OS X V10.7 Lion :: Migration Assistant Not Migrating Snow Leopard Accounts
Jul 3, 2012
I recently purchaed a Macbok Pro 15" the disk has only 3 user accounts Guest and 2 personal accounts. I have a SuperDuper backup of the Macbook Pro 17" disk and would like to restore the Users folder. However, Migration Assistant complaints all the accounts exists on the new computer! There are no accounts on the new computer with the same name. I rename the accounts but Migration Assistant complains those accounts exists. Migration Assistant restored Applications, computer settings and other folder. The option to replace the account is greyed and cannot be selected and renaming is not working. Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 17, 2012
I'm trying to transfer files from my Windows 7 based PC to my new Mac Air using Migration Assistant and my home BT Broadband network. On three occasions now my PC has lost it's B'B network connection during the file transfer process. The only way I've been able to reconnect my PC to the network has been by unplugging and re-booting the network hub, by which time of course, 3 or 4 hours of file transferring to my MAc has been lost and I have to start again - 3 times now and none completed!
MacBook Air
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Apr 4, 2012
will migration assistant overwrite my user accounts on the computer that i am transfering to?
iMac (20-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 21, 2008
I just bought a new Rev A. Macbook Air for my GF. I don't have it yet. Currently she has a Powerbook 12" running Tiger. She will want to do some very light file transfers. Being the resident geek, I am in charge of this. I don't see any real need to bother with migration assistant. Tranferrring her music, bookmarks, and address book are no issue for me. She barely has any apps worth transferring.
My only real concern is about mail, coming from Tiger to Leopard, and the fact that she uses a mix of email sources...MobileMe, Gmail, etc. Setting up the accounts is not a problem, but I'm wondering about the actual message files on her Powerbook. After I set up her main user account on the MBA, can I just replace the mail folder in her home folder with the mail folder from her Powerbook? Some of the messages are IMAP, and some are POP accounts which she doesn't want to lose. I did this very thing when I got a new desktop, but it was a Tiger - to - Tiger transfer, so I just want to check if there are any issues doing this from Tiger to Leo
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Mar 21, 2012
Is it possible to transfer using Migration Assistant from Windows XP to Snow Leopard? I'm thinking its mac - mac only with SL?
Info:17" iMac G4, 24" iMac G5, 2 iPads, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Chairman of FAMUS 2 tattoo's
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May 8, 2012
IF I only have 1 Mac with data and setting that I do not want to loose, can I use a hard drive to migrate too data and setting until my Mac is for matted and ready to be re-loaded ? Whats the closest migration benefits I could get having 1 mac?
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Jun 22, 2012
I wish to migrate from a MacPro 2009 to a newer MacPro but keep the original monitor. Can I operate Migration Assistant with only one screen? If one screen can be used, to which computer should it be connected?
MacPro, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, iPad
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May 19, 2012
My intel iMac hard drive crashed. I had it backed up with Carbon Copy Cloner. The technician who fixed the hard drive put SL on the new hard drive. I tried to restore with CCC first but it didn't restore anything. I used Migration Assistant and it asked about duplicate user names so I gave it a new name to be safe. I now have all my apps but no files. I used MA again and decided to use the same user name this time. I ended up with 2 accounts with the same name but no files. I was hoping to end up with the same computer (e.g. same desktop, all files in the same folders as before, iPhoto, iCal, Address Book, Dashboard etc. all organized and acting the same way as before). Every looking and acting the same way with the exception of the subtle changes brought about by SL.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Dec 25, 2008
I did a fresh Leopard install onto a new HDD. I use the migration assistant to transfer my Tiger profile to a new account on the Leopard install. My default Leopard user account Mail app works for but the profile/user I migrated just will not work (mail). When I start Mail on the migrated profile I get nothing; no window except the File Menu Bar changes to "Mail". New Mail Window does nothing and I can't Quit the application..
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Mar 15, 2012
I just switched drives from one using 10.4.11 to a newer one using 10.5.8 (I know that makes me a dinosaur, but it's a G5). I forgot about migration assistant since I have been using carbon copy cloner to handle copying to new drives with the same OS. I already imported iCal and Address Book files and Safari bookmarks successfully (using Export from the iCal menu and Safari menu and copying the cards to a separate file).
The problem occurred when I exported (according to instructions in support section) the iTunes 8.0.2 library and imported it into iTumes 10. Disaster! Half the music is missing, none of the playlists made it. My question: Can I uses migration assistant at the juncture? Will it overwrite already imported files and information or make a huge duplicated mess?
G5 tower, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 160GB HD + 1 TB HD internal
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Feb 19, 2012
I was attempting to use Migration Assistant to move files from my wife's old PC (Windows 7) to her MacBook Pro, which uses Lion. The first connection went fairly smoothly, but we were connecting over wifi so it moved very very very slowly. Also, I had neglected to turn off Windows update and that ended up crashing the transfer. I tried to restart the transfer today (after shutting down Windows Update, Firewall, and other stuff I could think of), but now the two computers won't speak to each other. Both computers show up as being on the network.Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
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Apr 17, 2012
I know there are multiple means for migrating using migration assistant. Which is the quickest? I'm migrating from one 15" MacBook Pro to another.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 8, 2012
I have a new MBP and I'd like to migrate some of my account from my old Mac running Leopard. When I run Migration Assistant on the MBP it can seem to find the old Mac. They are connected via ethernet and a modem/router and I am able to see and login to the old Mac via Network Folder on the MBP.Â
Is it possible to use Migration Assistant in this way. What alternatives do I have, obviously doing a TIme Machine isn't an option being Leopard on the old Mac. I could manual take Mail folde, iTunes folder r and Safari bookmarks and forget the rest but figured there's a way to get Migration Assistant to do this.
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Jul 3, 2012
I am trying to transfer everything from a new mac mini to a new macbook pro. Both are running OSX 10.7.4 but neither can find the other computer. I have verified they are on same wireless network.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Migration Assistant
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Feb 18, 2012
I have just transferred a folder from windows via migration assistant but now I cannot find the folder which I thought would be in Pages.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 10, 2012
I want to migrate from my old PC to Mac, but when I type in my password. Mac won't let me. Is there a way to retrieve my password for migration assistant?
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Mar 25, 2012
Set up my 21.5" iMac last night, set up a new user "Rory" - then downloaded Migration Assistant on my PC to transfer files, music, pics, docs and my iMac has created "Rory1" since I've discovered I should've transfered docs across BEFORE I set up an initial user!Â
The only thing I'd set up on my original "Rory" mac account was downloading Flash Player and installing my email to 'Mail' - so I've hardly done a lot of configs.Â
Can I just delete the original "Rory" profile and use the "Rory1" profile that the Mac set up? ( I realise the Mac has done this because my old Windows PC user name was obviously called "Rory" as well).Â
Or, is it easier to try and get the files (transfered from the PC under 'Rory1') to the original Mac profile of "Rory".Â
It's only 12 hours since I first went to set the my Mac up so as I said, I'm hardly in that much of a pickle yet - am I?!Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 22, 2012
I have tried to transfer my file from my old MacBook Pro on to my iMac using firewire. Did not managed to transfer everything across such as contacts and all my other important files. However, all the applications were transferred.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 28, 2012
Upgrading from Snow Leopard to Lion with Migration Assistant from separate disks inside my Mac Pro 1,1. It hangs systematically with "Less than a minute remaining" I have tried:
- Waiting 3 hours
- Unselecting Applications so just the user files are transferred
BUT always get the same result.What can I do to coax Migration Assistant to go all the way?
MacPro, Mac OS X (10.6.4), 2.66GHz 7GB ram 1GB hd
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May 25, 2012
I have a mac pro 10.6.8 and need to migrate everything to the imac with OS lion. I see articles for migration form 10.6 to OS lion but not 10.6.8.
Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Jun 6, 2012
I have seen Apple Support, I have seen the tips and tricks for Migration Manager. Both computers file share and can see each other on the network, Yet here I am asking for help because none of these places have been helpful. The migration assistant can't find my computer. The new one is a Mini and the other is an iMac. Both have up to date Lion 10.7.4.
Info:Mac mini (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 6, 2012
I have tried using the migration assistant. It will not go beyond my selecting a migration method - From another Mac. Nor am I able to use the system preferences file sharing options outlined on apple support. I am not permitted to select the internet sharing as instructed in step 3 (in issues with migration section)... so cannot proceed from there. Using the target option to transfer files isn't working either.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 18, 2012
When I installed Lion to my current macbook pro I didn't relise there was a new timevault. I am unable to disable the legacy version as more disc space than I have available is required.Will I be able to start fresh WITHOUT timevault when I migrate to my new Air? Or will the legacy timevault transfer.
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Jun 20, 2012
I've just purchased a new MacBook pro, and previously I had a windows PC so I'm new to Mac OS X, so please don't go using super technical vocab I've read through Apple's article explaining how to use the migration assistant, and it says that the mac will create a new user with the migrated data. So, do I need to make a temporary user, use the migration assistant, and then delete the original user I made first? Or could I make a user, use the assistant, and copy the data from the new user made by the assistant to the original one?Â
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Jul 4, 2012
My Snow Leopard boot disk had 12 years of accumulated crud, and was running slowly.So I did a nice clean install of Lion on a fresh partition.Redid some configuring, like sudoers, Flash, Time machine interval to 4 hours, locate.updatedb, etc. Wanted my old "Location" info (about a dozin networks).Gave Migration assistant a try. Unchecked EVERYTHING except Network Settings: Perfect.Only 24 KB. Probably just a couple of .plist files.What could go wrong? I'm running from a non-admin account. It copied all the Users. It copied all the Applications.It copied all the root level cruft. My pristine boot drive is burried deeper in crap that the American Constitution.My backup is a day old, and I worked all day. Another half a day to undo this mess. Next time I will find the config file and copy it myself.But why did it do this?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), MacBookPro3,1 6GB
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Dec 2, 2014
I just bought a new Mac Mini (Late 2014, ships with Yosemite) to replace a defunct MacBook Pro (Late 2008, last ran 10.8.5). I have a local administrative user account and some server and network data that I want to migrate from the latest Time Machine backup of the MacBook Pro to the Mini. I don't want to copy anything else to the Mini. Neither Setup Assistant nor Migration Assistant will let me deselect anything though. All the check boxes are greyed out. Clicking on them does not uncheck them. This forces me to copy everything from the Time Machine backup to the Mini. Then the Mini won't restart.  It won't even boot into safe mode. It just gets stuck in a reboot-loop until I enter recovery mode, wipe the system drive, and reinstall Yosemite.Â
Mac mini (Late 2014), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Mar 17, 2012
I'm getting a new (late 2011) MacBook Pro next week and I'm wondering which is the best method to move files to the new computer - from a Time Machine backup or Migratiion Assistant (or whatever it's called). I have an "original" MBP circa February 2006 which is running Snow Leopard (most of you might know that my current model cannot use Lion). When I bought my current MBP, I had a PowerBook G4 and used Migration Assistant with no problems but now, with Time Machine, I'm wondering if I will get a 'better' migration of files.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 27, 2012
I had an issue with my hard disk on my imac in which I had to re-format and reinstall the OS. Since 10.7 is not available as a "rescue reinstall disk", I had to reinstall 10.6. When that finished, the install asked if I would like to transfer my stuff from Time Machine. I said "yes". Unfortunately, my time machine disk does not show up! Migration Assistant thinks my "macintosh HD" system disk is the only disk available as the time machine backup. So I skipped migration. I went ahead and did all of the OS upgrades to get back to 10.7.3. I re-connected all external disks (I have 4-the time machine disk included) and tried migration assistant again. The only disk migration assistant still thinks is available as the time machine backup is the macintosh HD system disk, not the one called "Time Machine Backup". Time machine backup is a western digital 2TB usb 2.0 disk.  I decided this morning to re-do everything again (since I still could not get my data back).the same thing is happening! Migration Assistant thinks that the macintosh HD is the time machine disk and does not see any others - even though the disk is there and mounted!Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iMac, iphone, ipod
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Apr 3, 2012
I bought a new MacBook Pro and used Migration Assistant. Went to open Word on my new computer and my old license/information did not transfer. This hasn't happened before.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 14, 2012
I tried to use the "migration assistant" to migrate data form my old MBP to my new MBP. Both with Lion.it just clonated the old MBP into the new one (the main user), wich replaced some new apps (ilife, and others) with the old vervions tha were im the old MBP.I tried to erase the Macintosh HD, reinstall Lion from scratch but it happened again. What am I loosing during the process?
MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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