OS X :: Migrating User From G4 Tiger To MBP Snow Leopard

Aug 20, 2010

I've got my old iBook G4 with loads of docs, musics, pictures etc on it, and have bought a recent 2nd hand MBP running Snow Leopard, and want to transfer everything over to it. I tried Migration Assistant but this doesn't seem to work properly Tiger to SL, seems designed for Leopard to Snow Leopard. So:

1) Should I upgrade Tiger to Leopard on the G4, and then use Migration Assistant? If so do I need a special Tiger to Leopard upgrade disc or will an ordinary Leopard disc do?

2) Should I aim to have the same username on the MBP as on the G4, or will this cause problems?

3) Any other tips on getting my stuff from the old computer to the new one!

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OS X :: Migrating Mail From Tiger To Leopard?

May 5, 2009

I upgraded to Leopard quite some time ago and do not recall having any problems. I bought OS X Leopard to upgrade my parents' computers this weekend (got a good deal :-) and in both cases, their Mail did not work following the upgrade. I thought this was odd since I've never had problems upgrading OS X in the past. I also found out today at work that a friend of mine just picked up a new Mac Mini this weekend and migrated from his old iMac (running Tiger) and experienced a similar problem so perhaps there is a problem upgrading to more recent versions of Leopard. I looked in the forums but did not readily find an answer to this problem. I tried a few things, including putting aside the preferences file (plist) for mail without success.

The symptoms:
Mail comes up for the first time after the upgrade or migration from another computer and says the conversion of the mail database to the new Mail format is complete, but the message window does not open automatically and when you open it, it does not show any of your old messages. The Mail app also does not actually get mail when you ask it to, just kind of sits there. I let it go for quite a while but nothing different happened. "Quit" does not quit it, you have to force quit it.

Here's what I did to get my parents' computers fixed up:
1. Make sure Mail is not running. Force Quit if you have to.
2. Go into you <home>/Library folder.
3. Rename the "Mail" folder to something else (I used "Mail.old")
4. Start Mail.app. This time Mail will get mail from your mail server(s) but still will not show any old mail messages.
5. If any of the new incoming mail is important to you, save (export) it out somewhere.
6. Quit mail. A normal quit should work now.
7. Go into your <home>/Library folder again.
8. Delete the new "Mail" folder (do not delete the one you renamed earlier).
9. Rename the folder you renamed in step 3 ("Mail.old") back to "Mail".
10. Re-start Mail.app. Your old messages should be in your inbox and you should be able to send/receive mail.
That's it. That fixed it for 3 user accounts used in both of my parents' iMacs.

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OS X :: What Percentage Of User Runs Tiger, Leopard, Panther

Mar 12, 2009

Is there anywhere I can see just what percentage of Mac users use what version of OS X?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Migrating From PC To Mac Through Local Wireless

Feb 12, 2012

I was migrating from my PC to my Mac through local wireless. The process was intrrumpted but in the Mac still showing the "transferinf info" How can I stop it?

MacBook pro

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Migrating App With Data (Created Files) To MBA

Apr 18, 2012

I want to move a single application (Reunion 9) and various files created with that application from my previous MacBook to this MacBook Air. Can I do this with Migration Assistant, or is there some other way of achieving it ?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Migration Assistant Not Migrating Snow Leopard Accounts

Jul 3, 2012

I recently purchaed a Macbok Pro 15" the disk has only 3 user accounts Guest and 2 personal accounts.  I have a SuperDuper backup of the Macbook Pro 17" disk and would like to restore the Users folder.  However, Migration Assistant complaints all the accounts exists on the new computer!  There are no accounts on the new computer with the same name.  I rename the accounts but Migration Assistant complains those accounts exists.  Migration Assistant restored Applications, computer settings and other folder.  The option to replace the account is greyed and cannot be selected and renaming is not working.  

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Changing User 95 To User 0

May 21, 2012

I have been getting these messages below in the list of feedback that Disk Utility generates during a "Repair Disk Permissions" run for at least 3 years now (through several OS updates). I am currently running 10.6.8 for the past several months.Is there an easy/SAFE way to repait this USER issue? I don't know if it is causing me any problems, but obviously it is not what it should be.[code]

Mac Pro Dual 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon (8-core), Mac OS X (10.5.8), 16 Gig Ram, ATI HD 2600 (slot1), GT-120(slot2), Airport Extreme

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OS X :: Creating An Adminstrator User In Single User Mode In Tiger?

Apr 15, 2008

I lost the install disk for my computer (Mac OS X 10.4, Tiger), and need to change my password (I forgot it ). I can only access single user mode. Is there any way that I can create an Administrator-Status user in Single User Mode? (NOTE: The "root" user isn't really an option since I enabled it a while ago and it has the same password as my current user, which I forgot...).

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OS X :: Migrating Just One User To A New MacBook?

Jan 3, 2009

I have a MacBook with 10.5 that my wife and I share. I finally got her her own MacBook, and I'd like to move just her account to the new computer. It's a MacBook, not a MacBook Pro, so FireWire's not an option, but I have an ethernet cable. I haven't taken the new computer out of the box yet. What's the best way to go about doing this?

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OS X :: Is Tiger Upgradable To Snow Leopard Without Installing Leopard First?

Nov 26, 2008

Question in the title - just wondering if I will need to upgrade to Leopard before Snow Leopard.

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OS X :: Upgrading Two Macs Tiger & Leopard To Snow Leopard?

Aug 26, 2009

I've got two Macs: one Tiger (iLife '06), and one Leopard (iLife '08) and I would like to upgrade both to Snow Leopard. I'm in the UK.I need help finding the best price/capability compromiseI have looked at the prices for doing this and come up with the following options:Most expensive optionBuy the 5-user Mac Box Set (Including OS X Snow Leopard, iLife 09, iWork 09) for 179This way I've got both machines running the latest everything.Next OptionBuy the Single User Leopard box set (including iLife/iWork 09) to upgrade the Mini to Leopard (?108.34) then buy the Snow Leopard family upgrade box to upgrade both machines to Snow Leopard (?39), total ?147.34. This way I have iLife/iWork 09 on the MacMini but not the MacBook.

Cheapest OptionBuy the Single User Leopard disc to upgrade the Mini to Leopard (?68.99) then buy the Snow Leopard family upgrade box to upgrade both machines to Snow Leopard (?39), total ?107.99.

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OS X :: Any Tips On Migrating To New User Account?

Oct 27, 2010

I recently purchases a ScanSnap scanner, and have been trying to get it to work for a week now. I've been on the phone with Level 1 Fujitsu tech support, and we've determined that whatever is preventing ScanSnap from working is in my user account (it works flawlessly in my wife's user account on the same machine). Getting ScanSnap working is so important to me that I'm considering creating a fresh user account for myself. This is a daunting task because I have so many preferences, special configurations, symlinks, etc. that I've created over the years. I don't think I can just migrate my data from the old user account to the new one, because then I might re-create whatever is causing the problem with the ScanSnap - right? Is there any way to make this process easier, or do I just have to stick it out and do it the hard way?

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OS X :: Upgrading And Migrating - Two User Accounts?

Mar 29, 2010

I have had a MB for about 1 year now, and got a new 27inch IMac a few weeks back to go with it. When setting it up, it asked if I wanted to migrate my stuff to the new computer, and like a fool, I didn't. Then laster, I used the migration wizard thing, and it said to pick a different name for my new user, since then we was already taken (brian Folkers). So now I have a Brianfolkers and a Brianfolkers2, with no way to make the one with all my applications from my mac (brianfolkers2) the admin, so I can get rid of the extra.

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OS X :: Migrating Mobile User Accounts From One Domain To Another

May 7, 2010

I'm looking after some Macs that are migrating over to a new domain. The users are out of the office a lot, so they use mobile accounts on Macbook Pros using the most recent version of Snow Leopard. A lot of their configuration is specific to their mobile user accounts and I obviously can't log into the new domain using a mobile account from the old domain (I tested). So I found this: [URL] It outlines what I need to do in order to delete the local cached account without deleting the home directory. It also outlines how to give the same user account on the new domain access to the same home directory on the Macbook that they were using before.

- Unbound from old domain
- Bound to new domain
- Logged on as root and opened terminal and ran the below commands:
dscl . list /users (to find the user account)
dscl . -delete /users/USERNAME (this deleted the locally cached account)
chown -R USERNAME:NewDomainName.localOUThatUserIsIn /users/USERNAME

When I run the last command, I get the following chown: NewDomainName.localOUThatUserIsIn: Invalid argument (it doesn't display the after local) I verified that I was using the correct OU. I added NewDomainName.local to the DNS tab in Network settings under the domains to search in.

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OS X Server :: Migrating User Accounts From One Disk To Another?

Nov 14, 2007

OS X was damaged on the startup disk so I installed it on another disk and created a new directory on the new startup disk. I can still see all the old files on the corrupted disk. Is there a way to import all the user home folders (including permissions) from the old startup disk to the new one?

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OS X :: Upgrading From Tiger 10.4 To Snow Leopard 10.6 ?

Aug 28, 2009

It might be possible to use the $29 disc but is is legal?:

"The actual 10.6 EULA:

C. Leopard Upgrade Licenses. If you have purchased an Upgrade for Mac OS X Leopard license, then subject to the terms and conditions of this License, you are granted a limited non-exclusive license to install, use and run one (1) copy of the Apple Software on a single Apple-branded computer as long as that computer has a properly licensed copy of Mac OS X Leopard already installed on it. If you have purchased a Family Pack Upgrade for Mac OS X Leopard license, then subject to the terms and conditions of this License, you are granted a limited non-exclusive license to install, use and run one (1) copy of the Apple Software on up to a maximum of five (5) Apple-branded computers at a time as long as those computers are located in the same household (as defined above), are used by persons who occupy that same household, and each such computer has a properly licensed copy of Mac OS X Leopard already installed on it. The Family Pack Upgrade for Mac OS X Leopard License does not extend to business or commercial users.to the terms and conditions of this License, you are granted a limited non-exclusive license to install, use and run one (1) copy of the Apple Software on up to a maximum of five (5) Apple-branded computers at a time as long as those computers are located in the same household (as defined above), are used by persons who occupy that same household, and each such computer has a properly licensed copy of Mac OS X Leopard already installed on it. The Family Pack Upgrade for Mac OS X Leopard License does not extend to business or commercial users.

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OS X :: Tiger To Snow Leopard Disc

Sep 12, 2009

Now that it's been out for awhile, I was curious what people's success rates have been with just getting the Snow Leopard disc and not the box set to upgrade Tiger? Or is it still recommended to get the Box Set? I honestly rarely use either the iLife or iWork suites, so that's why I was wondering.

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OS X :: Upgrade Tiger To Snow Leopard

Sep 15, 2009

Now that's it's been out for awhile, and based on people's experiences, if I'm looking to upgrade Tiger to Snow Leopard, should I get the box set or no? I rarely use the "i" suites as it is. Just wondering what might be the best route, since apparently the box set doesn't include anything to do with Leopard.

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OS X :: Tiger To Snow Leopard Upgrade?

Mar 5, 2010

so i've done a lot of research, and a vast majority of people are saying that if you install the $30 upgrade to snow leopard onto an intel based mac running Tiger, it works!I have two questions regarding this.

Is it true!? because i don't want to waste $30 for nothing Would i be able to run logic 9 after this upgrade?
my only goal is to run logic 9. I have no interest in any of the features that come with leopard or snow leopard

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OS X :: Mac OS X Upgrade From Tiger To Snow Leopard ?

Apr 5, 2010

I am helping a friend upgrade a three year old iMac from 10.4 (tiger) to 10.6 (snow leopard), she has purchased all the software 10.4, 10.5, and 10.6 upgrade. For some reason she never moved to 10.5 even though she had the DVD. In addition I wanted to have a "clean install". The first thing I did was make a backup of all of her files. Then I booted 10.4 from DVD and used disk utility to erase the hard disk. Next

I booted 10.6 from DVD and selected English as the language, then I get the following error: "Mac OS X can't be installed on this computer. It requires a previous installation of 10.5."

Do we really have to go from 10.4 to 10.5 to 10.6? What a pain in the butt!!! Any ideas on how to skip 10.5? I already erased the hard disk.

Here is a link that recommends a clean install:

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OS X V10.4 :: Upgrading From Tiger To Snow Leopard

Apr 18, 2012

Any most cost effective way to upgrade from tiger to snow leopard after system crash.

iMac, iOS 4.3.3, After hard drive failed

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OS X V10.4 :: Upgrade From Tiger To Snow Leopard?

Jun 11, 2012

Can I upgrade directly from Tiger to Snow Leopard?

Info:MacBook, iOS 4.1

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OS X V10.4 :: Can Upgrade From Tiger 10.4.11 To Snow Leopard

Jun 26, 2012

Can I upgrade from Tiger 10.4.11 to Snow leopard?

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.4.11), Intel, Solo

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Cannot Login To User Account After Migrating To New MacBook

May 18, 2012

I just migrated my old MacBook running Snow Leopard to my new MacBook running Lion. After successfully migrating, I am presented with a login for "Guest" only. That is the only account available to me for some reason. When I try to enter every password I can think of, I am given the password hint "guest". Entering that does not work. I've tried the usual Apple public passwords too. What is going on here? What happened to my migrated user account? I went through the entire setup configuration of Lion and even entered and submitted my personal data to Apple for registration. I just say, not impressed with Lion so far ...

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OS X :: Can I Upgrade My System From Tiger To Snow Leopard?

Oct 21, 2010

Right now i have 10.4.11 on my almost 4 year old macbook. Can I buy the $29 Snow leopard disk and upgrade. Do i need to do a clean install. I am kinda noob in all this so kindly suggest if this can or cannot be done.

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OS X :: Tiger To Snow Leopard Options In A System?

Oct 31, 2010

In the process of doing clean install from tiger to leopard and I'm running into some issue. 1st attempt - was stuck on initial "Install" screen (After I erased my HD and selected drive to install but before the Install screen changes to show the status of the install remaining) for 35 minutes. I stopped the install and restated.2nd attempt - Finally got to the progress bar, 28 minutes remaining. However, it didn't move from there. I checked the Installer Log and it kept trying to install printer drivers and foreign fonts, but unsuccessful. Finally got an error message stating install was not complete. Restart.3rd. attempt - This time I unchecked printer drivers and fonts. Progress bar stated 18 minutes, now it's down to 17 (after like 10 minutes) and according to the Installer Log I keep getting errors in stuff (Error writing caches to /Volume/...., Input/output error, Failed to enumerate /Volumes/...., Cannot prune("com.apple.user*pictureCache*"). However, according to the progress bar, it keeps moving through the processes, still show 18 minutes now.

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OS X :: Updating From Tiger To Snow Leopard - 10.4 System

Jan 9, 2011

I have 10.4 system and now want to upgrade to snow leopard but was told that first I should upgrade from tiger to leopard since I do have a leopard disk as well. Is this information correct and how big a deal is it to do these upgrades- how much time and how complicated?

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Upgrade Go Over Tiger Or Just Leoperd

Jun 12, 2009

Does anybody know if the Snow Leopard upgrade will go over Tiger, or just Leoperd

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OS X :: How Can I Install Snow Leopard Onto Tiger In A Same System?

Aug 30, 2009

How do I do this? (This question directed to anyone who HAS done it or feels comfortable enough with the procedure to run me through it)I'm running Tiger at the moment. I've read that the $29 upgrade disc works to install Snow Leopard onto Tiger also. I want to clean install and only back up music, videos, pictures, email, and personal documents like work. I do not need any of the applications that I've added to my macbook pro over the years. I do not have time machine. Will I lose all applications from safari through ichat and itunes if I clean install or are those applications on the Snow Leopard install disc.

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OS X :: Tiger And Snow Leopard Boot Partitions

Sep 1, 2009

I want to keep my tiger system to boot form and use. I also got SL (bugs aren't a big deal, I have my current system to use). I have a 500gb installed. I already have my tiger system on its partition. I have another all waiting to install SL. There is only a couple of applications that I always use that I will install on SL on top of the iLife stuff that comes with SL (I got the Tiger upgrade package). I don't plan on migrating them, but do a fresh install. What I'm concerned about is my airport/network and user account. If I already have my Tiger system and airport xpress working with a name, encryption and passwords.

Do I need to migrate those settings over or can I have a entirely new settings for the SL boot? IOW, does the airport store the settings and WEP Passwords and all that stuff and can't have a totally new set of settings when I boot off of SL? Also, my user account. I'm the only one who uses my computer so I just have the one admin account I set up when I first got the machine. So do I need to migrate thst over too? Or can I/should I create a totally new account for SL? Or can I create a new account, but keep the exact same name and passwords that I use under Tiger?

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