My preferences panes on my osx lion 10.7.4 macbook pro won't open directly. I can still go to spotlight and type "system preferences" and open them from there, but the following don't work:
* clicking the apple and click "system preference"
* clicking the network icon and clicking open network preferences
* goign to spotlight and typing anything but system preferences: (network preferences, displays, Keyboard, etc) They all have a blank page icon instead of a preferences icon When I do click them, an icon briefly shows up in the dock then disappears. It looks like an application that has been downloaded but not authorized. With the pencil and protractor
I've lost all my panes after clicking on System Preferences under the apple menu (and also 'open date & Time'). It flashes as though wanting to do something but no pane.
Ok I want to lock certain system preference panes for my brother like, I dont want him to be able to use my computer on his account and change the wallpaper...I just want that one preference pane disabled. and I want to make it so when he opens a dis-abled application it doesnt have the option to always open or open once.
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), I need help with zoom option.
In the preference panes I only have Account Information Mailbox behaviour Advanced
I used to have more and have not done anything that might cause the other panes to not show. Is some kind person able to advise me how to get the other panes back again., Rules etc.
In my gmail interface I use their add-on "multiple inboxes" so on the left side is the normal gmail tags/folders. The middle has the e-mails and if i click on it, obviously it opens the e-mail. But the main screen, on the right side it will show me the e-mails that I have tagged with certain tags. So to keep my actual inbox clutter free, I have a few folders listed on the right, i.e. To do, Bills, etc. Is there a way to do this in Office or any other mail service? Gmail has become horrendously slow recently... it takes 30-45 seconds to open, delete, archive, etc., emails. I've seen a number of other complaints and Google hasn't acknowledged it, so I'm trying to find an alternative.
i dont undersatnd why they took something that was working fine and than took away features.i use a lot of categories / groups in my address book and this is not nearly as easy to use as it used to be.i would like to have the OPTION to bringing the 3rd pane back. does anybody have a hack or solution to this?this appears to be part of a wave of DUMBING down the mac platform. (iphoto is now a lot harder to use as well)
I've corrupted the preference panel for .Mac in my 10.4 installation. Does anyone know where I can get the .prefs app to reinstall for it so I can get that page in Preferences up again? I don't want to reinstall the whole thing!
I read that if you reinstall the combo 10.5.8 twice . That it would fix the preference files. Well when i installed it the first time everything went ok When it came to restart that worked as it should. But when I did it the second time it would not restart. It seemed to freeze I had to manually shut the computer off and restart it that way.
I have an iPhone 3GS and so does my brother.I control what devices can get on my airport by restricted MAC address access.
However, when my brother is browsing our 10mb fibre optic powered broadband internet on his iPhone 3GS my MacBook Pro gets DOG SLOW and sometimes just doesn't even load pages - just says "Safari is not connected to the internet".
I'll go on my iPhone 3GS to test the internet to load a page and BOOM comes up right away.
Can I order the distribution of preference from the airport to give the best speed to certain devices in preference order?
I am using an imac OS 10.5.8 When I click on system preferences it just gives a little blink but wont open, doesn't load from the icon in applications either. All I can think is that one of my kids may have trashed it but it's doubtful. What could have happened? Do I need to re-install OS?
When I try to click System Preference on the dock and this thing comes up "You can't open the application System Preferences because it may be damaged or incomplete." is there anyway I can fix it?
I had shapeshifter for all of about 20 minutes just to mess around with it. So now, i've deleted it, and it has its preference thing stuck on my preference pane.
When i try to right click it and remove it like that, it gives me a message saying an error occured.
When i look in the library folder, it simply isnt there.
I just installed "Automatic" to my "other" section of my preference pane. I no longer want it. Using a mouse, i was able to right click and remove it from my pane, but in Spotlight, it still seems like its listed under system pref. how do i get rid of it all. Currently, if i select it in Spotlight, i am prompted to re-install to the pref pane.
In all the screenshots I see of Energy Save.prefpane, I notice that people have a "Better Battery Life" setting or something similar. However, my Energy Saver looks like this (screenshot below). Why is this? Anyway to change it if it is actually different and incorrect?
So by now most, if not all of us know about Apples change to the responsiveness of the Caps lock button on all new keyboards, including the MacBook Pro. Do you prefer the old Caps lock which may have caused some accidental caps or the current, less responsive Caps lock to curb accidental activation?
Recently my date&time stopped displaying the "day of week".... so instead of "Thurs 12:00am" it shows "5 12:00am"But everytime I try going into Date & time via System Preferences or single-click the time and going to Date & time preferences, it crashesI've created a test account and there was no problem, so it's something with my current account.I've tried removing but the problem still persist.
Friends, I'm new to Macs (4 months now), I need to know if any Mac EXPERTS have a way of avoiding plist files getting corrupted. Are there things I can do that will prevent me from ever getting these corruptions? What I do for right now is run OnyX on fully automated with all maintenance scripts enabled about once a month, I always shutdown because I used to get iTunes crashes after allowing sleep, and I lastly run Disk Utility every week whether I've installed anything or not (just to make sure for permissions errors).
Is there anything else I could be doing? Also, by doing all these things, have you EXPERTS found that you NEVER have corrupt plists, or is it inevitable in Leopard?
I was going through my files and accidently clicked on ink because I was curious. Now I have an ink pane on my system preference. Can you please tell me how to remove it. Please also check out my video to see what I am talking about
I have a Macbook, Mac OS X 10.5.8.I got it for long time, and I never use Expose because I dont really need to, but I was bored and I used it only for trying, so there was6 squares, 2 columns and 3 rows, I marked one for photoshop another for lightroom and another for system pref etc.but then I erased on column and a window pop up and said something and I did not read it, click ok and I closed (stupid) system preference window and so now gone, I can't make it appear for canceling Exposè¬ I tried what I looked up in internet using:Fn+f9 or fn+f10, the window is marked as if its open, If I minimze it, it appears in the dock, I tried moving down into the squares of expose and does not appear, I tried leaving the click button on the dock of system pref and wont appear and I tried to hide everything except system preference but still i can't see the window, i can not even change the time of any other thing from there.
Is there a preference to set how long Safari tries to contact a website?It seems to be set at maybe 60 seconds now.I would like to set it at 5+ minutes for a single website that down't seem to want to let me on, but on for which multiple other users have ready access (probably all windows users).I use the most recent Safari version for 10.4.11.
Info: PowerBook G4 1.67 mHz 15", Mac OS X (10.4.11)