted the Mini at which point it appeared to lose track of where that folder is. If I try to play a movie it gives me an error like "file doesnt exist". I can go back in and add the source again, but this is starting to take a while to do and it keeps losing link when I shut one of the machines down.
So my question is... is there a way to automatically mount a shared folder on my Mini upon startup? Anyone have experience with plex know of a better way to do this? I tried it as an SMB share but that also didnt seem to consistent. iTunes is a whole other issue. I dont want to have a different copy of iTunes on all my Macs, not sure how to address that one though. Ill have to start googling. I would prefer to have my iMac as the mainframe storing all the media and have my Mini and MBP get its content from there, but Im having a tough time figuring that out.
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Jul 19, 2010
I am making research for family trees and family books. Is there a tool or method available to translate english to French and vice versa.
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May 20, 2012
i have 2 macbook pros , and i want to switch everything between those 2 macs, i want the mac1 to be on mac2 and vice versa how can i do this the fastest way possible ?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 11, 2010
I've bought a new mac mini (2.53ghz model) and used these instructions to put windows 7 64 bit on:half way down the page it give you a link on putting 64bit on non support macs.Why doesn't the new mac mini support 64bit win 7??!I usually remotely access the mini from my laptop. How can I remotely restart from osx into win 7? I've gone to startup disks but win 7 isn't there even though BOOTCAMP is on my desktop.
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Apr 30, 2010
I'm moving into a new apartment soon, and I really don't want to worry with running wires again. I want to setup my linksys WRT610N (running DD-WRT) in my office, and connect it to my AEBS which will sit in my living room, connected to my gateway.
I initially tried to do the reverse of this, and have the AEBS join the DD-WRT network, but it didn't seem to want to do that at all. So I'm trying to join the DD-WRT box to the AEBS network. I'm just having trouble on defining the security settings.
I'm using WPA2 Personal on my AEBS. What encryption algorithm does the AEBS use? My wrt gives me options for aes, tkip, or both.
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May 2, 2012
I just updated my mac and now on my mouse (which was fine before) when i scroll up it goes down and when i scroll down it goes up?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 10, 2009
So I have OS X's MAIL set up with Gmail. IMAP to be exact.
So whenever I delete Mail within Gmail or MAIL, the other program is updated to represent itself in the same way.
For the past few weeks i've been looking for a place to jot down my to-do's and notes within a computer and figured Gmail was perfect since I tend to visit Gmail at least once a day. at least.
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Mar 22, 2012
How can I ensure all of my calendars sync: MAC, ipjhone, and iPad?
iPhone 4, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Jul 3, 2012
To switch from wifi to ethernet and vice versa? I connected the ethernet cable and turn off wifi but it won't connect till I reboot it. Is this the only way? Also if I have ethernet cable and wifi turn on at the same time, which connection would my computer default to?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Jan 24, 2010
I've got a Mac mini downstairs (plugged into my router and an iMac upstairs (connected to router via airport). What's the best way to make sure the two stay networked and connected? At the moment I have to manually click connect to the Mac mini each time and enter my password. And when the mac mini enters sleep mode it seems to drop the connection.
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Aug 18, 2009
I would like to connect to my work (Imac) from my Home (Mac mini 2009) through internet, they're both on a different network, whats the easiest way to do that?
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Sep 3, 2010
I have a Mac Mini G4 with PowerPC processor and I was wondering if anyone has some suggestions for obtaining a wireless adapter of some sort to use with it.
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Mar 19, 2009
I'm interested in buying a new Mac mini, however, I absolutely loath anything wireless. (I'm aware that that's a minority opinion.) I was therefore wondering if it's possible for my Apple dealer to remove the built-in Wi-Fi card (AKA Airport Extreme) from the mini, just like they'll upgrade the RAM to 2GB for me?
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Jan 26, 2009
My MacMini HD crashed and I now have a new HD. I had iWork 08 n the Mini. Can I move the trial version of iWork 08 that I have on my MacBook over to the Mini using my network? I have the Mini as the main computer on that home network and wanted to know if it would be just as easy doing it this way (if it can be done)rather than downloading the iWork 08 online and then putting in my activation code?
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Jul 24, 2009
How do I network my w2k to my macbook pro?
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Apr 7, 2009
Just got a laptop (vista) and I can't seem to figure out how to share the computers together. I do have macdrive but as you know you need to be connected via usb/fw.
Point is, I have a drobo connected to my iMac and I would like to access it as well as my files on my iMac.
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Dec 9, 2010
AirPort Extreme 802.11n Wi-Fi wireless networking;2 IEEE 802.11a/b/g compatible
Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR (Enhanced Data Rate) wireless technology
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Jun 6, 2012
Proud to announce we are about to become a 2x Mac computer household (not including 2x iPod classics and 2x iPhone4s!)This has got me thinking about how to 'network' my new MacBook air with my existing iMac.This is what I am trying to do:
Computer 1 - 2006 iMac Core2Duo 20" 3GB RAM running Snow Leopard 500Gb HDD, not far off full.
Computer 2 - 2011 MacBook Air 13" i5 4GB 256GB SSD, running Lion
1. Due to the smaller HDD on the MBA, I am thinking it would be nice if the MBA iPhoto could 'see' and store a local copy of for example the last 20 events in the 'main' iPhoto on the iMac. Alternativly, all events from 2012. I can't use iCloud on the iMac because I don't want to update the iMac to Lion (won't bore you with why). Managed to get OTA syning of iCal via iCloud using IMAP just last week which was my only really driver for getting Lion on the iMac.
2. My whole music library is 55Gb so again, this is too much space to take up of the 256GB. Clearly I have the iPod classic 120GB which I would generally have with me, but it might be nice to have a 'selection' of music from the iTunes library on the MBA. Is there a way the MBA can network to the iMac iTunes library and take for example a few auto-playlists? I use Dropbox, and I now have access to Google Drive which should cover my needs to sharing documents. I guess I could put 5GB of music on Google Drive, and point the MBA itunes library to that. Although won't this mean I have to double account for the 5GB worth of music on the iMac (5GB in itunes library, 5GB in local copy of Google drive).
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7), 13" i5 256GB SSD 4GB RAM
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Apr 18, 2012
i recently purchased an iMAC g4...i love its great esthetics, but have been having trouble streaming netflix movies, Now i know its kinda old, heck its ancient in the IT community, but its my budget mac...and i love it! Im running macos x 19.4.11 and was wondering if that my be the issue?? also when i stream youtube videos, the vid's sort of stutter/ delay a bit..
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Apr 30, 2012
I need to sync my mac calendar with ipad and iphone and visa versa. I have read up on it and Mobileme seemed the way to go, but isn't for sale anymore. Will installing lion allow me to integrate calendars?
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1
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Aug 22, 2014
I have several mac pro's, 17 inch, late 2011, both have hdd installed in optical bay, one is running Mavericks another - ML 10.8.5Â
I wanted to swap those hdd's between 2 mac's. When I put a hard drive formatted in Mavericks into Mountain Lion it does not read the disk, says: the disk is not readable...
it's recognized by the system, it's inside Disk Utility... but you cannot mount it, until re-formatted. Although it's recognized fine if you connect it via USB, full access, no issues...
The problem is only when you connecting the disk via Optical Bay SATA adapter (the adapter is absolutely OK as it can see other drives formatted in Lion's, also I have several of them, all of the show the same results)Â
I had to re-format one disk in ML disk utility to resolve the issue, now it can be writable on Lion via optical bay adapter. But I have another disk of Mavericks which I can't reformat... to many valuable information on itÂ
the question: how can I make a disk formatted in Mavericks readable in Lion w/o reformatting (using optical bay adapter)?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
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Aug 18, 2008
Is it possible to use my iMac as an external monitor? I want to use my Mac Mini with it.
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Apr 11, 2009
I just bought a new Mac Mini. I bought 4GB of RAM for it, and I understand there is a 1GB memory stick that I'll take out to put in the 4GB (2 x 2GB).
My question is: will that single 1GB memory stick fit into my friends iMac, which is a 20" white iMac 2.0ghz intel?
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Apr 14, 2009
Iv always used a PC but getting more into and used to a mac with the mini...have it hooked up to my 32" LCD...I like certain things my Dell that I enjoy which I would compromise or miss out on mac....I can always run windows cause I know certain programs like my windows mobile phones cant sync I heard...I also have a TV card built into my dell which I use sometimes...and I could have swore someone said you can do that on MAC but im finding you you cannot...and I would miss the SD card readers built in but you can get the usb...
I guess im kind of lost cause I have a mac mini 2ghz 2gb ram 120gb hard drive which is fine for me I dont use it as a primary PC just more as a surf the net and download HD movies kind of thing...is it pointless to get an IMAC if i have a mac mini and better to keep one actual PC in the house?
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Mar 10, 2009
Well after an hour and 20 minutes with Apple Tech Support I've run into a bump on the road with my beloved MacBook Air On the network I have an HP Desktop, an LG P300 and a Lenovo T500, and now my MacBook Air. All the PC's can see each other including the MacBook but the MacBook can't see them.After a grueling conversation first with a tech support newbie I had no luck, finally I was put through to an expert and I figured 'great, now I'll get the problem solved' ... not so, after doing all kinds of trial and error he thought maybe I should reinstall the OS, hell this is a new computer I'm not interested in hours on the phone and installing the OS ... I've done that enough with Windows ...
So I politely told him we were getting nowhere with his advice and if it's this much trouble just to see PC's on my network maybe I better re-think this whole 'buy mac' idea, return the MBA before the return period is up and go PC shopping ...And that's where I'm at now, time to walk away from the mac for an hour, if anyone can give me some idea's that might help please do, I love this MBA the Support didn't go well at all ...
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Dec 19, 2008
I've had enough of PCs and problems with Windows (Vista SP1 has completely screwed my PC and I've had enough of wasting my time trying to fix such things), hence I am considering moving to a mac.
A couple of friends have Macs and have only been saying good things about them and that I won't regret moving across.
I'd kinda decided that the 24" iMac was best for me with the 3ghz processor, but now some one has suggested the mini might be better.
I have a decent spec PC and I'm a PC gamer (latterly a Wii gamer too!), so I would still like to play games on the Mac.
Typically I use my PC for games, surfing, Office stuff, getting pics off my camera and doing some graphics stuff (nothing major) and web development.
If I do get a Mac I'd also get the Apple TV.
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Jan 6, 2010
Is there much difference between my current 24" iMac and the top of the range Mac Mini?
iMac specs
2.8 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor
320GB Hard drive
ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro
Mac Mini specs
2.53GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor
Dual 500GB hard drives
NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics
I don't really need much power and I don't do any gaming so would there be much difference in speed between the two machines?
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Oct 28, 2009
I am using a D-link dir 628 router and I have dsl. I have a macbook and an older Hp laptop. the hp is going to be wired to the router and cable modem and the mac will be wireless. the hp is only used for email checking so it will sit on the desk. when first setting up the d=link should i wire it directly to the mac and configure it that way or does it have to be set up through the hp because that laptop is going to be the one always wired to the d-link and cable router?
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Dec 17, 2008
I've read is related to 10.4 or before and it appears there's some differences in menu options so I'm not putting two-and-two together. Just bought myself a new unibody macbook for x-mas. So the deal is I'm having trouble getting it to see and recognize my windows workgroup home network. I see tips on enabling windows networking or smb or other stuff but i can't seem to find those options in 10.5.5 (now updated to 10.5.6). If there's a manual or reference document specific to 10.5.5/.6 that's available.
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Dec 18, 2009
I'm very new to all of this so please forgive my ignorance. I'm almost positive that this question has been asked and answered before but I've been searching and I don't know enough about this topic to even begin to comprehend half of the answers that people have gotten.
I just want a very simple yes/no answer. And if no, suggestions on the cheapest way to accomplish this.
I have a MBP hooked up to a 1TB Seagate drive. I want to make the files on that drive accessible wirelessly. I know I can use the Airport Extreme to do this.
Now, my question is, what if I'm not using the Airport Extreme as a wireless router. My computer is nowhere near my current wireless router and I cannot move my drive.
In other words, is there a way to get an Airport Extreme connected to an existing wireless network?
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