OS X :: Need To Uninstall Some Fonts
Jan 6, 2009
I need to uninstall calibri fonts and a couple others, I have searched for them, they are not in font book, how do I delete them! they are messed up, they type up wierd symbols instead of text and a application has converted all my notes into this symbol text!
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May 17, 2012
how do i uninstall the last system update?
It altered my helvetica font in a way that will cost me hundreds of hours re-kerning / resizing / repositioning text in CAD files for at least 10 large scale projects in progress at my architecture office.
This is an extremely serious & very expensive issue that has to be affecting all architecture firms who use macs the same way as it's affecting me & my business.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 3, 2009
fonts must be messed up in Snow Leopard. Some system things display strange fonts. For example, my user name in upper right hand corner of the screen doesn't look right.ALso, the font on the "tabs," in Safari is not correct, and I can compare it to other SL computers.
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Jul 20, 2010
I have recently got some awesome collection of font from URL but as first time mac user i dont know how to install them on my mac book . I need to install them as quickly a possible for my designing project .
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Apr 10, 2006
Any clue how to fix this? I've tried cleaning up the font cache but with no help / Irritating as hell too. I can read it. but man! it hurts. edit: notice how it only applies for some sites. Google being the most used of mine.
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Apr 14, 2009
I installed 300 fonts on my MBP and now all my web fonts are so messed up I can barely make out what some websites say. Is there a way to fix this or just dump the fonts and re-install them?
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Jan 12, 2011
I have been having this problem for over two weeks on my iMac 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, running 10.6.6. I am running FF 3.6.12 and Thunderbird 3.1. I mention Thunderbird, because the persistent request to install fonts occurs on both apps, not just FF. Clicking "Do not ask me again," has no effect.
The odd thing is the requests in both apps want to install on the volume "NEON," which is my SuperDuper (bootable) backup drive, and should contain all the fonts that are on my boot drive.
I have tried the tricks suggested for FontBook (move all User Fonts to the Computer Fonts ?), with no change in behavior. With some difficulty, I did install the fonts being asked for on both volumes, with the result that Firefox and Thunderbird began asking to install a new set of completely different fonts, although fewer in number that when the problem began.
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Sep 27, 2010
So, like a complete idiot i downloaded a torrent file with a few thousand font files. i installed them all and it has bogged down my OS and taken over programs like Safari, firefox and entourage (which i use for email). when i change the font in the preference menu in the respective program it will change the size but not the actual font style. another strange thing is that safari will not load pictures now either.
i want to just wipe the hdd but i do not have a disc because i bought it used. i can take it back to the guy i got it from as he refurbishes macs but i was wondering if i could avoid the trip if any one has a tip or two for me.
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Mar 13, 2008
I've been having problems with Logic Pro ever since the 10.5.2 update (and other updates that appeared at the same time). Some folks on the Apple discussion forums thought that font issues may be to blame. Most, however, still have problems after resolving their font problems. I went into Font Book anyway to see if there was anything I could clean up. I've already done the "resolve duplicates" thing with fonts that had the dot by their name. This time, I selected all fonts and validated them. I ended up with 42 'minor problems'.
After going through each one to see what the problem is, they all said it was a duplicate font issue. Now, I'm not the type to go deleting fonts willie-nillie. When I went back into Font Book, each of the problem fonts did indeed have duplicates when I folded down the little triangle guy. All of the duplicates were grayed out with the word OFF next to them. Should I delete these guys that are already off and disabled? Would that actually have any benefit, or is the fact that Font Book turn them OFF the proper solution?
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Apr 7, 2009
I used Unsanity Silk a few months ago to adjust my system fonts. I have since uninstalled it but am left with some of the system menus without their default fonts. Is there a way to return all of the fonts to their as-installed state without performing a reinstall?
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Aug 12, 2009
Accidentally i hit something that increased the magnification and font size on this window.. while im typing.. how do i decrease it... its so big its ridiculous.. must be something you hit to increase and decrease the size..
man its hard navigating first time on mac after years of pc usuage... wish i had you all here
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Sep 27, 2009
I installed a load of new fonts, but unfortunately a lot of them were corrupt, so I had loads of crashes and hangs.I used Font Book to validate all my fonts, but when I clicked the remove button FB always crashed (due to a corrupt font, no doubt...).I tried FontDoctor, which claimed to have sorted out all my problems, but although things had improved FB still reported over 2,000 minor errors.
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Oct 26, 2009
I've got a spare Mac I'm setting up in the living room as an HTPC (Plex is VERY cool, BTW). But I can't figure out how to scale everything really big so it's visible 10 feet away. I've got 128 px icons, check. 16 px is as big as the text will go. But all the menus are regular size. This was easy to do in Windows - can it be as easy in Snow Leopard?
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Dec 8, 2009
My Macbook Pro will be arriving tomorrow so I'm preparing everything for the "big move" from Windows to Mac OS X 10.6.
Yesterday someone told me that copying over TTF fonts might pose problems on a mac. Something about it not being 100% compatible. Seeing I'm using Photoshop (and all my downloaded fonts) daily, it is important to know if this as the case or not.
Can anyone shed some light on this? Does or doesn't it work? Can I basically just copy the files over or not?
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Mar 22, 2010
I'm currently running snow leopard and I use Fontagent Pro 4 to manage my fonts. For some reason, even though all of my fonts are deactivated in FA, they are all available in Microsoft Office and CS4 applications! With ~3000 fonts, you can imagine that these applications take a while to start up (especially office - CS4 apps tend to be a bit speedier). I've tried everything I can find on - cleaning font caches, etc.
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Jun 22, 2010
I just bought a Mac book, it's a 13". The battery life is phenomenal and the trackpad is luxurious. However I find it really difficult to see the text on my screen. In the browser this wasn't a problem as I could zoom in, but the text in the address bar, and in all other applications the font is very small. I looked into changing the DPI for my Macbook and couldn't find a solution. I'm zooming in to see things but it looks distorted and obviously horrible.
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Aug 5, 2010
Well I somehow lost all the fonts in my user/library/fonts folder. Where/how can I get back all the fonts that originally come with Snow Leopard?
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Mar 28, 2009
I tried to add fonts from a CD in OS 10.5. The system wouldn't recognize adobe postscripts fonts from the CD as fonts. I had to go to an older mac system (10.4.11) on a G4 and send them to myself over the network. Then it recognized them. Is there a way to make the mac recognize it by adding an extension? I tried the info box and selecting fontbook as the app. This CD was created in OS 9.
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Nov 9, 2009
I created, in Mac OS 10.3.9, a series of thousands of templates I use in my business, with fonts I have gleaned from many sources over the yrs. It amounts to hundreds & hundreds of hours expended on my part to create these templates, which are invaluable to me. When I tried to transfer these fonts to 10.4.11. by using a test template on my newest iMac, I was told, in a window, they were not usuable. The written part of the templates, using fonts I have used for yrs., reverted to the default font Helvetica.
I have a current support contract W/Apple. When I called the tech people @ Mac they were unable to help my in any way. I also searched the net & found other people @ chat sites W/the same problem but no help. Then I found your site by accident when I was downloading SuperDuper. Can something like TTConverter solve my problem? Or is it only for the interface between classic or windows fonts (which none of these are but @ one time some of them were used in Classic, but later trasferred O.K. to 10.3.9. Or do U have an idea??I am going crazy W/this. I need to upgrade my older iMac. If I do it wipes out all the fonts I have used since OS 7. It would be too much work to redo them all over in fonts that 10.4 W/accept.
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Jan 17, 2010
I just started work as a graphic designer and the company uses macs. I am used to using a PC platform. Anyway, the company bought a new IMac, from my understanding it is Mac 10.6 known as leopard I think? Anyway, the company saved all their fonts onto the database for me to install into my workstation. I tried installing it, and most of it did install. When I opened adobe illustrator and opened up a formor project it couldn't find a font, Century Gothic. So I tried downloading it and saving it from the other stations, but it wouldn't install. I then renamed it to century gothic.tff. Restarted my mac then it worked. Next day I tried opening a different project, and now it can not find the font Friz Quadrata.
I tried doing the same process I did for the Century Gothic font, it didn't work. I tried changing the file extension, I tried saving the whole fonts folder from the other station (as the files are .ffil and .lwfn) so I thought this might work. It didn't. I even tried downloading font finagler, that didn't work either. So I figure to ask Mac directly on how to solve this problem, as I cannot start any of the projects given to me which needs to be started ASAP. So basically I need a solution on how to transfer ALL/most of the fonts from the other mac to this new mac. There are about 600 fonts I think, or something close to that number.
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Feb 5, 2012
I need to get some new fonts into Photoshop. How do I add fonts to this application?
Mac Pro, iOS 5.0.1
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Mar 10, 2012
I just downloaded a new font into my font book and when I try to use it in Word, it gets cut in half.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 26, 2012
I moved to Mac OS from Windows 7 recently and extremely unhappy about the bad quality of fonts on web pages or my email communications. It seems the LCD rendering is not working or something.Below is a screen capture.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 14, 2012
I want to wach movies with subtitles with polish fonts. Unfortunately I can not see those polish fonts within subtitles on my Mac but can on Sony vaio.
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May 6, 2012
I am having trouble seeing the words in the URL headings, or any of the other choices under the URL.I can hardly see the lettering across the top of the apple page. i.e. Safari file edit view history etc etc,How can I make all this larger? I am visually impaired, and I have set up (never use sizes smaller than 14)My URL addresses must be coming in as an 8 or smaller... Command plus enlarges the page, but not the wording at the top.
mail fonts
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May 17, 2012
I have keynote mainly to create pictures of my tumblr. For example I viewed this video:
to get new ideas, but I can't find how you add new fonts like these. For example 'Lunch'.
Info:Mac Pro, Keynote
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Jul 5, 2012
Not sure why it is so difficult to get a clear-cut answer on whether the fonts that come with a mac purchase are free for commercial use.
Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jul 1, 2014
How do I delete helvetica from font because whenever I try to type a list or numbered list helvetica is always default even though I changed the default font's in preferences.
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Feb 6, 2009
I have an iMac that runs quite slowly after a few hours use, especially when using Photoshop and other Adobe software. What happens is, the processor gets completely swamped with "System" tasks (shown in Activity Monitor as red bars), the result being that "User" tasks are slow and the mouse jumps around the screen, rendering the computer almost useless. I've done a bunch of disk utilities including Leopard's onboard Disk Utility as well as OnyX, and although some errors were found, it was nothing serious. And after repairing, problems persisted.
Now, here's the thing. When I open Console, most of the errors are Adobe-related (mostly Photoshop and Dreamweaver). And I just ran a "Validate Fonts" check in Font Book, and found 15 fonts that have "serious errors, do not use".
So, I've often heard that Leopard, Adobe CS3, and corrupted fonts are a lethal combination. Not that I'm asking anyone to diagnose my problems from across the world, but does this sound like it could be the root of my problem? And if so, what's the proper process for removing the dangerous fonts so they can't ruin anything? Do I just delete them, or do corrupted fonts cause deeper problems which might necessitate reinstallation?
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Oct 16, 2010
using Mac OS X and Word:MAC 2008
In the FONT book I have lots of great fonts under "ALL FONTS". When I open Word I can only access about 60% of them...in FONT Book, when I try and drag them from ALL FONTS to COMPUTER (which are the fonts that Word uses), I get the duplicate font response which, when I try and RESOLVE, I disable fonts.
How can I access fonts in ALL FONTS (listed in FONT book) when using WORD?
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