My computer keeps restarting itself while running World of Warcraft (and only WoW) and when it reboots I get an error screen that looks like this [URL]....Â
I have tried re-installing the game and even completely re-installing OSX. I have the most current version of the game installed.Â
how I could change my settings so that when I double-click a file, it opens in a new "(default)" application. I have noticed that I can right-click -> open with -> other... -> and click "always open with" but it has never worked once. Where can I manipulate this setting?
Whenever my Macbook powers down to 0 battery life and reboots from a new charge, I loose all my software settings, including browser cache, adobe settings etc. It's really annoying. I have a brand new MacBook Pro 15" 2.2Ghz i7.I'm running OSX 10.6.8 on it (I reverted because I didn't like Lion).
I have had the problem of getting the message that the computer name is already in use on the network (it isn't) and adds a number to my user computer i.e. username Mac Pro (3). It just changed last week to (2), and the name change interfered with several pieces of software that look for a specific user. Now it is up to (3).Â
I removed the (3) behind the the name in the System Preferences/Sharing, but the username Mac Pro (2) now shows in the shared computers, will not connect, and I can't find a way to remove it
Info: Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 2.8 GHz Quad, 6 GB ram, 4 1TB drive
I had this issue before and posted about it here, but no one seemed to really have an answer for me.
I'm asking again because maybe something new has come up?
I've been having an issue running games in Windows for some time now. They run fine, but then sometimes it will freeze up, then my whole computer reboots. I don't really know why it does this, and it happens randomly. I could be playing for hours or minutes before it does this.
Does anyone know why this happens and how to fix it?
I have an Early 2008 Mac Pro 3.2 GHz dual CPU (8 Cores in total) one day I started the system as usual and the system start till the Apple Gray Logo appears and then it reboots and keep doing this in (loop)
I started the Apple Hardware Diagnose and it hangs in the middle! the Apple Authorized shop/repair people told me (after the tried to fix it) it is mostly the Logic Board
Can it be the RAM or the CPUs? my mac is out of warranty and the cost to fix it is crazy! so I was thinking I can buy the parts and replace it my self.
I have recently installed Trend Micro Smart surfing with serial number starting with TCEF. I am currently running my mac book pro on OSX Maverics Version 10.9.4. As soon as I installed the software, I got the error message that the software is not compatible with this version of OS. I went to applications and selected Trend Micro Smart surfing and moved it to trash and also emptied the trash. After this my laptop is rebooting frequently. I even went to safe mode and then into
system preferences ---> users and groups---> Login items and found nothing related to Trend Micro smart surfing. I have also tried to reinstall max osx and still having reboot issue. I have a lot of data and I am afraid I will loose this.
I have had my MacBook Pro now for a little over 2 yrs and I was very frustrated I could not change any print options in any application. I know that the Triangle button expands print options screen but when I do, I have only two print choices. It gave me Standard or Page Attributes in Office and any other App it is Standard and Last used settings. I can't print in Draft, Best or other setting because it does not even give them as a choice. I have two high end color photo printers, Canon i9900 and Epson Photo series and an old HP830 series. Any app I tried to print from and the same thing. I tried to capture the options on the choices but it would not grab that part of the image but here is my screen shot. I searched many forums and I still get the same answer so something else is not letting me change things so I figured best to ask since I am a 20 year win user now switched to Mac. Well right after I posted this question, my wife found the answer. I never though to check the application NAME in the print setting screen. Example, in the screenshot I am using Preview. I never thought to hit the up/down arrow next to the Preview label and wouldn't you know, that is were the quality and several other settings were. I felt pretty stupid that it took 2 years to figure this out but if I posted the answer maybe someone else will not have to take as long as I did to change their print quality!
I was using my MBP when I noticed that the display (the built in one) looked a little washed out. To make sure my color profile was set to the correct one, I opened up the display panel in System Preferences. The moment I opened it, the display snapped back to its regular appearance. As far as I can tell, it goes into the washed out version after going to screensaver and coming back, and going into display prefs is the only way to restore it. Anyone seen this before or know how to keep it from doing this?
I am connected to the internet via a belkin N+ router..... this is in turn connected to an adsl modem...I am having no problems with the signal to the router but at least four times a day my internet disappears....
When I run Network Diagnostics hey presto, your internet is working fine....The only things I have changed recently was that as I am running osx 10.4.11 I was having that issue where you couldn't access Network in sys pref, it kept saying "your settings have been changed by another application", I found a solution on here whereby you delete the plist prefs and rebuild them... That worked a charm but now I'm wondering is this connected in some way....
I got software from the makers of the belkin N+ wireless usb dongle chip that came with my router (belkin don't provide osx support but said that I could get a utility from the chip makers) I installed this but it never worked so uninstalled it, and ran disk utility and safe boot and pram and fsck (everything I could think of)
I only have one location in network, and airport is the only active network port
I'm doing a clean install of Snow Leopard (the iMac's been acting out a little too much lately, and it's been lagging, even after I upgraded the RAM), so I want to do a clean install.
I'm backing up the information using Time Machine, but I don't want to use Time Machine as a way to get my information back. I'm merely doing the back-up so I can go in manually and copy whatever information I want to keep from the backup folder to where they ought to be now.
I'm asking specifically about application-related settings and information. Things like keys and registration information. Also, as far as my iPhone is concerned, I'd rather not have to go through a whole thing, and since I'll be rebuilding the iTunes library as it was, I would like for the iPhone to not ask to do a clean-install, so if I could copy the back-up information for it as well so that it recognizes the computer that would be swell.
I'm getting a message every time I open Network in System Preferences saying "Your network settings have been changed by another application". I click OK, and the box goes away and immediately comes back. It means I cannot use the Network part of System Preferences at all, because this message is caught in some kind of loop, and won't go away.
After doing this tutorial: url... I have a problem with default application settings (file association). In other words, file function "Open with" is empty. I chose default app for specific file type, do function "change all" (or just start specific application) and everything works fine. Files are associated whit that app. But after restar (or shutdown) every association is reset to none (open whit also empty). FileVault is off.So after restart I must to associate files whit programs manual, or launch all programs.
What I tried: Deleting - no help Script run in Terminal: /System/ Library/ Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchS ervices. /Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -seed - works, restores default applications and Open with list (but only till restart)MAINTENANCE app- works after first restart, after second restart the same problem
It may sound mad, but I miss the ubuntu look. Is there anyway possible by either the use of applications or changing settings that I can make my mac look a little like ubuntu (all orange and stuff). I'm running os x 10.5 btw, and there doesn't seem to be much way to customize it as far as I can see.
Before I totally loose what little I have in the way of hair on my head.....For the life of me I can not remember how I changed this setting...When you close a application eg. Word.. and when you reopen the application, that last document used always opens aswell. Regardless of what I told the application to open like a completely different document. It goes the same with safari, preview text edit, the list goes on....I dont recall how i stopped it on my old macbook and now i bought this new macbook pro,
I was trying to modify my monitor settings and hit the detect monitors button by mistake thinking it may help a sizing issue. Now after start up white screen with apple in the middle the monitor goes blank. Is there a way to restart while holding down keys to reverse this since I can't see anything on display?
I have (Yosemite) Mail linking into BT. I have a problem that occurred with Mavericks and continues with Yosemite Mail. Mail works fine for a month or two then goes wrong... almost a pattern! Usually I put it right by deleting the account and set it up again and it works for a while. I am so frustrated because I do not understand the intricacies of software and programming. Now it is refusing to send emails in both my and my wife's account. iCloud works (after I deleted and set it up again). But I need our BT separate accounts. Is there a way of deleting all the old bits and pieces of files that might be 'remembering' bad settings and starting again?
Info: iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9)
How do you make an application automatically load upon logon? I would like ByteController (the iTunes controller that loads in the menu bar) to automatically start when I login.
Anyway I can control the fans for my Powerbook G4 so it starts to pump air out at an earlier time than 63C? I tried G4 fan control but it never saved the settings (was at default after restart) and not sure if it even worked.
I want to change the settings for Parallels 4, because when I go to configure, it shows that it is currently only using 512MB of ram, and 128MB of video ram. However, I can't change the settings because it is grayed out, so I cant move any sliders...
I'm trying to set it so that all finder folders have to view property 'Snap to grid' enabled... I've done it before, but can't remember how to on my new MBP.
I bought 2 new macs with the new leopard operating system. When i use roxio toast 7.1.3 to export videos i get real grainy sound. I was able to do this fine on my old imac g5 with panther. Do i have a setting that i need to change?
I have QT Pro 7.6.6 installed on a system running 10.6.8. When I try to export a file as a Quicktime movie, the setting button doesn't do anything. I doubt anyone will be able to reproduce this, but here are the steps: - Open a file with quicktime 7 - Go to File > Export... - Change the Export dropdown menu to Movie to QuickTime Movie - Click Options… - Under Video click Settings… That's it. When I click Settings in that last step, the button changes color to indicate that I've click it, but nothing happens. The other buttons (filter, size, settings) on that same dialog box work. As I said, I don't believe anyone will be able to reproduce this, but what I'd like to know is are there any pref files or other files that I can trash to see if it helps? I've already deleted my quicktime preferences, and that did nothing.